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Practical Dynamometer Tests t




problems, presenting data on the accuracy of the hydraulic type, outlining uses of dynamometer data, and
describing field and office procedure. Examples are
included and beneficial results cited.

While dynamometers have been used for a number of .

years and excellent papers have been published on special
applications, little has been published concerning everyday uses and value. This paper is of textbook n a t u r e
showing the place of the dynamometer in well-testing

Recording dynamometers were first used for testing

the performance of rod-operated pumping oil wells in
1923; and, although the instruments have been generally so used since 1929, little has been published on
the practical aspects of such tests. Excellent papers
have been written on special applications of dynamometers, so that the impression may have been created
that they are primarily for occasional use by the research worker. On the other hand, some companies
have found the information afforded by the instrument so important in maintaining proper operation of
wells that use of the instrument is a routine matter.

Throughout the productive life of any oil well, i t is

desirable that up-to-date information be available on :
1, well performance; and, 2, equipment performance.
By the former is meant "those sub-surface characteristics . . which a r e divorced from any consideration
of the method by which the oil is brought to the surface."" Equipment performance refers to the characteristics of the particular installation used for lifting
the fluid. In rod-operated pumping wells, both of these
performances may be computed directly from data obtained by the instruments built especially for the
purpose ':
1. Sub-surface pressure recorder o r fluid-level r e corder: Well performance: datum pressure, productivity index, potential, etc.
2. Polished-rod dynamometer: Surface equipment
performance : loads, torque, efficiencies, etc.
3. P u m p d y n a g r a p h S : Sub-surface equipment performance: plunger stroke, conditions a t pump, etc.

. .

General Petroleum Corp. of California, LORAngeles, Calif.

t Presented by Mr. Marsh at Eighth Mid-Tear Meeting,

Wichita, Kans., May 24, 1938.

S The words "dynamometer" and "dynagraph" are currentle
uued interchangeably. Throughout this paper " ~ ~ n a m o m e t e r
will refer to the surface instrument; "dynagraph, to the subsurface instrument.
:L l<-igi~rea
refer to bibliography on p. l i 6 .

Regardless of the desirability of such comprehensive

information, the time required to run all three types of
instruments makes costs seriously objectionable. I t is
ordinarily necessary to limit the test program to the
procurement of data which are readily obtainable and
most essential to a study of the individual well. If
maximum production efficiency is to be secured, some
knowledge must be available on surface conditions.
Toward this end the dynamometer is indispensable.
Equally important, however, is the fact that the dynamometer can be used to estimate the nature of subsurface conditions by unique effects which may be observed a t the polished rod. Three to five accurate and
com~letetests can be made easily in one day. Therefore, because i t is the least expensive to run and because the data it provides are broadest in scope, the
dynamometer is logically the key instrument in the
testing program.
F a r from being a cure-all, the dynamometer does not
give results which are always conclusive. Further tests
with the other instruments are not to be discouraged.
Such supplementary study may be centered on a problem well, or used as a periodic check on deductions from
surface data.

The dynamometer is essentially a device for recording the load on the polished rod as a function of
polished-rod position. There a r e two general forms:
1, the strain gage type, with several modifications; and,
2, the diaphragm hydraulic type. Although the latter
is the only one with which the authors have had much
experience, most of the paper is equally applicable to
both types.

Diaphragm Hydraulic Type

The diaphragm hydraulic type consists chiefly of
two parts: the transformer unit for converting the
polished-rod load into pressure, and the recorder for
registering this pressure. As shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 3,

intelligently. A few simple precautions, theref ore,

should be observed to eliminate e r r o r s :
1. The transformer must be nearly level to avoid ec
centric loading.
2. All a i r should be bled from t h e hose and diaphragm
unit i n order t h a t the pressure impulses will not hr,
3. The unit should be filled with sufficient \\late] T I
keep slack i n t h e diaphragm.
4. The bottom clamp should be completely free oi
t h e rod when released, to p r r b m t a portion of the loact

the transforiner unit IS placed 011 top of the regular

pol~sheci-rod clamp. A second clamp, tightened above
thr unit, transmits the load through the unit to the
har1gc.r when t h c lower clamj, is re1east:d. The unit itself
1s colnposed of two beams pivoted a t one end, with a
diaphragm mechanism between them a t t h e other end,
whereby a constant portion of t h e instantaneous polished-rod load is converted into a pressure which may be
transmitted to the recorder through a flexible hose. The
recorder i s essentially a steam-engine indicator. motion
of the drum being obtained by clamping a rhain t o the
walking heam near the centrr bearing.

Accuracy of Hydraulic 1)ynamometer

Il~trinsically,the h y d r a u l ~ cdyrramometer h a s an accuracy sufficient f o r all practical purposes. Friction
in moving p a r t s i s small, a s shown by the fact t h a t
little hysteresis is observed in calibrating even the weakest indicator spring. In Fig. 4 points lie on a straight
line within plus o r minus 1 per cent of the full-scale
deflection. Inasmuch a s the load is applied perpendicularly to the diaphragm, this calibration is independent
of the volume of fluid in t h e transformer, up to t h e
point a t which t h e diaphragm takes up its slack.
E r r o r i n the recorder itself probably does not exceed
2 or 3 per cent a t even the highest pumping speeds,
inasmuch a s this device is primarily designed for recording pressure variations in engines operating up t o
250 r.y.m. I t h a s been found, however, t h a t the loads
registered by t h e recorder l a g hehind the polished-rod
load depending on the type of connecting hose used.
Thr: magnitude of t h e lag, of course, varies inversely
a s the speed of sound (pressure) waves through the
\vat,er in t h e hose which, in t u r n , is a function of the
material of which the hose is constructed. I f a rubber
tukw is used, this velocity i s small-resulting
in an
appreciable lag. On the other hand, copper tubing
gives good results, due to t h e fact t h a t t,he speed of
sound is approximately 3,000 f t . per sec. If t h e tube
i a not more t h a n 20 f t . long, the11 the lag i s less
t h a n , i , , t h of a second. However, the copper breaks
easily unless protected with welder's rubber hose.
Flexible steel tubing, whicli i s generally used in preferenct:, gives long life and equally satisfactory results.
(:onclusions concerning lag are based on tests in
which the recorder was mounted directly upon the
transformer and used on a well pounding fluid, thereby
creating s h a r p impulses. Tubes of the various mat,rrials and of t h e same length t h a t would be used to
lhr. ~lorinallocation of thv indicator ivc:re looped from
the r l i a l ) h r a p l ~to
~ the indicator with valves arranged
s : ~t h a t successive cycles could be ~.ecortledon t h e same
c.:lrd t ~ i t l ~ rdirectly
to the indicator or through t h e varioils ltinds of hosc. lmpulst~stravelillg through the metal
tubes arrived essentially at the same time a s those travc.llnr di1,rc.t. \vhile those t~-avtrlitlg.through rubber tube
I.ilie ;my o t h f ' ~instrulner~tusccl f o r reasonably-acr.l.lr.atc: ~neasurements,the dynamoinrrer must he handled









FIG. 4
being shunted around t h e transformer. ( A little gasoline and a few hammer blows usually eliminate sticking.)
5. The point of attachment of t h e chain used to
reciprocate t h e d r u m should be so selected t h a t a card
a t least 3 in. long is obtained. Also, angles HI anti pi.
should be equal, a s shown in Fig. 1. If the recorder 1 3
placed so t h a t t h e chain is vertical, this point will fall
on a line joining the center bearing and the s t i r t u l .
bearing. I n r a r e cases where the beam h a s a horseheact
and swings through a n angle greater t h a n about ,(I
deg., i t is desirable t h a t a miniature horsehead like\\ I - r
he provided f o r t h e chain.


