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GE 6674






Certified that this is the bonafide record of work done by

Mr /Ms.. of .Department in the
..Laboratory and submitted for University
Practical Examination Conducted on at TAGORE

Internal Examiner

External Examiner



Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise I
Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Exercise II
Error Detection
Cloze Test
Sequencing of Jumbled Sentences
Sample Conversation in a Formal Situation
Conversation in a Formal Situation
Common Errors


Sample Self Introduction

Cover Letter
Presentation Skills I
Presentation Skills II
TOEFL Reading Skills
Verbal ability
Career and life planning
Group Discussion I
Group Discussion II
Mock Interview 1
Mock Interview 2

Page No.



GE 6674



Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called
photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture their suns energy and use it to
make simple sugars like glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source
of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our
bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms of oil, gas, and coal, they heat our
homes, run our factories and power our cars.
Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthesis
pigments that are contained within an organism .The most common photosynthetic pigment is
chlorophyll the bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have
additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may
be not only but brown, blue or even black.
In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and
other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw
materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon-containing molecules not considered to be
organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form.
This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll
is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used
to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the
oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by
photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth oxygen supply.
Organisms that are cap of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy the need from sunlight
and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants

are the most familiar autotrops on

land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot
produce their own food and must obtain energy organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.

1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
[ ] The process of absorbing solar energy
[ ] The process of converting solar energy into organic molecules
[ ] The process of carbon fixation
[ ] The difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs
2. The phrase is caused by in the passage is closest in meaning to
[ ] comes from
[ ] is triggered by
[ ] is spurred on
[ ] is created by
3. Earths main source of energy is
[ ] oxygen
[ ] glucose
[ ] the sun
[ ] carbon dioxide
4. All of the following are sources of energy EXCEPT
[ ] oil
[ ] glucose
[ ] sun
[ ] rocks
5. Look at the word THEY in the passage.
THEY refer to ________________________________________.
6. All the following are the characteristics of chlorophyll EXCEPT
[ ] photosynthetic chemical pigments
[ ] most common pigment

[ ] common in animals
[ ] causes the green color in plants
7. Which is the word or phrase in the bold text that is closest meaning to the word
8. Which of the following is not true?
[ ] Glucose is produced by carbon fixation
[ ] Carbon dioxide and water are used to produce glucose
[ ] Solar energy, absorbed by chlorophyll, is stored as glucose
[ ] Chlorophyll is used as chemical energy in the form of glucose
9. Photosynthesis produces all the following EXCEPT
[ ] oxygen
[ ] glucose
[ ] chlorophyll
[ ] simple sugars
10. The word REPLENISHES in the passage is closest in meaning to
[ ] provides
[ ] restores
[ ] fulfills
[ ] creates
11. List the different colors of algae _______________________________________________________________________



When a society undergoes rapid social change, its religion is likely to be affected. At
sometimes, people may feel disillusioned, or dissatisfied, their conservative, established religion
may be incapable of changing to accommodate their new needs. Under these circumstances,
which may be associated with revitalization, a prophet a charismatic leader, usually male, who
offers solution in times of extreme social unrest may emerge. A prophet is typically a person
who has undergone some intense spiritual experience: perhaps a spirit has shown him new truths
and new ways of behaving, or urged him to return to traditional ways. As a result of this
experience, the prophet usually feels he has a mission to fulfill among his fellows, and if he is
convincing he may develop a following.
The charismatic prophets who emerged among the Native Americans of the Great
Plains during the last decades of the nineteenth century are illustrative. At the time, Plains groups
were undergoing cultural deprivation. White people had seized their land and herded them onto
reservations. Alcoholism, measles, and whooping cough, introduced by whites, had killed
thousands. The relentless westbound expansion of white pioneers had left massacres and broken
peace treaties in its wake, and Native Americans were growing increasingly frustrated and
In this context, a series of charismatic Native Americans prophets emerged, predicting
that-if people would only follow them-the whites would be wiped out, the bison would return,
lands would be recovered, sickness and death would disappear, dead kinsmen would be restored
to life, and everlasting prosperity and happiness would reign.

All that was needed to bring

about the millennium was that people have faith, pray, and repeatedly perform a ritual called the
Ghost dance. The ghost dancing was widely practiced, but to no avail.
The Jesus of the Christian religion, a man who broke away from religious orthodoxy
during a time of social upheaval, is another example of a prophet. Jesus persuaded people to give
up their ways of life and become his lifelong disciples. After his death, the church he founded
continued under the leadership of one of his followers, Peter, and eventually became an

1 .What is the best title for the passage?
[ ] A history of religion
[ ] The origin of Religion
[ ] The birth of a Prophet
[ ] The need for Religion
2. All of the following may cause the need for prophet EXCEPT
[ ] famine
[ ] pollution
[ ] an economic crisis
[ ] natural disasters
3. Accommodate is closest in meaning to
[ ] understand
[ ] listen
[ ] satisfy
[ ] recognize
4. The passage suggests that prophets
[ ] often see ghosts
[ ] talk to the dead
[ ] undergo mystical experience
[ ] are radical revolutionaries
5. Look at the word him in the passage.
Here him refers to ___________________________.

