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Kelly Briner

Annotation: Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete

Reaction: Holy cow! I have never seen a more succinct way of offering
support and solidarity for marginalized minorities in a public urban school.

Connections: I am incredibly relieved and glad to hear that At the end of

the day, effective teaching depends most heavily on one thing: deep and
caring relationships. Caring is pretty natural and second nature to me so it
makes me optimistic that I have at least one strength going into the teaching

Reaction: I had never known that John McCain had said such a dismissive
statement regarding USAs improved relationship with African Americans. It is
almost comical due to how ignorant and blas his words on the issue seem to

Applications: There are similarities between critical hope and hokey hope
that are distinguished by effort, solidarity, and empathy. Basically it boils
down to how sincere you are, your attitude, and what you actually do to
support your students.

Questions: Why am I just now reading this article? This stuff is too important
to be left until they last semester of the teacher prep program. It needs to be
taught to freshman and taught throughout. If the goal is to build empathetic
and caring student advocate teachers, ASU needs to do so actively.

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