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Java Server Faces

1. What is JSF?
1) Java Server Faces (JSF) is a Java-based Web application framework
intended to simplify development integration of web-based user
2) JSF is a request-driven MVC web framework for constructing user
interfaces using components. As a display technology, JSF 2 uses
Facelets. JSF 1.x uses Java Server Pages (JSP) for its display technology.
3) One of the very important features of JSF is it's "A server-side event
4) A server-side event model: For dispatching events and attaching
listeners to core system functionality, such as "Before Render
Response" or "After Validation".
5) JSF contains an API for representing UI components and managing their
state; handling events, server-side validation, and data conversion;
defining page navigation; supporting internationalization and
accessibility; and providing extensibility for all these features.
2. What are the advantages of JSF?
1) In Java Server Faces technology, user interfaces can be created easily
with its built-in UI component library, which handles most of the
complexities of user interface management.
2) It is a clean separation between behavior and presentation.
3) Provides a rich architecture for managing component state, processing
component data, validating user input, and handling events.
4) Robust event handling mechanism and Render kit support for different
5) Highly 'pluggable' - components, view handler, etc.
6) JSF also supports internationalization and accessibility
3. What is Shale?
Shale is a framework for web applications, based on JSF. Shale architecture
includes a set of loosely coupled services which can be combined to meet
specific application requirements. The additional functionality provided by
Shale - application event callbacks, dialogs with conversation-scoped state, a
view technology named Clay, annotation-based functionality. These
functionalities will reduce the requirement of configuration and provides
support for remote computing. Other framework links for integration is
provided by Shale, which eases the combined technology based

4. Difference between JSF 1.2 and JSF 2.0


for Groovy


JSF 1.2
JSF 2.0
In JSF 1.2 JSF tags were In JSF 2.0 the concept of
written in JSP page
facelets was introduced instead
of jsp pages.
Even JSF 1.2 has support of JSF 2.0 has built i JSF 2.0
ajax but we have to add the provides
behavior tag. Developer can
simply use it. n support of Ajax.
Missing in JSF 1.2
JSF 2.0 has the support of
It is use the faces-config.xml JSF 2.0 is allowing developers to
use annotations both when
No Book marking
JSF has ability to bookmark the
result pages.
It does not provide
Templating concepts
It is separate release/

any It
It is part J2EE 6.0


5. What Is Facelets?
Facelets is a powerful but lightweight page declaration language that is used
to build Java Server Faces views using HTML style templates and to build
component trees. In short, the use of Facelets reduces the time and effort
that needs to be spent on development Use of XHTML for creating web pages
1) Support for Facelets tag libraries in addition to Java Server Faces and
JSTL tag libraries
2) Support for the Expression Language (EL)
3) Templating for components and pages
4) Support for code reuse through templating and composite components
5) Functional extensibility of components and other server-side objects
through customization
6) Faster compilation time
7) Compile-time EL validation

8) High-performance rendering
6. What is Seam?
Seam is a framework for web application, which combines the existing
popular frameworks EJB and JSF. A back-end component of an enterprise
(EJB) can be accessed by the front-end by addressing its name of the Seam
The concept of context is expanded by Seam. The context contains each
Seam component. The context of a session captures the actions of all logged
in users until he logs out. A command line tool seam-gen can be used to
automatically generate the actions create, read, update, delete (CRUD) of a
web application. The integration of Seam can be with JBOSS, RichFaces or
ICEFaces AJAX libraries.
7. JSF Architecture
JSF technology is a framework for developing, building server side User
Interface Components and using them in a web application. JSF technology is
based on the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture for separating logic
from presentation.
1) JavaBeans components as models containing application-specific
functionality and data
2) A custom tag library for representing event handlers and validators
3) A custom tag library for rendering UI components
4) UI components represented as stateful objects on the server
5) Server-side helper classes
6) Validators, event handlers, and navigation handlers
7) Application configuration resource file for configuring application


8. Scope Annotations
Scope annotations set the scope into which the managed bean will be
placed. If scope is not specified then bean will default to request scope. Each
scope is briefly discussed below




Bean lives as long as the HTTP request-response lives.
It get created upon a HTTP request and get destroyed
when the HTTP response associated with the HTTP
request is finished.
Bean lives as long as a single EL evaluation. It get
created upon an EL evaluation and get destroyed
immediately after the EL evaluation.
Bean lives as long as user is interacting with the same
JSF view in the browser window/tab. It get created upon
a HTTP request and get destroyed once user postback
to a different view.
Bean lives as long as the HTTP session lives. It get
created upon the first HTTP request involving this bean
in the session and get destroyed when the HTTP
session is invalidated.
Bean lives as long as the web application lives. It get
created upon the first HTTP request involving this bean
in the application (or when the web application starts
up and the eager=true attribute is set in
@ManagedBean) and get destroyed when the web


application shuts down.