6. Before the arrival of Whites, Indians

[ ] were self sufficient
[ ] were hardly intoxicated
[ ] were not dissatisfied
[ ] were hunter gatherers
7. The word herded in the passage is closest in meaning to
[ ] forced
[ ] drove
[ ] reared
[ ] supervised
8. The third paragraph suggest that the Indian prophets
[ ] hated white settlers
[ ] wanted to become absolute leaders
[ ] made unrealistic claims
[ ] wanted to create illusions
10. Which sentence describes the prophet?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. The Ghost Dance is an example of all the following EXCEPT
[ ] desperation
[ ] blind faith
[ ] religious fervor
[ ] intuition





Tick the correctly spelled words that are given in brackets in the following
1) Each of the employees attended the meeting (accept, except) the line supervisor, who
was out of town for job-related travel.
2) The (advise, advice) he gave will help us all to do a better job.
3) Management must (affect, effect) a change in employees attitudes toward
4) Let me (site, cite, sight) this most recent case as an example.
5) (Its, Its) too early to tell if our personnel changes will help create a better office
6) If we (lose, loose) another good employee to our competitor, our production
capabilities will suffer.
7) Im not (quite, quiet) sure what she meant by that comment.
8) (Their, There, Theyre) budget has gotten too large to ensure a successful profit
9) We had wanted to attend the conference (to, too, two), but our tight schedule
prevented us from doing so.
10) (Youre, your) best chance for landing this contract is to manufacture a better product.


Rewrite using appropriate articles in the following sentences

1. A state of Virginia, in the United States, is called the Old Dominion.

2. An university education is one of the necessities for the poison these days.
3. The Wright Brothers made their famous flight in an early twentieth century.
4. A hour passed before we received his reply.
5. A tallest building in Manhattan is the Empire State Building.

6. Newfoundland is an large island in eastern Canada.
7. He spent many years in a unpleasant job. A egg is said to provide a complete diet.
8. A first lesson is about author Harold Wright.


Choose the correct form of the verb from the brackets

1. The company admitted (receiving/to receive) our letter.

2. The announcer agreed (repeating / to repeat) the massage.
3. Carl has decided (applying / to apply) to college in Canada.
4. The cat carefully avoided (making / to make) any noise.
5. I was considering (going / to go) to England until I fell ill.
6. The (boring / bored) audiences left before the speech was over.
7. Children (entering / entered) a new school may encounter problems.
8. Suggestions (making/made) earlier in the meeting were discussed.
9. The (losing/lost) ship was thought to have sunk near Hawaii.
10. The windows (overlooking / overlooked) the garden receive plenty of light.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. An award was presented the player who scored the most points.
2. A skilled artist can produce many different kind effects with a brush.
3. The rate which a chemical reaction proceeds depends partly on temperature.
4. We are planning of a visit to France next month.
5. Four rocky planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, orbit relatively close the sun.
6. There were faults than 50 of tigers in the whole country.
7. She has many faults, but were all very fond her.
8. His hard work accounts his success.

9. We are depended the sun for energy.

10. The town which the college is located is very pretty.
Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate word from the list given in brackets:
1. Mahathma Gandhi was -------------- in 1948.
(killed / murdered / assassinated)
2. The family was ---------------- in a road accident.
3. We ------------------ English.
4. She is sometimes --------------- and caused problems.
(childish/ childlike/ childless)
5. Please keep it -------------.
(safe/ safely/ safety)
6. Sheela was under the ------------- that Mohan loved her.
7. He was seriously -------------- in the accident.
(injured/ hurt/ wounded)
8. I am ------------------ a letter from my friend.
(awaiting/ waiting/ expecting)



1. Successful ------------- is about understanding people and setting them to share the
------------ of the organization. The manager must -------------- what is going on at all
times and the --------------- must know what is ------------- of them. There is no
-------------- for asking simple questions like what, why, when, how, how much. Listening
carefully is the ------------- link in communicating with staff and clients. Of course

managers need to delegate some ------------- of these tasks to team leaders, but as a
manager, you are ------------- for all these areas. However, there are some things such as
planning, team selection, and rewarding achievements that should not be ------------ A
desk is a dangerous place from which to view your staff and clients.
1. Allocated
2. Responsible
3. Delegated
4. Management
5. Aspects
6. Expected
7. Reason

8. Vision
9. Vital
10. Know
11. Employees
12. Substitute
13. Crucial
14. Credible

2. Non-verbal communication is ------------- associated with the --------------- of observation.

According to -----------------, the non-verbal part of communication has an overwhelming
------------------. It is said that less than 10% of the effect of a ----------------- on an
audience is accounted for by -----------------. Over 90% of the ----------------- comes from
the ----------------- part. Here again about 50% of the effect is accounted for by the
--------------------- factors: appearance, dress, body language, facial expression, postures
and gestures. Over 35% of the effect is ------------- for by the voice-tone, sincerity,
1. Non-verbal
2. Visual
3. Impact
4. Words
5. Tone
6. Rapport
7. Vaguely

8. Accounted
9. Closely
10. Speaker
11. Researchers
12. Impact
13. Power
14. audible

3. The average new born --------------------- is about fifty centimeters long. In twenty years
this little -------------------- more than triples -------------------- in length. The
----------------- height of a man is 1.7 meters ------------------ man does not stop growing
then, ------------------ continues to grow even after the ------------------ of twenty five and

reaches his maximum --------------------- at about the age of thirty five. --------------------happens after that? He does not stop growing but begins to shrink -----------------------. An
average person shrinks as much as ten millimeters --------------------------- ten years after
the age of forty.
1. What
2. He
3. However
4. Usual
5. Average
6. Itself
7. Body