13efore field procedure is discussed, i t may be well to

consider in more detail what can be learned from the
dynamometer test. As h a s already been suggested, the
information can be divided into two parts: 1, t h a t
which concerns the performance of equipment; and, 2,
that which indicates sub-surface conditions by the effects
observable a t the polished rod. The first category includes what may be called for convenience "definite results," a s they a r e obtained through comparatively
simple calculations-with
little occasion for elaborate
theory o r difference of opinion. The second includes
equally important items; but, a s more judgment and
experience a r e involved, they will be termed t h e "inferred results."

Definite Results

volumetric efficiency but insufficient pump displacement.

Which of these conditions exists can be inferred from
several sources of information :
1. Dynamometer test :

a. Shape of dynamometer card.

b. Below-ground power efficiency.
2. Volumetric efficiency, estimated by any of several
3. Production data on well, gas-oil ratio, cut, etc.
4. Production history of well.
5. Previous experience :


a. With similar wells.

b. With particular well, old tests, etc.
c. With particular equipment in use, gas anchor,
style of pump, etc.

. ------4




The following can be readily computed from the d a t a

and, hence, constitute "definite results":
1. Maximum load, of obvious significance with respect
to sucker rods and pumping machine.
2. Rar~ge of load, of significance with respect to
sucker-rod failures and beam failures. Second only
in importance to maximum load.
3. Number of applications of load per cycle: Some
cases of impact loads a r e so severe t h a t there may be
several peak loads comparable with the maximum, so
t h a t f o r each cycle the rods and pumping machinery a r e
subjected to several severe loads.
4 . Minimum load indicates whether increased speed
would cause the beam to get ahead of i t s load.'
5 . Horsepower at polished rod: With other readilyavailable data, this permits calculation of the two following quantities.
6. Above-ground power efficiency, which i s polishedrod horsepower divided by horsepower a t prime mover.
7. Below-ground power efficiency, which equals theoretical work of lifting fluid divided by dynamometer
8. Correct counterhalance, which is merely the height
on the force scale to the center of gravity of the loop
on the dynamometer card, and tells not only whether
the counterbalance is correct but, if not, w h a t i s needed.
9. Gear torque, which is of g r e a t importance in determining whether the gear is overloaded.

Inferred Results
Perhaps the main conclusion to be established concerning sub-surface conditions is the location of the
fluid level. Should the fluid level be a t the pump, i t
inay be rlossible to improve the r i g operation without
loss of production.' On the other hand, if the fluid level
is above the pump, then i t is desirable to determine the
reason f o r this condition. I n general, high fluid can
be attributed to one o r more of three causes: 1, low
volumetric efficiency of pump due to a n ineffective g a s
anchor, large clearance space, poor valves, entrance
losses, or slippage; 2, tubing o r shoe leaks; or, 3, good

Dotted lines on cards indicate position of the ideal loop:

Downstroke load=weight of rods in oil.
Upstroke load
=downstroke load plus Ruid load on gross plunger

Effects on the Dynamometer Card of Common

FIG. 5
The analysis of the dynamometer card a s one of the
steps i n estimating sub-surface conditions can be briefly
described. The ideal card is rectangular in shape, with
a downstroke load equal to the weight of rods in oil,
and a n upstroke load equal to the downstroke load plus
the hydrostatic pressure of fluid acting on the gross
plunger area. F o r comparative purposes, i t is essential
t h a t these loads be computed and plotted on the cards
actually obtained by the instrument. I n Fig. 5 a r e
illustrated the effects of this ideal card of rod and
tubing stretch, mechanical friction, free gas in t h e
pump, high fluid level, and dynamic forces. Despite

If no delay is experienced in making preparations, then

normal pumping conditions will be quickly resumed. As
a check, however, cards should be taken on the recorder
a t intervals until there is substantially no change in
their size and shape. When i t is certain this condition
has been reached, the test card may be taken. Several
cycles should always be superimposed and averaged on
any one card, a s rod loads sometimes change from
stroke to stroke, even though the operation is considered
steady. This is especially true if the pump handles varying quantities of gas. Data taken a t approximately the
same time a s the test card include power input, strokes
per minute, turns per minute of motor, and revolutions
per minute a t various crank positions. This much of

the fact that dynamic forces a t ordinary pumping speeds

may distort the card considerably ' and obscure some of
the other effects, fluid pound resulting from g a s in the
barrel is usually quite evident. The absence of this
pou~id,of course, suggests t h a t the fluid level is above
the pump, whereas its existence usually implies that
either the well is pumped off or the gas anchor is not entirely effective. Cards taken a t slow speed, to eliminate
dynamic forces, a r e of further help in estimating which
of these conditions exists-particularly in shallow wells
with large plungers. Table 1 summarizes the analysis
tjy which the dynamometer and other readily-available
data can be used to isolate the most probable sub-surface condition without recourse to a sub-surface test.

Showing Some of the Sub-surface Co~~ditions
which May Be Inferred from Surface Data

Surf ace data :

Dynamometer carti taken a t slow
speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fluid Pound
(Cards 8, 10, 12)

(Refer to Fig. 5)
Dynamometer card taken a t slow
speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Similar to card 3
or 4
(Refer to Fig. 3)
Volumetric efficiency . . . . . . . . . . .
Below-ground efficiency . . . . . . . . .
Gas-oil ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Daily production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Regular,moderate

Probable sub-surface condition. . . . . . .Fluid level a t

placement can
be reduced

Fluid Pound
(Cards 8, 10, 12)

No Fluid Pound
(Cards 7, 9, 11)

No Fluid Pound
(Cards 7, 9, 11)

Similar to card 5

Similar to card 5

Similar to card 5





or 6
Irregular, slight

Regular, slight

Fluid level above

pump due to
ineffective gas

Fluid level above

pump due to
inadequate displacement


I n addition to the dynamometer itself, the following

equipment is necessary f o r the average test:

3 . Watt hour meter

o r vacuum gage
2. Revolution counter

3. Tachometer
4. Thermometer
5. Stopwatch

6. Flexible rule

Power input to motor
Power output of engine*
Average speed of prime
Speed variation of prime
Temperature rise of motor
Strokes per minute, turns
per minute, etc.
Stroke length, pulley sizes,

* The t o r q u e - n i a ~ ~ i f o l depression
characteristics can be obtained from t h e manufacturer of t h e e n g i n ~ . See bibliography,
referemctl 10.

