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By i.l
Depuly Chiel of Stafi, '-1t.
Comrnunicotiols, Civil Air Pqtrol

II RO:tt bot h a milirarv and civilian

fl slandooint the unit;d slaies ( an
oe Juslry prouo ot tts communr-
cations systems its vast telephone
networks (both local and long lines),
telegraph, and fixed radio nets from
coast-to-coast. Together with highly
developeil air', rail, and highway sys-
tems, Americans are enormously "in
touch" with one another at this Twen-
tieth Century midpoint.
The only disturbing thought that
enters into this rosy picture of com-
munications effciency is, "How vulner-
lVithout lantare, Cir:il Air Po,trolrt ZZ,OOO
able are these systems if subjected to tnatnbers rrr.d. otar g5O0 rad,io stalions stand.
all-out bombing attack?" It does not
take an expert to realize that the pos- tead,U to render" aid when ernergenctes arl*a.
sibility of communications severance
is a strong one, where fixed types of
any nature are concerned-resulting 75OO arc mobile. While these figures hoped that prototype tests can be
in communications "black-outs." may sound impressive. experience in- made not later than May, 1952. The
The recent gas-main explosion at dicates that the communications cov- set will be transportable by light
Brighton, N. Y., is an example of fixed erage necessary in any widespread plane, car, boat, horseback, or hand.
communications failure in a real dis- emergency could not be accomplished At the present, CAP equipment con-
aster. Brighton, for a time, was cut without a much larger network. sisls of many different units. ranging
off lrom the world when explosions Civil Air Patrol envisions an organ- in power from 500 watt a.c.-powered
caused fixed communications failures. ized net comprising 35,000 mobile fixed stations to self-contained battery-
In last summcr's Midwest flood dis- v.h.f. stations controlled by 4000-5000 operated transceivers of the .25 watt
aster fixed communications played a fixed control stations, rvith mobile con- class. Much of this radio equipment
poor second 1o mobile communications trol stations as a back-up in the event is of the surplus military type, some is
in keeping traffc going. A year ago 'fixed facilities are rendered useless. commercially-built equipment, while
during a Mississippi ice storm, fixed The 35,000 mobile stations would af- in other instances the gear is,'home-
communications again bowed to mobile ford a virtually complpte communica- brew"-like ham equipment.
types. tions coverage of the 48 states and Every conceivable type of po\rer
How, then, can the United States the three Terrilories- Alaska, Hawaii, supply known to radio communications
meet this problem ? and Puerto Rico. may be found operating in the CAp
.Much thought was given the prob- Plans are going forward to provide radio network. Such units as vibrator
lem when the U.S. Air Force set forth the mobile net with adequate types of pack supplies, dynamotor supplies, a.c.
the missions of Civil Air Patrol, offi- equipment. fn cooperation with Col. rectifier units, and battery packs all
cial auxiliary of USAF. Among these William P. Lear, communications ad- play a prominent role in powering CAp
missions, CAP was charged with the visor to Maj. Gen. Lucas V. Beau, Na- equipment. The voltage outputs from
job of selling up a communications tional Commander, CAP is developing these various supplies may range fi.orn
system characterized by high mobility a means to meet requirements for a 90 volts from the battery pack to as
and flexibility, USAF stated that the lightweight portable v.h.f. set. This set much as 3000 volts from the rectifier
system, or network, would be at the would consist of a four-channel, crys- type supply, depending on its applica-
disposal of civil defense agencies when tal-controlled v.h.f. transmitter anal tion and the equipment with which it
not being called upon by the ,,mother,, tunable receiver, with battery power is used,
organization. incorporated. Output power would be Some of the transmitte$ in use
Over a period of a very few years as
low, The desire here is to limit the net control stations in the CAP are of
Civil Air Patrol has developed a radio working range of the equipment so as the type designed for and used ex-
communications network of more than to avoid mutual interference with ad- tensively by the military during World
9500 stations, of which approximately jacent CAP stations and traffc. It is War Il; the most popular of lhese is
May, 1952 35
Ccpl, Leonqld I. II€iD6e!, Cotlloldet ol
Croup 761, operal€s Slclion trOND t! lhe
CAP networL. The Nsbradla WinE noi/
' hd3 liye slalions opelclilg ott 23t4 Lc.