8. Stature
9. Age
10. Height
11. Now onward
12. In
13. Just
14. Baby

4. Nations which have -------------------- upon programmes of economic development often

run into unsuspected barriers which threaten, and often --------------------- the
----------------- needed growth of the economy. Industrialisation -----------------,
productivity fails to respond and the nations goals of raising standard of living for its
people are --------------.
1. Falters
2. Deteriorated
3. Fluctuates
4. Dissolves
5. Frustrated
6. Suspended
7. Embarked

8. Alarmingly
9. Cut
10. Deviates
11. Fulfilled
12. Postponed
13. Halt
14. Desperately




Sequence the following jumbled sentences:

A. The main object is to maintain the interest of every member of the society and to ensure
that the members participate actively in the projects of society.
B. If the society is to be well run, it is necessary to prevent insincere officials being elected
to the committee which is responsible for the running of business.
C. They get this from experienced and professional workers who are not only familiar with
the cooperative system, but also with efficient method of doing business.
D. The capital necessary to start a business venture is obtained by the workers contributions.
E. The cooperative system of doing business is a good way of encouraging ordinary workers
to work hard.
Ans: ----------------------------------------------.


A. Since the sixties there has been an increasing interest in neurophysiology, which deals with
the neural bases of mental activity and behaviour.
B. It has format which is very similar to that of Brain and Language, a sister journal.
C. Since then, a number of journals devoted entirely to this area of research have appeared.
D. Before the 1960's when this field was the concern of a small number of investigators,
research articles were scattered in various neurological journals.
E. Brain and cognition is one such journal.
F. So far the journal has published the mixture of articles including reports and investigations
Ans: ----------------------------------III.
A. Forecasting the weather has always been a difficult business.
B. During a period of drought, streams and rivers dried up, the cattle died from thirst and
were ruined.
C. Many different things affect the weather and we have to study them carefully to make
accurate forecast.
D. Ancient Egyptians had no need of weather in the Nile Valley hardly ever changes.
E. In early times, when there were no instruments, such as thermometer or the barometer,

man looked for tell-tale signs in the sky

He made his forecasts by watching flights of the birds or the way smoke rose from fire.

Ans: ---------------------------


For decades, American society has been calling a melting pot

Differences remained - in appearence, mannerisms, customs, speech, religion and more
The term has long been a cliche and half-truth.
But homogenisation was never acheived.
Yes, immigrants from diverse cultures and traditions did cast off vestiges of their native


lands and become almost imperceptibly woven in to the American fabric.

In recent years, such differences accentuated by the arrival of immigrants from Asia and
other parts of the world in the United States - have become something to celebrate and to

Ans: --------------------------.







Do you want to learn English?


Yes, I do.


Why do you want to learn English?


I think it is very useful in developing personality.


Do you understand the sentence?


No I dont.


What is the difficulty in English?


I think pronunciation is difficult in English.


Are you frightened while speaking in English?


Yes, I am very much frightened


At what situation?


When people talk to me, and when they talk too fast.


Learning language is very simple if basic language skills are



Please let me know the skills mam.


The four basic language skills are : Listening, Speaking, Reading

and writing. Use these skills daily and practice it regularly.


I will try my level best to practice those skills regularly. Thank

you very much mam.


EX.NO . 7



Good Morning.


Good Morning. How can I help you?


I want to have a library card.


What class do you read in?


I am a first year student of IT department.


Do you have your identity card?


Yes, here it is.


Okay. Please fill in the form.


I have already filled in a form. Here it is, please.


Thank you. Please take you card. I hope you will maintain all
rules and regulations on taking books from the library.


Yes, of course. How many books can I borrow at a time?


You can borrow three books at a time.


Good. And how long can I keep a book with me?


You can keep a book with you up to maximum two weeks.


Thank you for helping me.


You are most welcome.




Tick the correct answer

1. She is one of the best mothers that have ever lived.
She is one of the best mothers that has ever lived.
2. Our school had won the match if only we would have concentrated.
Our school would have won the match if only we had concentrated.
3. He will not pay unless he is compelled.
He will not pay till he is compelled.
4. He wasnt rich by any means, but he never turned away anyone who needed help.
He wasnt rich by any means, but he never turned away anyone who needed help.
5. The teacher asked the student with a frown on his face, to leave the room.
With a frown on his face, the teacher asked the student to leave the room.
6. He came in very quickly so that he might avoid waking his father.
He entered in quickly, so as not to wake his father.
7. The boys have been playing cricket since morning.
The boys have been playing cricket from morning.
8. I doubt that she will meet him.
I doubt that whether she will meet him.
9. Three and three make six.
Three and three makes six.
10. My sister is elder than I.
My sister is older than I.




GE 6674

EX.NO. 1


Good Morning,
My name is Velmurugan. I am coming from Kallakuruchi. I have completed 12th in E.M Hr Sec
School in Vellimalai with aggregate 66% and also I completed 10th same school with aggregate
Currently I am studying Tagore Engineering College at Vandalur with CGPA 73%.
About my family.
My family consists of five members. My father is a farmer, mother is a house maker and I have
two elder sisters.
My hobbies are playing cricket and chess, workout exercise go to gym and browsing.
Strength Learn new think, quick learner, easy to adopt and confidence.
Short term goal is complete my degree without fail.
Long term goal is to getting job in reputed company.
That's about me, again thanking you given opportunity.


