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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning ladies and gentleman and my senor doctor (dr. Boedhy setyanto
specialist of skin and venereal), in this opportunity, i will present my presentation
with tittled Dermatitis Kontak Alergi. This is my second case presentation.
Im interested with my case, bacause Dermatitis Kontak Alergi is common
disease in community. Beside that, i think this disease will be more recognised in
the future. I hope in this case, we can obtain some benefit, and in additional
So to known in detil in this disease, let me show you the next slide.
1. main complaint : itchiness on arm
2. History of present illness:
Patients came complained of itchiness on right and left arm since 1
week ago, along with redness spot, wet and swelling. Initially the redness
spot were smaller, then because the itchness the patient scratched it until
became wider.
The itchness was recurrent, and became serious when patient wear
the glove. Patient bought the ointment in the dispensary. After the patient
used it, the complain was better. But the complain was appeared again
when patient wear the glove again. So the patient decided to the skin and
venereal department of Kanjuruhan hospital.
3. Past medical history:
The patient ever had the same complain 1 year ago, recovered, and
Deabetic mellitus, heart disease, asthma, and hipertension were denied
4. Family history of disease:
There is no one had similar that disease with patient
The mother had food allergic
5. Allergic history
Food and drug allergic was denied
6. History Contact with Patients
7. Physical examination
General Situation: Good, awareness compos mentis, GCS (E4V5M6),
good nutritional status
Vital Signs : Tension, Nadi/pulse, Breathing, Temperature Didnt perform
In normal limited(dalam batas normal)
There is a skin disorder (terdapat kelainan kulit) on the superior extremity
8. Dermatologic state
On physical examination on regio Ekstremitas Superior Dextra dan Sinistra
founded eritema macule with unsharp margin, vesikel (+), erosi (+),
papula (+), eksudasi (-), krusta (+), skuama (+), fisura (-), dan edema (-).
pustula (-)
9. Proposed Examination(usulan pemeriksaan)
Proposed patch test take the small piece of the suspect allergen object
then patched on the patient skin, wait atleast until 48 hours.


Patients came complained of itchiness on right and left arm since 1
week ago, along with redness spot, wet and swelling. Initially the redness
spot were smaller, then because the itchness the patient scratched it until
became wider.
The itchness was recurrent, and became serious when patient wear
the glove. Patient bought the ointment in the dispensary. After the patient
used it, the complain was better. But the complain was appeared again
when patient wear the glove again.
On physical examination on regio Ekstremitas Superior Dextra dan
Sinistra founded eritema macule with unsharp margin, vesikel (+), erosi
(+), papula (+), eksudasi (-), krusta (+), skuama (+)
Working diagnose
Dermatitis Kontak Alergi caused by glove
Different diagnosis
Dermatitis Kontak Iritan, Dermatitis Numularis, Dermatitis Atopik,
Dermatitis Seboroik, Psoriasis
The management devided into 2 group:
Non mediakamentosa treatment:
- Avoid direct contact from stimulate allergen (glove)
- Consume the drug with the appropriate direction
- If itched dont scratch
Medicamentosa treatment:
- Antihistamin : loratadine 10mg 1 times daily
- Compress with NaCl 0,9% with sterile kassa every 2 hours until 5 days.
- After the lession dried
put on topical corticosteroid
(desoximethasone) 3 times daily

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