Bean lives as long as the bean's entry in the custom
Map which is created for this scope lives.

9. Explain briefly the life-cycle phases of JSF?

1) Restore view phase:
This phase starts when a user requests a JSF page by clicking a link,
button etc. In this phase view generation of the page, binding of
components to its event handlers and validators are performed and
view is saved in the FacesContext object.
2) Apply request values phase:
The purpose of this phase is for each component to retrieve its current
state. The components must first be retrieved or created from the
FacesContext object, followed by their values.
3) Process validations phase:
During this phase local values stored for the component in the tree are
compared to the validation rules registered for the components.
4) Update model values phase:
After confirming that data is valid in the previous phase local values of
components can be set to corresponding server side object properties
i.e. backing beans.
5) Invoke application phase:
Before this phase the component values have been converted,
validated, and applied to the bean objects, so you can now use them to
execute the application's business logic.
6) Render response phase:
In this phase JSP container renders the page back to the user, if jsp is
used by application i.e. view is displayed with all of its components in
their current state




Note : Life cycle handles two kinds of requests:

Initial request: A user requests the page for the first time.
Postback: A user submits the form contained on a page that was
previously loaded into the browser as a result of executing an initial
What is Managed Bean?
Managed Bean is a regular Java Bean class registered with JSF. The
managed bean contains the getter and setter methods, business logic
or even a backing bean (a bean contains all the HTML form value).
Managed beans works as Model for UI component.
Managed Bean can be accessed from JSF page.
In JSF 1.2, a managed bean had to register it in JSF configuration file
such as faces-config.xml. From JSF 2.0 onwards, Managed beans can be
easily registered using annotations.

Using XML Configuration


Using Annotation
@ManagedBean(name = "helloWorld", eager = true)
public class HelloWorld {
private Message message;
@ManagedBean Annotation
1) @ManagedBean marks a bean to be a managed bean with the name
specified in name attribute. If the name attribute is not specified, then
the managed bean name will default to class name portion of the fully
qualified class name. In our case it would be helloWorld.
2) If eager="true" then managed bean is created before it is requested
for the first time otherwise "lazy" initialization is used in which bean
will be created only when it is requested.
@ManagedProperty Annotation
JSF is a simple static Dependency Injection(DI) framework.Using
@ManagedProperty annotation a managed bean's property can be injected in
another managed bean.
What is backing bean?
The backing bean defines properties and handling-logics associated with the
UI components used on the page. Each backing-bean property is bound to
either a component instance or its value. A backing bean also defines a set
of methods that perform functions for the component, such as validating the


components data, handling events that the component fires and performing
processing associated with navigation when the component activates.
Usually, the backing beans have a request scope, but it is not a restriction.
4 ways to pass a parameter value from JSF page to backing bean:
1) Method expression (JSF
3) f:attribute
4) f:setPropertyActionListen
2) f:param
1. Method expression
Since JSF 2.0, you are allow to pass parameter value in the method
expression like this #{bean.method(param)}.
JSF page
<h:commandButton action="#{user.editAction(delete)}" />
Backing bean
public class UserBean{
public String editAction(String id) {
//id = "delete"
2. f:param
Pass parameter value via f:param tag and get it back via request parameter
in backing bean.
JSF page
<h:commandButton action="#{user.editAction}">
<f:param name="action" value="delete" />
Backing bean
public class UserBean{
public String editAction() {
Map<String,String> params =
String action = params.get("action");

3. f:atribute
Pass parameter value via f:atribute tag and get it back via action listener in
backing bean.
JSF page
<h:commandButton action="#{user.editAction}"
<f:attribute name="action" value="delete" />
Backing bean
public class UserBean{
String action;
//action listener event
public void attrListener(ActionEvent event){
public String editAction() {
4. f:setPropertyActionListener
Pass parameter value via f:setPropertyActionListener tag, it will set the value
directly into your backing bean property.
JSF page
<h:commandButton action="#{user.editAction}" >
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{user.action}"
value="delete" />
Backing bean
public class UserBean{
public String action;
public void setAction(String action) {

this.action = action;
public String editAction() {
//now action property contains "delete"

What is view object?