EX.NO. 2


Good Morning,
Its my pleasure to introduce myself to you.
My name is Aravind. R, doing my B.Tech, Information Technology, 3rd year in Tagore
Engineering College with CGPA 7.5. I have completed my 10th standard with 86.8% and 12th
standard with 74.4% in Boston Matriculation Higher Secondary School.
I live in Kotturpuram, Chennai, TamilNadu. My native is Mayiladudhurai, Tamil Nadu.
I have some basic knowledge in C, C++, Data Structures. I also have certifications in these
My sweet nuclear family consists of four members including me.
My father is a Electrician. My mother is a House maker. I have one elder sister who is a Senior
System Executive.
My strengths are Positive thinking, maintaining the smile in a difficult situation. And easy
mingle with others. I have the ability to learn and adapt to any new language.
My weakness I dont feel comfortable until the assigned job is completed.
My hobbies are playing Cricket, Chess, Drawing, workout exercise go to gym and browsing.
My short term goal is to complete B.Tech without any arrears.
My long term goal is to enter the Software Development World.
My role model is my father because I learnt everything from my father.
That's about me, again thanking you given opportunity.


EX.NO. 3


9/4, H-Block, Kotturpuram
Chennai-600 085
Cognizant Private Limited
No.2, Kamarajar Street
Chennai 600075
Sub Application for the post of training Engineer
Ref With reference to the advertisement in THE HINDU dated 15.02.2016.
In response to your advertisement regarding Training Engineer position in your company, Im
enclosing a resume for your review. Please consider this letter as my formal application
presenting my background and education. I work well with people and enjoy getting the work at
hand completed.
I think I would be suitable for the above post. If you have any queries, please contact me.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
[Aravind. R]



B.Tech, IT
9/4, H-Block, Kotturpuram
Chennai-600 085.

To succeed in an environment of growth and excellence and earn a job which provides me job
satisfaction and self-development and help me achieve personal as well as organizational goals.







Year of

Boston Matriculation

Tamil Nadu



Higher Secondary

State Board

Boston Matriculation

Tamil Nadu



Higher Secondary

State Board

Tagore Engineering






Railway Ticket Reservation using Visual Basic and Oracle(SQL)



(CGPA out of 10)

MS-Access, Data Structures

Programming Languages: c, c++, java

1) Athlete Player
2) Participated in many Drawing, Colouring & Arts Competition.

1) Gold Medal Examination A grade in English.
2) Participated in English & Tamil Essay competitions and English Elocution Competitions.

Problem Solving.

1) Mr. Shiva, Professor, University of Madras.
2) Miss. Suganya, Software Developer, CTS.

Fatherss Name

: P.Rajendran

Permanent Address : 9/4,H-Block ,Kotturpuram,Chennai-85.

Date Of Birth

: 07.09.1995


: 20

Languages Known : Tamil,English


: Indian


: Drawing

I hereby declare the above information to the best of my knowledge.

Date :




Today I am here to do a short presentation on my favourite book
God of Small things written by Arundhati Roy.
First Ill talk about the author of the book, her background and so on.
Next Ill provide a brief synopsis of the story.
Finally, Ill bring out the finer points in the book, which has made it a world-class novel and
worthy of the Booker prize.
Firstly, talking about the author, Arundhati Roy hails from Kerala and is the daughter of Mary
Roy, who is well known as the educator who was responsible for a landmark judgement in a case
for daughters rights to ancestral property.
God of Small things is the first and only novel written by Arundhati Roy.
Secondly, coming to the story- the story of God of Small things revolves around a pair of
twins, Rahel and Estha ,the children of the divorced Ammu and their experiences in their native
state which is at that point of time strife-ridden communist fervour holding sway over the
working class which turns antagonistic towards the aristocratic class to which the twins and their
mother belong. The twins and their mother find themselves embroiled in all kinds of difficult
situations where they manage to ld on together until Ammu is discovered lifeless in a hotel room.
The struggle has ended for the poor woman and the twins rediscover their closeness for each
Thirdly, the book has won hands down in the competition for the Booker, beating even the native
writers and the reason could probably lie in the fact that the story probes


relationships and politics in a relatively unknown, sleepy, small town of Kottayam. The manner
in which the writer uses English language with her quaint usages and phrases reveals herr
innovative skills and ability to bring out the Indian ambience in a powerful manner.
It is one of the finest novels written by an Indian. It is a must read book as it combines all
elements of plot, characterization and wonderful use of language into a complete and wholesome
piece of literature.




Today I am here to do a presentation about one of the most important thing in the world;
that is peace. Why I chosen peace is that because peace is something everyone look for. Peace is
not a hard thing to get. Peace is a time without any fights or wars. In a larger sense, peace can
mean a state of harmony, quiet or calm that is not disturbed by anything at all, like a still pond
with no dogs.

