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World Religions Group

Presentation Assignment
Your group has been assigned a world religion to research.
You will create a PowerPoint explaining key points about the religion.
Your PowerPoint must have at least 11 slides, at least 11 pictures, and some
Each slide must have at least one picture!
1. Title Slide: Name of the religion, group members names, and one appropriate picture
2. Demographics: What are followers of this religion called? How many people practice this religion today? Where do
most of them live today?
**This would be a good slide to include a map**
3. Historical background: How and when did the religion begin? Where did it begin? Was there a founder? Who?
4. Spread: How and to what parts of the world did the religion spread?
**Another good slide to use a map as your picture**
5. God(s) or a Higher Power: Does the belief system teach there is a god, gods, or higher power? Can a person know
god, the gods, or the higher power?
6. Beliefs: What are some major beliefs? How do these beliefs guide/determine how people should act? What happens
after death?
7. Sacred text or holy book: What is the holy book or sacred text of the religion called? When was it written? Who
wrote it? What language was it originally written in?
8. Sacred place of worship: How do followers worship, pray, or celebrate? What is their place of worship called? Are
there any famous examples of architecture or buildings that connect to the belief system?
9. Symbol(s): What symbol(s) represent the religion and why? Is there any artwork that represents the religion? How?
10. Celebrations, festivals, or holidays:
**Be able to describe what is happening in your pictures**
11. Interesting facts: What is special about the religion OR what are some other interesting facts about it?
**Suggestions could be roles of men and women, how was the universe created, what happens at the end of the world,
dress requirements, special foods, etc.
*DO NOT copy and paste information. Read it and then write it in your own words! Be ready to present
your information using PowerPoint or Google Slides to the class! Remember everyone will have a
speaking role in the presentation.*

Presentation Rubric

Topic and

Group presents accurate

information about the topic
they were assigned. The
appropriate information is
on each of the
corresponding slides.
Information has been
written in their own words.
Information on the slides
shows a mastery of the
content and questions.

Group presents accurate

information about the
topic they were assigned.
The appropriate
information is on each of
the corresponding slides.
Information has been
written in their own
words. Information on the
slides shows a above
average comprehension of
the content and questions.

Group presents mostly

accurate information about
the topic they were
assigned. Some the
appropriate information
may be missing on a few of
the corresponding slides.
Information may not have
been written in their own
words, shows sign of copy
and paste. Information on
the slides shows an average
comprehension of the
content and questions.

Group presents some

accurate information
about the topic they were
assigned. Some of the
appropriate information is
missing on each of the
corresponding slides.
Most of the information
has not been written in
their own words.
Information on the slides
shows a below average of
the content and questions.

Group presents mostly

inaccurate information
on the assigned topic.
Majority of questions
for each slide are not
answered or
incorrectly answered.
Clearly has been
copied and pasted.
Information on slides
show no mastery of
the content or

Voice/ Body

All students have a

speaking role. Students
voices are loud and clear.
Students stands while
presenting. Presenters
make frequent eye contact
with the class. Group
members are attentive
throughout the

All students have a

speaking role. Students
voices are loud and clear
most of the presentation.
Students do not stand
while during the whole
presentation. Makes
occasional eye contact
with the class. Group
members are attentive
throughout most of the

All students have a

speaking role. Students
voices are loud and clear
most of the presentation.
Students do not stand while
during the whole
presentation. Makes
occasional eye contact with
the class. Group members
are attentive throughout
most of the presentation.

Not all students have a

speaking role. Voices
cannot be heard for most
of the presentation.
Students are not standing
while presenting. Little to
no eye contact is made
with the class. Group
members are distracting
during the presentation.

Not all students have a

speaking role. Cannot
hear speaker. No eye
contact with class.
Members are off
distracting from the
speaker during the

Organization and

Students have shared or

emailed the presentation to
the teacher by the due
date. Students know their
roles and order of speaking
during their presentation.
Transitions between
speakers are seamless.
Students are paraphrasing
information on the slides.
Slides are presented in the
correct order.

Students have shared or

emailed the presentation
to the teacher by the due
date. Students know their
roles and order of
speaking during their
presentation. Transitions
between speakers are
quick. Students are
paraphrasing some of the
information on the slides.
Slides are presented in the
correct order.

Students may have not

shared or emailed the
presentation to the teacher
by the due date. Students
are unclear of their roles
and order of speaking
during presentation.
Transitions between
speakers are slow. Students
are not paraphrasing
information on the slides
(reading from the slides
verbatim). Slides may not
be presented in the correct

Students have not shared

or emailed the
presentation to the teacher
by the due date. Students
are unclear of their roles
and order of speaking
during presentation.
Transitions between
speakers are slow.
Students are reading from
the slides verbatim. Slides
are not be presented in the
correct order.

Presentation has not

been shared/emailed.
Students organization
is clearly not visible
through speaking
order, transitions, etc.
No speaking
preparation is evident,
reading directly off of
the slides.

Visual Tool

11 slides are presented and

shared with the teacher by
the due date. The
appropriate number of
visuals were present on
each slide. Images, maps,
charts are included and
show mastery of the

11 slides are presented

and shared with the
teacher by the due date.
The appropriate number
of visuals were present on
each slide. Images, maps,
charts are included and
show above average
comprehension of the

11 slides are presented and

shared with the teacher by
the due date. Some slides
may not have visuals. May
not include all of the
following images, maps,
and charts. Visuals show an
average comprehension of
the information.

Less than 11 slides are

presented and shared with
the teacher by the due
date. The appropriate
number of visuals were
not present on each slide.
Images, maps, charts are
not all included and show
below average
comprehension of the

50% or less of the

slides and visuals
were presented to the
teacher by the due

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