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Graeme Base







I found this list here:


by Graeme Base

Word lists

An Armoured Armadillo Avoiding an Angry Alligator

aqueduct alphabet admiral ape acrobats aborigine abacus athlete
ant airplane asparagus ark anteater albatross atlas arrarat (?)
"aaraon a aardvark" "a acacia avenue" "adelaide australia" atom
anchovies artist ace asp (?adder) archer alarm clock ambulance
antenna alien apple anvil acorn anchor accordion australia afghan
apricot anglican (?) apron asteroid angel anagram astronaut
(?acting) UNKNOWN: deer/elk (antler?)
Beautiful Blue Butterflies Basking by a Babbling Brook
bassoon baboon bear bonnet barn (?) beetle bee bagpipes bull
bicycle backgammon bed bird budgerigar bread bellows bible boat
buttons broom barracuda ballpoint pen bhudda bottle bell brush
balloon bucket beer battleship belt bomb barrel bat brick bat ball
bucket bracelet box
Craft Crimson Cats Carefully Catching Crusty Crayfish
cathedral castle cook (?chef) camper cricket cross crops cow
chamberpot (?cuspidor) cucumber corn cheese chess celery
cabbage charms (necklace) cone cassette cube can (?cylinder)
concertina camera cap collar cobra calendar cannot canary cage
calculator cards clubs cactus Concorde carrot crocodile coke clarinet
chest (treasure) coins candy cane coconut comb camel crab
cemetery caravan (?) car champagne caterpillar crane checkered
flag chicken Chevrolet chimpanzee crayfish cheetah candle

candlestick cup coffee crab clock crown crutch chair crate cork
puzzle canoe UNKOWN: spool of thread (cotton?) slingshot

Diabolical Dragons Daintily Devouring Delicious Delicacies

decanter door doorknob dog dachshund digital "D" D-Day date
drill dynamite dresser (drawer?) dice dustpan duster dandelion
delta dictionary diary deuteronomy decade dromedary dinghy
Damocles dome doughnuts draughts daiquiri dodecahedron dutch
doll dentures dagger dart delft deluxe dolphin dollar sign
diamonds devil dumbbell dripping decagon doctor drambuie
december diagonal dwarf dragonfly dominoes dodo dove daffodil
dinosaurs dam drowning destroyer donkey deer drawbridge
double decker bus dutch door dalmation dingo diploma duck
drummer daniel boon (?) dial daisy
decalogue (ten
commandments) Dough Boy (soldier?) UNKNOWN: wine jug
(decanter?) 12.5 mouse (dormouse?) clock (digital clock?) crab
(dungeness?) robot blimp (dirigible?) australian soldier 2-wheel
vehicle OI-OU-SH-OA (dipthong?)
Eight Enormous Elephants Expertly Eating Easter Eggs
Egbert Ethel Edward Emily Ernest Elizabeth Eric Esmerelda
eyeglasses (?) emerald necklace earring entry exit eagle envelope
easel eleven emu egg (ellipse?) electric light bulb enterprise earwig
embryo elf (dunce cap?) eskimo E=mc2 eel (?) echidna equator
clair UNKNOWN: hotdog
Four Fat Frogs Fishing for Frightened Fish
fish falcon frankenstein fork fire flamingo fuchsia faerie fern
feather (?) flute fan fox fly fungus funnel farm fifth
Great Green Gorillas Growing Grapes in a Gorgeous Glass
glockenspiel golf club golf ball gopher goblet gems gnome
gladiolas giraffe glider globe gift girl guard ghost guillotine
garbage can goat glasses goose gargoyle griffin (gold?) gecko
guitar gong gauge glove graph garter geranium grasshopper
gramophone gate gum tree (eucalyptus) gazebo grate grandma

gooligulch (?) goal gallows galleon gladiator gutter (rain) ghoul

Greek columns (?) UNKNOWN: mountains chimpanzee (gibbon?)