The routine of installing the equipment should be

well planned in order t h a t the downtime will be a s short
a s possible, preferably not more than a minute or two.

Fluid level above

pump due to
tubing o r shoe

the test provides sufficient information to compute the

definite results, but cards f o r other operating conditions
a r e helpful in determining sub-surface conditions and
methods f o r improving operation.
F o r example, a card taken a t very slow speed will be
little affected by the forces of acceleration and fluid
friction. A sufficiently slow speed can be obtained on
most rigs by shutting off the power and scribing the
record just before the machinery comes to rest. As
shown in Fig. 5, the comparison of the maximum and
minimum loads on this record with the theoretical loads
will indicate the presence of a high fluid level o r excessive mechanical friction. Of course, these a r e compensating forces; and, in making the comparison, consideration must be given to other factors, such a s the drift
of the hole and the possibility of excessive leakage in
plunger and valves.
Frequently a good estimate of the height of fluid above
the pump can be obtained by shutting in the casinghead
and taking cards while the gas pressure builds up. If
the Auid level can be depressed to the oil intake, then
the point a t which the well s t a r t s to pump off is clearly

shown on the record a s the familiar fluid pound; therefore, it may be said t h a t t h e head of fluid normally on
the intake is equivalent to .the rise in pressure observed
a t the casinghead.

taking a record with the indicator open to atmospheric

pressure, i t is necessary to make a correction for the
weight of the transformer and the static head of water
in the connecting hose. This is most easily done at the

Pumping-Well Operation

W E L L "A"
Present depth,
6,890 ft.
Casing, 42-in. to 7,260 ft.
from 6,250 ft. to 6,885 ft.
Pump depth,
6,712 ft.
6,668 ft. of 25-in. and 44 ft. of 2-in.
2-in. x 12-in. rod, sectional liner
6,699 ft. of $-in.
Sucker rods,
9 in. x 8 ft.
inner tube,
outer tube, 3 in. x 14 ft.
Gas anchor,
134 bbl.
108 bbl.
29.5 deg. A P I
Gravity of wet oil.
550 cu. ft. per bbl. of oil
Gas-oil ratio,
open to line
Casing pressure,

X r i g front
45 in. (3rd crank hole)
18.5 strokes per minute
Ratio, 22.2 to 1
Number of weights,
10 lead
11,200 lb.
( A P I rating)
11,450 lb.
11,500 lb.
(by dynamometer)

Length of stroke,
Pumping speed,
Reduction unit,
chain and sprocket
Present effective weight,
Theoretically-correct weight,
Correct weight,
Controller point,
Power input,
R.p.m., average,


25- to 65-hp. Full-load speed, 470 to 970 r.p.m. a t 50 cycles

5 (9 is wide open)
17.6 hp.
Motor temperature,
35 deg. C.
Air temperature, 22 deg. C.

Dynamometer Cards

18.5 SPM.

5 re,ooo


4 le-OoO










Dynamometer Data
Maximum load,
Minimum load,
Power a t polished rod,
Peak torque,



Finally, where equipment permits, it is desirable to

take cards a t various pumping speeds in order to predict
the effect on rod loads of permanently increasing o r decreasing the speed.
Although a reference line is provided on all cards by


Above-ground efficiency,
Below-ground efficiency,
Estimated volumetric efficiency,


59 per cent
57 per cent
98 per cent

conclusion of the test by operating the rig with the upper

clamp released and the lower clamp tightened. The socalled "zero line" obtained may then be measured off
from the atmospheric line, and plotted on the other

Results of a number of tests in one field have her11

summarized in Fig. 7, in which below-ground efficiencies
have been plotted against the volumetric efficiencies esti mated by the Coberly method."
9. Peak torque: Inasmuch a s i t is usually necessa1.y
to know only if the torque r a t i n g is exceeded, a collservative estimate can be made by multiplying half the
stroke length by the differe~lce between the effecti\.cd

Office ~ ~ I ' o c e d ~can
r e be presented best hy discussing
an actual test. \\:ell "A" had been producing a n average
of 125 hbl. per day gross for rnore than eight months
with 1)ractically no decline and little trouble; and, although it was suspected t h a t the lvell was capable of
proclucing. more, it was desirable t o have some concrete
data on the existing load and perforlnarlcr hefore lnaki11g a115 changes. A sub-surface pressurt. test would
haxe been helpful; but, because t h e w Jrerr two joints
of 2-111.tubing on bottom, the gage a ~ a i l a b l ecould not
be ruli without pulling tublng. Owing to the depth of
the hole, thls typc~of test would h a \ e requlred much
time: ; i ~ l dexpense, and woultl have givr~n110 infolm~atioll
on t h e equally important questloll of r1g Ioatls. Therefor<. ;i preliminary in\-estigation was made n ~ t hthe
dyn;ilnomtter. Thca ~iel.tinc>ntd a t a and ~.t,sults:ire given
in 'Table 2.
Using this ivell :is all examplc, the cwlcuiatioll of results ir presented herewith.

Z t P O LlNE


C:omputations of Equipment Performance



the dynamon1ett:r card (refer to Fig. ( ; I .

I ) mas. z:1.20 i ~ t-. l a a x i n ~ u ~ ndeflection

I ) nii11..=0.6:: in.;:mininluln deflection
A. 1.1 4 scl. i l l . L u r ~ p e ~area
A,z=2.10 st]. i l l . :1 lu\\.er area
1. =2.97 i~l.::length of c a ~ ~ t l
('x: 12.8(10 lb. per in.-: calibratioll collsta~it of

T / , e ) i the followil~~g
can t ~ t matie
1. Masilnurn l o a d


2. Minimu~n l o a d .



I ) mas.


r (




is less than 88,000 in-lb.

If this estimate exceeds the ~ . a t i n gof the ~rlachi~ir..
trial-and-error dete1,mination should be made i n \I-hlch
the position of the cl,ank is taken into account.

12,800) ( 1.20) = 12,400 lb.