Peace is a state in which there is no war or freedom from the disturbance. Every religion
in this world are forcing only one thing that is peace. Peace can be obtained once all the
sufferings are over. Simple silence of arms , absence of war is the simple rule for having peace.
But many people understand it otherwise, they need to fight for peace. They fail to understand
the true meaning of peace.
Many different theories of peace exist in the world of peace studies, which involves the
study of conflict transformation. The definition of peace can vary with religion, culture, or
subject of study. Peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others,
where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflicts are resolved
through dialog, peoples rights are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their
highest point of serenity without social tension.
People did nonviolent protest for having peace. Black people fought for their rights to
have peace and live like every white people. The person who is fighting harder for receiving
peace is the person who earns every rights to be a right leader. When people starts to everyone as
how they see themselves then there will be peace. Peace cannot be found by showing who has

more advanced weapons but by show who has more heart to accept every people as their own
people. Things like religion is what keeping people so apart from living as one in peace.

Inner peace(or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace,
with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of stress. Being at
peace is considered by many to be healthy and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Peace
of mind is generally associated with bliss and happiness.


Peace of mind, serenity and calmness are descriptions of a disposition free from the
effects of stress. In some cultures, inner peace is considered a state of consciousness or
enlightenment that may be cultivated by various forms of training such as prayer, meditation,
yoga for example. Many spiritual practices refer to this peace as an experience of knowledge.

A movement that seeks to get ideals such as the ending of a particular war, minimize
inter-human violence in a particular place or type of situation, often linked to the goal of
achieving world peace. Means to achieve these ends usually include advocacy of pacifism, nonviolent resistance, conscientious objector, diplomacy, boycotts, moral purchasing, supporting
anti-war political candidates, demonstrations and lobbying to create legislation on human rights
or of international law.


War will never bring peace, war will bring more war. In the name of bringing peace every
countries trying to increase their weapons missiles. There is no need of gun in bring peace just
bunch of flowers can bring peace. Peace is widely perceived as something intangible, various
organizations making real effort to bring peace without war.


War will bring only war; Eye for eye will leave you blind. Peace cannot be bought by
violence. People first learn to accept the fact that there is nothing as religions. Every religion is
saying one thing that is peace. Treat everyone as how you treat yourself. Peace is
everywhere, in the name of finding peace every country wants to show who is strongest.
Building walls between countries and keeping guns as guard is not how peace can be obtained,
peace only can be obtained by breaking the walls and joining hands.
And I conclude my session with the most beautiful quote

World peace can be achieved

When, in each person,
The power of love
Replaces the love of power..!!


EX.NO. 7









The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean.
It stretches southward across the largest and northernmost state in
the United States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport village nearly
800 miles from where it begins. It is massive in size and extremely
complicated to operate.
The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of
delicate tundra that tops the frozen ground. It weaves through
crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky
crags, makes its way through thick forests, and passes over or
under hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in diameter,
and up to 2 million barrels (or 84 million gallons) of crude oil can
be pumped through it daily.
Resting on H-shaped steel racks called "bents," long sections of
the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the frozen earth.
Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky
ground and return to the surface later on. The pattern of the
pipeline's up-and-down route is determined by the often harsh
demands of the arctic and subarctic climate, the tortuous lay of the
land, and the varied compositions of soil, rock, or permafrost
(permanently frozen ground). A little more than half of the pipeline
is elevated above the ground. The remainder is buried anywhere
from 3 to 12 feet, depending largely upon the type of terrain and
the properties of the soil.
One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately
$8 billion and is by far the biggest and most expensive construction
project ever undertaken by private industry. In fact, no single
business could raise that much money, so 8 major oil companies
formed a consortium in order to share the costs. Each company
controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields and
paid into the pipeline-construction fund according to the size of its
holdings. Today, despite enormous problems of climate, supply
shortages, equipment breakdowns, labor disagreements, treacherous
terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft, the
Alaska pipeline has been completed and is operating.


1. The passage primarily discusses the pipeline's

1. operating costs
2. employees
3. consumers
4. construction
2. The word "it" in line 4 refers to
1. pipeline
2. ocean
3. state
4. village
3. According to the passage, 84 million gallons of oil can travel through the pipeline each
1. day
2. week
3. month
4. year
4. The phrase "Resting on" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
1. Consisting of
2. Supported by
3. Passing under
4. Protected with
5. The author mentions all of the following as important in determining the pipeline's route
1. climate
2. lay of the land itself
3. local vegetation
4. kind of soil and rock
6. The word "undertaken" in line 26 is closest in meaning to
1. removed
2. selected
3. transported
4. attempted

7. How many companies shared the costs of constructing the pipeline?

1. 3
2. 4
3. 8
4. 12
8. The word "particular" in line 29 is closest in meaning to
1. peculiar
2. specific
3. exceptional
4. equal
9. Which of the following determined what percentage of the construction costs each
member of the consortium would pay?
1. How much oil field land each company owned
2. How long each company had owned land in the oil fields
3. How many people worked for each company
4. How many oil wells were located on the company's land
10. Where in the passage does the author provide a term for an earth covering that always
remains frozen?
1. Line 3
2. Line 13
3. Line 19
4. Line 32


EX.NO. 8


The workers are hell bent at getting what is due to them.
A.hell bent on getting
B. hell bent for getting
C. hell bent upon getting

D.No improvement

Answer: Option C

When it was feared that the serfs might go too far and gain their freedom from serfdom, the
protestant leaders joined the princes at crushing them.
A.into crushing
B.in crushing
C.without crushing
D.No improvement


If the room had been brighter, I would have been able to read for a while before bed time.
A.If the room was brighter
B.If the room are brighter
C.Had the room been brighter
D.No improvement

The record for the biggest tiger hunt has not been met since 1911 when Lord Hardinge. then
Viceroy of India, shot a tiger than measured 11 feet and 6 inches.
D.No improvement

his powerful desire brought about his downfall.
A.His intense desire
B.His desire for power
C.His fatal desire
D.No improvement

Will you kindly open the knot?

