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S A I DD \ N \ S
At-Kattme At-TatYllr
1i ,'ai li
#JtJ4t:rtl 1





l 9 9 z - l 4 r 3- l \ q q Y - r \ t \ t '

gr.lf.Ul /z'<tt i{ollJl rlrll

tlrrtAl u.6ti- tltvt\r- tlo.AlA J3b- \\ort (iL-Jl - cot{o :gr.,ra
P.o Box 55195Riyadh 11534- saudi Arabia - Tel. 4650818- 4&7213 - Fax 46334tt9

t. The virtue of Dhikr (Rememberanceof Allah,

the Almighty I
2. The virtue of Praising Allah, the Almighty by
saying: "There is no God, butAllah," and
"Glorifed be Attah, theAlmighty'".......'..'."... I
Rememberanceof Allah, the Almighty at the
beginningand the end of eachday..'...'........ 4
4. S u p p l i c a t i o nusp o n g o i n gt o B e d . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 6
5. Supplications for rvakingup at night............. 8
6. Supplicationsfor Dreams 9
'7. The virtue of Night Prayers......... 9
8. Supplicationsupon entering one'shome.... II
9. Supplicationsupon entering or departingthe
mosque........ II
10. The Call for prayerand thosewho hear it...'.. 12
ll. Supplicationsat the beginning ofthe prayer... l3
t2. Supplicatinsduring prayer @orving,prostration
and sitting betweenprostrations) 15
13. Supplicationsduring prayer (after Tashah-hud
during the final sitting)......... l8
t4. The prayer of choice (Istikharah).. 2l
i5. Supplicationsin times of rvorry and sadness.. " 22
16. Supplicationswhen neeting an enemyand
peoplein authoriy... 23
17. Supplications rvhetlSatanappearsto man..... 24
18. The prayercall dismissesSatan.... '...' 24
19. Accepting man's predestination rvithout negli-
genceor exaggeration 25
20. G.a""s bestorvedupon tnan.....
21. Supplicationstvhen minor or rnajor mishaps/
c a l a m i t i e sf a c ea b e l i e v e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . 26
22. S u p p l i c a t i o nrsv h e ni n d e b t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
23. Supplications upon enteringa cenetary......... 30
24. S u p p l i c a t i o nrsv h e ns e e k i n gr a i n . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 30
25. Supplications at thesightof l'ind 3l
26. Supplications uponhearingthunder............... 3l
27. Supplications uponrainfall......... 32
28. Supplications uponsightingthe nervmoon... JJ
29. Supplications rvhentravelling..... -t -)

30. Supplications uponusingtransportation....... 31

31. Supplications rvhensettlingin a place........... 35
32. Supplications uporleatingor drinking(larvfuI
items).......... 35
JJ. Supplications for visitorsor guests...... 36
34. Supplications concerning greetings............... 36
35. Supplications concerningsneezing andyarvn-
ing............... 38
36. Supplications concerning marriage............... 3 8
37. Supplications concerning givingbirth............ 39
38. Supplications uponhearingthecrorvofthe
rooster,the bray ofthe donkeyor the bark of
thedog......... 4l
39. Supplications concerningrneetings andvisits.. 4l
40. Supplications concerning anger........... 42
41. Supplications concerning afflictionor calamity... 4 3
42. Supplications rvhenenteringa market.............. 43
43. Supplicatins if a mounttrips............. 43
44. Supplications for presenting giftsandpraving
for thegiver............ 43
45. Supplications uponremovalof a harmfulmatter... 44
46. Supplications for thefirst fruit of the season......... 44
47. Supplications rvhenseeingsomething onelikes
withfearof an evileyeaffecting it..........................
48. Supplications concerning optimismandpessi-
mism........... 45
The Virtue of Dhikr (Rententbrance of AIIah, The Almighty)

l. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Should not I tell you about tl-rebest
ofyour deedsand actions? The most pure and accepteddeedsto your
Loid, ettatr, the Almighty, are deeds that raise 1'our level and
positions and are better for you than spcnding gold and money in
iharity. These deeds are better than confronting your enemies,
fighting with them, cutting their necks and your enentv cutting
yours!; They, his follorvers,said: "Oh Prophetof Allah! Please,tell
us!" He, (pbuh) said: "The Remembranceof Allah!"

2. Allah's Apostle (pbuh), said: "Tltose lvho are singled out have
won the race; they have beat the rest." They, his companions,said:
"Who are those who are singled out, Oh Prophet of Allah?" He,
(pbuh) said: "Those n'ho remember Allah, both the men and

3. AMullah Bin Bosr (r.a) stated that a man once told Allah's
Apostle (pbuh): "Oh Prophet of Allah! I am ovenvhelmedby the
Isiamic duties prescribedto me. Please,guide me to somethilg to
which I can adhere." He, (pbuh) said: "Let your tonguecontinuously
move with Remembranceof Allah, the Ahnighty."

1. It is reported that Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Comparison of

the personrvho remembersHis Lord and one rvho doesnot. is like the
living and the dead."

5. It is reported that Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "A person rvho

staysin a piace rvherehe doesnot rememberAllah, the Al'righty will
be-responiiblefor this misdeed. And he 'fio lies dorvn in a place
where he does not remember Allah, the Almighty $'ill also be
responsiblebefore Allah, the Almighty for his negligence'" In the
end, such a personrvill regret his rnisdeedand his negligence'

The Virtue of Praising Allah, the Almighty by Sayingz "There is

No Gotl, But Allah," anrl "Glorified Be Allah, the Alntighty'"

6. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "He $4ro saysa hundredtimes daily:

"There is no God, but Allah. He has no partner. To Him belongsthe
Kingdom, to Him belongsall praise. He is Most Capableof doing as
He wishes," will receive a reward equivalent to that of the
emancipationof ten slaves. It will be credited to him as 100 good
deeds. Additionally, 100 bad deeds rvill be omitted or erased. Also,
it will fortify him against evil the entire day. No person rvill be
consideredbetter unless a secondperson exceedswhat the first person
has done."

7. He, (pbuh) said: "Saying: "All Glory and praise is due to Allah"
100 times daily will causeone's sins to be omitted or erasedeven if
one's sins were as numerous as the white tips on the rvavesin the

8. Allah's Apostle, (pbuh) said: "There are two light phraseson the
tongue, yet very healy on the scales in terms of retvard.
Additionally, they are most belovedto Allah, the Beneficent. These
phrases are: "All Glory and Praise is due to Allah. Allah, the
Almighty is the One to be Glorified at all times, nothing comparesto

9. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: Saying: "subhana-Allah',(All Glory

is due to Allah), "Al-Hamdu-lil-lah" (All praise is due to Allah).
"La-illaha-il-lallah" (There is no God but Allah) and "Allah-u-
Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest)is rnore belovedto ne than the entire
earth." This is reportedon the authoriqvof Muslim.

10. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "The follou,ing four phrasesare the
most beloved to Allah, the Almighty. One may begin rvith saying
any of them: "Subhana-Allah, Al-Hamdu-Lil-Lah, La-ilah-il-la-
Allah, Allah-u-Akbar" (All Glory is due to Allah, All praise is due to
Allah, There is no God but Allali, Allah is the Greatest)." Tl.ris is
reportedon the authority of Muslim.

ll. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Why rvould a believer fail to earn
one thousandgood deedsdaily if he could?" Upon that, one of his
companions asked: "Ho\r, can one earn 1000 good deeds?" He,
(pbuh), said: "By saying 100 times: "All Glory is due to Allah"
(SubhanaAllah) one can earn 1000good deedsor 1000 ofhis sins
can be forgiven."

12. Jt)is rcpo(ed that Juwairiyeh, Um'ul-Mumineen (the mother of

the faithfirl believers), (r.a) (may Altah be pleasedwith her) said:
"Once, after offering Fajr prayer, the Prophet, (pbuh) left the area
while I remainedin the sameplace where I had ofreredmy prayers.
'Are you
He, @buh)cameback, found me in the samespotand said:
still in the sameposition that I left you?" I answeredafltrmatively.
He, (pbuh) said: utteredfour phrases,three times each,afler I left
you. If thosephraseswere to be comparedwith all that you said this
morning, they would weigh greaterthan all your statements. These
phrasesare: 'All Glory is due to Allah, as numerousas are the
creationsof Allah." All Glory is due to Allah, as much as it pleases
Him.' All Glory is due to Allah, as much as are the numberof His
'There is
13. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)oncesaidto a bedouin: "Say:
no God but Allah, He has no partner. Allah is the Greatest. All
praiseis due to Allah. All Glory is due to Allah, the Lord of the
Worlds. There is neither might nor power exceptwith Allah, the
Most Dignified, the Wise." The bedouinin turn said: "Thesewords
are for My Lord, Allah, the Almighty, but rvhataboutsomethingfor
me?' He, (pbuh)replied: "Say: "Oh Allah! Forgiveme. Oh Allah!
Be Merciful to me. Oh Allah! Guide me. Oh Allah! Cure and
pardonme. Oh Allah! Increasemy provisionsand sustenance."

14. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "I saw (Prophet)Ibrahim (pbuh)

during the Night of the Ascension(to heaven),who said: "Oh
Mohammad! Give your nation my greetings,and tell them "Paradise
is very fertile land, with excellentfresh water. It is like the plains.
The bestsproutsand seedlingsin preparationfor paradiseis (to say):
'All Glory is due to Allah. All praiseis due to Allah. Thereis no
Godbut Allah. Allah is the Greatest."

15. Atlah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "ShouldI guideyou to the Treasure

of Paradise?"The companions, (r.a) said: "Oh Prophetof Allah!
Pleasedo!" He, (pbuh) said: "Say: "La-Halvla-rva-la-Qu-w-rvata'il-
lal-bil-lah" (Thereis neithermight nor powerexceptwith Allah, the
of Allah, the Almighty at the Beginningand End
ofeach day

16. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "He, whoeversays(upon waking)

in the morning,and (upongoing to bed) in the evening: ',Sub-hana-
Allahi, wa-behamdehi (All Glory is due to Allah; all praiseis due to
Him) a 100 times, will not be outdonein good deedson the'Day of
Judgementexcepta personwho doesthe same,or more."

17. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)usedto sayeveryevening: "Eveninghas

come. The Kingdom belongsto Allah. All praiseis due to Allah.
Thereis no God but Allah. He has no partner. To Him belongsthe
Kingdomand Praise. He is Most Capableof doingasHe pleases.Oh
Atlah! I askyou for the bestof this night and the bestof the nightsto
come. Oh Allah! I seekrefugefrom the evil of this night and from
the evil of the nights to come. Oh Allah! I seekrefugewith you
from laziness. Oh Allah! I seekrefugervith You from feebleness
and old age. Oh Allah! I seekrefugewith You from the torture of
hellfire and of the grave." In the morning,he, (pbuh)usedto repeat
the above,exceptfor: "It is the morning,and the Kingdom belongs
to Allah, the Almighty."

18. Abdullah Bin Khobaib (r.a) said: "Once,on a rainy and very
dark night, we set out to ask Allah's Apostle(pbuh) to pray for us.
Whenwe caughtup with him, he, (pbuh)said(to me): "Say." But, I
did not say an)'thing.Then, he, (pbuh) said (again): "Say." But,
againI did not sayanlthing. Then,he, (pbuh)said:"Say." I asked:
"Oh Prophetof Allahl What should I say?" He, (pbuh) replied:
"Say: "Allah is One,and (chapters ll2, ll3 and ll4 o0 the Holy
Quran every time you go to bed and when you rvake up in the
morning. Say this three times and it shall protect you (from all

19. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) usedto teach his companions: "Upon

waking in the morning,one shouldsay: "Oh Allah! It is (due to
Your blessing)that we rvakeup and passthroughthe day. It is (due
to Your blessing)that we live and die, and to You belongsthe matter
ofresurrection."Upon approach ofevening,oneshouldsay: "Oh
Allah! Eveninghascomeand we belongto You. It is throughYour
will that we live and die, and to You is our final destiny."

20. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "The Master

Forgiveness prayeris: "Oh Allah! You are My Lord! There is no
God but You. You createdme and I am Your slaveservant. I shall
preserveand honor You as much as I am able. I seekrefugewith
You from all my sins. I confessYour grace and the countless
bountiesYou havebestowedupon me. I admit my guilt and all sins.
Soplease,forgiveme! No onecan pardonand forgivesinsbut You."
He who saysthis before retiring or sleepingand dies (during the
night) will enterparadise.And he who saysit upon arisingand dies
beforethe endof the daywill alsoenterparadise."

21. Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq(r.a) said: "Allah's Apostle,(pbuh) said:

"Wheneverone getsup or goesto sleep,he shouldsay: "Oh Allah,
the All-Knower of the seenand the unseen,the Originator of the
heavens andearth,the Lord ofall things,and the King ofall beings.
I bearwitnessthat thereis no God but You. I seekrefugewith You
from my own evils, and from the Satan'sevils. I seekrefugervith
You from associationof otherswith You, like that of Satan." One
reportadded: "I seekrefugervith You from rvrongingmy orvn soul
or bringing any wrongdoingto a Muslim." Saythis rvhenyou rvake
up, at the endofthe dayand whenyou go to sleep."

22. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Any slaveservantof Allah, the

Almighty who saysin the morningand in the evening: "In the Name
of Allah, in WhoseNamenothingon earthor in heavenrvill harmbe
harmed.He is the All-Hearer,the All-Knorving,threetimes,nothing
(with the helpof Allah, the Almighty)will harmhim."

23. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "If onesaysat dusk: "I an-rsatisfied

with Allah, the AlmightyasMy Lord, Islamas my Religion(andrvay
of life), and Mohammad(the Prophet),(pbuh) as my Prophet(and
Messenger of Allah), it becomes
incumbentuponAllah, the Almighty
to satisf him."

24. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)no'er neglectedthe

follou'ingprayerin the morningor in theevening:
"Oh Allah! I seekYour Pardonin this life andfor thehcreafter.
Oh Allah! I seekYour Pardonfor my faith. my u'orldly affairs.nt.v
familyandmy rvealth.
Oh Allah! Protectmefrom all horrorsanddanger.
Oh Allah! Protectme from the front andback.the right and lcft.
Oh Allah! I seekrefugervithYou from bcing assassinated fronr
underneath me."

Praycrsupon goingto Bcd

25. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)upon goingto bed at night.usedto say:

"Oh Allah! By Your NameI die, and by Your NameI live." Upon
wakingin the morning,he. (pbuh)rvouldsal': "All Praise.is dueto
us after death. Resurrection
Allah. He rvho resurrected belongsto

26. Everynight Allah's Apostle(pbuh)upon goingto bed,uscdto

put both hands close togcther,blol' into thcm and recite suras
"Ikhlas,""Falaq"and "Nas." Then he, (pbuh)lvouldrvipehis hands
overhis entirebodybeginningrvith his facearrdhcadandmovingon
to thechestandcontinueddosnu'ard.He rcpeatcd this tlrreetintcs.

27. lt is reportedthat Abu Hurairah(r.a) said: "A pcrsoncreptlll

duringthe night andtried to stealfront the itemsprescnted to Allah's
Apostle(pbuh)for alms (charit.v), lhich rvereentrustcdto me' He
was not successful. The person came back nc\t night. again
unsuccessfully. Finally,on the third night I caughthim andtold hin
thatI wasgoingto reporthim to Allah'sApostle.(pbult). The pcrson
said: "If I teach1'ousomephrases thatl'ill benefit1ou(u'ould1'oulct
me go)?" (The companionsof Allah's Apostle,(pbuh) usedto be
extremelyinterestedin accumulatingas n'ranvgood dccds as
possible.)The thief said: "Upongoingto bcd to slecp.reciteAvat-
ul-Kursee(Verse256of Suraal-Baqarah, the Col'). Allah u'ill scttd
(anangel)to guardyou until ntorning." Uponhcaringthis storl'.hc.
(pbuh)said: "Althoughthe thief is a liar. he told t'outhetruth. That

28. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "It s'ill suffrceone(for protection)

to recitethe lasttwo versesof Suraal-Baqarah(theCou')."

29. Altah'sApostlb(pbuh)said: "If one left his bed.thcn canreback.

he shouldshakeit with the edgeof his cloak (shirt or somcthingclsc)
threetimes. One doesnot knolv rvhatmay havehappenedto ltis bcd
in his absence.Whenone lies dorvnin his bed (to sleep)one should
say: "Oh My Lord! With Your NameI lie dou'nands'ith Your Hclp
I shall rise. If You shouldclaim my soul,plcasebc mcrcifulto it.
And if You let it (remainalive), protectit in the same$'a)' that You
protectYour righteouspeople." Whenonelakcs ttp. one shduldsal':
"All Praiseis dueto Allah, the Almightyu'ho kcpt m1'bod1'safe and
sound,ieturned my soul to my body, and allorvcdme to rcmenrbcr

30. Allah'seposile.(pbuh) told Ali (r.a) and Fatimah(his dauS,hter)

(r.a): 'Shall I guideI'ou to rvhatis betterfor 1'outhan a slave(or
maid)? Beforeslecpingsa1:: 33 times "Subhana-Allah." 33 timcs
"Al-Hamdu-lillah' and3.1times"Allah-u-Akbar."

Ali (r.a) said: "I net'erncglcctedsafing thcscstatenrcnts aftcr. I

heardthcm from Allah's Apostle.(pbtrh)."Ali. (r.a)u'asonce askcd:
"Did you not evcn ncglcctthern during the night of thc Battlc of
Siffcen?" He. (r.a)said: "No."

31. Allah Apostle(pbutr)uscdto placchis riglrthand(palnt)undcr

his checkbeforcgoingto slccpaudsar': "Oh Allah! Protcctmc from
torturervhcnYou resurrcctYour sla\c scn'attts'" Hc rcpcatcdthis

32. Allah's Apostte(pbuh)usedto s:r1'beforegoing to slccp: "All

praiseis dueto Allah. He is thc One ulro fcd us. gavcus erlotrghto
drink and (suitable)sheltcr. Thereare manYrrltosenccdsarc not

33. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)onccordcrcda nlan to sal'upongoingto

bed:. "Oh Allah! You Creatednl1'soul.and You are tltc Onc lrllo
$'ill claim it. Life and deatltare in Your Hands. If You let nl1'sotrl
live. please,protectit. If You scizeit. plcase.forgiYcit and its sitts.
Oh Allah! I seekYour pardonaud forgivcncss."
34. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)upon going to bed to sleepl,ould sa1.:
"Oh Allah! The Lord of the heavensand earth, Lord of thc Grcat
Throne. You are Our Lord and Lord of everything.you are the One
who splits the seedand rhe (date)stone. y-ouare the one rvho scnt
down the Torah, the Bible and the Holy euran. I seekrefugeu,ith
You from theevil of all thingsthatYou orvn. Oh Allah! you arethe
First, thereis nothingbeforeYou. Oh Allah! you are the Last,there
is nothingbehindYou. Oh Allah! You are the Highest,there is
nothingaboveYou. Oh Allahl You hold the inner most part of
everything,there is nothing concealedor hidden from you. Oh
Allah! Please,absolveour debtsand provideus rvith your Bounties.
Protectus from poverty."

35. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "Beforeonegoesto bed,oneshould

performwudu (ablution)as if preparingto olfer prayer. Then. ll,ing
on one'sright side,say: "Oh Allah! I turnednryselfto you. I direct
my facetowardYou. I entrustYou tvith all my affairs. I surrendcr
my backto You rvillingly,out of fearand respcctfor you. Thereis
no refugeto be soughtexceptrvith You. I believein the Books,hiclr
You haverevealedand sent dorvn. I believein your Apostleand
Messenger."Thereafter,if onediesduringthe night.onc rvill die in
purityandinnocence.Let yourfinal wordsbcforeslecpingbc these.',

Praycrsfor Waking up at Night

36. It is reportedthat Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "If oneu,akcsup

(outof fearor anyotherreason)duringthc nightand savs:"Thcrcis
no Godbut Allah. He hasno partner.To Him belongsthe Kingdonr.
To Him bclongsall Praise. He is Most Capablc(of doing ts He
pleases). All praiscis dueto Allah. All Gton.is ducro Allah. Thcrc
is no Godbut Allah. Allah is the Greatcst.Thcreis ncithcrnright
nor powerexceptwith Allah. thc Greatest.the Omnipotcnt."Thcn
oneshouldsay: "Oh Allah! Forgit.emc,"or offcrsupplication. thcu
one'sprayersrvill surclybe acccpted. Also, if one thcn pcrfornrs
ablutionandoffersprayer,lhe praveru'ill be acccpted.,'

37. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "If onc goesto bcd clcan(having

performedablution)anduttersrcmenrbranccof Allah. thc Alriliehtr
until being overcomeby drorvsiness. then while sleeping,turns over
at any time during the night asking Allah, the Almighty for the
benefitsof this world or the hereafter,it rvill be grantedto him."38.
It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "When one rvakesup
in the morning,oneshouldsay: "All praiseis dueto Allah l'ho has
returnedmy soul,curedmy bodyandenabledme to glorifv Him."

39. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) recommendedthe follorving to his

companions for frighteningsituations:'With Allah'smostcomplete
and perfectwords I seekrefugefrom Allah's anger,evil acts of his
slaveservantsand the rvhispersand presence
of Satan."

Prayers for Dreams

40. Abu SalamahBin Abdur-Rahman(r.a) said: "I heard Abu

Qatadahbin Ribiee(r.a) saying: "I heard Allah's Apostle(pbuh)
saying:'A gooddreamis from Allah, the Almightyanda baddream
is from Satan. If someonehasa bad dream(nightmare),one shottld
spit (lightly) threetimesto his left side upon rvaking. Then. seek
refugervith Allah, the Alnrightv from tlre evil dreamfor it tvill not
causeharmwithoutAllah'spermission, andoneshouldnot tell others

Abu Salamah(r.a) said: "Dreamsusedto botherme very muchprior

to hearingthis solution.Sometimes,the dreamsu'eighedas hear'-r
a mountainon my chest. But, sinceI havepracticedthis Hadith.I
havepaidlittle attentionto my dreams."

41. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "lf one has a

dreamthat he dislikes,let this personspit (lightl]') to his left three
times,seekrefugethreetimes.thenturn to theothersideon u'hichhe

The Virtue of Night Pral'crs

Allah, the Almighty statedin the Holy Quran. Surat al-Muzzamil

73:l-4: "Oh you foldedin garments!Stand(to pra.v)bv night,but
not all night, half of it, a little less.or a little more: and recite the
Quranin slow,measuredrhythmictones."

42. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: ,'Allah. Our Lord,

descends(Himselfl to the heavensof this universeto*ard the last
third ofthe night and announces:
'Whoeverwould like to call upon me may
do so that I shall respond
to him (fulfill his prayer). Whoevernould like to ask of me nraydo
so that I may grant his requcst. Whoevertould like to scck My
forgivenessmaydo so that I shall pardonhim (andforgirc his sins).',

43. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "The closestone can be to Ailah.

the Almightvis duringthe lastthird (porrion)of the nighr. If onecan
utter remembranceof Allah, the Almighty at this tinre.do so."

44. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: *Verily, thereis one hour during

the (entire)night whenany Muslim (submittingro the Will of Allah,
the Almighty) may call upon Allah, the Almighty and requcst
anythingof Him, regardlessof rvhetherthe nratterbe uorldl.v or of
the hereafter.Diligently Allah, the Almighr.vn,ill grant and full-rtl
the request.This is the caseeachnight."

45. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: 'One shoulddcclareand announce

the follorvingstatementuponleavingone'shomc(placeof du,clling):
"In thenameof Allah. I trustAllah anddependon Him. Thcreis no
greatermight nor porverbut rvith Allah. the Almighty." A voices,ill
then respondto the person saving: "You have bccn sulficientl.v
protectedand guided.' Satanu'ill movea\r,aysaying: "What can !'ou
do to a personrvhois guidcdand protected?"

