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Huynh 1

Datricky Huynh
6th Period
20 September 2012
Political Belief
The process that I went through to see where my stance is for my political view on these
issue, is that these issue has to have an impact in my life but there are five main issue that will
affect me in the future some including; the welfare, medical care, defense spending, same sex
marriage, and the environment. The result of these issue was how much it has to do with me in
real life. For me to reach a conclusion on welfare was that I am poor and well if there was an
increase in tax I would be screwed, next is medical care and I also use the same reason for
welfare not a wealthy person rely on Obama Care or the ACA, next would be defense spending
but this will not affect me as much since there no war at the moment, same sex marriage is the
same it is for you and your partner to decide if you would want to do it, lastly the environment
since I am not a hippie so I could not care less.
Although, my stance is towards republicans on the Federal Budget Bush Era Tax Cuts
issue. The reason why my stance is pointed towards the Republican is because; I do not want a
tax increase so extend the tax cut. The House voted in favor of this issue. President Obama
supports the extension of the federal budget tax cuts only towards the middle class, or those
making less than two hundred fifty thousands dollars. Which I agree with President Obama
because I am not a wealthy person so a tax cut for me is great in the future. Keep the tax cuts for
the wealthy since they do make a lot of money.This welfare issue will help me in later in life.

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Most Republican lawmakers want to extend tax cuts. Democrats have the votes to block the
president's compromise with Republicans on extending the Bush tax cuts.
Subsequently, my stand for medical care is leaning towards the Democrats. The reason
why my I have decided this is because I believe that I would support the democrat because as
you may know I am living with a non wealthy family and we struggle on health insurance so
Obama Care will help out in the future. Democratic representative says there going to make
improvements in the Affordable Care Act. The Republicans want to vote to repeal against
Affordable Care Act and Obama Care. More than 20,000 Americans die each year from curable
ailments but since the cost of insurance is very costly and cannot pay for treatment but with
Obama Care they got you covered. People are dying due to the fact that they are lacking proper
medical treatment it is a severe waste of human resources. Democrats prefer lower increases in
military spending. Democrats taking a hard-line on both looming defense cuts and expiring
Bush-era tax cuts .
For instance, my stance on the democratic party for defense spending is about reducing
the money spent on defense since we are in a time of peace right now and there is not an active
war going on spending more money towards our defense is pointless. The federal funds can go to
somewhere else so we can hep out more people since we are not spending so much funds on
defense we can give more funds to healthcare and education. The republican belief that they seek
to add more in towards our defense. Democrats planning to cut to the defense budget set to kick
in next year or on their refusal to renew Bush-era tax cuts for families earning more than
$250,000 annually. Republicans like to spend lots of money on the military. However
Republicans are opposed to social spending, not defense spending.

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At the same time, the democrats support marriage equality and support the movement to
secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples and also the first political party to
endorse gay marriage. Democrats also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to
decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference.
Everyone has there right to pursuit happiness and homosexual has there right to be happy and if
were denying them to get married we are denying them to pursuit there happiness. The
Republicans want the issue of same sex marriage to be ban by the constitution. President Obama,
who in May became the first sitting president to declare that gay men and lesbians should be able
to marry.
Simultaneously, the Democrats party stance on the environment v. Business Keystone XL
Pipeline Global Warming is that they do not want to approve on the issue. I would have to side
with the Republican because I don't really care about the environment and we would also get
more money, forget buying oil from the Middle Eastern countries. The Republican view on this
is a way for them to gain money from this pipeline coming from Canada more revenue. One
thousand seven hundred-mile oil pipeline also helped Republicans focus on a single energy issue.
The Keystone Pipeline project was expected to create tens of thousand of high paying jobs in the
oil industry. The project itself would create twenty thousand jobs.
All in all, the reason why I chose to reflect my belief towards the democrats idea is
because Democrats has many great issue that they want to spend money on but that is the
problem they want to spend to much money on everything, like for example democratic view on
federal budget tax cuts, Obama care which is totally an awesome plan, cutting defense spending
because it is wasteful right now, and same sex marriage which depends on oneself, and lastly the

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environment which I do not care because I do not give one ounce about regrowing a tree.

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