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Learning: A Conscious Journey of Limitless Potentiality

by Susan Terry, Founder & Director of PEACE School

In thriving cultures around the globe, there is agreement that every
child deserves the best education possible. But, exactly what the
best education is has as many depictions and interpretations as
there are cultures, perspectives and intent.
Education is a journey, or quest for knowledge, and every quest
begins with wonder, to spark the navigational tool of the mind that
is fuelled by imagination
Precisely, what is education? The word education comes from the Latin root educere [out + to
lead], meaning the learning process; or an enlightening experience. To lead out indicates
that something comes from within, and to enlighten comes from the Archaic to light up. So one
must consider the possibility that education, or the learning process is the act of leading out the
Light that comes from within.
through an MRI machine
have shown that while one
is engaged in left brain
tasks, such as accounting,
an occasional dull flicker of
light sporadically appears
within the left hemisphere of the brain. Yet,
when one is engaged in a creative act,
particularly music, the entire brain lights up
in a rainbow of colours, like a Christmas
tree. This leads one to understand that the
act of learning is best served when some
form of creative act is involved.
The word learn comes from the Old
English root lore [to become aware]
meaning the act of acquiring knowledge;
and knowledge: comes from root


recognize], or re-cognize
meaning to perceive or
become aware of. The
root of aware is from Old

[watchful] meaning to be
conscious or cognizant
A great musician, conductor, philosopher,
poet and artist, awarded the prestigious title
of Prime Mentor of Canada, Kenneth G.
Mills once said, What you are conscious of
constitutes your experience. Consciousness
Is, and until realized is termed awareness.
Awareness is the functional level on this
plane of Consciousness! And this is why
you have to stay aware! 1

To be watchful one needs to be awake, aware, cognizant or conscious This concept has been
pondered by all the great philosophers, from Socrates and Plato to Descartes, and by everyone
who has ever asked the question, Who am I? You can see where this train of thought is
heading Right up to the engine that drives us all consciousness! Consciousness stems
from the Latin root conscious [with + to know], or inward knowing. Which leads us back full
circle t o the root of education to lead out!
So what does this have to do with education? Everything!!!
We begin our life journey on this Earth plane as a
miniscule egg, which contains all the ingredients
that make up the essence of who and what we
have the potential to become, as perfect, Divine,
super human beings. Like the seeds that blossom
into abundant varieties of trees, flora and fauna,
the germination / gestation period requires
seclusion in a dark, nurturing environment, that
provides specific nutrients and love. When love
intercepts the human seed, the magic begins with a supernatural cellular explosion that
miraculously forms into a space suit of salt, water, chalk, protoplasm and slime We enter this
world through the mystery of creation as conscious beings.
What is this inner guiding light that enables humankind to be conscious, to breathe and
encounter a myriad of experiences? And what is the driving force that encourages us to seek
and attain knowledge? As children, our first steps taken to explore the world are driven by
wonder, the catalyst that sparks the imagination and guides us as we navigate through and
create this playground called Earth.
The origins of education, as history relates, are stories filled with adventurous explorations,
wondrous discoveries, pioneering of pristine lands, and creation of phenomenal inventions.
According to current history books, for hundreds of thousands of years, before the advent of
agriculture and industry, humans lived as hunter-gatherers, where children naturally learned
through their own play and exploration what they needed to know, for the purpose of survival
and to become effective adults. They used all their senses, intuition and insight, followed their
imagination, and looked to the heavens for direction and answers to the mysteries of life.
differentiate between work and play. In
essence, all of life was play. Through
explorative inquiry, or that innate
desire to know, the hunter-gatherers
acquired immense knowledge of the
plants and animals on which they
relied, and of the earthen environments
within which they foraged. Over 11,000