46. Um Salamah(r.a) said: "Allah's Apostte(pbuh)neverlclt my

homewithoutraisinghis e1'esto the sk]' safing: "Oh Allah! I seek
refugewith You lest I be misguidcdor nrisguideothers.fail (into
trapslaid bv Satan)or causeothcrsto fall, l'rong mvsclf.or cause
wrong to others, suffer from ignorance.or allorv othcrssuffcr fronr

PraycrsUgmnEntering Onc's Homc

47. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "lf one uttcrs remembrance of

Allah, the Almightyuponentcringonc'shonte.andupotrcatingone's
food Satanrvill say (to his agents)that 1'ouare deprivedthem both
the stay and the dinner (in that pcrsott'shomc due to his
remembrance of Allah. the Almight,v. But. if the pcrsonentershis
homeand doesnot utter remembrance of Allah. the Almighty, he
(Satan) rvill say (to his agents) that }'ou have granted thcm
permissionto stay(overnightin this homc). And. if the pcrsondoes
not utter remembrance of Allah. thc Alnright.vupon eating. he
(Satan)will say (to his agents)that "vouhaveassuredthcm of both
stayingovernightandhavingthc dinncr."

48. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)s:rid: "Wltcn one entershis home.one

shouldsay: Oh Allah! I ask of )'ou thc bcstcntry and the bcstexit'
In the nameof Allah, the Almightvue havccntcrcd.In the nanleof
Allah, the Almightyrve(shall)cxit. Upon Our Lord n'e shall rcll'."

49. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "Son! If ]'oucntcr1'ourdrrclling

after the greetings.it rvill bc a blcssinglor both lotr aud 1'our

Prirycrs Upon Entcring or Dcpafiing thc Mosquc

50. Allah's Apostlc (pbuh) upon cntcrillg thc rnosqtrcuould sal': "Itt
the Name of Allah! Oh Allah! Blcss Moharnrllad."Upon dcparting
(he used to say): "In tltc Namc of Allah! Oh Allalt! Blcss

51. He, (pbuh)also said: "Upon cntcrillga mosquc.onc shouldscnd

greetingsto me. Onc sltould ftrrthcr sa1: "Oh Allah! Opcn Yotrr
dOorsOf McrCyl" Upon lcaving thc nrosquc.ortcshouldsltt tltc sarttc.
but add: "Oh Allah! I ask lotr to grallt ntc of Your bountics."

52. It tvasthe habit of Allah's Apostlc(pbtrlt)to silv trponcntcringa

lurosqne:"I seckrcfugcsitlt Allah. thc Grcatcst.uith His Honorablc

Being and His Divine Authority from the cursed devil." Satan rvill
then say: "This personis grantedprotectionagainstrne for the rest of
the day."

The Call for Praycr and Thosc Who Hcnr It

53. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "If pcople knerv the virrues of rhe
prayer call and standing in the first rou,during pra)'er. they u.ould
take a drarv (from a hat) to be in the first ro\,."

54. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "If the praver is called. Satan I'ill
turn his back to avoid listening to the pra)'er call. Whcn the praver
call has finished he turns back. Then. l'hen the praycr is callcd to bc
held, he turns his back again and attenlptsto tvhisper in the cars of
people to remember this, remembcr that and so on. This mav be
misleading enough to causeone to forget cven hotv many Rakats of
prayer he has performed."

55. He, (pbuh),said: "All humansand Jin (unsccncreatures),u'ho

hear the call for the pral'er I'ill rvitnessand tcstifi' on thc Dai, of
Judgenrentfor the personrvho calls for the pral'cr."

56. He. (pbuh), said: "Upon hearingthe call of pravcr.one should

repeatafter the caller."

57. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Upon hearing thc call for the
prayer repeat it as he (the announcer) savs it. Then say. blessings
and grectingsunto n-re(the prophet. (pbuh)). as he n'hosoeversends
greetingsto me, Allal,. the Almighty rvill bestou,a lenfold blessings.
Then, ask Allah, the Alntightl' to grant me the grand rncan (of
inten'ention), as it is a placc in paradise granted onh' to a slave
scn/antof Allah, the Almightr,. tvho I hope l'ill bc me. He u,ho asks
Allah, the Almigh6" to grant me such means as rvill be eligible for
(my) inten'ention."

-58. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Wllcu tlre announccr (of the
prayer) savs: "Allah-u-Akbar (ttvicc)." the person hcaring should
repeatthe same. Then until the announccrS?yS:"Har.y'aAlas Salah

(cometo prayer),"the listenershouldsay: "Thereis neithermight
nor potverbut rvith Allah, the Almightl,'."Then.u'henthe announcer
finally says: nAllah-u-Akbar (trvice),La-ilah-illa-Allah."the listener
shouldrepeatthe samefrom the bottomof his heart. Sucha person
rvill enterparadise."

59. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "Hervhosaysuponhearingthe call

for the prayer: "Oh Allah! Lord of the Conrplete.
Most PcrfcctCall.
the EstablishedPrayer,grant Mohammad(pbuh) the nreansand
virtue. (Oh Allah!) Resurrecthim (Mohamnad.(pbuh)) ro rhe
praiservorthypositionrvhichyou har,epromised."u,ill be entitlcdto
my intercession on theDa.vof Judgement."

60. It is reportedfrom AbdullahBin Omar(r.a) that a n]ancanteto

Allah'sApostle(pbuh)and said: "Oh Prophetof Allahl Thoservho
announcethe prayerrvill be bctterthan us (u,hatshouldrve do to
catchup rviththem?)" He. (pbuh)said: "Sa.vastheysa1'.Whentou
finish,askan1'thing youl,ish andit u,ill be granted."

61. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "Supplications (invocations)

(offered)in betrveenthe (ts'o)callsfor pra)'errvill neverbe rcjected."
The companions, (r.a) said: "O Prophetof Allah! What shouldl,e
s"ly?" He, (pbuh)said: "Ask Allah, the Alnrightyto grant pardou
(andgoodhealth)in boththis life andthe hereafter."

62. It is reportedthat SahlBin Said.(r.a) said: "Allah'sApostle

(pbuh)said: "Trvo(supplications) are never(or rareh')rejected:l.
That rvhichis offeredrvhenthe call for the praveris anuounced.
2. That rvhich is offered on the battlefield durinc direct

At the Bcginningof thc Prll'cr

63. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)u'assaidto pausefor a shorrperiodbeforc

startingrecitationin pra-ver.Watchingthis. Abu Horairah.(r.a)
asked: "Oh Prophetof Allah! -Mav both of mv parentsbc sacrificcd
for you! What do you sa.vrvhen 1ou pausebcfore reciting (in
prayer)?"He, (pbuh)said: "I say:r'Oh Allah! Makethedistancc

betweenmy sins and myself like the distancebet\\ieentlre East and
the West. Oh Allah! PuriS me from m.vsinsas u'hite clothesare
cleansedof all impurities.Oh Allah! Washmy sins$'ith sno\r'.lvaler

64. It is reportedfrom Jobairbin Mu'tim. (r.a) u'ho sarvAllah's

Apostle (pbuh) offering prayer and saying (at the beginning):
'Allah-u-Akbar (He is great). All praiseis due to Allah. All Glory
belongsto Allah, the Almighty in the day and in the night. I scck
refugewith Allah, the Almighty from the curseddevil (arrogance),
his breath(poems),his whistleandhis whisper(spiritualdeath)."

65. It is reportedfrom Aishah.(r.a)and Abu Said,(r.a) that Allah's

Apostle(pbuh)at the beginningof praverusedto say: "All Glory is
dueto You. Oh Allah! Blessedis Your Name. Nothingis equalto
You. Thereis no deitybut You."

66. lt is reportedfrom Omar,(r.a) that Allah'sApostle(pbuh)used

to hgin his prayer rvith: "Allah-u-Akbar."and then the above
67. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)usedto begineachpra.verb1'xtf irtg:
direct my facetorvardHim u'ho createdthe heaveusand the earth- I
am not amongthoservhoassociate (othersn'ith Allah. the Almight-Y).
Verily,my prayer,my worship, my life and my deathbelongto Allah.
the Almighty. With this I n'as cotnmandedby the Lord of the
Worlds. He has no partner. I am among Muslinls (tltoselvho
surrender andsubmitthemselves to Allah. the Almighty). Oh Allah!
Forgivemy sins. Therqis no oneto forgivesinsbut You. Oh Allah!
Guide me toward good morals. There is no grride but You. Oh
Allah! Removeall bad moralsfrom nrY heart. There is no onc
capable to do sobut You. Oh Allah! I hastento You in fulfillnent of
Your call. All goodthingsare in Your Hands. No evil is yours. I
seekrefugervith You. My dignityis ou'cdto You. Blessedis Your
Nameand mostDignified is Your Status. I seekYour pardonand
repentto You."

68. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)saidttpottbeginninghis pral'er: "l dircct

andthc calih. I auron thc
my faceto Hirn I'ho createdtheheavcus

straight path. I am not among thoservho associateanlthing $.ith
Allah, the Almighty. Verily, my prayer,my rvorship,my life, and my
death (all) belong to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. He has no
partner. I am amongMuslims(rvhosubmitto Him rvillingly). Oh
Allah! You are King. Thereis no Godbut You. You Are my Lord.
I am Your slave. I havervrongedmy soul. I admit my mistakesmy
andsins. (Oh Allah!) Please, forgiveall my sins. Theseis no oneto
pardonand forgivesinsbut You. Oh Allah! Guideme torvardbetter
ethicsand attitudes. Thereis no betterguide than you. Oh Allah!
Remove,cleararvayand rvipeawaymy sins. Thereis no oneto rvipe
away sins but You. I am respondingto You. My pleasureis rvith
You. All goodnessis Yours. Evil is not of You. To You I belong. I
trust You. Blessedbe You. You are Most High. I seek Your
forgiveness.I repentto You." This is reportedon the authorityof

69. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said upongettingup during the right to

pray: "Oh Allah! All praiseis dueto You. You arethe Light of the
heavens, the earthandrvhateveris in then. All,praiseis dueto You.
You are the sustainerof the heavens,the earthand s'hateveris in
lhem. All praiseis due to You. You are the True (God). Your
promiseis true. Your rvordsare true. Facing You (on the Day of
Judgment)is true. Paradiseis true. Hell-fireis true. The prophets
are all true. Mohammadis true. The Hour (Day of Judgement) is
true. Oh Allah! I surrender(myself)to You. I believein You. I
trust You. I dependupon You. I rcpentto You and I returnto You.
Oh Allah! For You I fight. To 1'ouI presentm1'claim. Oh AIIah!
Forgivemy pastand futuresins (thoservhichI declareopenlv.and
thoservhich I conceal). You are My Lord. There is no God but

SupplicationsDuring Prll'er (Ruliu (borving),Prostrltion irnd

Sitting BctrvecnProstrations)

70. It rvasreportedby Huthaifa(r.a)that Allah'sApostle(pbuh)n'as

heardsayingduring his Ruku (bou,ingin prayer): "Subhana Rabbia
al-Athim" (Glorifiedbe My Lord. the Greatest).three times.And
rvhenhe,(pbuh)prostrated, saidthreetimes: "Subhana RabbiaAl-

Ala" (Glorifiedbe My Lord,theMostHigh)."

71. Ali (r.a) reporteda description of Allah'sApostle(r.a) in pra-vcr:

"Wrile in Ruku,he,(pbuh)said: "Oh Allah! To You I borv. In You
I believe.To You I surrender.Oh Allah! My hearingis dueto You.
(asis) my sight,my brain, my bonesand mv nen'es." Upon raising
up from Ruku, he, (pbuh)continued: "Allah hearsthoservhopraise
Him. Oh Our Lord! To You is orvedall the praiseas muchas rvhat
fills the skies,the earth,the distancebetrveenand rvhatererelseYou
wish anddesire."Uponprostrating,he,(pbuh)said: "Oh Allah! To
you I prostrate. In You I believe. To You I surrender. My face
prostratesto You who createdit, gave it shape,and split open its
hearingandsight. Blessed be He,theBestof Crcators."

72. Aishah(r.a)said: Allah'sApostle(pbuh)oftensaidduringRuku

and prostration:"Glorifiedbe You. Our Lordl All praiseis due to
You. Oh Allah! Pardonand forgiveme." in an attemptto usethe
meaningsof the Quranicverse: "Elaboratethe praiseof Your Lord
andseekforgiveness.Verily. He is Off-Repenting."Holy Quran7l-

73. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)often said during Ruku and prostration:

"Glorifiedbe You. You arethe Most Holy One. You aretheLord of
theangelsandthe soul."

74. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "Verily! I havebeencommanded to

not recitethe Holy QuranduringRuku or prostration.As for Ruku.
try to gloriry the Lord as much as possible. But, in prostration.
persist rvith supplicationsas much as )'ou can becausesuch
supplicationsarervorthl4rileand mavbe fulfillcd."

75. Awf bin Malik (r.a) said: "I spentone night in praver.u'ith
Allah's Apostle(pbuh). He stoodand recitedSuratal-Baqara."the
Corv"of theHoly Quran. Everytime he reciteda versethat consisted
of seekingnercy from Allah. the Almighty, he, (pbuh).pausedand
askedAllah, the Almightyfor mercy.Everytime he, (pbuh)reciteda
versethat rvarnedof torture, he, (pbuh), pausedand soughtrefuge
rvith Allah, the Almighty fron.rHis s,rath. Thcn. he. (pbuh),bol'ed
doln (in Ruku)takinga similaranlountof timeasrvhenreciting

rvhile standing. He, (pbuh) said during his Rtrku: "All Glon' is dttc
to Him, the Aknight,v, the All Poucrful. the All Dignificd and thc
Grcatcst." Then. hc. (pbuh) rcpcatcdtltc satuein his prostration.

76. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) s:rid upon raising his head fronr Ruku:
"Allah hearsone l'ho praiscd Hint." Then upon standing.lte. (pbuh)
said: "Oh Our Lord! All praisebclongsto You."

77. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said upon raising his hcad from Ruku:
"Oh Our Lord! To You bclongs all praise. all that fills thc hcavcns,
the earth, the distance in bcts'een,and all else You u'islt. You are
worthy of all praisc and glorl'. This is thc urost truthful statcrlrcnt
any slave servant can say. All of us arc Your slave sen'ants. Olt
Allah! Truly, there is no one capableof prevcnting s'hat You havc
given. Oh Allah! There is no one capableof giving an)1hing that
You have withheld. Oh Allah! Even the rnost fortunate pcrson l'ill
not benefit from good fortune unlcss1'oudeclarcit."

78. Rifa'ah bin Rafi (r.a) said: "Once tve u'crc praving bchind
Allah's Apostle (pbult). (Wc hcard hint saving) upon raising his head
from Ruku: "Allah hears one u'ho praiscs Hiut." One ntan prating
behind him, (pbuh) said: "Oh Allah! To You bclongsall praise.a
purihed, plentiful and blcssedpraise." Whcn he. (pbuh) cornpletcd
his prayer turned around and said: "Who said (that phrase)',)"Thc
man said: "I did." Allah's Apostle(pbuh) thcn said: "l sarvutcrc
than thirty angelsrushing to rccord this dccd bcforethe others."

79. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "The closcsta slavc sen'ant to His
Lord is rvhile in prostratiou. Thcrcfore. tr1' to nake as tllal'lv
supplicationsas possiblcdLrrirtgthis time."

80. Allah'sApostlc(pbuh)saiduhilc in prostration:"Oh Allah!

(Please)Forgivcall mv sins.ntinorand ma.ior.first"and last.and

81. Aisha (r.a) said: "Oucc. I found Allalt's Apostle(pbult) absetrt

(from my bed). I looked attd found hint l'ith tltc bottom of his fect
pointing dorvn (toes against the floor) rthilc prostratingin praver.
He, (pbuh) rvassaying: "Oh Allalt! | scck rcftrgcrvitlt Your plcasurc

from Your rvrath. I seekrcfugervithYour pardonfronrYour torturc.
I seekrefugeu'ith You. I cannotpraiscYou enough.as You praisc

82. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)saidin bctu'cenbothSajdah(prostrations)

(duringthe pause): "Oh Allahl Forgivenre. Oh Allahl Forgive

83. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said in betl'ecn the tu'o Sajdah

during the pauses: "Oh Allah! Forgive me. Be
Merciful to me. Guideme. Help nre. Cure me (pardonnre)and
provideme (rvithrvhatI need)."

SupplicationDuring Praycr (Aftcr Tashrrh-hudDuring thc Fin:rl


84. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "Upon finishing the final sitting

(duringthe prayer),oneshouldseekrefugen'ith Allah. the Almighty
from four things: the tortureof the grave,the tortureof Hell-fire. the
trialsof life anddeathandtheevil causedby theftrlseMessiah."

85. It is reportedby Aishah(r.a) that Allah'sApostle(pbuh)offered

the follorvingsupplications during the prayer: "Oh Allah! I seek
refrrgewith You from the tortureof the grave. I seekrefugeu'ith You
from the trial of the falseMessiah.I seekrefuges'ith You from the
temptations of life and death. Oh Allah! I seekrcfugervith You
from my sins and being in debt." A man said: "Oh Allah's
Messenger! I hear you often repeatingthis last portion of vour
supplication (rvhatis the significanceof it)'l" He. (pbuh)said: "One
rvhois in debtrvill lie rvhenspcakingandoftenbreakshis promises."

86. It is reportedfrom Abdullahbirr Amr (r.a) that Abu Bakr. al-

Siddiqoncesaid to Allah's Apostle(pbuh): "(Please)teachnre a
supplicationthat I can use in pra.ver.He, (pbuh)said: "Say: "Olr
Allah! I haveoverlyu'rongedmv soul. Tlrercis no oneto forgir,call
my sinsexceptYou. Oh Allahl Please,forgivenreand be mcrciful
to me. You aretheMostForgiving.MostMerciful."

87. Allah's Apostle's,(pbuh) final statementduring the final sitting
before completion of his prayersrvas: "Oh Allal-r! Forgive my past
and future sins, my hidden and open sins and my negligence(that
you are more arvareof than myself.) You are the Foremostand the
Last. There is no God but You."

88. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Once one man told me that he
often says: "Oh Allah! I seek paradise,and I seek refuge l'ith You
from the Hell-fire." I told him that, (by Allah!), I cannot do as n'ell as
you and Mouath! We should all appeal to Allah, the Ahnighty for
the same!"

89. Ammar Bin Yasir (the rvell knorvn companion), (r.a) once
offered a simple short prayer. Somepeople in attendancesaid: "Qh
'Ammarl You have cut the prayer short." He
said: "Should I have
not done so? I used the same supplicationu,hich l heard the Prophet,
(pbuh) offering in his prayer." Upon leaving. a man follorved
'Ammar and asked him about the supplications. 'Ammar
said: "Oh
Allah! With Your knorvledge of the unseen and Your Utmost
Dominion over Your Creation, let me live as long as you knorv life is
good for me. Let me die if You knorv that death is betterfor me. Oh
Allah! I seekYour Help to enableme to fear you openly and secretlv.
Oh Allah! Enable me to speak tvords of justice and truth in both
anger and pleasure. Oh Allah! Help me be ntoderatein poverfv and
wealth. Oh Allah! Bestorvupon me eternal bliss. Oh Allah! Grant
me everlasting pleasure. Oh Allah! Bless me rvith acceptanceof
Your fate and destiny. Oh Allah! Bless me I'ith a peaceful and
happy life after death. Oh Allah! Grant me the utmost pleasureof
looking at Your Being. Grant me the true longing to meet You on
the Day of Judgement rvithout hardship, severe tests. trials or
temptation that may misguide me. Oh Allah! Grant us the
ornamentsof faith. Make us guidesand be rightly guided."

90. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) all,a1's said "Astaghfrr-ul-lah" (I seek

Allah's Forgiveness)three times upon finishing his prayers. Also he,
(pbuh) would say: "Oh Allal'r! You are the Peace. Peaceis from
You. Blessedbe You, the Honorable.Most Dignified."

91. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) upon finishing his pra,versusedto sa)':

'Oh Allah! Thereis no Godbut You. You haveno partner. To you
belongsKingship. To You belongsall praise. You areMost Capable
of doing anythingYou wish. Oh Allah! No onecan takebackwhat
You have given. No one can grant what You prevent. No fortune
will benefitman if You do not will it."

92. It is reportedthat Abdullahbin al-Zubair(r.a) saidthe following

after finishing his prayer: "There is no God but Allah. He has no
partner. To Him alonebelongsKingship. To Him alonebelongsall
Praise. He is Most Capableof doing what He pleases. There is
neithermight nor powerbut with Allah, the Almighty. There is no
God but Allah. We worship no one but Him. To Him belongsall
Grace. To Him belongs all Favor. To Him belongs the most
beautifulpraise. Thereis no Godbut Allah. We worshipHim alone,
even if the disbelieversdetestus." "Allah's Apostle(pbuh) usedto
saythe sameafter eachprayer."

93. It is reportedby Abu Hurairah (r.a) that Allah's Apostle(pbuh)

was approachedby poor emigrantMuslims who said: "Oh Allah's
Apostle! The rich Muslims have gained the highestpositionsand
permanentabodesin Paradise(bliss). They offer prayerssimilar to
ours. They fast the sameas we do, but they haveextra funds with
which they can perform Hajj and Umrah. They are able to strive
(fight) and pay charity." He, (pbuh) said: "Shall I teach you
somethingthat will enableyou to catchup with thoservhoare ahead.
of you, move aheadof thosewho follow you and causenone to be
better than you, exceptthosewho do as you do?" They (the poor
-"Yes, indeed." He, (pbuh)said:
emigrantsof Makkah)said: "You
shouldgloriS Allah, PraiseHim and saythe following 33 timesafter
each (prescribed)prayer: "Subhana-Allah,Al-Hamdulil-lah and
Allahu Akbar."

94. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "He rvhosays33

times "Subhan Allah," 33 times "Al-Hamdulil-lah,"33 times
"Allahu-Akbar"and once "La Ilaha-il-laAllah;" as rvell as: He is
Alone. He hasno partner. To Him belongsthe Kingdom. To Him
belongsall praise.He is Most Capableof doinganlthingHe wiqhes.
Suchpersonsshall be forgivenand his sins abolishedevenif they
were asnumerousasthe s,hitetips on the rvavesin the sea."

95. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "There are two
characteristicsof good Muslims and he who maintains them will
(definitely) enter Paradise. They are simple, but few are thosewho
act upon them. (They are as follows): "To say "SubhanaAllah" l0
times, 'Al-Ilamdu lil-lah" l0 times and "Allahu-Akbar" l0 times.
Theseare 150 utterances,but count as 1500 times in the actual
account (of deeds). Then upon going to bed, one should say:
'Allahu-Akbar' 34 times,"Al-Hamdulil-lah"33 times and "Subhana
Allah' 33 times. Theseare 100utterances but countas 1000timesin
the actualaccountofdeeds. The reporter ofthis hadith said: "I saw
Allah's Apostle (pbuh) counting these many times with the knuckles
of his fingers." The companions of Allah's Apostle (pbuh) asked:
nOhProphetof Allah! Why do you s:ly that theseare simple yet few
'(Satan) comesto a personand
act upon them?' He, (pbuh) said:
causehim to fall asleepbefore he has finished saying them. Or he
(Satan)will cometo a personand remind him of otherthings before
he is ableto completethem."
'Allah's Apostle
96. It is reportedthat'Uqbahbin Amir (r.a) said:
(pbuh) commandedme to recite chaptersll3 and 114 after each

97. It is reportedby Mu'adh bin Jabal (r.a) that Allah's Apostle

(pbuh) (once)took his hand and said: "Oh Mu'ath! I truly love you.
Do not wer neglect to say after each prayer (the following words):
'Oh Allah! Assistme in making remembrance of You, thank You,
andworshipYou in the bestmanner."

The Prayer of ChoiceQstikharah)

98. (It is reportedthat) Allah's Apostle (pbuh) used to teach the

Prayerof Choicein all matterslike he usedto teacha Sura(chapter)
of the Holy Quran. He, (pbuh) said: "If one intends to make a
decision,onemustoffer a specialtwo Rakahprayerin additionto the
prescribedprayers. One must say: "Oh Allah! I seek Your
Knowledgeand Your Ability. I seekof Your GreatBounties. You
can, but I cannot. You know, but I do not. You are the one who
knowsall the unseen.Oh Allah! If You know that this particular

matter (it should be statedrvhat it is and provided that it is lasful ar-rd
legitimate) is good for my faith (religion), m)' life and mv imnediate
and future affairs, then (Oh Allahl) (please)fulfill it. makc it easy
and bless it for me. And if You knos, that such matter is bad (and
harmful) for me, for my life and ny imrnediateand long tenu future,
(Oh Allah!) (please)remove it and renove me frorn it. Oh Allahl
Please,ordain good for me whateverit may be. Oh Allahl Allou, me
to acceptit."

