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com Nursing Bullets 1

1. Bone marrow aspiration 8. Normal serum sodium level

 Local anesthesia  135-145mEq/L

2. Administering intramuscular iron 9. IV potassium chloride concentration

 Z-track method, upper outer  Peripheral IV line: 20-40mEq/L
quadrant of the buttock  Central IV line: 60mEq/L

3. Foods high in iron 10. Normal serum potassium level

 red meat  3.5 to 5.1mEq/L
 liver organ meats
 blackstrap molasses 11. Normal serum albumin level
 oysters  3.4-5.0g/dL
 kidney beans
 whole wheat bread 12. “Enemas until clear” order
 egg yolk  One to three enemas may be given
 spinach
13. Identifying blood compatibility
 kale
 Indirect Coombs' test
 turnip tops
 beet greens 14. Bradypnea
 carrots  Regular but abnormally slow
 raisins respirations
 apricots
15. Kussmaul’s respirations
4. Client with metabolic alkalosis  Abnormally deep, regular, and
 decreased respiratory rate and increased in rate
 nausea, vomiting and diarrhea 16. Hyperpnea
 restlessness  Labored and increased in depth
 numbness and tingling in the and rate
 twitching in the extremities 17. Apnea
 hypokalemia  Respirations that cease for a
number of seconds
 hypocalcemia
 dysrhythmias 18. Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
5. Respiratory alkalosis
 Use heparinized syringe
 decrease in the respiratory rate and
depth 19. Client with ileostomy
 headache  metabolic acidosis
 lightheadedness
 vertigo 20. Tetany from acute hypocalcemia
 mental status changes  Give calcium gluconate and
 paresthesias calcium chloride
 hypokalemia
 hypocalcemia 21. Sickle cell crisis classic symptom
 tetany  Pain
 convulsions
22. Hypokalemia
6. Normal magnesium level  peaked P waves
 1.6 to 2.6 mg/dL  flat T waves
 depressed ST segment
7. Normal serum calcium level  prominent U waves
 8.6 to 10.0 mg/dL

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23. Hypercalcemia 31. Pseudostrabismus

 Give Calcitonin (calcimar)  Asian Americans
 Avoid Vitamin D  American Indians
 Alaskan Native infants
24. Hypocalcemia
 Paresthesias 32. Lactated Ringer’s solution
 hyperactive reflexes  Replace fluid from gastrointestinal
 (+) Trousseau’s or Chvostek’s sign (GI) tract losses
 decreased heart rate
 hypotension 33. Albumin
 hyperactive bowel sounds  Shock and protein replacement
 increased neuromuscular
34. Scabies
 Gown and gloves
 muscle cramps
 tetany 35. TB patients
 seizures  High intake of protein, iron, and
 insomnia vitamin C
 irritability
 memory impairment 36. Uric acid type of stone
 anxiety  High intake of legumes, green
vegetables, and fruits (except
25. Fat emulsions prunes, grapes, cranberries, and
 Provide essential fatty acids and citrus fruits)
additional calories
 Assess hypersensitivity to eggs 37. NGT attached to low suction
 Metabolic alkalosis
26. Infiltration
 pallor 38. Late-stage salicylate poisoning
 coolness  Metabolic acidosis
 swelling
39. Family history of general anesthesia
27. Phlebitis problems
 remove the IV  Risk for post-operative malignant
 apply warm moist compresses
 notify the physician 40. Position post-liver biopsy
 Right side-lying position with a
28. Insensible fluid loss
small pillow or folded towel under
 Skin and lungs the puncture site for 2 hours
29. Sensible fluid loss 41. Client’s position during enema
 wound drainage  Left lateral position with the right
 gastrointestinal tract losses leg acutely flexed
 urine
42. Position post-insertion of Cantor tube
30. Shock  Right side
 Hypotension
 Tachycardia 43. Post-supratentorial surgery
 cold, moist, pale, or cyanotic skin  Semi-fowler’s
 increased restlessness and
apprehension 44. Pre-MRI medication
 Sedative

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45. Position of client with air embolism  auscultation over the right
 Left side with the feet higher than ventricle may reveal a “churning”
the head. windmill type of sound

46. Client with TPN to receive antibiotic 58. Serum sodium level is lower than
 Ensure a separate IV access for 125mEq/L
the antibiotic  IV hypertonic saline

47. Priority management of sickle cell 59. Impaired Oral Mucus Membranes
crisis  Avoid lemon-glycerin swabs
 Hydration therapy and pain relief
60. Vastus Lateralis muscle
48. Before teaching cane-assisted  Best injection site for all age group
ambulation especially ages >3
 Assess clients balance, strength
and confidence 61. Assessing post-hysterectomy client
 Roll the client to one side after
49. Normal serum osmolality checking the perineal pad and the
 285-295mOsm/kg of water abdominal dressing

