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Reaction Paper

The Terminal

During our last meeting with our professor, Sir Ferdinand Soledad, under his class
in theology, we watched a movie about a man who lost his citizenship, his country, but gained
the whole world inside The Terminal. It is a story of a man stuck inside the Terminal, the JFK
International Airport in New York City in America and the different ways he did to survive inside
the Terminal despite the war in his country.
It goes like this. He went to New York to get the autograph of the famous Jazz
band which his father is the biggest fan and as he proceed inside the terminal to fulfil his long
life mission, which he promised his father, he was stopped in the terminal because of the news
that his country is on a state of war and, in this kind of situations, all citizens of that country has
no country, has no citizenship, and not allowed to travel elsewhere around the world because all
proper and formal requirements for a person to travel shall be invalid.
As he proceed to live inside the airport, or as they say, the terminal, He may have
lost his citizenship and his country but he gained the love and respect of the people inside the
terminal. He is reckon to live there for 6 months until the war in their country is over but
fortunately, the war ended even before 6 months and he was forced to live the terminal
immediately back to his home country but that did not stopped his purpose in New York to get
the signature of the last and only member who didnt get to sign its name which his dying father
waited for 40 years and didnt get until the last days of his life and his son, Viktor, promised that
he would get it someday.
He succeeded with his plan with the help of the people inside the airport and that
made me reflect on my life. That if you have a goal, you have to work hard for it and you have to
continue under every circumstances and distractions that shall hinder you form achieving that
goal. God gave us a purpose in life and in order for us to achieve it, we would have to undergo
and experience all these hardships but in the end, if we would just find a way and if we would
not give up, we would and we can achieve that goal and that purpose in life that were longing.

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