This CAP rqdio unit ot th6 lowc rfftnq

HeqdquarleE in Des Moires ccr provide
covercge lor lhe ellire 3tole o[ 10l''6.

few years may be found at some CAP

Thus, the CAP is a vast anal practi-
cal proving grounal for all types ot
radio equipment, fixed or mobile.
The next logical query could be,
"Does CAP have the organizational
structure with which to man the pro-
posed net and operate in a disciplined
manner ?"
Indeed, that is a primary considera-
tion and one which Civil Air Patrol
can fulfill. Such a network as CAP
has now and the one which it envisions
calls for a military or semi-military
administration or command. CAP is
semi-military in nature, although a
completely civilian volunteer outfft. It
the BC-610 transmitter which is capa- NC-125, and NC-5?; the Hqllicratterg has been so since December 1, 1941.
ble of providing both voice and tele- s388, S40B, SX-71, SX-22, SX-28, 5-76, A brief study of the CAP framework
graphic communications in the 500 and S-72; Hqmmarlund, receivers in- indicates tremendous capabilities for
watt class. clude the "Super Pro" and the HQ- control anal coirmunications coverage,
Other types of transmitters which 729Xi RME units are the RME-50, in a truly alisciplined manner. Na-
are used as fixed base stations, mobile RME-45, and VHF-152; Corlias is rep- tional Heaalquarters, at Bolling AF
units (land portable and airborne) are resented by the 754.1 and the ?5A2; Base, D, C., actually is an Air Force
l:sted in the table below. RC.4's AR-88 is also used. Military- headquarteG, in that all personnel are
As in the case of transmitters. there type receivers include the BC-348, USAF, from General Beau down
is a wide variety of receivers in use by BC-342, BC-312, BC-744, Bc-fig, and through the rtnks of some 70 officers
CAP. Included are commercial types, TC-10?A. and airmen. This headquarters serves
surplus military units, and various These are only a few models that are to discharge the USAF obligation to
"homemade" receivers. Among the being used daily in the vast CAP com- CAP in providing administration,
surplus and commercial gear being munications network. Actually, every training aid, and general monitoring
used are the Notional NC-173, NC-183, type of receiver produced in the past of the national program, The scheme
is further enhanced by the Air Force
Tsbulalion ot lhe trqftmill€r. currerUy bsing used by the ClvU Ait Pclrol.
liaison ofrcers from this headquarters
who serve in each Wing, or State, to
promulgate the plans and policies of
scn.sll .75 V. o! B. SCB_s{? 75 DorR
From that point on CAP is "strictly
scB.szz 6 D.IRA-62 or pE-94) Si.benrhcler AW-50 50 DorR
scRJg3 t5 ^ --
o. rr r r G-E 4G686
rM-roo 50 DorR CAP." A wing is commandeal by a
sc8-399 300 i iir'.isi1',-;i.c. Hcdroy 73 DorA
DorB CAP colonel, known as the "wing com-
sca-287 25 ; iP-E;;i;;'-'
D.c. (... v.,
B.litix TA.36
?! Do!R
mander." The wing stafr is similar to
AN/TBC.2 25 G {hcrd) c,E lClct
l5 v (6 v,) any "air stafl" and performs the vari-
tRc,4 l0 D cG-20 lcoait Gucrd) 20 Y 16 v,) ous duties requireal to keep the State
ABC-3 8 D lll6i.!r€! t50B 150 DotB program going. Among these staff of-
ARC-I 8 D rBGlog 5
ARC-5 50 D H.rey-W.u3TAS{0 50 DorA ficers is a communications director,
sca-245 l0 D (12 vJ Ly.co l40T 25 DorR such as the writer, a deputy com-
7C/t2A l0 V (5 v.) TCS.I2 30 DotR
mander. executive officer, public infor-
rsocT(cohE.coJ 25 D rc96 15 DotR
L.liitro 240 a0 D or A,C. (rl0 vJ TCS-5 20 DorR mation offcer, adjutant, anal so on.
VikirE I (Ioh$on) 50 D Tgr/a 20 A.c, (rr0 vJ There are 52 wings.
a-E t-22 l0 R SCB-632 50 D (PE-ss) or
ARCI3 100 D o! R (4.C.) A.C, (l l0 v.) Following the Air Force pattern, the
BCA T-10{ 15 D o! B {A.cJ scR-69{ 25 next level is the "group," of which CAP
ncA AvT-rs 7 a(6vJ sca-637 50 D (PE-sg) or
has 16?, evenly distributed in such a
RCA AVl-ll2A 7 A.c. (rr0 v.)