12,800) ( 0 . 6 3 )r 8 , 1 0 0 lh.

stroke (feet
per mlnute
( 4 5 ) (18.31
-- ) .
( 1 2 ) (:33,000)
11o11shed-l.odhorsel)ower- - 10.3
-- -39 per cent
g r o u ~ i dI I ~ I L el.
t~fficit~ncq -- Input horsepower

7 Ahu\ t'

weight of the counterbalance and nlaximum load, O J .

minimum load, ~vhichevel. difference is greatel,. 11:
well "A":
I'eak torque is less than
( 15,400-- I 1,;11ro

r. Belo\v-gl.ound efficierrcy : 'I'heorctical htrrsel)o\ver

1,equired to lift the fluid, assumi~lg.fluid I(.vel to he a t
t h punlpj
is :
per b a~r e l(pounds) x d e p t h t o pump ( f ~I t
tlarrels l,er (la) uerlght
(1.440) (33,000)

the t~el<~\v-!zruuntl
efficiency :

7 ' i i ~ t ~ .

theoretical hol,sel)o\ver

F: --- 37 per cenl.


10.3 -


Computation of Theoretical Loads

In addition to these quantities, it is important to know,
for the purpose of comparison, the theoretical loads on
the upstroke and downstroke.
10. Theoretical downstroke load
=weight of rods in oil
=length x weight per foot
= (6,699) (1.482) ~ 9 , 9 0 0lb.,
where 1.482=weight per foot of 4-in. rods in 29.5-deg.gravity oil.

11. Theoretical upstroke load=downstroke loadffluid

load on gross plunger area
=downstroke loadfdepth to pump x pressure gradient of oil (lb. per sq. in. per ft.) x a r e a of
= 9,900+ (6,699) (0.380) (1.227)
+3,100 =13,000 lb.
12. Theoretical counterbalance may be computed by
averaging the theoretical upstroke and downstroke loads,
but has little value. As shown in Fig. 8, the correct

Below-Ground Efficiency Vs. Volumetric Efficiency for Wells of Various Depths.

FIG. 7

counterbalance by the dynamometer is, on the average,

higher than the theoretical, especially with low volumetric efficiencies.

Computation of Volumetric Efficiency

Several methods have been devised for computing the
plunger travel in pumps, and will not be 'eviewed a t this
time.", 6 .
Each has certain limitations, and a t present
it is not possible to decide which is best applicable to a
given well. However, so long a s the engineer recognizes
the limitations of the particular method used, he will
not be especially handicapped in understanding his well
problems and improving the operation.
The plunger travel for well "A" was obtained by subtracting from the polished-rod stroke the calculated
stretch of 24 in. in the rods and tubing and adding the
over-travel of 13 in. due to acceleration as given by
Coberly.' With a plunger stroke of 45-24+13=34 in.,





the volumetric efficiency is computed to be 116 per cent.

This fictitiously high figure can be attributed to either
a high fluid level, which would reduce the stretch, or to
the error in estimating the over-travel. In either case,
i t is still evident t h a t the pump actually had a very good
efficiency; a value of 98 per cent was arbitrarily selected.
Inasmuch a s most of the calculations which have been
listed require reference to tabular data for such quantities a s the weight per foot of rods in oil, pressure gradient, constants, etc., alignment charts a r e helpfulKEY:


fluid pound. Volumetric efficiency was very good, and

below-ground efficiency better than average for wells of
this depth. Finally, the slow-speed card had upstroke
and downstroke loads similar to those of card 5 in Fig. 5.
Therefore, i t was apparent that production would
probably be increased by increasing the displacement.
Inasmuch a s gas-oil ratio was low and g a s anchor of
adequate size, i t was doubtful if gas would be troublesome. The equipment was under-loaded with the exception of the rod string, the maximum load being excessive
for trouble-free operation. If displacement were inKEY:


THEN. P - 5 0

3. IS.3
L L . Z 9 1 A.1.14
C *12.800
wrn. H P ~ ~ o ~ I Z . ~ . ~ ~ ~

Theoretical Horsepower to Lift Fluid.

FIG. 10

Polished-Rod Horsepower.
FIG. 9
especially if many tests must be computed. Fig. 9,
10, 11, and 12 illustrate some of the charts which
can be made, with calculations for well "A" shown a s

Changes in Operation Suggested by Results

I n order t h a t changes in operation may be properly
justified, some assurance must be had a s to the nature
of sub-surface conditions. The evidence available on
well "A" pointed to the conclusion t h a t maximum production was not being secured. I n the first place, the well
was not declining in production a s fast a s similar wells
in the same zone. The dynamometer card taken a t
normal speed was full in shape, with no indication of a

creased, this condition would undoubtedly have become

more acute. However, it could be rectified by tapering
the string with 1,750 ft. of I-in. rods.
Shortly after this test, the pumping speed was increased to 22 strokes per minute; since t h a t time, production h a s been maintained a t an average of 175 bbl.
gross, 140 bbl. net daily, a n increase of about 30 per cent
(see Fig. 13).


Well "B"
Well "B," in the stripper stage, was giving occasional trouble; in nine months there had been two pump
repairs o r replacements and three rod failures-nothing
serious, but subject to improvement. Results of a dynamometer test, given in Table 3, indicated t h a t the well

Weight of Rods in Oil-%-In.

and %-In. String.

Theoretical Fluid Load on Plunger.

FIG. 11

FIG. 12

Daily Production-Well

FIG. 13


WELI, ('R"
I'resent depth,
.;,7.50 f t .
Casing, %in. to 6,310 fr.
Perforations f r o m :,GOO f t . to 5,710 ft.
Tuhing, 5,635 f t . of ::-in. a n d 91 f t . of 2:-in.
Pump depth,
?-in. ,. 1 :-in. rod, sectional 1int:r
I,,l.56 ft. of ;-in. a i d 4,O.S f t . of ,:-i~i.
Sucker rods.
Gas anchor,
outer tutw, :( in. >: 20 f t .
Inner tube, 2 i n . x 8 f t .
4 1 hhl.
21 bbl.
g . 8 (leg. A i f ' l
( ; r a v i t y of wc t oil,
280 cu. f t . p e l h l ~ l of
. oil
Gas-oil ratio,
ol~ento li11t.
Casing pressure, ( I

N rig front
1-1I in.
20.1 strokes per minute
ILatio, 22.2 to 1
Nuinbe' of weights,
10 lead
11,300 lb. ( A P I r a t i n g )
10,200 lb. (calculated)
10,760 Ib. ( b y dynamometer)

1.enpth of sti.okc.,
k'u~nping speetl,
Reduction unit,
chain and sproclic~t
rota ry
Present effective weight,
Theoretically-correct weight.
Correct weight.
2.;- to 65-hp.

Controller pornt,
Power input,
I:.l).m., average.

Full-load speed, 470 to 970 r.1l.m. a t 30 cycles

(!) 1s wide open)
13.2 hp.
11i)tor t e n l p c ~ a t u r e , 3.7 deg. C.
Air temperature, 24 deg. C

l ti;

W t l G H T OF POD)



9 '8-000]



C+ -03




I)) iralrlometer 1)ata

Maximum load.
Miniraurn load,
f'ower a t polishetl 1.ot1.
I'ciak torque.