99. A person who seeks a choice from Allah, the Almighf and
consultation from others rvill never regret. This person l'ill fcel
assuredthat he is doing right for his soul.

Allah, the Almighty stated in the Holy Quran, 3:159: "... and
consult them in affairs (of the moment.) Then, rvhen you have nade
a decision,put your trust in Allah, the Almighty."

Qatadah (r.a) companion of Allah's Apostle (pbuh) reporred the

following: "Any group (party or committee)rvho consult each other
in their affairs for the pleasureof Allah, the Almighty rvill be blessed
with the guidancelvhich is best for them."

Supplicationsin Times of Worry and Sadncss

100. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) used to say the follou'ing in times of

worry: "There is no God but Allah, the Greatest,the Almighty, the
Omnipotent. There is no God but Allah, the Lord of the Great
Throne. There is no God but Allah, the Lord of the Heavens,tl.re
Earth and the Great Throne."

l0l. It is reported of the Prophet (pbuh) that u'heneverfaced l,ith

diffrculty, he used to say: "Oh Allah! You are The Alive. You are
The Sustainer. With Your Mercy I seekrefuge."

102. It is reportedby Abu Bakrah (r.a) that Allah's Apostle (pbuh)

said: "A worried person'sprayer should be (as follorvs): "Oh Allah!
I seekYour Mercy. (Please)do not leave rne rvithout Your Mercy
even for a blink of an eye. Oh Allah! (Please)improve all my

affairs. Thereis no Godbut You."
103. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said to Asmabint (daughter)of
(r.a): "Shall I teachyou a supplicationthat you may sayin times of
diffrculty? (Say:)"Oh Allah! Oh Allah! You are My Lord. I take
no partneror associatervith You."

104. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "Thin-Noons(Jonah,the prophet,

(pbuh))utteredthis prayerwhile in the rvhale'sbelly: "(Oh Allah!)
There is no God but You. Glory be to You. Verily, I rvasamongst
the wrong doers." The prayers of any person rvho uses this
zupplicationfor any matter(and invokesAllah, the Almighty) will be

105. It is reportedthat Allah's Prophet(pbuh) said: "Any slave

servant of Allah, the Almighty rvho is touched rvith rvorries or
sadnessand prays: "Oh Allah! I am Your slave,the son of Your
slaveservant,the son of Your femaleslaveservant. My foreheadis
in your hand (You control me). Your judgementshall passunto me.
Your sentenceunto me is just and fair. Oh Allah! I ask you rvith
everyname(attribute)that You havecalledYourself,rvith The Book
You havesentdorvnand taughtto Your slaveservants,and anlthing
that You havekept hiddenin the unseenfor Your Orvn Knorvledge'
Oh Allahl (Please)makethe Holy Quranthe springof my heart,the
light for my chest,the removalof my sadnessand the abolishmentof
my worries," Allah, the Almighty shall removethat person'ssadness
and worriesreplacingthem rvith easeand comfort."

SupplicationsWhen Meetingan Enemyand Pcolllcin Authority

106. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)usedto sayif he feareda groupof (evil)

people: 'Oh Allah! We placeYou in front of these(people). We
seekrefugewith You from their evil."

l0?. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh) rvheneverin contact

with an enemyusedto say: "Oh Allah! You are My Helper' You
Are My Supporter.(Oh Allah!) With You I moveabout. With you
(I havethe powerto) fight."

108. Abdullahbin'Abbas(r.a)said: "For us Ailah suffices.He is the
BestDisposerof our affairs." (Holyeuran 3:173.) This is theprayer
that lbrahim, the Prophet,(pbuh) utteredrvhenhe rvasthrorvn into
the fire. It is the s:lmeprayerthat Mohammed,the prophet,(pbuh)
also utteredwhen: nMen said to them: ',A greatarmy is gathering
againstyou." (HolyQuran3:173.)"

SupplicationsWhen SatanAppearsto Man

Allah, the Almighty statedin the Holy euran 23:97-g: ',And My:
"Oh My Lord! I seekrefugewith you from the suggestions of the
evil ones. I seekrefugewith you, Oh My Lord, lest they comenear

109. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)usedto say: ,'I seek

refuge with Allah, the All Hearing, the All Knorving, from the
curseddevil, his whisper,his breathand his spit." This is basedon
the verse of the Holy Quran 4l:36: "And if (at any time) an
enticementto discordis madeto you by the evil one, seekrefugein
Allah, the Almightywho hearsandknorvsall things."

The Prayer Catl Dismisses


ll0. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "Whenthe prayeris called,Satan

will turn awayhis back. As soonas the prayercall is completed,he
turns back. when the secondcall for prayeris announced,he does
the same(turns away). But, as soonas the secondcall for prayeris
completed,he turnsback."

lll. Suhailbin Abi Salih(r.a)said: "My fatheroncesentme to

Bani Hanifahwith a servant,or one of our companions.Someone
called the man by namefrom a fencedfarm (along the u,ay.) The
manjumpedup ontothe fenceto seeu,hol,as calling,but iound no
one. Upon our return, I mentionedwhat had happenedto my father
who said: uHadI known that you rvouldencountersuchthings,I
would not have sent you. However,if you hear anything likelhat
again,makethe call for prayer.I heardAbu Horairah,(r.a)saying

'Verily, Satanrvill turn his back
that Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said:
and go awayif the prayeris called."

112. Abu-Darda(r.a) said: "Once,Allah's Apostle(pbuh) stoodup

and prayed. We heard him, (pbuh) saying: "[ seek refugervith
Allah, the Almighty from you.' Then he, (pbuh)said: "I curs€you
with Allah's cursethrice." Then he, (pbuh)reachedout his handas if
to hold onto something. Upon finishing his prayer,we said to him,
(pbuh): "Oh Prophetof Allah! We heardyou sayingthings that rve
never heard from you while you were praying. We also sarv you
reachingout your hand." He, (pbuh) said: "Verily, Allah's enemy
(Iblis, the demondwil) broughta flaming torch and placedit in front
of my face. So, I soughtrefugewith Allah, the Almighty threetimes
uI curseyou with the
from him (the curseddevil.) Then, I said:
completecurseof Allah, the Almighty threetimes. He, the devil, did
not go away. Then, I reachedout my hand to seizehim. I intended
to hold onto him. By Allah! If it was not for my brotherSulaiman
(Solomon,the Prophet,(pbuh)),I would havehad him (the devil) tied
up sothe childrenof Madinahcouldplay with him."

ll3. OthmanBin AbilJAas (r.a) said: "I said to Allah's Apostle

(pbuh): "Oh Allah's Apostle! Satanis interruptingmy prayer. He
(attempts)to confuseme while I am reciting the Holy Quranduring
prayer.' He, (pbuh)said: "That is a devil known to be as Khanzab.
If you (anyone)feelshis presence, you shouldseekrefugewith AUah,
the Almighty from him. And, you shouldspit threetimesto the Ieft."
The narratorof this hadith, (r.a) said: "Therefore,I did what I rvas
told and that devil wasdismissed from me."

I14. Abu Zumail (r.a)said: "I told Ibn Abbas(r.a)aboutsomething

I felt (of doubtand suspicion.)He, (r.a) said: "I you feel something
of that sortsay: "Allah is the First and the Last, He is the Most Inner
Oneand the Most Apparent. He is awareof all things."

Accepting Man's Predestination Without Ncgligcnce or


Allah, the Almighty statedin the Holy Quran3:156: "Oh ye rvho

believe! Be not like the unbelieverswho say to their brethrenrvhen
they are travelling the earth or engagedin fighting: "If they had
stayedwith us, they would not havedied, or beenslain." This is so
that Allah, the Almighty. may make it a causeof regret in their
hearts. It is Allah, the Almighry that giveslife and death,and Allah,
the Almighty that seesall that you do."

ll5. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "A strongbelieveris better and

much morebelovedto Allah, the Almighty than (a) weak (believer).
Each of them, howwer, is blessedwith goodness(rvithin himsclf.)
One shouldobservewhat benefitsone must. One shouldseekhelp
from Allah, the Almighty. One must not think one'sself incapable
(of doing anything.) If one is testedwith diffrculties,one must not
say: 'Had I done difrerently,I could have accomplishedsomething
elseor somethingbetter. But rather,onemustsay: "WhateverAllah,
the Almighty has predestinedwill happento me." "If, opensthe
(door)for an evil act.'

GracesBestowedUpon Man

Allah, the Almighty statedin the Holy Quran 18:39: ,'Why did you
not say,asyou went into your garden: "Allah's will (bedone)! There
is no powerbut with Allah! If you seeme lessthanyou in rvealthand
sons,it may be that my Lord rvill give me somethingbetterlhan your

116. It is reportedthat when Allah's Apostle(pbuh) was pleased

with what he saw,he said: "All praiseis dueto Allah, the Almighty.
It is only by His Gracethat all good things are completed." And if
he, (pbuh) saw somethinghe disliked or which displeasedhim, he
said: "All praiseis dueto Allah, the Almighty at any rate(andin any

SupplicationsWhcn Minor or Mnjor Mishaps/Calamities

Face a

Allah,the Almightystatedin the Holy Quran2:156-7:"Whosoever

says when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah, the Almighty we
belong,and to Him is our return. They are thoseon rvhom(descend)
blessingsand mercy from Allah, the Almighty. They are the ones
that receiveguidance.'

I17. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "One shouldsaythe samephrase

(as indicatedabove)wheneverharm reacheshim, even if one'sshoe
is ripped. For such (insignificant) troubles are amongst the

118. Um-mu Salamah(r.a) said: "I heard Allah's Apostle(pbuh)

saying: "Any slaveservantof Allah, the Almighty, who is aftlicted
with a calamity (of any kind or size) should say the following:
nsurely, to Allah, the Almighty we belong, and to Him shall we
return. Oh Allah! Assistme in this test and replaceit with a better
condition." Allah, the Almighty will assistone (and rewardone for
patience); and He, the Almighty will replace it with a better
condition." She,Um-maSalamah(r.a) said: "Uponthe deathof Abu
Salamah(her husband),I said rvhat Allah's Apostle (pbuh) has
recommended that we say. And Allah, the Almighty replacedmy
sorrowwith a bettercondition,(I becamethe wife o0 Allah's Apostle

119. Um-mu Salamah(r.a) also reported: "Allah'sApostle(pbuh)

enteredour home upon the death of Abu Salamah(her husband),
whoseeyeswere open in death. He, (pbuh) closedAbu Salamah's
eyesand said: 'Verily, whenthe soulis seized,the sight will follow."
A group of Abu Salamah'sfamily rveremourning and their voices
becameloud. He, (pbuh)said: "(O People!) Do not cry out, except
with a prayer for your own souls. Verily, the angels will say
nAmeenn(Oh Allah! Acceptthe prayer)for whateverinvocationand
supplicationyou offer." Then he, (pbuh) said: "Oh Allah! Forgive
Abu Salamah,raise his position and rank amongstthose who are
guided,replacehis offspring after his death (l'ith a guardianfrom
You) and forgiveus all. Oh Allah! You are the Lord of the Worlds.
Oh Allah! Expandhis graveandfill it with light."

