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Ms. Kimball


Kempsville High School 757-648-5450

Welcome to Honors English 11! You can expect to learn a great
deal this year about American culture and philosophies and how
they have changed from the 1600s to the present. This will be
eye-opening excursion into the classics of American literature
how they represent us as a nation. We will also focus on improving your
vocabulary for the SAT and, of course, getting your mechanics and usage
and general writing skills up to the college level.

EVALUATION/GRADING: Each nine weeks' grade will be calculated by averaging total

points, meaning the grade is determined by dividing points earned by points possible.
The standard VBCPS scale is used.
TESTS/ESSAYS - (50-100 pts. each) - Tests will cover major units that have been
thoroughly developed through class lectures and discussions, homework/reading
assignments, and quizzes. Tests will be both objective and/or essay, depending on the
nature of the material being evaluated.
QUIZZES - (10-50 pts. each) Quizzes will be given frequently. Some will be announced;
others will not. For example, when assigned reading is due, a reading quiz will be given on
the due date. Quizzes will be on assigned reading, vocabulary words, and class notes.
HOMEWORK - Homework will be assigned constantly throughout the year, and will mostly
involve reading, which will be evaluated through quizzes and/or class discussion. Expect
reading assignments nightly.
PARTICIPATION (25-100 pts) This category includes being alert, focused, asking
relevant questions, offering answers, actively participating in class discussions, following
class procedures, volunteering to participate in activities, etc.
JOURNALS (50 pts. total)


Student Issued DeviceYou MUST bring your charged device to class every
single day. Each day, we will use the device for a graded assignment. If you do not
bring your device, you cannot make up the work. Please see Ms. Sidwell in room 105
for tablet issues during your study block or before/after school.
Planner I suggest using either a paper planner that you purchase or keeping an
updated Google calendar.
English binder: This should be a filled loose-leaf binder divided into three
sections: Literature/ Vocabulary/Language Usage. Taking notes is a vital part
of this course, so keep your notebook complete and well organized at all times.
Binders are easier than spiral-bound notebooks for storing worksheets!
Holt Readerthis will be yours to keep. Many assigned readings will be in the Holt
Reader and not in the textbook. Be sure to bring this when requested.
current assigned novel
pens: black, blue, or purple (one of my favorite colors!)
pencils: #2 for annotating texts and editing

two different colored highlighters

Google Classroom code: gcrc8fk
Remind code: text @kimball2A to 81010

Avoid waiting until the last night before the due date to complete assignments.
Stay organized and up-to-date with your reading and other assignments. (Use your
Keep track of your grades! Student Portal is the best way to do this. You must have grade
records and graded papers if you wish to meet with me to go over your average.
Good attendance is vital to maintain a good grade throughout the course. You will miss
valuable information from notes and discussions if you are not present. School policy
states that more than six absences a semester will result in failure, regardless of your
grade point average. Keep track of your absences. Don't be out of class if you don't need
to be!
Be in your seat when the bell rings to avoid being marked tardy.
Stay in your seat until I dismiss you.
Throw away all trash at the end of class, and please dont write on desks or bulletin
boards. I work hard to keep the classroom clean and neat, so please help.
Please follow rules of common courtesy at all times. Respect and be kind to each other
and to me. Remember: Respect is mutual.
Homework is due at the beginning of the block and should be completed before you
enter the classroom. Late homework will NOT be accepted unless your absence is
excused. In that instance, it is due immediately on your first day back. Getting
answers from other students before class is not acceptable behavior!
Late work is not accepted for a passing grade unless you had an excused absence
for the entire day of the assignment's due date.
If you are not in English class but in the building for any part of the day an
assignment is due or a test or quiz is given, the work must be turned in to me, or
the test or quiz taken, that day. (Use the box on my door!)
If you elect to go on a field trip on the day a test or quiz is given or an assignment is
due, the work must be completed prior to your departure OR after school on the
same day of the field trip.

Make-up quizzes and tests must be taken within three days of returning to school.
In most cases, however, I expect you to take a quiz or test immediately upon your
return to class. If an absence is unexcused, no work can be made up.
It is your responsibility to find out homework assignments and to get all notes
missed during absences. (Remember Google Classroom!) This work is due in the
same amount of time that was given to the other students.
My e-mail address is kara.kimball@vbschools.com. This is the fastest way to
contact me.
I am available after school Tuesday-Thursday by appointment. I often have meetings
after school, so please check with me no later than the morning of the date you
wish to meet. Other times during the day are available by appointment.



FOOD AND DRINK IN THE CLASSROOM- Students may not leave class to get food.
School breakfasts are permitted in class during the first 10 minutes of arrival in the event of late
buses. Students may consume healthy beverages from closeable bottles (exception: computer
labs, science labs and library). Energy drinks and sodas are not allowed. No deliveries of food
from outside of school are allowed.

USE OF STUDENT OWNED TECHNOLOGY- In this classroom, a red / yellow / green system will
be used to indicate the level of use permitted; with red meaning use is prohibited, yellow
meaning use is allowed at teacher discretion, and green meaning use is allowed at student
discretion. Students have no reason to use personal devices during tests/quizzes/red zones, so
they should be out of sight and turned off at all times unless permitted.
HONOR CODE- As a student of Kempsville High School, you are expected to practice complete
honesty in all school-related matters.

Kimball 2016-2015

English 11 Honors

Class Prospectus and Expectations Parent Acknowledgement


Welcome Class of 2018!!!

Please read this form and the class prospectus/expectations thoroughly with your
student. After reading both, please sign the form at the bottom and detach to return to
class with your student. Keep the top portion of this form for reference and contact
information. Fill out the Google Form (link below) so I have your contact information and
any information that you would like me to know about your student. Students will keep
the prospectus in their binders. Extra copies of the prospectus will be available at open
house on September 15th.
11th grade is an important year for English. Not only do we learn the literature of
our own country and how it has evolved to represent us as a whole, but we also take the
End of Course English SOL Writing and Reading tests. Passing scores on these tests are
necessary for standard and advanced diplomas. I will work diligently with your students
to help them with all the tools and skills necessary to do well. Homework and application
practice are an important part of mastering these skills, and if your students find
themselves struggling at any time, I strongly encourage them to come see me for extra
help. I also encourage you to contact me with questions regarding your students
progress in class. Email is often the quickest way of communication.
I am looking forward to a great year with the class of 2018! I hope to see you all at
Open House on September 15th (beginning at 6:30pm).

Kimball English 11 Class Prospectus/Expectations Acknowledgement (PLEASE

Student Name____________________________________________________________

Please complete the Google Form at the link below with your contact information. The
completion of this form is essential for me to be able to reach out to you if your child is
doing well or struggling in class.
If you have difficulties submitting the form, please email me with your contact info.


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