17,300 lb.
*7,000 Ib.
6.6 hi'
112,000 in-lh.



Above-ground efficiench-.
Below-ground efficiency,
Estimated volumetric eficiei~cy,


50 per cent
24 p e l cent
29 per cent

Pumping-Well Operation

W E L L "C"
we1 I
Present depth,
P u m p depth,
Sucker rods,
Gas anchor,
Gravity of wet
Gas-oil ratio,

3,785 ft.
Casing, 9-in. to 3,725 f t .
Perforations f r o m 3,729 f t . to 3,785 f t .
6: in. from 3,681 f t . to 3,785 ft.
3,611 ft.
3,611 ft. of 23-in.
2;-in. x 12-in. rod, sectional liner
3,592 f t . of :-in.
Inner tube, 1: in. x 8 f t .
outer tube, 2: in. x 21 f t .
165 bbl.
162 bbl.
30.7 deg. A P I
100 cu. f t . per bbl. of oil
Casing pressure,
1 Ib.
open t o line
494 in. (4th crank hole)
23.2 strokes per minute
Motor end of countershaft,
Bandwheel diameter,
Number of weights,
8 lead
8,900 lb. ( A P I rating)
7,000 lb. (calculated)
7,100 Ib. (by dynamometer)

Length of stroke,
Pumping speed,
Pulley diameter, motor, 11i in.
Bandwheel end of countershaft, 24 in.
Present effective weight,
Theoretically-correct weight,
Correct weight,

44 in.
10 f t .

20- t o 50-hp.

Controller point,
Power input,
R.p.m., average,

Full-load speed, 470 to 970 r.p.m. a t .TO cycles.

6 ( 8 i s wide open)
21.3 hp.
Motor temperature, 55 deg. C.
Air temperature, 20 deg. C.


ainometer Cards



6 15,000

0, \o.ooo





Ilynainometer Ilata
Maximum load,
Minimum load,
Power a t polished rod,
Peak torque,







OF 9003 AND PWlD



Above-ground efficiency,
Below-ground efficiency,
Estimated volumetric efficiency,


52 per cent
29 p e r cent
47 per cent

was pumped off. A fluid pound was evidenced 011 the

test card, and volumetric efficiency was low. These cond i t i o ~ ~could
not bc attributed to a n ineffective gas
anchor, inasmuch a s the gas-oil ratio was lo\v and the
water cut (which tends to break up f r o t h ) n a s high.
Rod loads exceeded the theoretical by about 3,700 lb.
dup to dynamic effects of high speed ail11fluid 1,ountl.
Since the excessive dislllacerner~ta p l ~ e a r e dto be the
mail1 sourc~fof trouble, the punlping s l ~ r e dxvas subsequcxntly rcduccd to !): strokes per ~ n i r ~ u tby
c i~lstalling
a n additional 7;-hg. n ~ o t o r anti a V-belt d r i ~ e ,using
the ol.inina1 25-hp. 111otoi. a s n countershaft." This
change did not affect ~ ~ r o d uion,
c t 1)ut reduced t h e power
input 8.2 hl). I n the 11i11emonths of service there have
been no rod failures I I O Y 1)urnp re1)ail.s. AS compared
with the l~revious nint: mol~ths, this :~rnou~ltsto all
annual saving of a t least !$.i22, a s shown i l l the follo\ving tabulation.
Cost of round-tripping
C : I J R ~o f

I tcln


S ~ I I Iing

SIOII ilig




1t;lt I.

Repair rods. $120

Repair pun~l). 80
Power . . . . . . 518
Total . . $71 8

rents per kwh.


1:a I v



!: 2 2



1'. 1<:1ntzer :~1i(11C. (;. l'rostel. '.Oil-\Yell l ' e r f ~ ~ r ~ i i a n., *.\

) l ' r o ~ ~ o s eTd ~ ~ . ~ ~ l i ~ l o l oDril1i)ly
nrtd J'rorl~~r~tiori
I'rnct ice, 19.37, 118.
?Nt.d Clark. 11. I:. I')iingberg, a n d 1'. I,. liilrtzk~... ' l : n ~ l t ~ r s t : i ~ i d
~ I I Cl'uLnl~ing-\irell
I'roblenis," Oil Gas d . 36 [ S I ] 35 I l ! ~ : i i )
.'.T. .\. hfoger. I'olrcr-Plont T c s t i ~ i g ,2nd ,~111..110-1.
('. J. Coberly, "i'roblems in Jfotlcrri I)eel)-iY(~ll
~Sof'. 1lf'r:ll. b , ' ~ ~ !spring
niP~'ting (l!):lS I .
" I-I. N. hfarsh. "High Volilmetric Efficit~~ic!:in Oil-\Tell I ' I I I U ~ I ing a n d I t s I'ractical Resr~lts." Prne. A P I 12>1 [IV] 47 I ['rod.
Itrtll. -Yo. 207) ( 1 9 3 1 ) .
C. .I. Coberly, discussion of 1)alIrr by Ii. S . Sl:~rsli. '.IIigh
Yolri~;etrie Efficiency iri Oil-\Yell I'umping a110 I t s I'ractil-a1 1 t ~ s l ~ l t s . Proc. S P J 1 2 M [IV] 57 (Prod. B u l l Xn. 2 0 7 ) (1931 1 .
Robert William R i e ~ i i e t s ." l ' l u n ~ e r Trarc.1 of Oil-iY1.11 I ' L I I I L ~ ) ~ . ~ '
I)rilling a n d l'roduction I'racticc, l9.j;li, 15.').
Emory Kemler, discussion of a 1):lpt.r by \\'. I?. Uilhvrt. ' .\n
Oil~\TelI P u m p Dyiiagr,?[~h." Jjrillirry n ~ ~Pror71rc~tio)r
. , 1li
- -.
"J. C. Slonnegcr. "Vibrntiol~ l'robltms i n Uil \t-(~lls."I l r i l l i ~ ~ r j
tr~rrlI'rodtiction Practice, 19.17. 1i!1.
"' D. G. Kingnian. "i\pplication of .\Iulti-cylilitlcr Gas I~Crigirl~~s.
I'roc. A P I 1 7 M [IV] 14 ( P r o d . Bull. Xo. 217) ( 1 9 3 6 ) .
" B. H. Robinson. "Economics of Pumping," Drilling nod 1'1.v
rlltction I'rnctice, 18.5'5, Dl.




' I<.


I . I I ~ S . $:{I)

. . . . . . . . . . .(I.(;

improvements, and a substantial percentage of tests will

lead to very important improvements. Benefits include
both increases of production and reduced operating cost
through elimination of troubles. This paper has outlined the procedure f o r making and interpreting such

8522 =7:3 per cent

The total cost of installing the equiplnent was $283.