SupplicationsWhen in Debt

120. It is reportedof Ali Bin Abi Talib (r.a) that a conrractedslave

came to him and said: "I am unable to pay my debt to my master
aocordingtothe contractthat we drew up for my freedom. Would you
help me?' He, (r.a) said: "ShouldI teachyou a few words which
were taught to me by Allah's Apostle (pbuh)?, If one says them
having a debt that looks as big as a mountain, it will be paid ofr (by
Allah's Graceand Will.) (Say:) "Oh Altah! Suffrceme with your
lawful bountyand not with which is unlawful. Oh Allah! Enrich me
with Your Graceand Bountiessothat I will not be in needof anvone
(otherthan You)."

l2l. Abu Saidal-Khudri (r.a) said: "A group of the companionsof

Allah's Apostle(pbuh)set out on a mission. They stayedin a place
belongingto an Arab tribe. The groupsoughtthe hospitalityof those
Arabs(bedouins),but weredenied. The head(chiefl of the tribe was
bittenby a (poisonous)snake. His peopletried everythingpossibleto
treat him, but they failed. One of them suggested seekinghelp from
the companionsof Allah's Apostle(pbuh),hoping to find a cure for
their chief. The group was approachedand informed of the Arab
(bedouins)chiefs condition. They were askedif they had a remedy
for the snakebite sustainedby their chief. One of the companions
said: "Yes,I havesomethingto cure and relievehim from his pain.
However,since you have refusedto be hospitableto us, there is a
pricefor this treatment.The price is a herd of sheep.The Arab tribe
agreedto pay them if the chief recovered. The companionof the
Prophet,(pbuh)then spit on the placewherethe chief wasbitten and
recitedthe Fatihah (the openingchapterof the Holy euran.) The
injuredman (a little later) stoodup and beganrunning aboutas if he
was sufferingno pain. Thus, the Arab tribe paid the companionsas
agreed. Someof the companionssuggested distributingthe gain by
dividing it amongstthe membersof the group, but the man who
performedthe act of recitationsuggested waiting until they returned
to Allah's Apostle(pbuh)to seekhis opinion. Upon returning,they
relatedwhat had transpired. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: ,'Howdid
you know that is the cure?" He, (pbuh)continued: ,'you wereright
in doingwhatyou did. Divide the gain and give me a share."Then
he, (pbuh)laughed.

122. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)soughtprotectionof Allah, the Almighty
for Al-Hasan(r.a) and Al-Husain (r.a) saying: "I seekrefugervith
Allah's perfect words (for your protection),from every devil and'
everycreature(creeping,walking or flying) and from all (evil) eyes.
Your forefather@rophetIbrahim (pbuh)) usedto say the samefor
Isma'il (pbuh)and Isaac(pbuh)."

123. It is reportedfrom Aishah (r.a) that wheneverapproachedby

anyone complaining of injury or disease,Allah's Apostle (pbuh)
would touchthe floor with his finger saying: "In the nameof Allah,
the Almighty. With the soil of our land and the salivaof someof us
(Muslims),our sick (diseased)shall be curedrvith the permissionof
Our Lord, the Almighty." Su$an bin 'Oyainah(r.a) also did the

124. It is alsoreportedfrom Aishah(r.a)that Allah'sApostle(pbuh)

often sought refuge and protectionwith Allah, the Almighty for
certainmembersof his family. He, (pbuh)would touch (rvipeover)
them with his right hand saying: "Oh Allah! Lord of all People!
Please,removeall hardshipand calamity. Cure. You are the True
Healer. There is no cure for any diseasebut Yours. Cure (this
person)andleaveno traceofillness."

125. OnceOthmanbin Abi-al-'Aas(r.a) complainedof somepain.

He told Allah's Apostle(pbuh)that he had beensufferingrvith this
pain sinceembracingIslam. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "Place
your handwhereyou feelpain and saythreetimes: "In the nameof
Allah." Then say seventimes: "I seekrefugenith Allah's Might,
Dignity and Powerfrom the evil touchthat I feel,the pain and the

126. lt is reportedthat Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "He rvhovisits

an ill person(whosedestinyof deathhas not yet becomedue) and
saysseventimes: "I ask Allah, the Almighty, the Lord of the Great
Throne to cure you", the ill person will be cured (with Allah's

SupplicationsUpon Entering a Cemetery

127. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) taught his companionsto s:ry upon

enteringa cemetery: "Peacebe unto you, thedwellersof thesegraves,
believersand Muslims. Truly, we shall follow you, Allah willing.
We ask Allah, the Almighty for health and forgivenessfor you as
well asour own selves."

SupplicationsWhen SeekingRain

128. It is reportedthat Jabir bin Abdullah (r.a) said: "A group of

weepingwomen came (complainingof drought) to Allah's Apostle
(pbuh) who said upon seeingthem: "Oh Allah! Bless us with
peaceful(as opposedto harmful) rain that brings cultivation and
growth of all plants quickly (not delayed)." As soonas he, (pbuh)
finished had finished his supplication,clouds appearedin the sky
from wery directionand the rain fell (continuously)."

129. It is reportedfrom Aishah, (r.a) that peoplecomplainedto

Allah's Apostle(pbuh)abouta severedroughtand scarcityof rain in
the immediatearea. He, (pbuh)ordereda pulpit to be placedin the
prayerarea (mosque). He, (pbuh) set a datefor the peopleto come
for prayer. When the sun had risen in the sky on that date,Allah's
Apostle (pbuh) came, sat on the pulpit and said: "Allah-u-Akbar
(Allah is the Greatest).All praisebe to Him. You havecomplained
abouta drought in your area and the delay of rainfall this season.
Allah, the Almighty has ordered that you invoke Him. He, the
Almighty haspromisedto fulfill and ansueryour prayers. All praise
is due to Allah, the Lord of All Worlds. Thereis no God but Allah.
He doeswhat He wills. Oh Allah! You are the Lord. There is no
Godbut You. You are the Rich, the Wealthy. We are the poor. Oh
Allah! Bring rain unto us and make its strengthsufficientfor a
certaintime." Allah'sApostle(pbuh)then raisedhis handsup until
the peoplecould seehis armpits. Then he, (pbuh)turnedhis back
and turnedhis cloak insideout rvhile still raisinghis hands. He,
(pbuh)then turned his face again to the people.steppeddorvnfrom
the pulpit and offereda t*'o Rakatprayer. (Beforelre l'as finished)
Allah, thc Alnighty formeda cloudin the skvtvith thunderand

lighting. Then, with Allah's permission,it pourd down. Before we
could get back to the mosque, puddles of water were (almost)
everywhere. When Allahs Apostle (Fuh) saw how fast peoplervere
seekingshelter from the rain, he laughedso much that most of his
teethoouldbeenseen. He, (pbuh) said: bear witnessthat Allah,
the Almighty is Most Capableof doing all things. I bearwitnessthat
I am His slaveservantand messenger.'

Supplicetioncin Caseof Wind Storms

'The wind is (made up) from
130. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said:
AllaNs Spirit. It brings about mercy and (possibly)torture. If you
notice (the presence)of wind, do not curse it. Ask Allah, the
Almighty to grant you the best of il and seekrefuge rvith Him from
its harm.'

l3l. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) when noticing (the presence)of wind,

prayed: 'Oh Allah! I ask You the bestof it (the wind), the bestof
what it carries, and the best of what is sent (driven) with it. I seek
refugewith You from its evil, the wil of rvhat it carries and the evil
of what is sent with i1."132. Whenevernoticing a changein the
horizon, Allah's Apostle(pbuh) stoppedrvhat he was doing, wen if
'Oh Allah! I seekrefugewith You from it's
offering prayerand say:
(the wind) harm.' If rains appeared,he (pbuh) would say: "Oh
Allah! Let it (the rain) be peacefuland joyful." This hadith was
reportedby Abu Dawoodand Nasai Ibn Majah.

SupplicationsUpon llearing Thundcr

133. AMullah bin al-Zubair(r.a) usedto stoptalking and sayupon

hearingthunder: 'Glory is due to Allah, the Almighty in Whose
Name thunderglorifies in His Praise. Angels rvill glori$ Him, the
Almighty (out of fearingHim)."

SupplicationsUpon Rainfnll

134. Zaid Bin Khalid Al-Johani(r.a) said: "Once,Allah Apostle

(pbuh) led Fajr (dawn) prayer in the area of Hodaibiyah(after it
rained during the night). Upon completingthe prayer, he, (pbuh)
turnedto the peoplegatheredand asked: ,,Doyou know what Allah,
Your Lord has said?' The people,(r.a) said: ,,Allah,the Almighty
and His Apostleare the Best Knowers.u He, (pbuh)said: "Sqmeof
My slave servantsare becoming beliwers, while others are not.
Thosethey receivedthe rain throughAllah's Mercyand Blessingsare
all beliwers in Me (Allah, the Almighty) and unbelieversin the
planets. Thosewho saythe rainfall is due to the stars,planetsor the
s€asons areunbelieversin Me andbeliwers in the planets.'

135. Anas (r.a) said: nA man enteredthe mosque(of the prophet,

(pbuh) one Friday while Allah's Aposrle (pbuh) was standing
deliveringa speech.The man said: "O prophetof Allahl All (that
people)own (possessions and belongings)has Ceendestroyed. All
meanshad beenexhausted.(Please)pray to Allah, the Almighty to
help us." He, (pbuh) raisedhis handsto the heavensand prayed:
"Oh Allah! Grantus rain. Oh Allah! Grantus rain.', 'Anas,(r.a)
said: "By Allah! There was not a single cloud in the sky (to be
seen). The horizon was clear and openbetweenus (in the mosque)
and the mountain of Sal'a'. Also, there were neither buildings or
housesbetweenus. We watchedas a cloud appearedfrom behindthe
mountain. It spread,settledin the centerof the sky and startedto
rain. By Allah! We did not seethe sunfor an entireweek. The next
weekon the sameday and time (Friday),while the prophet,(pbuh)
was standingdelivering a speech,a man appearedand said: ,Oh
Prophet of Allah! All possessionsand belongings have been
destroyed.All roadsare closed. (Please)pray to Allah, the Almighty
to stopthe rain." Allah's Apostle(pbuh)raisedhis handsto the sky
and prayed: "Oh Allah! (Please)causethe rain to fall aroundus but
not directlyon us. Oh Allah! (Please)sendthe rain to the hills
aroundus, the fields and farms, the valleysand where treesgrow.',
The rain stopped(immediately),and the sun rose. We cameout (of
the mosque)and walkedirnderthe sunnysky.

U;mnSightingthc Ncn'Moon

136. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said upon sightingthe crescent(nc\\'

moon): "Allah-u-Akbar. Oh Allah! Let the crescent(ncu' moon)
appearto us (rvhile rve are) enjoyingpeaceand faith. hcalth and
Islam (submissionto Allah. the Alnighg'; and guidanccto thc
pleasureof Allah, the Almighty. Our Lord (and.vours)is Allah. thc

Whcn Trnvcling

137. It is reportedthat Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "Hc u'hointcnds

to travelshouldsayto thoseleft behind: "I lea'r,e
1'oun'ith the trustof
Allah, theAlmightyin rvhose(hands)trusteditemsu'ill notbc lost.

138. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "lf Allah. the

Almightyis entrustedu'ith somcthing.He. the Almightl'rvill protcct

139. Salem,(r.a) reportedthat Ibn Omar. (r.a) u'ouldtcll a pcrson

intendingto travel: "Comecloseto me so that I ma1'sa1'farcucll to
you as Allah's Apostle(pbuh)did: "I entrustAllah. the Almightl'
u'ith your faith, trust and 1'ourdestiny." Salenr.(r.a) also rcportcd
that Allah'sApostle(pbuh)usedneverto takehis handfrornanotlter
man'shand(l'ho rvasshakingit) until the manlcft his oun grAsp."

