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Bibon, Kim Joshua N.

Philosophy of Education
The affect

We are the sole creator of our end. We are all projects-in-the-making, our end depicts of
who we are.
The film English Teacher shows how important is the mutual relationship of the
learner and educator in the educational process. It highlights the value of trustworthiness,
respect, and honour. These values cannot but play an important role in ones education. Miss
Sinclair, whose glamour and exceptional skill in teaching literature admits that a true artist is
someone who could give voice to human experience; a person who is vulnerable and willing to
be reshaped. As what Ive seen in the film, she is that type of person whose interest in literature
precedes over romance. She deem that love has perfect timing and space. The passion for
learning should not be hindered by self-indulging romantic passions and desires. She live what
she read. Literature allows her to wander on the realities, the consolations and overwhelming
nature of life. She understood life as a recurring process of learning. We learn and at the same
time unlearn. She learned the lessons of life and at the same time unlearn things which at certain
point would allow us to have an in-depth understanding of what life is. Thus, education is a way
of life.
Jason Sherwood, a former student of Miss Sinclair, is having a hard time dealing with his
father who want him to be in a law school. However, Jason cannot but see himself in the world
of arts, in the world where he can freely be himself. Miss Sinclair motivates Jason to prove that
his father was wrong, to show him that he can be proud of his sons field. Somewhere at the
middle of the film, Jason finally took over the proposal of using his play for a high school drama,
together with Mr. Kapinas (a drama teacher) and Miss Sinclair, they all brought the dream finally
into a play. Since before the play Jasons father was unsupportive and it continued until the most
awaited day of the play. I understand why the father insists that Jason should pursue law school it
was primarily because of what can the law school could offer rather than being a passive
playwright. The play that Jason did was a retold of his own experience, an experience of having
an overbearing father, a life without a mother, and a dream chained in wires. It is on this regard
why did the film maker choose the play as the main setting, it was for a due reason that the play
may stand as mediator between each characters.

Going back to education, I guess the film would like to convey the significance of
learning by experience. One has to wrestle every day with the presentiments that may possibly
occur in his life. St. Augustine may serve as an example. He learned from his experiences. He
may had not learned to be chaste and committed if he has not been in great tribulations of life.
His works and teachings are entirely grounded from his past. Thus, one could remember
Augustine by his famous statement my heart is restless until it rests unto Thee. Same with
education, we should not settle for the minimum, minimum is mediocrity. We learn not by mere
acquisition of knowledge but because we desire to understand the totality and realities of life,
thus we learn for life.
Existentialism place every individual at the centre of pedagogy. They value existence
over essence. What is important for them is the capability of each individual to learn by
experience. However, they also value the significance of building mutual relationship between
the teacher and the learner. As would Martin Buber put in words teacher-student relationship
involves individuals with mutual sensibility and empathy. It is important in education to allow
the affect of the teacher be the same affect of the learner. Thus this is what subtilitas
applicandi means, to touch the soul and being able to convey the message to the listeners and
instil it into them. Educators should be able to know the situation of their students, they should
know where they are coming from, and they should serve as a company or co-pilgrim in life.
Miss Sinclair was able to do the same thing, she used literature as a tool to understand the
undertakings of her students. She allow them to dive in every words and rhythms of poetries.
However, they should also mind the socio-political realities and boundaries that might affect
ones education. Thats the reason why the school principal objected the far-end of the play
because it portrays harshness and violence which are not typical for a high school play. However,
Mr. Kapinas and Miss Sinclair insists that the original ending should be pursued primarily
because it is in the agreement that nothing should be omitted and secondly it is for the good of
the students.
Martin Heidegger is also an outstanding existentialist. He use DaSein (being-in-theworld) as the centre of his philosophy. He mentioned that being creates his personal world of
meanings. The being was thrown in the world with pre-conceived ideas and notions of things,
however this being should able to articulate his understanding of life. He has the capacity to
hermeneutically interpret things by his own. The pedagogical tools that he was exposed with are

auxiliaries toward the telos or goal of education, to be able to understand and comprehend the
meaning of life.
Existentialists also emphasized the role of educators in the learning process. They are
convinced that teachers should risk themselves for their students. Miss Sinclair risk his savings
and time for the production and set of the play. She stand with firm decisions. She withstand all
the conflicts. She is after what could the play teach to the students. Teachers should focus on the
potentiality of the students. They should allow them be the person they aspire to be. Mr. Kapinas
had reminded his actors to keep at it, meaning they should hold tight to their dreams and goals.
Learning institutions are built to mould and harness that potentialities. And lastly, learning must
feel worthwhile and not boring. Education should be appropriated in accordance to the trend and
to what the present generation is apt to.
Thats why one of the aims of education is self-actualization, meaning; the students must
learn to make themselves who they want to be. Like what Ive mentioned earlier, learning should
transcend the four corners of the room. Cards are already laid to them, they are now responsible
for its application. They are the creators of these cards and so therefore they are subjects of it.
Education should also give students the taste of reality; that life consists the myriad of
experiences, not only good ones, but also bad and painful ones. Learning takes place when we
realised the real value of things. When we are able to confront the good and downsides of life.
These experiences can thus be considered as lessons in life. They are manifestations of who we
are and what we can be. In this regard, I will account existentialism as the prevalent method of
education used in the film. Education take place within the conflict between Miss Sinclair and
Jason, and between Jason and his father Dr. Sherwood. Both parties learned how to cope with
life amidst the unbearable realities of it. This is the way of life; we learn and unlearn. We learn
the essentials and unlearn what is necessary. We learn things by theory and practice, and we
unlearn to understand thoroughly the value of life.
Educational pedagogy is experiential. We learn by doing and exercise. We are taught to
be educators of ourselves. Our experiences form us to be a real person. This is how did Miss
Sinclair learn to be a learner. She allow herself to be wounded and broken in order to be
refashioned again with extra-ordinary beauty. That beauty is no other than the goal of education.
The goal to learn and understand the totality of life through experiences. Miss Sinclair was been
in many situations where she has to choose and decide which is good and best judgment. She had

experienced how to be broken, betrayed and be loved. But with those experiences she learned
how to be herself. She knew how to express and show her emotions. She knew that rigidity
should have no place in someone who yearns for happiness and how to be herself. At first we are
placed in a chrysalis where we are gradually formed and mould to be a mature person, when
weve finally reached the focal point of maturity we can now be freed from that bounds.

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