Horrible Hairy Hogs Hurrying Homeward on Heavily Harnessed

hang-glider hawk hippo hunter hatchet happy face hyena
hamsters honey jar hummingbird ham-and-egg sandwich hamlet
harlequin (?) handkerchief hammock humpty-dumpty hammer
heart handle hymnal hen hydrant hourglass helicopter hare
horoscope (zodiac) house hill hand-grenade hinge hearts holly
handbag haversack horse hoof harness hieroglyph hatch
hedgehog handcuffs hurricane? UNKNOWN: sunflower seeds fish
skeleton (herring?) brick-hay building fishing pole
Ingenious Iguanas Improvising an
Impossibly Impractical Instruments




iceberg ice cream cone iron india ink israel italy ireland isoceles ibis
inches icarus iron bars (?) igloo ingot UNKNOWN: white-flowered
plant bar-of-soap (ivory?) prison-bars (iron?)
Jovial Jackals Juggling Jugs of Jelly in the Jungle
jacket jewelry (?) jack-in-the-box judge jam japanese flag jester
jack (card) jazz jukebox jasmine jaguar jet javelin UNKNOWN:
white flower (jasmine?)
Kid Kookaburra and Kelly Kangaroo Kidnapping Kitty Koala
King St Keystone cops King Kong kite kaleidoscope klup kiosk
kettle k-86-w kiss me kelloggs king (card) kerosene knight keel kitkat bar keys keg kleenex kitting kilt knapsack knitting kayak kiwi
UNKNOWN: stalin-like poster (kaiser?)
Lazy Lions Lounging in the Local Library
leprechaun lettuce lute lemon ladle latch lily lace locomotive lamp
leopard lizard llama lorry (?) lobster lamb lattice ladder law
literature loch lomand levitation lady j. locke living legends dr.
Livingstone leonardo luke luxembourg (lets go?) loves labor lost
lacrosse lets learn latin king lear lassie come home limericks the

lone range little boy lost lucky lovers lulu lawson lenin lemmings
lions leatherwork longfellow latvia loons loretta lipton lyre lantern

Meticulous Mice Monitoring Mysterious Mathematical Messages

monitor mammoth marionette magpie minute timer missile
monster moon mountain moose mermaid mole molecule monkey
mandolin map mercator millipede medusa "Mm" million
metronome music masquerade mint candy monopoly game meters
money mug milk medal monocle microphone mask microscope
magnet macaw taj mahal mushroom matches maggot
Nine Nautical Newts Navigating Near Norway
note noah narwhale neptune nymphs (nyads?) newspaper
northern no nukes for NZ nautilis "near miss for noody" nuclear
bomb cloud "northern star" nutcracker net nest nun ninety-nine
(swastika) UNKNOWN: bird (nightingale?)
One Outrageous Old Ostrich Ordering an Onion Omelette
orange oboe oasis octagon octopus O-ring (?) oil owl otter oak
obelisk ox oar onion oats (?) oven orchid ottoman octave
orangutan orchestra outboard motor olive tree ocelot
UNKNOWN: castle-sewing machine shaped thing (left edge of
large circle)
Proud Peacocks Preening Perfect Plumage
porpoise patchwork quilt painter pyramid prism peas python
potatoes piano parchment printing press page possum
persimmon poppies package palm trees palm (hand) policeman
pied piper pharaoh pythagoras pig perambulator politician plow
pitchfork pheasant puffin pumpkin panda pinecone pedestal pan
pan-pipe penguin platypus plug (elec outlet) periscope pond pine
tree pear (tree) plums purse peter-piper poodle parasol professor
pens porcupine pagoda pisa (tower of) parthenon paris palace
prince princess pelican pirate parrot peace sign pope eye patch
punch and judy pygmy prisoner Pegasus pawn pineapple pail

pump penguin paddle prison prehensile parachute portrait (?)

UNKNOWN: pendulum (?) bird in right tree (partridge?)

