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El promedio de aos de educacin es un indicador aproximado del esfuerzo que ha hecho el pas para instruir

sistemticamente a su poblacin. Colombia est cerca del promedio de Amrica Latina, aunque debera
aumentar su nivel de escolarizacin para acercarse a la situacin de los pases ms desarrollados.

En las ltimas dos dcadas, el sistema educativo colombiano ha

experimentado una transformacin fundamental. El acceso a la educacin ha
sido una prioridad, con polticas ambiciosas que buscan incrementar el nmero
de estudiantes matriculados en todos los niveles y llevar los servicios
educativos a todos los rincones del pas. En solo una dcada, la esperanza de
vida escolar ha aumentado dos aos, y la participacin en la Atencin Integral
y Educacin de la Primera Infancia (EIAIPI) y la educacin superior se ha
incrementado en ms del doble; hasta el 40% y 50% respectivamente. Un
mayor enfoque en los resultados del aprendizaje ha conducido a grandes
reformas de la profesin docente y al establecimiento de un sistema de
evaluacin slido. Una mejor gestin y distribucin de los fondos han sentado
las bases para tener un sistema ms eficaz y satisfacer las necesidades de un
pas tan diverso. Las consultas nacionales sobre la reforma educativa han
despertado un fuerte compromiso de la sociedad para mejorar el sistema. En
conjunto, estas polticas han llevado al sistema educativo colombiano a un
punto de inflexin, justo antes del posconflicto. Colombia actualmente enfrenta
dos retos cruciales: cerrar las brechas existentes en trminos de participacin y
mejorar la calidad de la educacin para todos. Las desigualdades comienzan a
temprana edad; muchos nios desfavorecidos nunca van a la escuela, o no
empiezan a tiempo o asisten a instituciones de menor calidad. Las diferencias
resultantes en trminos de nivel de estudios alcanzado son abismales. La
expectativa de vida escolar de los estudiantes con las peores condiciones de
pobreza es de solo seis aos, en comparacin con la cifra de 12 aos de los
ms ricos, y solo el 9% se matricula en educacin superior, en comparacin
con el 53% de los pertenecientes a las familias ms acaudaladas. La baja
calidad de la educacin es un factor determinante de este retiro progresivo. Un
apoyo deficiente del aprendizaje desde el principio deja a demasiados nios sin
unas bases slidas, por tanto, deben esforzarse al mximo para progresar a un
ritmo aceptable, tienen que repetir aos o desertar del todo. Entre aquellos
estudiantes que continan en el sistema hasta la edad de 15 aos, los
estudiantes colombianos tuvieron un desempeo inferior comparado con el de
sus pares en los pases de la OCDE en el Programa Internacional para la
Evaluacin de Estudiantes (PISA) (376 puntos, en comparacin con 494 en
2012). Un poco ms de la mitad (51%) no alcanz el estndar mnimo
correspondiente a una participacin socioeconmica plena en la edad adulta.
Hacer frente a estos desafos ser clave si el pas desea aprovechar al mximo
el talento de su poblacin joven.

The average years of education is a rough indicator of the effort made by the
country to systematically educate its population. Colombia is close to the
average for Latin America, but should increase their level of schooling to
approach the situation of the most developed countries.

In the last two decades, the Colombian educational system has undergone a
fundamental transformation. Access to education has been a priority, with
ambitious policies that seek to increase the number of students enrolled at all
levels and bring educational services to all corners of the country. In just a
decade, the school life expectancy has increased by two years, and
participation in the Comprehensive Care and Education Early Childhood (EIAIPI)
and higher education has increased more than doubled; up to 40% and 50%
respectively. A greater focus on learning outcomes has led to major reforms of
the teaching profession and the establishment of a sound evaluation system.
Better management and distribution of funds have laid the foundation for a
more efficient system and meet the needs of such a diverse country. National
consultations on education reform have aroused strong commitment of society
to improve the system. Together, these policies have led to the Colombian
education system at a turning point, just before the post-conflict. Colombia
currently faces two crucial challenges: bridging the gaps in terms of
participation and improve the quality of education for all. Inequalities begin at
an early age; many disadvantaged children never go to school, or do not start
on time or attend institutions of lesser quality. The resulting differences in
terms of educational level achieved are abysmal. The expectation of school life
of students with the worst poverty is only six years, compared with the figure of
12 years of the richest, and only 9% are enrolled in higher education, compared
with 53% of those belonging to the wealthiest families. The low quality of
education is a determining factor of this phaseout. Poor support learning from
the beginning leaves too many children without a solid foundation, therefore,
must make every effort to make progress at an acceptable rate, have to repeat
years, or drop out altogether. Among those students who remain in the system
until the age of 15 years, Colombian students underperformed compared to
their peers in OECD countries in the Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) (376 points, compared with 494 in 2012). Just over half
(51%) did not reach the minimum standard corresponding to full social and
economic participation in adulthood. Addressing these challenges will be key if
the country wants to make the most of the talents of its young population.

Pgina principal...
English version...

Introduccin, bienvenida y cuando se puede hacer preguntas.

Good morning, ladies and gentleman. My name's John Jones. I'm head
of sales at Acme Services. ...
I would like to thank you for inviting me here today to talk about... ...
I would like to thank you all for attending this presentation. I plan to be

brief. ...
I shall only take about fifteen minutes of your time. ...
If you have any questions, I'd be very happy to answer them at the
end. ...
Feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions during my
presentation. ... (No es recomendable si tu nivel de ingls no es alto.)

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