A view object is a model object used specifically in the presentation tier. It

contains the data that must display in the view layer and the logic to validate
user input, handle events, and interact with the business-logic tier. The
backing bean is the view object in a JSF-based application. Backing bean and
view object are interchangeable terms.

What is domain object model?

Domain object model is about the business object and should belong in the
business-logic tier. It contains the business data and business logic
associated with the specific business object.

How to add context path to URL for outputLink?

Current JSF implementation does not add the context path for outputLink if
the defined path starts with /. To correct this problem use
#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath} prefix at the
beginning of the outputLink value attribute. For example:
<h:outputLink value=#{facesContext.externalContext.

How to get current page URL from backing bean?

You can get a reference to the HTTP request object via FacesContext like this:
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)
and then use the normal request methods to obtain path information.
context.getViewRoot().getViewId(); will return you the name of the
current JSP (JSF view IDs are basically just JSP path names)

How to access web.xml init parameters from jsp page?


You can get it using initParam pre-defined JSF EL valiable.

For example, if you have:
<context-param> <param-name>productId</param-name>
You can access this parameter with #{initParam[productId]} . For
Product Id: <h:outputText value=#{initParam[productId]}/>

How to access web.xml init parameters from java code?

You can get it using externalContext getInitParameter method. For example,

if you have:
<context-param> <param-name>connectionString</param-name>
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

How to terminate the session?

In order to terminate the session you can use session invalidate method.
public String logout() {
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
return "login_page";
The following code snippet allows to terminate the session from the jsp page:
<% session.invalidate(); %> <c:redirect url=loginPage.jsf />

How to reload the page after ValueChangeListener is invoked?

At the end of the ValueChangeListener, call


How to download PDF file with JSF ?

This is an code example how it can be done with action listener of the
backing bean.

public void viewPdf(ActionEvent event) {

String filename = "filename.pdf";
// use your own method that reads file to the byte array
byte[] pdf = getTheContentOfTheFile(filename);
FacesContext faces = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)
response.setHeader( "Content-disposition", "inline;
try {
ServletOutputStream out;
out = response.getOutputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
This is a jsp file snippet:
actionListener=#{backingBean.viewPdf} value=Read PDF />










Command Link?
h:commandLink assign the onclick attribute for internal use. So, you cannot
use it to write your own code. This problem will fixed in the JSF 1.2. For the
current JSF version you can use onmousedown event that occurs before
<script language=javascript>
function ConfirmDelete(link) {
var delete = confirm(Do you want to Delete?);
if (delete == true) {
} } </script> . . . .

What is the different between getRequestParameterMap() and
getRequestParameterValuesMap() ?
getRequestParameterValuesMap() similar to getRequestParameterMap(), but
contains multiple values for for the parameters with the same name. It is
important if you one of the components such as <h:selectMany>.

Explain the way be which we can declare the Message Bundle

in JSF?
Usually this can be done in two ways:
(Lets assume com.arunjsf.messages is the properties file)
The easiest way is to include the following elements in faces-config.xml file:
Another way is that you can add the f:loadBundle element to each JSF page
that needs access to the bundle:

What is the difference between JSP-EL and JSF-EL?

In JSP-EL the value expressions
are delimited by ${}.
The ${} delimiter denotes the
immediate evaluation of the
expressions, at the time that the
application server processes the


In JSf-EL the value expressions are delimited
by #{}.
The #{} delimiter denotes deferred
evaluation. With deferred evaluation ,the
application server retains the expression and
evaluates it whenever a value is needed.

Sample "faces-config.xml?

"faces-config" is going to have two high level Elements "navigation-rule" and

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC

"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config


Sample Event Handling in JSF?

Event Handling :
<h:selectOneRadio id="category"
Event Handling Method :
public void categorySelected(ValueChangeEvent event) {
String value = (String) event.getNewValue();
if (value != null) {




Managed Bean :
<description>The "backing file"
bean that backs up the CD application</description>

How to add "FacesServlet" to Web.xml for a JSF application ?

Make for JSF has different "url-pattern" other than JSP.

<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

What are the main tags in JSF?

JSF application typically uses JSP pages to represent views. JSF provides
useful special tags to enhance these views. Each tag gives rise to an
associated component. JSF (Sun Implementation) provides 43 tags in two
standard JSF tag libraries:

JSF Core Tags Library.

JSF Html Tags Library.


Is it possible to have more than one Faces Configuration file?

We can have any number of config files. Just need to register in

web.xml.Assume that we want to use faces-config(1,2,and 3),to register
more than one faces configuration file in JSF,just declare in the web.xml file

How can we skip JSF life cycle steps?