D.No improvement


He sent a word to me that he would be coming late.
A.sent word
B.had sent a word
C.sent words
D.No improvement
John had told me that he hasn't done it yet.

C.was telling

D.No improvement


If he had time he will call you.
A.would have

B.would have had

D.No improvement




Career planning is not an activity that should be done once in high school or college
and then left behind as we move forward in our jobs and careers. Rather, career planning is an
activity that is best done on a regular basis especially given the data that the average worker
will change careers (not jobs) multiple times over his or her lifetime. And its never too soon or
too late to start your career planning.
Career planning activity should be liberating and fulfilling, providing goals to achieve in
your current career or plans for beginning a transition to a new career.
Here are 10 tips to help you achieve successful career planning.
1. Make Career Planning an Annual Event
Many of us have physicals, visit the eye doctor and dentist, and do a myriad of other
things on an annual basis, so why not career planning? Find a day or weekend once a year
more often if you feel the need or if youre planning a major career change and schedule a


retreat for yourself. Try to block out all distractions so that you have the time to truly focus on
your career what you really want out of your career, out of your life.
By making career planning an annual event, you will feel more secure in your career
choice and direction and youll be better prepared for the many uncertainties and difficulties
that lie ahead in all of our jobs and career.
2. Map Your Path Since Last Career Planning
One of your first activities whenever you take on career planning is spending time
mapping out your job and career path since the last time you did any sort of career planning.
While you should not dwell on your past, taking the time to review and reflect on the path
whether straight and narrow or one filled with any curves and dead-ends will help you plan
for the future.
Once youve mapped your past, take the time to reflect on your course and note why it
looks the way it does. Are you happy with your path? Could you have done things better? What
might you have done differently? What can you do differently in the future?
3. Reflect on Your Likes and Dislikes, Needs and Wants
Change is a factor of life; everybody changes, as do our likes and dislikes. Something we
loved doing two years ago may now give us displeasure. So always take time to reflect on the
things in your life not just in your job that you feel most strongly about.
Make a two-column list of your major likes and dislikes. Then use this list to examine
your current job and career path. If your job and career still fall mostly in the like column, then
you know you are still on the right path; however, if your job activities fall mostly in the dislike
column, now is the time to begin examining new jobs and new careers.
Finally, take the time to really think about what it is you want or need from your work,
from your career. Are you looking to make a difference in the world? To be famous? To become
financially independent? To effect change? Take the time to understand the motives that drive
your sense of success and happiness.

4. Examine Your Pastimes and Hobbies

Career planning provides a great time to also examine the activities you like doing when
youre not working. It may sound a bit odd, to examine non-work activities when doing career
planning, but its not. Many times your hobbies and leisurely pursuits can give you great insight
into future career paths.
Think you cant make a hobby into a career? People do it all the time. The great painter
Paul Gauguin was a successful business person who painted on the side. It actually wasnt until
he was encouraged by an artist he admired to continue painting that he finally took a serious look
at his hobby and decided he should change careers. He was good at business, but his love was

5. Make Note of Your Past Accomplishments

Most people dont keep a very good record of work accomplishments and then struggle
with creating a powerful resume when its time to search for a new job. Making note of your past
accomplishments keeping a record of them is not only useful for building your resume, its
also useful for career planning.
Sometimes reviewing your past accomplishments will reveal forgotten successes, one or
more which may trigger researching and planning a career shift so that you can be in a job that
allows you to accomplish the types of things that make you most happy and proud.
6. Look Beyond Your Current Job for Transferable Skills
Some workers get so wrapped up in their job titles that they dont see any other career
possibilities for themselves. Every job requires a certain set of skills, and its much better to
categorize yourself in terms of these skill sets than be so myopic as to focus just on job titles.
For example, one job-seeker who was trying to accomplish career planning found her
stuck because she identified herself as a reporter. But once she looked beyond her job title, she

could see that she had this strong collection of transferable skills such as writing, editing,
researching, investigating, interviewing, juggling multiple tasks, meeting goals and deadlines,
and managing time and information skills that could easily be applied to a wide variety of
jobs in many different careers.
7. Review Career and Job Trends
Everyone makes his or her own job and career opportunities, so that even if your career is
shrinking, if you have excellent skills and know how to market yourself, you should be able to
find a new job. However, having information about career trends is vital to long-term career
planning success.
A career path that is expanding today could easily shrink tomorrow or next year. Its
important to see where job growth is expected, especially in the career fields that most interest
you. Besides knowledge of these trends, the other advantage of conducting this research is the
power it gives you to adjust and strengthen your position, your unique selling proposition. One
of the keys to job and career success is having a unique set of accomplishments, skills, and
education that make you better than all others in your career.
8. Set Career and Job Goals
Develop a roadmap for your job and career success. Can you be successful in your career
without setting goals? Of course. Can you be even more successful through goal-setting? Most
research says yes.
A major component of career planning is setting short-term (in the coming year) and
long-term (beyond a year) career and job goals. Once you initiate this process, another
component of career planning becomes reviewing and adjusting those goals as your career plans
progress or change and developing new goals once you accomplish your previous goals.
9. Explore New Education/Training Opportunities
Its somewhat of a clich, but information really does lead to power and success. Never
pass up chances to learn and grow more as a person and as a worker; part of career planning is