50. Normal Oxygen saturation 62. Least reliable method for determining
 >95% accurate placement of the NG tube
 Placing the end of the tube in
51. Hypoxemia water to observe for bubbling
 Oxygen saturation ≤ 88%
63. Position for thoracentesis
52. Normal CSF Protein  Sitting at the edge of the bed
 15-45mg/dL leaning over the bedside table with
the feet supported on a stool; or
53. Function of progesterone  Left side-lying with the head of
 Maintains uterine lining for the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees
implantation and relaxes all
smooth muscle including the 64. Tracheostomy tube suctioning
uterus  Goggles, mask, sterile gloves

54. Hormones produced by the ovaries 65. Correct use of walker
 Estrogen and progesterone  Put all four points of the walker 2
feet forward flat on the floor, puts
55. Prior to intralipid infusion weight on the hand pieces, and
 checked solution for separation or then walks into it
an oily appearance
66. Post-radical vulvectomy
56. Continuous tube feeding  Avoid using warm tap water
 Check the residual every 4 hours
67. Hydraulic lift
57. Air Embolism in client with TPN  Position client in the center of the
 chest pain sling
 decreased level of consciousness
68. Confused client with stable gait
 tachycardia
 Alarm-activating bracelet or
 dyspnea
“wandering bracelet.”
 anxiety
 feelings of impending doom 69. Glass thermometer breakage
 cyanosis  Notify the Environmental Services
 hypotension Department of the spill
 hypoxia

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70. Client with internal radiation implant 82. Client with body or leg casts
 Long-handled forceps and a lead  Use fracture pan
container (pig)
83. Isotonic solution
71. Incident reports  0.9% normal saline
 Analysis of adverse client events  5% dextrose in water
by reviewing the quality of care
and determine any potential risks 84. Hypotonic solution
for injury to the client  0.45% normal saline
72. In corneal donor’s death 85. Hypertonic solution
 Eyes are closed and gauze pads  10% dextrose in water
wet with saline are placed over  5% dextrose in 0.9% normal saline
them with a small ice pack
 Elevate head 86. Thrombophlebitis
 Elevate the affected leg
73. Keeping the living will
 Medical record at the hospital 87. Severely anemic persons
 Physician’s office  Hemoglobin >8 g/dL
 Client’s home  pale
 Lawyer’s office.  exhausted
 (+) palpitations
74. Appropriate test for asterexis
 sensitivity to cold
 Ask the client to extend an arm,
 loss of appetite
dorsiflex the wrist, and extend the
fingers  dizziness
 headaches
75. Primary prevention
 measures that keep illness, injury, 88. Site for bone marrow aspiration
or potential problems from  Iliac crest and the sternum
89. Sickle cell anemia
76. Secondary prevention  (+)hemoglobin S
 Measures that seek to detect
existing health problems or trends 90. Malnutrition
(case finding, screening)  Low serum transferrin and total
iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
77. Tertiary prevention
 Measures that prevent occurrence 91. Iron-Deficiency anemia
of additional injury  Decreased iron-binding capacity
but increased transferrin levels
78. Thiamine rich foods
 Pork products, nuts, whole-grain 92. Schilling test
cereals, and legumes  Pernicious anemia

79. Normal CVP 93. Classic signs of Pernicious anemia

 4 to 11 mm H2O  weakness
 mild diarrhea
80. Accurate indicator of fluid status and  smooth, sore red tongue
nutritional management  paresthesias
 Body weight  difficulty with balance
 occasional confusion
81. Excessive use of oral antacids
 Metabolic alkalosis

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94. Chronic venous insufficiency

 avoid crossing the legs
 avoid sitting in chairs where the
feet don’t touch the floor
 avoid wearing garters or sources
of pressure above the legs (such as
 avoid prolonged standing or
 wear elastic hose for 6 to 8 weeks
(or perhaps for life)
 elevate foot of the bed 6”during

95. Sclerotherapy
 injection of a sclerosing agent into
a varicosity to damage the vein
and close it off

96. Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s

 Smoking cessation program

97. Cause of anginal attacks

 eating heavy meals
 straining during bowel movements
 smoking
 overexertion
 emotional upset
 temperature extremes

98. Characteristic of atrial fibrillation

 Auscultate apical pulse for
irregular rate and palpate the radial
pulse for pulse deficit

99. Position for pericardiocentesis

 Supine with the head of the bed
raised to an angle of 45-60 degrees

100. Low cardiac output

 (+) Crackles

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