Well "C"
Ten days after re-drilling had been conlpleted, well

"C" was tested with the dy~iamolneterto obtain general

information concerning the rig operation preliminary to
a sub-surface pressure test. As shown in Table 4, r i g
loads were moderate and the counterbalance excessive.
However, the important observation was t h a t the shape
of the dynamometer card is characteristic of wells not
pumped off, having good volumetric efficiencies. As the
card mas not consistent with the low values of belowground and volumetric efficiency, computed from test
d a t a , leakage was suspected to be the cause. Inasmuch
a s the slow-speed card was similar to card 3 i n Fig. 5,
a n y leakage was probably ]lot in the pump, but in the
tubing or t h e shoe. When the tubing was pulled several
days later, the leak was discovered in a tubing collar
a t 3,036 f t .

Fifteen years' experience h a s shown t h a t a n aggressive policy of dynamometer testing is well worthwhile.
Such a policy consists of testing every well a s soon a s
practicable a f t e r i t h a s been p u t to pumping, and again
whenever there is a n y reason to suspect t h a t conditions
have changed. Nearly every such test, if properly conducted and interpreted, should lead a t least t o minor


J. G. Umpleby and D. 0. Johnson (The S. M. Jones

Company) (written) : We wish to commend Mr. Marsh
and Mr. W a t t s on writing this paper considering the
l~racticaluse of the polished-rod dynamometer. \Ire hope
t h a t this will lead to a better understanding a s to the
value of this type of work.
Our reason f o r this is twofold: 1, well studies permit
a better selection of the proper sucker rod to meet the
conditions in each individual well; and, 2, a better
knowledge of each individual well's characteristic makes
i t possible f o r the producer to get better life out of his
equipment. I n other words, to get the life out of sucker
rods which is built into them a t the factory, the producer should know all the facts concerning conditions
which they a r e u p against.
The field engineering department of our conlpang
have in the past three years devoted their entire time
to well-study work i n many fields a n d i n many types
of wells. Our main consideration has been t h e load
characteristics of individual wells and their effects on
sucker rods. F r o m a practical point of view, i t is
necessary to consider t h e well a s a unit-thus
not only
taking i n other pieces of equipment including the
pumping unit and the pump, but also the consideration
of the inherent characteristic of the well being pumped.
These include the production history of the well, the
corrosiveness of the fluid, the amount of g a s present,
etc. I n doing this work, our chief instrument h a s been
the electrical strain-gage type of dynamometer. This
type of instrument h a s been mentioned i n the paper just.
given, and we should like to take t h e opportunity of
briefly describing i t s use and principle of operation.




Electrical Strain-Gage Type of Dynamometer

This type of instrument is illustrated in Fig. 1 and
2 (Umpleby and Johnson). Fig. 1 shows the instrument out of its carrying case, with all of the parts

As the tube compresses, i t unbalances a n electrical

Wheatstone bridge circuit, and this unbalance causes a
deflection of a galvanometer or oscillograph element.
Deflection is measured by using a small light beam and
recording i t on photographic film, and is calibrated to
read in actual pounds. The load is recorded with reference to polished-rod position, and the stroke component
is taken directly off the beam hanger and transmitted
to the instrument by means of a cord which operates a
mechanism causing the oscillograph to oscillate. This
instrument has the inherent advantage of being very
sensitive and instantly responsive to any fluctuations
in load.

Considering the Well as a Unit

Electrical Strain-Gage Dynamometer.


Electrical Strain-Gage Dynamometer.


grouped together. Fig. 2 shows it hooked up to the

well being studied.
The load is measured with this type of instrument by
the amount of compression i n the strain gage placed
between the hanger bar and the polished-rod clamp.

I t has been our experience, in working with a number of producers in the Mid Continent Field, that most
practical results are obtained when each well is considered a s a n individual unit. Not only should all facts
concerning the well itself be considered, but also the
service history and limitations of equipment.
I n order to get the most out of a dynamometer study,
i t is first important to study over the office records concerning the well to be studied. This should include a detailed study of production from the well, a study of the
down-time on the well and the reason for this downtime, and the detailed record of equipment failures.
The facts disclosed from these office records will show
that many wells are pumping satisfactorily, and that
little can be done to better their operation. If a well is
proved to be performing satisfactorily, then a dynamometer study may not prove economical.
If the facts concerning a well a r e carefully studied
before each dynamometer study is made, a more definite
procedure can be established a s to what to look for in
the dynamometer cards. Often times the records of the
production of the well can give a n indication of what
to expect in making the dynamometer study. If i t is
found that the well has been producing with a low
volumetric efficiency, i t may be that the well is pounding fluid-and this may be detrimental to the sucker
rods and other equipment. On the other hand, the
low efficiency may be due to other factors such as
gas getting into the barrel, preventing it from filling
with fluid, or the tubing might possibly be leaking, o r
the plunger may not be getting full travel due to excessive friction or an improper pumping cycle. A well
which is operating with too low a n efficiency is always
worth studying, and many operators agree that a
pumping well should make a t least 80 per cent volumetric efficiency based upon the polished-rod stroke.
Low efficiency is one good index of whether the well
offers good opportunity for practical results in making
a dynamometer study. Of course, it is evidently worth
making a study on a well that is giving excessive downtime due to sucker-rod o r other mechanical breakage.
One Kansas operator during the year of 1937 had a
total of 224 pumping wells with only 300 pulling jobs.
These pulling jobs included rod failures, pump repairs,
tubing jobs, etc. Out of the 300 pulling jobs, it was
found that 141 occurred in 20 wells, or 47 per cent of

In studying a number of troublesome wells for one

producer in Kansas, we found one particular well
which w a s quite a lot heavier than t h e others-weighing about 20,000 Ib. This particular well had a special
pump. condition. A t a later date this well was again
weighed, and the load was only 17,000 lb., the differencc
being t h a t a new and better adapted pump had been
It w a s decided to experiment further, and the pump
was pulled out and the plunger cut in half and re-run.
The result was t h a t the load was reduced 2,300 lb., op-

the pulling jobs occurred in only 9 per cent of the wells.

I t is evident t h a t a large saving could be effected by
carefully studying these wells in a n endeavor to reduce
the pulling costs.
Even with a few troublesome wells, this pulling-job
record may certainly be considered excellent from the
standpoint of operating costs. Most of this was accomplished by watching carefully t h e apparent volumetric efficiencies of the wells and making changes in
pump setting and changes of pumping speeds and stroke
so a s to obtain good efficiency. Dynamometer studies
were made only on the troublesome wells, where the
difficulty was not apparent. Some of these were in a
very badly corrosive area, and t h e trouble was due to
sucker-rod failures. This was corrected by installing
larger tubing and larger rods in order to lower the
stresses on the sucker rods.
It h a s been our observation t h a t usually most trouble
on a n y one lease is encountered on comparatively few
wells. A study of these troublesome wells will usually
result in a g r e a t decrease in operating expenses.
In order to illustrate the necessity f o r considering
each well as a unit, we should like to cite a few examples
of well studies made on troublesome wells where t h e
polished-rod dynamometer was us'ed to give very practical results.