140. A man oncecameto Allah'sApostlc(pbuh)and said: "Olt

Allah's Apostle! I intendto travel. Pleaseprovidemc (uitlr sontc
advice)." He. (pbuh)said: "May Allah. the Alnightl grant)orl
Taqrva(Fearof Allah. the Almightl') and pietr'." The man furthcr
said: "Giveme moreadvice." He. (pbuh)said: "Ma1'Allah. tltc
Almightl' forgiveyour sins." The man againaskedfor moreadvicc.
He, (pbuh)said: "May Allah. the Almightl' direct)'ou to\\'ardgood

14l. Abu Hurairah,(r.a) reportedthat a man oncesaidto Allah's

Apostle(pbuh): "Ol.rAllah's Apostle! I am planningto travel.
giveme someadvice."He,(pbuh)said: "You mustfcar

Allah, the Almighty (aluays). Wherereryou are.clinrba hill (high
ground)and say: "Allah-u-Akbar." When the ntan dcpartcd.hc.
(pbuh)said: "Oh Allah! (Please) shortentlre distanccfor him and

SupplicationsUpon UsingTransportation

142. Ali bin Rabiah(r.a) said: nI sarvAli. (r.a)u'henprescnrcdrvirh

an animalto mount,sayinguponplacinghis foot in thestirrup: "Bis-
millah (In the nameof Allah)." Whensettledin the saddlc.Irc.(r.a)
said: "Al-Hamdu-lil-lah(All praiseis due ro Allah. rhc Almightl'),
All glory is due to Allah, rhe Almighty. l,ho has subjcctcdthcse
(animals)for our use,for ue couldner€r havcaccomplishcd this (b-v
ourselves)."(HolyQuran43:13) Thenhe.(r.a)said: "Al-Hamdulil-
lah", threetimes. "Glory is dueto You. Oh Allah! I lurc u'rongcd
my orvnsoul. Forgiveme. There is no one to forgir,esins but You.
Thenhe, (r.a) smilcd. Someone in attendance asked: "Oh Anrir-ul-
Mumineen! Why are 1'ousmiling?" He, (r.a) said: "l s:trl Allah's
Apostle(pbuh)doingas I havedoneand then smilcd. I askcdlrinr
the samequestionand he. (pbuh) replied: "Allah. thc Almighty
commendsanyone rvho knou's that there is no onc capablc of
forgiving sins exceptAllah. the Alnrighq' and sa1's: "Oh Allah!
Forgivemy sins.n

143. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)saidu'hcneverscttlcdupon his camel.

intendingto trarel: "Allah-u-Akbar."threetinrcs. "Glor.r'is duc to
Hin (the Almighty)$'ho hassubjected this (theanirnal)lor our usc.
for rvecouldhaveneler acconrplished this (b1'oursch'cs).Trulr'. to
Allah.theAlmightyshallrre return."(Hol1'Quran .13:13)Thcnhc.
(pbuh)said: "Oh Allah! We requestYou (to griurrus) picrl and
righteousness in ourjournel'. Enableus to do u hlrtplcascsYou. Oh
Allah! Makethis trip easy. Shrinkthe distance.You. rhc Alnrightv
are our Companionon this trip. You are the Carctakcrof our
famifies. Oh Allah! I seekrefugel'ith You from tlrc dilllculticsof
travel,the changeofappcarances and an unplcasant rcturnto fanrill.

Uponreturning.he.(pbuh)saidthesanrcadding: "(Wc arc)

returning, repcnting and l'orshiping (Allah. the Alnightr'). To Our
Lord (Allah, the Alnrightr') belongsall praise."

144. Allah's Apostlc (pbuh) and his conrpanions.(r.a) said "Allah-u-

Akbad' rvhcn climbing a hill or going dou'n into a vallcl' (rt'hile
travelirig). Additionally, thcy continuousll' glorificd Allah. thc

SupplicationsWhen Scttling in a Placc

145. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "He n'ho settlesdolvn in place and
says: "l seek refuge rvith the most complcte n'ords of Allah, tltc
Almighty from all that Hc has created"tvill comc to no harm until
one departsthat place."

SupplicationsUpon Eating or Drinliing (Lnn'ful ltcms)

Allah. the Almighty statcdin the Holl'Qtrran 2:172: "Oh 1c u'ho

believe! Eat of the good things that Wc lravc providcd lor 1'otr.and
be gratefulto Allah. if it is Him 1'ouu'orship."

146. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "Oh m1'son! Mcntion thc nameof

Allah, the Almighty (bcgin rvith it u'hen )'ou cat). Eat uith 1'our
right hand. And eat of things that arc nc)it (closc)to )ou."

147. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "If one eats,nrentionthc naurco[

Allah, the Almighty (In the Name of Allah, thc Bcncficcnt Most
Merciful) at the beginning of the meal. But. if onc forgcts to do so.
then mentionthe name of Allah, the Almightv at thc bcginningand
in the end (of the meal)." Tirmidhi. (r.a) rcpo(cd this to bc a finc
and soundhaditlt.

148. It is reportedthat Abu Hurairah (r.a) said: "Allalt's Apostlc

(pbuh) never said an)'thing bad about anl' food. If hc. (pbtrh) likcd a
kind (offood) he eatsit: othenvise.he did not cat it."

149. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "Allah. tltc Almightv is plcascd

rvithHis slaveservantrvhenhe eatsor drinksandthanksAtlah.the
Almightyfor it (Hisbounties)."

150. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "He who sa-vsafter eating(any

kind of laufirl food): "All praiseis due to Allah, the Alnigh[' l'ho
hasprovidedme rvith this (food)withoutany might or porveron m)'
part," Allah, the Almightyrvill forgivehis pastsins."

15l. It is reportedfrom a servantof Allah'sApostle(pbuh)that he,

(pbuh)saidrvhenever foodrvasoffered:"Bismil-lah"(ln theNameof
Allah). Whenfinishinghis mealhe, (pbuh)said: "Oh Allah! you
havebestorved upon us Your favor,guided(us) and let us sunive.
All praiseis dueto You for (all) thatyou havegiven.

for Visitorsor Gucsts

152. Abdullahbin Bosr (r.a) reportedthar Allah's Apostle(pbuh)

cameto visit his father. They offeredhim food and a mixtureof
dates,dried yogurt and ghee of u,hich he. (pbuh) ate. Then he,
(pbuh)was offeredsomedatesrvhichhe ate removingthe pits from
his mouthusingboth his indexand middlefingcrs. Then he,(pbuh)
lvasofferedsomethingto drink. He. (pbuh)drank and handcdthe
vesselto the personsitting to his right. The reporter.(r.a) added:
"When he, (pbuh) was ready to leave. my father got up. hctd his
mount'sreinsand said: "(Oh Prophetof Allah!) Prayfor us." He,
(pbuh)said: "Oh Allah! Blessrr4ratyou haveprovidedfor them.
forgivethemandbe Merciful(andkind) to them."

153. It is reportedby 'Anas(r.a)that Allah'sApostle(pbuh)cameto

S'ad bin 'Obadah,(r.a) u'ho sen'edsome brcad u'ith (olive) oil.
Allah'sApostle(pbuh)ate and said: "Ma1'the fastingpersonbrcak
their fastwith you. May thc righteous(pious)personeatyour food.
And may(Allah,theAlmighq"s)angelspral'foryou."


15.1.It is reportcd
by Abdullahbin Amr, (r.a)thata manonceasked

Allah's Apostle(pbuh): "What is the best form of Islam'?" Hc,
(pbuh)said: "(It is) to offer food (to others)and saythe greetings(of
peaceand mercyof Allah, the Almighty) to those1'ouknorvand do
not know."

155. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)oncesaid: "You u'ill not enterparadise

until become (complete)believers. And you rvill not become
(complete)believersuntil you love each other. Shall I tell )'ou
somethingthat, if done (regularly), rvill enable,you to lovc each
other?(It is to) spreadthegreetingsof "Peace"amongyou."

156. Ammar bin Yasir (r.a) said: "He s'ho r.naintains thesetlrree
will enjoycompletefaith: Applv justicc to othersat
of one'sself,offer the greetingsof,"Peace"to all pcrsons-
the expense
andspend(for charitable

157. Imran bin Husain(r.a) reportcd: "A nlan came to Allah's

Apostle(pbuh)and said:"Pcacebe unto you." He, (pbuh)rcturned
the man'sgreetingand said: "Ten (ren'ards)."Thcn auothcrnran
cameand said: "May Allah's peaceand Mercy be upon1'ou." Hc,
(pbuh)returnedthat man'sgreetingand said: "Tu€uty(reu'ards)."
third mancameand said: "May Allah'sPeace.Mercy'and Blcssings
be uponyou." Allah'sApostle(pbuh)returnedthe greetingand said:
'Thirty (rewards)."

158. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "Thepcrsonrnosts'orth.vof Allah.

the Almighty's(merry) is one rvho offersthe greetingsof pcaceto

159. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "lt srrfficcsa

group sitting togetherto be represented by one iu rcturning a
greeting.Similarly,if a groupis passing.it is sufhcientto offcr the
greetingsby oneof them."

160. Accordingto Anas(r.a).Allah'sApostle(pbuh)saidpassed b1'

a group of childrenplafing (in the street): "Ma1'Allah's peacc,
merryandblessings be uponyou."

l6l. Allah'sApostle(pbuh)said: "As soonasoncgetsto theplacc

rvherehe intendsto sit. offer greetings.If he s,ishcs.he ma1'then sit.
Then, rvhen preparing to leave. offer greetingsagain. The first
greeting(uponenteringand arrival) is no moreinrportantthan the
last (departure)."

Supplications Concerning Sncczing and Yarvning

162. lt is reported that Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Verily, Allah.

the Almighty likes sneezingand dislikes yal'ning. Therefore.if one
sneezes,praise Allah, the Alnrighty. Also, it bccomesa due right of
this person to receivethe grcctings of any Muslinrs in his presence.
Where one or more are present, it l,ill sulfice the group to sa]':
"May Allah be Merciful to 1'ou." Yal'ning is an act of Satan.
Therefore,one must attempt to at'oid and pret,ent it. If one .vatvns,
Satanrvould laugh."

163. It is reported that Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "lf some one
sneezes,one should say: "All praise is due to Allah. the Almightl,!',
Any Muslim next to this person must sa)': "Mav Allah. the Almightv
be Merciful to you!" The sneezingperson must replr': "Mtv Allah.
the Alnighty guideyou and satisfi'\'ourmind."

164. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "If one sneczesand then praise
Allah, the Almighty, all (thoseu'ho bcar hear hinr) must tcll rcpl1,:
"May Allah, the Almight)'be Merciful [o I'ou." But. if thc sncezing
persondoesnot say the greetings,1'oushonld not sa)'an)1hing.,'

SupplicationsConccrning Mirrrilge

165. Abdullah bin Masoud.(r.a) said: "Allah's Apostle(pbuh)gave

us the "sermonof need";

"All praiseis due to Allah. tl'reAlmightv. We praiseHim. seekHis

help and ask His forgivcness. We seek relugc uith Allah. thc
Almighty from the evil of ourseh,es. We seck rcfugc uith Him. thc
Almighty from our sins. Hc uho is guided bl Allah. thc Almighn'
will not be misguided. He u,ho is misguidcdbv Allah. rhc Almightv
rvill not be guided by no one. I bear l'itncss that therc is no dcit,v
lvorthy of rvorship but Allah Alone. Hc ltas no partllcr. I bcar
rvitnessopenly that Mohammad ((pbuh)) is His slalc scn'ant and
messenger."Oh 1'epeople! Fcar Your Lord uho crcatcdrou (all)
from a single soul. He, the Almightv creatcd votlr mates from it.
Thereafter,He, the Almightr' (spread)manv nlcll atld u'otttcu orl the
earth. Fear Allah, the Alntight,vby Whom l'ou u ill bc qucstioncd(otl
the Day of Judgerncnt). Be good to 1'ourkin. Verilr'. Allah (thc
Almighty) observes (your acts). Holv Quran 'l:1. "Oh 1'e l'ho
believe! Fear Allah, the Almightv in the bcst fortn aud die not c\ccpt
as Muslims." Holy Quran 3:102. "Oh -vc'rvhobclin'c! Fcar Allah.
the Almightv and sa1'aright statcmellt.Hc. the Alntightl uill guidc
your acts and forgive,voursins. Hc u'ho obos Allah. thc Alnlightv
and His messenger((pbuh)) nill bc tmll' sttcccssftrl."Holl' Qtrrarl
33 : 7 0 -l .

166. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) congrattrlatetlculv marricd mcn as

follou's: "Ma1'Allah. thc Alnrigltty'blcss1'otr.blcss(hcr) for 1ott.and
makc it a blcssedcombination(for botlt of vou) "

16'7. lt is rcportedthat Allah's Apostlc (pbuh) said: "lf a (Mtrslin)

man marries a \\-omanor purcltascsa scn'allt. ol)c llltlst sa): "Olt
Allah! I requestYou (to grant) nle the bcst of her (thc u olttattor thc
sen'ant)and the best of tvhat it is made of (moralh'. curotionltlll or
ph-vsically).And. oh Allahl I seck rcftrgcuith I'ou front auv cvil.
and l'hatever evil thcl' lttav carn'. Morcovcr. if onc ptrrch{lscsa
camcl.hold its rcins and sal'thc satt.tc."

168. It is rcportcdthat Alhh's Apostlc(pbtrh)said: "lf otrc dcclarcs

the follo$ing statclttcllttlpoll lpproacltittgotlc'sltlatc sc\tlall\'. "Oh
Allah! Let us stav a\vav frour Satanaud cattschim (Satln) to sta)'
al'a1'from us". attd conccivcsa child. Satanuill not bc ablc to hartn
that child (rvith Allah's Will)."

s o n c c r n i n gB i r t h G i v i n g

169. Abu Rafi (r.a) said. "I sal'Allah's Apostlc (pbuh) atrnouucing
the call for praverin the ear of al-Hasart.(r.a) (ltis grlndsorl)ttpotr

being given birth by Fatirrrah,(r.a)."