years ago, upon discovery of ideal climatic conditions in Indonesia, agriculture and civilization
was invented. This enabled humans to live in permanent locations, accumulate land and plant
crops. As this concept evolved, families became larger, so the children could work in the fields
to harvest the crops, and tend to manageable chores within the homestead.
Children's lives were soon altered from the free spirit, to one of sub-subservience, with a
responsibility to serve the demands of the Master of the family. Initially, the education of children
was the responsibility of the parents.
As awareness, knowledge and wisdom flourished in recorded ancient civilizations, enlightened
philosophers shared their experiences and philosophical insights, with the children of wealthy
landowners, out in natural settings.
The origin of philosophy comes from the Greek root phylo meaning love and sophos
meaning wisdom. These world experiences
soon moved into the first recorded classroom or
Academy of Plato named after Academus, a
mythical hero who had a cult following, and left a
garden and grove, (near) the city of Athens, to
the citizens to use for gymnastics. In essence,
Academy became a platform and environment
where the experienced thinkers gathered with
children, to share and quench the thirst for
knowledge and wisdom.
So, how did we digress into our current militant
educational systems, fraught with disjointed
studies, countless limitations, and all but void of creativity, imagination, adventure and joy?
Near the end of the 1800s, the
foundations of the present education
system were structured to meet the
needs of a world that was transformed
by the progression of industrialization
and mass manufacturing now proving
to be the demise of our Earth. In
England, the 1944 Education Act was
designed to provide a workforce for the
post-war industrial economy many
countries followed suit. Although, the
world rocketed into a technological age
with the onset of the 1950s space race,
and advancements in computerization, education systems remain under the control of
governments and corporate industrialists. Students in mainstream education systems continue
to be groomed for slave trade, in a militant world that is out of touch with reality.

Historic evidence has confirmed that children who learn in a

stimulating natural environment that embraces the whole being,
by engaging the imagination in meaningful play and exploration,
without adult direction or prompting, develop into fulfilled,
effective adults. Rather than teaching down to children, an
enlightened school system provides wise guidance, a
smorgasbord of creative programs that infuse Arts and Ethos, in
a rich setting within which to play, explore, and engage all
senses, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. So
why are the majority of todays schools the antithesis of this
The majority of todays society has been processed through a
system that exalts the brain as the crowning glory, with intellect
holding the seat of power over all matter a complete
disconnect with reality Studies have shown that the majority of todays society access less
than 10 percent of the brains full capacity. So what gifts and powers lay hidden within the
recesses of the remaining 90% and what are we missing?
The body can still function without the brain,
but the brain cannot function without the
heart, or without consciousness that
Cosmic vibratory frequency that pervades all
existence, and the inner light of knowing that
links heart and head. The brain is a part of a
functioning whole, like the hard drive of a
computer, it is a navigational tool, and a
crystal radio tower for receiving, tuning
(discriminating) and transmitting sensorial
images, ideas and thought patterns. It is
evident that todays society has been tuned
into a lower vibratory frequency band that
impedes consciousness, while creating viruses and corruption within the hard drive of the brain.
So how can we reverse this agonizing process and provide our children the best education
possible, so they may reach their fullest potentials as Super Cosmic Beings, who explore and
re-enchant the world with the Magic and Wonder of the abundant limitless possibilities that Life
has to offer? Simply put, we must dethrone the head, by being ever aware of the thought
patterns and processes that cross our screen of attention, tune in to the authority of the Heart,
remove the veils of belief, and allow the Light of inner knowing, to beat in rhythm and harmony
with the Universal Essence of our existence as Love.

1. Mills, Kenneth G., Unfoldment: The Key To Your Freedom, May 13, 1985, Tucson,
Arizona, pg. 9
2. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Societies/Plato.html
1. http://consciouslifenews.com/category/conscious-living/conscious-art-music/page/2/
2. http://mashable.com/2013/04/18/3d-ultrasound-color-baby/
3. http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/new-study-neolithicfarmers-assimilated-local-huntergatherers-07687
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platonic_Academy#mediaviewer/File:Sanzio_01.jpg
5. http://imgarcade.com/1/industrial-revolution-factory-workers/

ananda.jpg - http://www.spirit-ideas.com/2015/06/how-to-do-the-unity-breathmeditation/#respond

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