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Chairman of Peoples Republic of China


President of the Chinese Republic

Dr. Sun Yat Sen

President of USA

George Washington

Chinese Traveller to India


Foreign Invader to India

Alexander the Great

Person to reach South Pole


Person to reach North Pole

Robert Pearey

Person in Space

Yuri Gagarin

Person on Moon

Neil Armstrong

Lady to Climb Mount Everst

Junko Taibei

European to visit China

Marco Polo

Place where atom bomb was dropped


Man to walk in Space

Alexei Leonov

Women cosmonaut in Space

Valentina Tereshkova

Woman Prime Minister of a country

Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike

Women President of a country

Maria Estela Peron

First north-south crossing of Australia

Burke, Robert O'Hana (1860-1861)

First sea journey around the world


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