going beyond passive acceptance of training opportunities to finding new ones that will help
enhance or further your career.
Take the time to contemplate what types of educational experiences will help you achieve
your career goals. Look within your company, your professional association, your local
universities and community colleges, as well as online distance learning programs, to find
potential career-enhancing opportunities and then find a way achieve them.
10. Research Further Career/Job Advancement Opportunities
One of the really fun outcomes of career planning is picturing yourself in the future.
Where will you be in a year? In five years? A key component to developing multiple scenarios of
that future is researching career paths.
Of course, if youre in what you consider a dead-end job, this activity becomes even
more essential to you, but all job-seekers should take the time to research various career paths
and then develop scenarios for seeing one or more of these visions become reality. Look within
your current employer and current career field, but again, as with all aspects of career planning,
do not be afraid to look beyond to other possible careers.
Final Thoughts on Career Planning
Dont wait too long between career planning sessions. Career planning can have multiple
benefits, from goal-setting to career change, to a more successful life. Once you begin regularly
reviewing and planning your career using the tips provided in this article, youll find yourself
better prepared for whatever lies ahead in your career and in your life.





Participants - Renuka Das
Seema Kothari
Ravi Kiran
Vignesh. S
Hisham Mohd.
Anitha. C.
JUDGE: Good morning. You can choose any topic you like or take a slip from that box. You are
given one minute to think to start with the discussion. The observers will not interfere in your
discussion. If no conclusion is reached, we may ask each of you to speak for a minute on the
topic at the end of the discussion. The topic on the slip is "Multinationals: Bane or Boon". I
suggest you should start the discussion.

Renuka Das: This is a good topic. I am against multinationals. We have Coke and Pepsi. Do
we need them? We can manufacture our own soft drinks. Multinationals destroy the local
industry and sell non-essential products.

Seema Kothari: I agree with you. What is the fun of having Coke and Pepsi? We have our
own Campa Cola.

Ravi Kiran: I think water is good enough.

Vignesh. S: We are not here to discuss soft drinks. The topic given to us is a much larger one.
First, let us define multinational companies. They are merely large companies which operate in a
number of countries. There could be some Indian multinationals also. So there is nothing wrong
with them. The point is whether they have a good or bad impact on the host countries. We have
to discuss their business practices and find out whether they are desirable or not.

Hisham Mohd.: That is a very good introduction to the topic. Multinational companies do
serve an important function that they bring new products and technologies in countries which do
not have them. And it is not just Coke and Pepsi. They set up power plants and build roads and
bridges, which really help in the development of host countries.

Anitha. C: But are they all that good? We have seen that they destroy local industry. In India
they just took over existing companies. They came in areas of low technology. Moreover, we
have to see why they come at all. They come for earning profits and often remit more money
abroad than they bring in.

Renuka Das: I agree with you. I am against multinationals. We can produce everything
ourselves. We should be swadeshi in our approach. Why do we need multinational companies?

Hisham Mohd.: We may not need multinational companies but then it also means that our
companies should not do business abroad. Can we live in an isolated world? The fact is that we
are moving towards becoming a global village. The world is interconnected. Then we have also
seen that foreign companies bring in business practices that we are impressed with. Look at
foreign banks. They are so efficient and friendly that the nationalized banks look pathetic in
comparison. I think we can learn a lot from multinationals if we keep our eyes and mind open.

Seema Kothari: Take a look at McDonald's. They are providing quality meals at affordable
prices. One does not have to wait at their restaurants.

Ravi Kiran: How do you account for the fact that they take out more than they put in and thus
lead to impoverishing the country?

Vignesh. S: The fact is that every poor country needs foreign investment. Poor countries often
lack resources of their own. That is why they have to invite foreign companies in. There is
nothing wrong in this because then products like cars, air conditioners and so on can be made in
poor countries. Often multinationals source products from different countries which helps boost
their export earnings.

Hisham Mohd. : We have been talking about Coke and Pepsi. It is well known that Pepsi is in
the foods business also and has helped farmers in Punjab by setting up modern farms to grow
potatoes and tomatoes. Modern practices have helped the people in that area.

Renuka Das: I still feel that multinationals are harmful for the country.
Vignesh. S : Well, there could be negative things associated with such companies. They may
not be very good in their practices. But can we do without them? I think the best way is to invite
them but also impose some controls so that they follow the laws of the country and do not
indulge in unfair practices.

Hisham Mohd. : I think laws are applicable to everyone. Very often officials in poor
countries take bribes. The fault lies not with the company which gives a bribe but the person who
actually demands one. Why blame the companies for our own ills?

Renuka Das : What about the money they take out?

Vignesh. S : We have had a good discussion and I think it is time to sum up. Multinationals
may have good points and some bad ones too, but competition is never harmful for anyone. We
cannot live in a protected economy any longer. We have been protected for many years and the
results are there for everyone to see. Rather than be close about multinationals, let us invite them
in selected areas so that we get foreign investment in areas which we are lacking. Laws can be
strictly enforced that companies operate within limits and do not start meddling in political





Participants - Akshay
Alisha Gnana Rathna.R.V
Althaf Ahamed
Aravind. R
JUDGE: Good morning. You can choose any topic you like or take a slip from that box. You are
given one minute to think to start with the discussion. The observers will not interfere in your
discussion. If no conclusion is reached, we may ask each of you to speak for a minute on the
topic at the end of the discussion. The topic on the slip is "Advantages of co-education ". I
suggest you should start the discussion.