In two scenarios we can skip the JSF life cycle steps:

1. Use immediate=true:
1) If set in UIInput(s) only, the process validations phase will be taken
place in apply request values phase instead. Use this to prioritize
validation for the UIInput component(s) in question. When
validation/conversion fails for any of them, the non-immediate
components won't be validated/converted.
2) If set in UICommand only, the process validation, update model
values & invoke application phases will be skipped for any of the
UIInput component(s). Use this to skip the entire processing of the
form. E.g. "Cancel" or "Back" button.
3) If set in both UIInput and UICommand components, the process
validation, update model values & invoke application phases will be
skipped for any of the UIInput component(s) which does not have
this attribute set. Use this to skip the processing of the entire form
expect for certain fields (with immediate). E.g. "Password forgotten"
button in a login form with a required and immediate username field
and a required but non-immediate password field.
2. Use FacesContext.responseComplete():
Sometimes, an application might need to redirect to a different web
application resource, such as a web service, or generate a response that

does not contain JavaServer Faces components. In these situations, the

developer must skip the rendering phase (Render Response Phase) by calling


How to trace a running JSF life cycle phases?

You can use a PhaseListener to trace the phases of the JSF lifecycle and
execute some processes where required. But you can also use a "dummy"
PhaseListener to debug the phases to see what is happening in which phase.
Here is a basic example of such a LifeCycleListener:
Note: if you don't have a JSF playground environment setup yet, then you
may find this tutorial useful as well: JSF tutorial with Eclipse and Tomcat.
import javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseListener;
public class LifeCycleListener implements PhaseListener {
public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
return PhaseId.ANY_PHASE;
public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent event) {
System.out.println("START PHASE " +
public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) {
System.out.println("END PHASE " + event.getPhaseId());
Add the following lines to the faces-config.xml to activate the

Tell me JSF supports AJAX?




Explain how JSF different from conventional JSP?


1) JSP is good for mixing static content and dynamic content pulled from
resources made available by other parts of the application; for
instance, a servlet.
2) JSP's main mission in life is to generate a response to a request; a JSP
page is processed in one pass from top to bottom, with JSP action
elements processed in the order in which they appear in the page.
However, JSF has a much more complex lifecycle.
1) JSF components get created, process their input (if any), and then
render themselves.
2) For JSF to work well, these three things must happen separately in a
well-defined order, but when JSF is used with JSP, they don't.
3) Instead, the component creation and rendering happens in parallel,
causing all kinds of problems.

Explain the different types of JSF events?

JSF is an event driven framework.

Action Events: bound to UI Command objects like a Command Button or a
Hyper-link. Whenever a user presses a Command Button or clicks a hyperlink
these Events get generated.
Value Change Events: bound to UI Components like Text Field, Check-Box,
List and Radio Buttons. The Value Change Event is fired as soon as the value
that is displayed in the view is modified.
Phase Events: As you saw earlier in the JSF overview blog, the request
processing life-cycle in JSF includes six phases and any JSF implementation
will fire Phase events during the start and end of each phase. If we want to
capture the Phase Events, then can define a Phase Listener. These are handy
for debugging as well.


What are some of the JSF pitfalls to watch out for?

1) Putting business logic or data access logic in the getter methods .
2) Using too many rich components from third-party libraries like
Richfaces, ICEFaces, etc could adversely impact performance due to
bloated HTML pages.
3) Having too many backing beans in session scope could lead to memory
and performance issues .
4) Not coding in a thread-safe manner.( PhaseListeners and Renderers are
not thread safe)
5) Not carefully designing the GUI and the relevant interactions
FacesServlet and FacesContext


1) FacesServlet creates an object called FacesContext, which contains

information necessary for request processing.
2) FacesContext contains all of the per-request state information related
to the processing of a single Java Server Faces request, and the
rendering of the corresponding response.
3) FacesContext contains the ServletContext, ServletRequest, and
ServletResponse objects that are passed to the service method of
FacesServlet by the Web container. During processing, FacesContext is
the object that is modified.
4) Next is the processing. The processor is an object called Lifecycle. The
FacesServlet servlet hands over control to the Lifecycle object.

How to integrate JSF with spring?

<!-- JSF and Spring are integrated -->
<!-- Add Support for Spring -->
<!-- Project Stage Level -->

<!-- JSF Servlet is defined to container -->
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<!-- Mapping with servlet and url for the http requests.
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

JSF Internationalization


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