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Lampiran materi prasiklus

The following dialogue involves a student telling good news and the one
receiving it. Study the typical expressions to tell good news and to respond to
The National Competition
Manneke : Hi, Jane. Ive been looking for you.
Jane : Hi. Whats up?
Manneke : I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Manado won
the national competition.
Jane : Really? Its what I want to hear. Where can I find the information
about it?
Manneke : I read the announcement in front of the teachers office.
Jane : I want to see it. Thanks for the information.
Manneke : No problem. Congratulations, Jane.
Jane : Thank you.
In the dialogue, you find that Jane is happy with the good news. Jane responds to
the good news by saying Really? Its what I want to hear. Study the expressions to
respond to good news in formal and informal situations.
In a formal situation In an informal situation
In a formal situation, people respond to good news by saying that they feel happy with
the news. Some expressions are:
Im glad to hear that.
Im happy with the news.
I can feel that youre happy.

In an informal situation, people respond to good news in more various ways. They
usually express their amazement on the news, express great happiness, or even
express that they are confused. Some examples of the expressions are:

Thats great.

Lampiran Soal Posttest Prasiklus dan Jawaban



Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, d, atau e di depan jawaban yang tepat!

1. How many people are in the dialogue ?

a. 1
d. 4
b. 2
e. 5
c. 3
2. Does Jane tell a good news ?
a. No, she dont d. No, he is not
b. No, she does e. No, she doesnt
c. No, he dont
3. Who are narrating a good news ?
a. Manneke
d. Teachers office
b. Jane
e. Officer
c. Teacher

6. Where can she detect the information

about it ?
a. In Manado
b. National competition
c. In front of office
d. Mannekes home
e. In the door
7. Its what I want to hear, means ?
a. She
is d. She is furious
b. She
is e. She is Jane
c. She is glad

8. No problem, congratulation Jane, what

4. According the text, What are they talking
does Manneke mean ?
about ?
a. Thanksgiving d. Slothful
a. Looking for Jane
b. Felicitation
e. Worst
b. Jane and Manneke
c. Begrudging
c. Manneke won
d. Information of national competition
9. In a formal situation, people respond to
e. Mannekes home
good news by saying below. Except ?
a. Im glad to hear that
5. How does Jane afford the expression to
b. Im happy with the news
Manneke when she gets the good
c. I can feel that youre happy
information ?
d. Wonderful
a. Really
d. Whats up
e. Im happy to hear that
b. Im happy
e. Oh my God
c. No problem
10. In an informal, people reply when they
get nice sentences by saying ?
a. Im glad to hear that
b. Im happy with the news
c. I can feel that youre happy
d. Wonderful
e. Im happy to hear that

Kunci jawaban prasiklus



Lampiran materi siklus 1

Study the dialogues below.
Answer the questions that follow.

The English Corner

Enos and Nida are on the way to the library
wanting to see what is on the English Corner.
Enos : Do you like our school library?
Nida : Yes, I do. I like the English Corner
in particular. What about you?
Enos : The English Corner is not bad.
I dont like some writings on it
because they have a lot of mistakes.
But I really like the information on
some English learning materials
from the Internet. So I usually go
to some of the websites to get some
more materials for learning English. I love them very much.
Nida : Great. Well, I also like some childrens stories from the Internet. The
librarians are good too and they are very helpful.

Lampiran Soal Posttest Siklus 1 dan Jawaban



Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, d, atau e di depan jawaban yang tepat!
1. What are Enos and Nida speaking?
a. Library
d. Class
b. School
e. Book
c. Home
2. What makes them go to the library?
a. They wanna look for book
b. They wanna sit
c. They wanna read some of books
d. They wanna buy book
e. They wanna look for internet access

7. The English Corner is not bad, what

does Enos mean ?
a. It is really worst
b. It is not good
c. It is good enough
d. It is extremely good
e. It is the best

8. Why does Enos not like some of

inditings in the English Corner ?
a. Because it is not better than internet
b. Because it is bad
3. Does Enos like the English Corner in the
c. Because it is not good
library or not?
d. Because there are many mistakes
a. Yes, here like d. Yes, he does
e. Because they are better
b. Yes, he do like e. Yes, he I
c. Yes, he is like
9. Who is very helpful ?
a. Librarian
d. Access
4. What did Enos say?
b. Author
e. Books
a. The English corner is not bad
c. Internet
b. I dont like some of writings on it
10. What does Nida get by accessing
c. I really like onformation from
internet ?
a. Books
d. Internet access
d. I go to some of websites
b. English
e. Childrens
e. The English corner is bad
c. English
5. What does Nida like very much?
a. She likes reading book
b. She is like book
c. She likes the English Corner
d. She likes internet access
e. She is liking book
6. Where are Enos and Nita when they are
talking about library ?
a. On library
d. On room
b. On street
e. On televetion
c. On class
Kunci jawaban siklus 1
1. A
2. E
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. C

8. D
9. A
10. E

Lampiran materi siklus 2

Listen to your teacher reading a dialogue between school friends, Tomi and
Pop or Rock Music
Tomi : Do you like rock music, Dea?
Dea : No, I dont like it very much. Its very noisy. Do you?
Tomi : Well, yes, I do. Im a real fan of the Linkin Park.
I love their music. Its nice pop rock.
Dea : Really? Is the group still popular?
Tomi : Yes. I think so. What kind of music do you like now?
Dea : I love pop songs, especially English songs. They help me learn English
a lot.
Tomi : Whos your favourite group?

Dea : Im really fond of West Life although they are not popular any more.

Lampiran Soal Posttest Siklus 2 dan Jawaban



Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, d, atau e di depan jawaban yang tepat!
1. Does Tomi like rock music?
a. Yes, he does
d. No,
b. Yes, she does e. No, he is
c. No, he doesnt

7. Who is Linkin Park ?

a. It is jazz band
b. It is pop band
c. Deas friend
d. They are Deas favourite band
e. They are poprock music genre

2. What about Dea?

a. She doesnt like pop
b. She likes rock
c. She doesnt like rock
d. She likes pop and rock
e. She loves rock
3. Does

8. According the text, who is still popular

now ?
a. Westlife
d. Tomi
b. Linkin Park e. Tomi and Dea
c. Dea

the scorpions play rock music or 9. Why does Dea like westlife ?
a. Because they are rock
Yes, it does
b. Because they are can sing
No, it doesnt
c. Because they arent Tomis favourite
Scorpions isnt jazz music
d. Because they teach Dea English
Threre is no description about it
e. Because they are handsome
Yes, it is not
10. Im real fan of Linkin Park, what does
4. Who loves Westlife ?
Tomi mean ?
a. Dea
d. Rock music
a. He likes them
b. Tomi
e. Pop and rock
b. He is the fan of Linkin Park
c. Pop music
c. He is really fond of Linkin Park
d. He doesnt like them
5. Is Westlife still popular now?
e. He is Linkin Park
a. Yes, it is
d. No, certainly
b. No, it isnt
e. Yes, they are
c. Yes, absolutely
6. Why does Dea not like rock music ?
a. Because it is very bad
b. Because it is worst
c. Because it is beautiful
d. Because it is best
e. Because it is very crowded
Kunci jawaban siklus 2
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. E
7. E
8. B
9. D
10. C

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