Aravind: Hello! Im Aravind. Co-education is an important tool in our life. Our society and
life run smoothly with the support of both the genders. Co-education makes it easy to cooperate.
It is very important for development of a country.

Akshay: In my point of view coeducation is best system of educating people. It helps us to

communicate with each other. Education does not have any gender discrimination. Co-education
helps us to remove our shyness. It changes our life and help us know how to move in our society.

Anusha: First of all, we are equal by the constitution of India. Co-education will remove our
hesitation. We gain confidence. So it is essential for everybody.

Alisha: According to me as every coin has two faces one good and another one is bad. Like
that everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. Co-education is somewhere good to
remove hesitation among the opposite gender and to enhance competitive spirit. But in this
system a person can get distracted by many other things.

Althaf: I think co-education gives us lots of advantages. It is necessary because nowa-days

after completing our studies we are stepping into the corporate world where we have to work
with the opposite gender. If we are from a single sex institution we have to face so many
problems in our career.

Anitha: In my view, the system of educating both boys and girls in a school or in a college is
called co-education. In our ancient world, female were neglected but now in the 21th century by
the help of co-education female are given equal right.

Aravind: Education is must for everyone. And it should be co-education. It gives us a full
confident against pupils and we have to know how to face the people.

Akshay: I would like give some information about what are the advantages of coeducation
through the coeducation system. Boys and girls are under the behaviour of each other.
Self confidence and communication is increased by co-education system.

Althaf: I think co-education is necessary in this competitive world, because a person from coeducation school will present his view point in confident manner in the society than the other
one, who belongs to single sex school.


Anusha: I agree with him, up to my 12th class I studied in girls school not co-educated. Once I
entered into the college I felt shy and I didnt share my thoughts and happiness with my friends
especially with boyfriends. That moment makes me to realize co-education is better.

Anitha: In my mind it always depends on students! How he/she is behaving with each other. If
they are in positive thinks it is best type of education and to know other gender in a better way
but if theyre in negative then it is bad.

Alisha: Co-education system avoid hesitation and improve the confidence between both
genders, it brings social equality. It develop us in future context to develop you as world citizen,
it provides respect between both genders.

Aravind: The idea of gender discrimination is totally unnatural; it is given by our so called
civilization society. We all have a birth by wisdom. Teachers and parents knowingly or
unknowingly keep feeding the idea somewhere in the childrens mind that be like a boy because
youre a boy be like a girl because youre a girl. From there the gender discrimination begins. If
we have to break this ugly tradition co-education is must to children.

Anusha: Co-education is better than single education. In co-education knows attitude of each
gender in single education knows only his/her attitude. Because of that boys failed to get job.

Althaf: Co-education is best forever. If we start schooling from child days in co-education, we
know that only men and women are equal.

Akshay: We have had a good decision and I think it is time to sum up. Co-education is best for
present generation. Even though, there were some disadvantages, the advantages are more. It
helps in better understanding; reduction of usage of foul language, gives matured mind. It helps
to be ideal and to groom ourselves. They follow discipline.




Interviewer: Good Morning! Please take your seat.


: Good Morning Sir!


: What is your Name?


: I am Sharavannan.


: Tell me something about yourself.


: Well, Sir, I have completed by under graduation in Computer Science and

Engineering from Tagore Engineering College. I have done my internship at GE,
Hyderabad. I have also undergone courses on java and C++ from NIIT, Chennai.


: Seems to me that your qualifications are prefect for the job here; the first posting
may be at Kolkata, however, so are you willing to relocate?


: Relocating would not be a problem. Sir.


: What are the strategies you will employ to ensure teamwork for projects?


: Sir, I am having experience in coordination events and projects during my

college days. I will take the trouble of establishing good interpersonal
relationships with every individual in the team. I will see that each one is part of

the decisions that are taken and I believe that once a person is made to feel
important and responsible for the end product of the team, he will definitely put in
his best.

: Thank you that will be all!


: Thank You, Sir!




: Good Morning! Please take your seat.


: Hello Sir! Good Morning!


: Tell me about yourself.


: Firstly I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity and its my
pleasure to introduce myself. I am Aravind from Chennai, completed my B.Tech
with specialization in IT with an aggregate of 75% from Tagore Engineering
College. I am a fresher with lots of enthusiasm and energy, have experienced
wide exposure of working together as a team in school and colleges extracurriculum activities. I have done course on C, C++, Data Structures.


:Ok, why should we hire you?


: I have read job profile deeply. I believe, barring a few, most of the skills you
require match my area of interest and knowledge. I need to work on a few areas to
meet up your expectations, which I can do pretty quickly. Although I do not have
the work experience but I have the skills required to be associated with the



: Seems to me that your qualifications are perfect for the job here; the first posting
may be at Kolkata, however, so are you willing to relocate?


: Relocating would not be a problem, Sir.


: How much salary do you expect?


: Sir, salary is important; work is much more. As a fresher, my primary concern is

to learn from you and enhance my knowledge. I want to build a career with work
experience. I will be happy with the package you will offer me as per the
companys norms.


: Thank you that will be all!


: Thank You, Sir!


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