Simple Consideration o f Unnecessary Loads

i t has been brought out that
I n the paper just
calculated loads may be a very useful index in studying
t h e loads recorded by the dynamometer. This consideration may show t h a t the load recorded is beyond reason.
One case studied a t Oklahoma City was a well where
for some unknown reason production had fallen off, and
the load had increased to such a n extent t h a t the engine
would no longer operate the well. The trouble w a s
first expected to be i n the engine, and thought w a s being
given to the use of a larger one. Only by slipping the
clutch was i t possible to turn the well over through a
few strokes and get a recording of t h e load on the
The characteristics of the cards showed excessive
friction down the hole; and inasmuch a s the records
did not show any evidence of a crooked hole, i t was concluded t h a t t h e tubing catcher n e a r t h e bottom of the
string had crawled u p during the pumping motion so
a s t o throw a slack in the tubing-causing
i t to be
slightly corkscrewed, and resulting in excessive friction
between rods and tubing.
A pulling unit w a s brought to t h e well, and the top
of t h e tubing pulled u p 3%ft. This took all of t h e slack
out of it, and the well was put back to pumping without a n y difficulty. The actual result came very close
to calculations, and showed a decrease of about 9,000 lb.
i n t h e load. Fig. 3 (U. and J.) illustrates t h e dynamometer card taken on this well before t h e tubing w a s
pulled up, and Fig. 4 (U. and J.) shows the card afterward-indicating
free movement of the rods and


erating at the same speed and stroke and maintained
production. Fig. 5 (U. and J.) shows the two dynamometer cards taken on this well with the two plungers
used. These cards have been superimposed one upon
the other to show t h e differences i n these load characteristics.
Representative Dynamometer Cards
One of the difficulties in making polished-rod dynamometer tests is to be s u r e t h a t the load characteristic
recorded is representative of the actual conditions which
normally exist in the particular well being tested.
As mentioned above, a study of the office records may
give a clue to know w h a t kind of a condition may be
expected. I n a certain well in Seminole t h a t h a s been




giving considerable trouble, office record's were chicked,

and the efficiency was found to be very low and a pumpoff condition was suspected. Fig. 6 (U. and J.) i s t h e
dynamometer card taken on t h e well immediately a f t e r
the instrument had been installed, and shows a fullbodied card with no indication of low efficiency. The well
was allowed to run f o r a period of about two hours, and
a re-check was made and another card taken which
checked the first one very closely. I t was then noted
t h a t t h e well w a s only running 19 strokes per minute,
whereas the office records had given the normal speed
a s being 22. The well was speeded u p to normal opera-

and indicated t h a t very little work was being done by

the pump. A check a t the bleeder showed t h a t a t this
particular time t h e well was not producing a n y fluid,
and this meant t h a t the pump was completely gas-locked.
I n order to get the representative card, i t w a s necess a r y to break down this gas-lock condition. The well
was speeded up so t h a t the plunger would travel f u r t h e r
and increase the compression ratio, thus forcing t h e g a s
through the traveling valve. Fig. 9 (U. a n d J.) i s a
transition card taken t o show the development of the
normal pumping characteristics. The gas-lock is broken,
and t h e well begins to pump.



tion, and 20 min. l a t e r pumped off and developed a severe

pound. Fig. 7 (U. and J . ) is the card showing t h e pound.
H a d not the records on this well been checked, the
original card would have been taken a s being representative, and the dynamometer test would have been of little
value. Further, experimentation was made on this well,
reducing the speed to a point where the pump-off w a s
I n another well a t Fittstown, Okla., the records
showed i t to be making considerable gas. Also i t w a s
producing with a low volumetric efficiency-which indicated t h a t the g a s was getting into the pump, allowing
i t to fill only partially with fluid. The first card taken,
shown in Fig. 8 (U. and J . ) , was of very small area,

In conclusion, we should like to stress the importance

of keeping good office records on pumping wells; a s
these records make i t possible to determine whether a
well study would prove to be a n economic advantage.
These records should be i n such a f o r m t h a t they may
readily be gone over from time t o time t o determine
the performance of a n y one well.
When a dynamometer study i s made on a particular
well, g r e a t care should be taken to be s u r e t h a t t h e
card i s representative of w h a t is considered normal
operation; a s often dynamometer cards can be obtained
which will conflict with the facts which a r e kept i n the
Trying to cure a sick well without a record on the

well is a little bit like a doctor trying to diagnose what

is wrong with the patient without the patient giving
him any information about himself. From the work
which we have done on pumping wells in the last three
years and the many practical operating results obtained,
there is little doubt that there is a large field for the
further reduction of lifting costs through a n extended
application of the knowledge and experience available.
M. A. Wright (The Carter Oil Company) (written) :
I n the Mid Continent area practically every major producing company and pumping-equipment manufacturer

rod loading studies. The course followed in these studies

has been to investigate with a surface dynamometer all
wells that indicate the approach of excessive rod failure.
From the data taken, i t has been found that most of our
failures have resulted from over-stressed rods-the correction for which has been the installing of properlydesigned rod strings, changing of pump diameters, or
the operating of the wells a t a more favorable motion.
Besides these very obvious results, we have been able
to increase the production of a number of individual
wells by recognizing certain dynamometer-card characteristics which a r e indicative of pump performance,



has initiated a program of individual well study by

means of polished-rod load measurements during the
past three years. The majority of this work is being
carried on by electrical-recording dynamometer or mechanically-recording strain gages.
We started a program of dynamometer well study
early in 1936 using the strain-gage type of instrument,
and have had very profitable results, both directly and
indirectly. In the Seminole area, where we have some
200 pumping wells, the sucker-rod failure frequency
was 0.682 per 1,000 pumping hours in 1935. In 1936
this was decreased to 0.547, and in 1937 to 0.456. This
indicates that we have had a decline of 33 per cent in
the rod-failure rate, which we believe can be attributed
largely to the knowledge we have gained through sucker-

and making changes in either operation or equipment

which results in increased pumping efficiency.
The information gained from individual well studies
has also been of practical application in the determining
of the proper type and size of surface equipment necessary for given pumping conditions. A t the present
time we are installing electrical pumping equipment in
the Fitts and Keokuk Pools-previous to which a great
number of electrical pumping-unit efficiency tests had
been made and used in arriving a t the power-plant
capacity necessary for these fields. Indications are that,
when fluid loads become of consequence in these fields,
routine checks will have to be made of all wells to keep
them properly counterbalanced, thereby minimizing
power-plant peak loads which are reached when exces-