Quivering Quails Queuing Quietly for Quills

queen Quixote quoits (game) quantas airlines quay quiz
questionnaire quiver quart queensland quotient quadrant quince
question marks quartz quarter note quality quills quilt quarter
circle UNKOWN: the building; the faint markings on the ceiling;
the brick wall
Richly Robed Rhinoceroses Riding in Rickety Red Rickshaws
restaurant reubens rembrant route 66 rum robin rocking horse
reindeer rocking chair racquet (tennis) rocket rake rabbit rolling
pin revolver roulette wheel rose register (cash) recorder
refrigerator rifle roman numerals ruby raccoon raspberry robot
rust ram raven rooster ralphs rent-a-robot rat razor rattlesnake
ring ratio roller skate repair tape rowboat rhodoendren (?) rug
rung (ladder)
Six Slithering Snakes Sliding Silently Southward
sugar silo semaphore sailboat shark scarf south sign skeleton
sandcastle scorpion Sat 16 Sept Sun 17 Sept sharp pencil sieve
sardine can scrabble sapphire skate soup sandal stump salamander
saint seal surfer sand skull shamrock spectacles slingshot sandpiper
swan swallow salmon skunk stepladder sofa stereo scarab star-ofdavid sparrow squirrel sextant squid seahorse spider saddle stirrup
sheriff shield United States switzerland swastika sickle sunflowers
sandwich skis snowshoes stretcher spy spanner screw screwdriver
statue skyline skyscraper shrug Sagittarius shovel sledge scythe
scissors saw snippers scalpel scooter shed salt strawberry spoon
spaghetti soda straw saturn satellites sneeze see-saw stop spring
staple sheep shepard scot scarecrow sloth stork spoonbill safe
shrew skip-rope scroll switch soccer swim snorkel syringe
stethascope siphon starfish shell sphinx sun staff sundial snail slug
sprocket stag (?) spinning stool spool song (?) shuttle satellite SOS
stars sombrero stein sarape sax synthesizer superman shower

suitcase sydney stockholm san francisco sao paolo shuttlecock

skittle (?) satyr stalactite stalagmite steamroller slide swingset
sword santa sleigh

Two Tigers Taking the 10:20 Train to Timbuktu

typewriter turtles torchlight tank tornado tennis racquet
telephone talon tricycle toad thermos tankard tortise tuba
tentacles toucan toga tophat tea set ten tunnel tower telescope
teepee totem ole turnstile tuning fork tambourine tuna can
trophies tapir tuxedo target tractor tulip tv antenna tie tuba
trombone trumpet ticket window tickets toucan tavern terrace tea
room tarzan and the tomb of tutakhamon time table thistle
theater cast of thousands toilets timbuktu torpedo trans tanzania
tonight texan tribune till tomahawk tomato teddy bear
UNKNOWN: hose bib
Unruly Unicorns Upending Urns of Ultramarine Umbrellas
UFO ursa major ursa minor Univ of Utton union jack uncle sam
ukulele underpants urchin (?) U-boat uranium (?)
Victor V. Vulture the Vaudeville Ventriloquist Versatile Virtuoso of
Vociferous Verbosity Vexatiously Vocalizing at the Valhalla Variety
vase vegetables vermouth violin vogue vest volkswagon volcano
violet vermilion vote for vicks vacuum cleaner viscount voodoo doll
valiant venison vendors valise vegemite visor vent vicar viking
vampire viaduct vane valve (?) vine (?) vitamin C van
Wicked Warrior Wasps Wildly Waving Warlike Weapons
whale wharf wreck wheat witch wagon wizard walrus well wash
washtub windmill waterfall weeping willow wall walkway
wolf whip wave window wind (?) wireless wigwam wallaby
wombat (?) wellingtons (rubber boots) UNKNOWN: red
shirt; "W" pamphlet in red shirt pocket

Rex Fox Fixing Six Sax

Xmas kisses x-ray X chromosome X (roman 10) sign language
(symbol) X (Braille) X (Morse code) UNKNOWN: gold leaf;
Youthful Yaks Yodeling in Yellow Yachts
yogurt yo-yo yeoman yin-yang yeti yolk yoke year yes yard you yew
yell UNKNOWN: crab card hand word in water at far left
Zany Zebras Zigzagging in Zinc Zepplins
zulu zambia zanzibar zap zoo zaire zorro zing zoom Zimbabwe
zodiac zither zinnia zeus zipper UNKNOWN: bull/cow, sunrise

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