HT-ll(Bdllicrdlter.) r5 D o! A.C. scR.s83 5 G (hcnd) way as to aid wing administration.
wnl-406 40 DorR acn.28{ l5 G{hdd) Next are the 1400 squadrons. These
TCS-9 23 DotE scR-s36 .027 B(d!y)
nearly 1600 CAP units are not lo-
B.ldixATD ,10 Do!R sca.l83 5 DorB
cated just in the South, or the West,
' D li dyncboto!, V ir vibrcpccLr R ir toctitrglr B ir bct'-6ry.
or overseas, or in close Proximity
to the metropolitan areas. They are to
be found in every State and Territory
soon, CAP executives hope, in every
Through such an evenly-woven
framework the organization is able to
work some small miracles of public
service. The reason: CAP is ,lzere
when an emergency or disaster strikes.
It doesn't have to travel a half day to
get to the scene and go into operation.
When Roods ravaged Kansas, Missouri,
Illinois, and Oklahoma last summer,
CAP went in with the first relief. in
many cases hours before other types.
Communcations in many instances
were restricted to CAP'S mobile radio
Likewise, this evenly-distributed or-
ganization affords a natural chain
through which "command" may pro-
ceed. Also, following the Air Force
pattern, CAP personnel perform their Clvil Ai! Pdtrol cddet! set up a ponqble pol'er unii tor use duling .,Op€rction
duties in a swift and precise manner, Flood." Thts simulcled emelgercy operqtion wcs oaly one ot rhe mqiy sucl prob.
through this widespread organization lems x'hich dre conducted to plovtde redli.tic rrdinins Io! rhemb€r" oi rle U"ir.a
of wings, groups, and squadrons. Slcles AL Force's cuxiliary ai! qrtrl-the CivU AL PoFol, kro\r! as CAp.
Additionally, CAP has manpower.
Personnel strength at this writing has in snowy climes, there also are ski and these stations are of the fixed type.
passed the 75,000-mark with some sled outfits. The 7500 CAP mobile stations in all
34,446 senior members and almost But all is not plans with the Civil CAP levels of command operate inde-
43.000 cadets. Air Patrol radio network. In exist- pendently or on a controlled basis, as
Added to that, CAP has mobility. ence today is a structure consisting of the situation demands; but in no case
The organization counts more than a national net, a regional net, and a is the mobile network rendered life-
5000 airplanes and 13,000 pilots, these lving net. The first consists of a Na- less due to fixed failure for any reason.
backed up by thousands of pieces of tional Headquarters' radio station At this point-in the early part of
various "rolling stock" and boats. (VP@), ssleing 65 a net control station the 11th year of CAP history-the or-
Headed for the scene of an emergency in scheduled operation with its eight ganization seeks to speedily fulfill its
or aerial search, CAP airlifts all pos- regional net stations. Each regional projected communications program,
sible personnel and stock, and moves station, in turn, serves as a net con- an ambitious undertaking calling for
the rest by truck, bus, car, or motor- trol station for the CAP wings in its added manpower and leadership. You
cycle. In the interest of mobility, CAp prescribed area. A wing net consists are invited to investigate CiviI Air
has horse, boat, and Jeep units in som6 of a wing control and satellite sta- Patrol and the possibility of a berth
parts of the country. You guessed it: tions, after the above pattern. AIt of in it for your "know-how." -&l-
A Civil Air Pottol lield unit erecb iir trdllsEillils antenno
ss high q! po3sible to obtaid the moximrm siglcl coverqge.

teeps ol ths lhird Plstoon, Ccvsl.y RecoDndk3qnce Squqdron,

lesl equipment ql EouDdcry PeqL, Nev., betorE starting d ffeld
probleE. Radio equipheDt plcyed { prcminenr role ir; prob.
l6ms, cooriliddtilrq the progr*s ol the ieeps in mountsin con-
yon6, Unils were coltrolled lrom pofldble tronsmitter units.

lfey! le52

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