other data and instruments in connection with dynamometers in order to make a complete analysis of any
particular situation.
The dynamometer is a n easy instrument to apply, and
should be one of the first used when trouble arises. It
is believed that in almost every case excessive trouble
or cost can be attributed to over-loaded, under-balanced,
or improperly-operated equipment. It affords a simple
method of observing quickly the effects of changes in
speed, stroke, plunger size, etc., on well loads and horsepower requirements. The old trial-and-error methods
required a long time for the accumulation of evidence;

sive individual well loads resulting from improper

counterbalancing become synchronous.
The more or less recent adaptation of the dynamometer to the measuring of pull-rod loads has increased the scope of its use, in that the proper balancing
of backcrank and central-pumping power installations
may be effected.
Other producing companies who are devoting time to
dynamometer well studies are securing results comparable to ours; and it is believed that, a s our experience broadens with the continued use of this instrument, our analyses of well operating conditions will


become more exact and the practicability of the study
further demonstrated.
Emory Kemler (Gulf Oil Corporation) : This paper
has been so simply presented that i t would appear to be
a very easy matter to look a t a dynamometer card and
tell just what to do to correct any operating difficulties
or to improve operating conditions. Actually, i t requires
a great deal of study and experience to make an analysis
of this type.
By making bottom-hole-pressure pumping tests and
weighing the well simultaneously, we have found many
unexpected facts. In many cases it has been found that
where a well is pounding fluid i t does not mean that
i t is producing a t capacity. I t is often necessary to use


and frequently other conditions changed, and many
changes were not properly evaluated.
The authors of this paper a r e to be complimented on
bringing out in such a simple form a method of analyzing the data on a n individual well. Continued work and
papers along these lines should be encouraged.

J. C. Slonneger (Continental Supply Company) :

Very little has been said about the effect of speed. In
my estimation the striking thing that was shown on the
cards was largely speed. Two of the cards shown we
recognized a t once that they were third-order cards,
which show a loop a t each end and a very high peak in
the middle. The improvement in pumping could have
been increased very much had that speed been increased

to a 1)oirlt where t h a t particular vibration disappeared.

I t was apparent t h a t little attention was paid to t h a t
part of the analyzing of the dynamometer cards.
1 noticed t h a t one of the cards, which I believe was
a Seminole well-it
must have been a S e m i n o l ~well.
although I did not hear it plainly-was
19 strokes a
minute, and it was a third-order carti; hence, it had to
be about 4,200 ft. deep-it
could not havt. been anything else; and if t h a t speetl had been stepped up to
probably 23 strokes a minute. the rods would have
reached out about to the w e ~ g h tof the fluid, and then
the card would havc pulled straight across the top
ivithout increasing the load very much. H a d t h a t been
stepped u p still further, to probably X i or 34 strokes a
minute, with a shorter stroke aiid a t the same rod speed,
thcy might have gotten still better results.
1 also noticed a card t h a t was taken in a n Oklahoma City well where apparently the same condition
existed. The distribution of the a r e a was very bad;
i . P., all the area w a s in the middle of the card, and
lo thing a t t h e ends. To make f o i easy pumping, I
believe t h a t the a r e a should bc pretty well distributed
01-er the card. Let us imagine now t h a t we pump a t
just the right speed so t h a t the stopping of the rod
s t r i n g would give just enough stretch in those rods
to equal the stretch which the fluid load would apply.
Then the rod would reach out and t h e load would come
up right together without increasing the load. I f , however, we pump a t such a speed t h a t t h e rods a r e stopped,
or a r e even going up a t t h e bottom while the top is
still going down, aiid they go this way in the third order.
then we r u n up t h e load very high, and the result is
always t h a t kind of card.
I also noticed a very bad fourth-order card. That
onr: does about the same thing. I n Mr. Marsh's paper
tie pointed out, I believe in the last well "C," the
pumping was very much improved by going t o about 22
strokes per minute. The speed t h a t he had been pumping
a t was alnlost a second-order card but not quite. I be1iei.F: t h a t about 174 strokes per niinute would have
heen a second-order card.
'There is inuch to be learned yet 111 studying the effect
of speed oil dyrianlometer cards. I have found, however,
that it. is quite possible to predict the character of the
ca1.d. 1 belicve t h a t if you will refer to Mr. Marsh's
first or second card, you will notice t h a t it is a n exact
thirii-order card, in which the loop a t the beginning of
tht, stroke loops around the weight of the oil alld the
loop a t the end of the stroke loops arouiid the weight of
the rods. T h a t is the way it must Ile, hecause the vibrati011 must vibrate above and below the load. Irr the one
casc the load is the weight rif the rod plus the oil; and
the]),w h e n the rods a r e unloaded, i t must \-ibratr. around
tht. \\eight of the rods only, and so a third-orcicr card

may be predicted almost on the head if you know the

actual weight of the oil. You need only to d r a w a loop
a t the weight of the oil and another loop a t the end f o r
the weight of the rod, connect the two, and you will have
a third-order card. That may be very much improved
by pumping a t some other speed. I should be very inuch
interested in obtaining a n y information available along
those lines. One or two companies have done such work,
and some of the information h a s been passed along to
me, and it has beell very valuable. I a m so situated t h a t
I cannot always perform those experiments myself; so I
have to depend largely on the information I get froni
other sources and upon accidental information t h a t I
have a n opportunity to pick up myself.
Chairman Walton E. Gilbert (Shell Oil Company)
(written) *: The authors have provided a valuable discussion of polished-rod dynamometer applications with
a f u n d of information, which will doubtless lead t o a
much wider use of this type of instrument.
A s a supplementary note on "inferred results," it
may be mentioned t h a t plunger loads are materially
affected by t h e proportional weights of liquid and g a s
handled through t h e pump; so t h a t the plunger load
may be a s little a s one-half t h a t t o be expected with
the tubing full of liquid, making t h e slow-speed upstroke load considerably less t h a n the theoretical upstroke load. Pumpers in which reduced loading is
mainly due t o free tubing g a s a r e frequently classified
a s "agitating wells," due possibly t o production of
liquid through the well head in slugs. The loading
in such wells indicates a much higher fluid level t h a n
actually exists, and reliance must be placed on t h e
below-ground efficiency, which will not be correspondingly high.
I t may be observed also that, where a considerable
production leak exists either i n the tubing o r a t t h e
shoe, t h e latter should be easily recognized by t h e
tendency of t h e rods to sustain t h e plunger load when
the pump is brought to r e s t ; because, with a tight
standing valve, the fluid load is transferred in a short
time to t h e tubing by leakage past the plunger.

Mr. Marsh: The several discussioils all contribute

to the subject. The only comments t h a t might be
answered pertain to some of the "inferred results"
which a r e admittedly dependent upon judgment. I n
asmuch a s it was the primary purpose of t h e paper t c ~
point out t h e several valuable "definite results" and
only a n afterthought to discuss the inferred results,
it seems best to close by again calling attention to t h e
many applications t h a t a r e beyond controversy.
* I'rt~srnled hp titlv

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