170. Aishah (r.a) said: "Allah's Apostlc (pbuh)'sed to bc prcscntcd

rvith neu'born children itr order that he. (pbuh) prav for thcir
blessings.He. (pbuh)usedto slightl-vcltcu,a datc.put it on his fingcr
and l'ipe the insidethe child'sn.routh."

l7l. It is reportedfrom Amr Bin Sho'aib.from his fatlrcr and from

his grandfather thar Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: He. (pbuh)
commanded(parents)to slaughtcrt$o shccpfor a rnalechild and one
sheepfor a femalechild. This is donc to rcrlo'c all harmf'l things
from thc path of the child and shouldbc donc on thc scvcnthclavof

172. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) namcd Ibrahinr son of lbn Abi Musa.
Abdullah bin Abi Talhah and Al- Monrhir bil Abi Usaid. He gave
thesechildrenthesenamcs(a pcriodof timc) aftcr thcir birl.h."

173. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "The mostbclovcdna.rcsof in thc

sight of Allah, the Almightv are (thc follou'ing): Abdullah and

l7:1. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) oftcn changcddisliked nanresto bctter

ones. Zainab,for instance.usedto bc called ,'Barrah".the righleous
one. Pcople nlight say that thc \\.oulauis clainring hcrsclf to bc
righteous. Thereforehe. (pbuh) changedher nanrcto Zainab. Also
he, (pbuh) hated to hear pcople sat,: "Allah,s Apostlc canlc out.of
Barrah'shouse. (Furthcr) he. (pbuh) oncc askcd a lnan his narnc.
The man said: "Mv naureis Hazan (tough land). Hc. (pbrrh)said:
"Nay, you are ratherSahl (easvand plain land)." Hc. (pbtrh)changcd
the name of a l,oman callcd 'Asivah (disobcclicut)to Janrilah
(beautiful). Allah's Apostlc (pbuh)askcdauothcrman his naurcand
the man replied: "My naure is Asrlnt (thc cut olf!)." Hc. (pbuh)
said: "Nay, you are rathcr Zor'ah sccdling). Hc. (pbuh)alsoclrangcd
the name of a piece of land that \\'asknot'n as 'Afrah (dustr.land).
renarnir.rgit Khadirah (Grccn).

SupplicationsUlton Hc:rring thc Crou' of l Roostcr,thc Britl' of a
Donkey or thc Birrl< of a Dog

l'r-5. It is reported that Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said. "Seck rcfttgc

*'ith Allah, the Almightv from Satan upon hearing thc bral' of a
donkey. It (the donkey) must have secn Satan. But if 1'ouhcar thc
rooster'scrorv, ask Allah, the Almightv to besto'rvHis virtucs (and
grace)upon you as it (the rooster)must have sccnau angel."

l'76. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "lf 1'ott hear a dog barking or a
donkey braying during the night. seek reluge u'ith Allah, the
Almighty. They seervhat1'oucannot."

SupplicationsConccrning Mcctings (and Visits)

l?7. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "Hc ulto sits in a ntcctingnhcrc

much discoursegoeson and say'sprior to leaving: "Glor.r'is dttc to
Allah, Our Lord. All praiseis duc to You. I bcar u'itncssthat tltcrc
is no deity but Allah alone. I scek 1'or"rrforgivcncssaltd rcpcnt to
You," Allah, the Almightt' u'itl abolish all ouc's sins cortrnrittcdin
that meeting(or visit)."

178. In anotherreport.Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "lf a nteeting

u'as good in nature, it rvill be scaledoff l'ith good. But. i[ it rras
othenvise. the above statemelttl'ill act as atotlcmellt (for discoursc

179. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "If atlv group departsa meeting
place tvhere they do not remember Allah. thc Almighl.r' or ulctttiot.t
Him, they rvill be as departing a place sirnilar to a donko''s gravc'
This departureu'ill be a u'oe to them."

180. It is reportedthat Ibn Ornar, (r.a) said: "lt \\'asver1 rarc to see
the Prophet, (pbuh) leaving a mceting u'ith his conlpartious.(r.a)
beforehe offering the follotving praver:

"Allahum-maq-simlana min Khashl'atikaMatahoolubilti baitranas'a

baina masiy'atik.Wa min ta'atikama tobal-lighLrna bihi Jan-natak

Waminal-Yaqini ma tuharr,-rvinu'alaina bihi masaibad-dahr.
Allahumma Mat-t'ina bi Asma'ina.Wa Absarinau'a quu,u'atinaMa
Ahyaitana. Waj'Allah al-WarithaMinna Waj'al TharauaAla man
Thalamanawan surna Ala man 'Adana Wala T:rj'al Musibatanafi
Dinina. Wala T:r1'alid-DuniaAkbar Hamnrina. Waia Mablagha
Ilmina. Wala tosal-lit"alaiuilMan la Yarhantoua."

The translirtion of n'hich is as lbllou's:

Oh Allah! Grant us of Your Picty that makcs us shun al,av from

committing (restricted) sins. Oh Allah! Grant us from your
obcdiencethat leads us to Your Paradise. Oh Allah! Grant us dccp
faith to bear all the troubles of this u'orld. Oh Allah! Lct us enjov
(fully) our sight, our vision and our hcaring and the rest of our
facultiesas long as You, thc Almightv permit us to live (in this lifc),
and make it inheritcdO)'our progcny). Oh Allah! Be thc re\:enger
againstthose rvho u'ould do us \\,rong. Oh Allah! Be our supportcr
against those rvho are our eneuries. Oh Allah! Lct not an,vof our
problemsbe in our faith and rcligion. Oh Allah! Lct not l'orldly
affairsbe our major concernand our utrnostknoulcdgc. Oh Allah!
Lct not those unmcrciful to us oppressus and be clltrustedtvith our

SupplicntionsConcerning Anger

Allah, the Almighty statedin thc Holi'Quran. SoorahFussilat-11.36:

"And if (at any l.ime)an cnticcmcntto discordis nradcto thcc bv thc
evil one, seek refuge in Allah. thc Alnrightr,. Hc is thc Onc ufio
hearsand knorvsall thinss."

l8l. Sulaimanbin Surd (r.a) said: "Once I u'as sitting rvith Allah's
Apostle (pbuh). Tu'o men cursed cach othcr. Thc .fugularveins of
one of the men rvereenlargcd (due to angcr) and his facc turned red.
He, (pbuh)said: "I knorv a tvord (phrasc)that l'ill allou' the man not
to feel anger. He (the angry nran) should sa_v:"Oh Allah! I seek
refugervith You, the Almightl'from the curscddcvil."

SuplllicationsConccrning Aflliction or Cllanritl'

182. It is reportcdtltat Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "Hc ulto sccsa

personamictedu'ith a calantitvand sa1's:"All praiscis dtrc to Allah.
the Almightv lho has curcd tttc from u'hat afflicts vou and prcfcrs
me over nranv othcr crcAturcs." u'ill ttot bc strbjcctcd to that

SupplicationsWhcn Entering a Mlrlict

183. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "He rvho cnters a markct should
say: "There is no god but Allah. He has no partncr. To Him belongs
the Kingdom. To Him belongsall praise. He grantsand seizcslife.
He is Alive. He never dics. In His Hand is all good. He is Most
Capable(of doing anl'thing He u'ills)." Allah. the Almightv u'ill
record one million good decds, and abolish a ntillion bad dccds for
this person. He, the Almightv u'ill also raisc this pcrsou'sdegrceoue
million positions."

Sup;tlicationsWhat If a Mount Trips

184. One man reported: "I tvits riding behind Allah's Apostle (pbuh)
on a mount (animal). The Prophct's animal tripped. Therefore I
said: "May Satanbe cursed." He, (pbult) said: "Do not sa)' this. If
you do, Satanu'ill feel greaterand grorv to be as big as a house. He
(Satan)rvill say: "I did that l,ith my po$'ers." You sltould sat'' "ln
the name of Allah, the Ahnightv." This rvill causeSatan to bccome
as insignificant as a fly."

SupllticationsFor Prcscnting Gifts and Prnf ing For thc Givcr

'Aishah (r.a) said: "A sheeprvas given as a

185. It is reportedthat
gift to Allah's Apostle (pbuh). He said (to Aishah): "Distributeit
'Aishah (r.a) askcd the scn'ant afler
(among the needy Muslims)."
returning after each deliven'' "What did the people (s'ho reccived
the meat) tell you?" The sen'ant rcplied: "Tlrcy said: "May Allah.

the Almighfy blessyou." 'Aishah.(r.a) upon hcaringthis slrid. "Ma1,
Allah, the Ahnighty also blcssthcm. wc shouldrcturn thcir blcssing
and keepour rel'ard frorn AIlah. the Almiglrt,r'."

SupplicirtionU;lon Rcmoval of a tlarnrlul Mattcr

186. It is reportedthat onrar (r.a) oncc rcaclrcdto arothcr uran's

head or bcard and removcd something(that clung to it). Thc nran
said: "May Allah, the Atrnighty rcntoveall bad things from 1,ou."
Omar (r.a) said: "Allah. the Almightv has rcnror,cdall harnrfuland
evil things for us since bcconing Muslims. Do not sav that. you
should say: 'rMay your hands reccivegood thiugs."

Supplic:rtionsfor the First Fruit of thc Scason

187. Abu Hurairah (r.a) said: "peopleuscdto brirrgthc first fruit of

the seasonto Allah's Aposlle (pb.h). Hc. (pbuh) uscd to hold it and
say: "Oh Allah! Blcss our fruit. blcss orrr citv and blcss our
mcasuremenls.Tlier.rhc. (pbuh) u.ouldgir.ethc fruit (o tltc \.ollnqcst

Sup;llicationswhcn Sccing something onc Lilics *.ith Fcirr of an

Evil E1'eto Affccting It

A l l a h . T h c A l m i g h t v s t a t c di n t h e H o l v Q u r a l l 8 : 3 9 : " W h v d i d r o u
not, as )'ou went into your gardcn. sat,: "Allah's Will (bc done)l
There is no power but *,ith Allahl If vou scc mc lcss than 'ou i'
rvealth and sons, it may be that n.rt'Lord l'ill give ntc somcthing
betterthan your garden..."

188. Allah's Apostle(pbuh) said: "The (evil) ct,e(a) real (mattcr). If

an)'thingcan beatthe predestinationof fate,er,ilo'e uill.',

189. It is reportedthat Allah's Apostle(pbuh)said: "If onc sccs*,hat

he likes for himself or his bclorrgings.one should scck Alhh. thc
Almighty'sblessings.Verilr'. the o'il eve is a truc nral.tcr."
SupplicationsConcerning O;ltimism and Pcssinrism

190. Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Thcrc (nrust bc no fcar oQ

contagion,and no pessinlism. Most dcsirablc is optinrisur." A
companion,(r.a) said: "What is that'/" He. (pbuh)said: "lt is a nicc
rvord rvhich a man hcars."

l9l. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)likcd the stateof optinrisnr.

192. Allah's Apostle(pbuh)s:rid: "ln m1'drcam.\\'e \\'crcin 'Oqbalr

bin Rafi's house. Someonebrought us sorne of lbn Tab's datcs. I
interpret this to be dignity in this u'orld and successin the hcrcaftcr.
Our Din (religion)hasbecomegood and fmitful (dclicious)."

193. As for pessimism:Mu'a's,i1'ah bin al-Hakarrr.(r.a) said: "I said

to Allah's Apostle (pbuh): "Thcrc are nlen antongst us tvho are
pessinists." He, (pbuh) said: "That is sourcthingthat pcoplc fccl in
thcir chcsts(hearts). Let it uot stopvou (from doing rvhatvou intcnd
to do)."

This n'orli has bccn complctcd b1' Allah, the Alnrightr''s Gr:rcc
and Hcl;1.

s.tf.Ul .lz<tr i$lJl flrff
I lofl ,3L-111- ocl{o ;g..ra
tl?ft^t o6U- tltvytf _ 11c.ll,t..lib

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