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Ayee Afetane Stphane, Zoung-Kanyi Anne Ccile, Ndom Paul,
Atenguena Etienne
Facult de Mdecine et des Sciences Biomdicales Yaound-Cameroun

Les dcouvertes rcentes en chimiothrapie anticancreuse et la mise en place de nouveaux
protocoles de prise en charge ont amlior la survie du patient cancreux. Tout ceci est
accompagn de nombreux effets secondaires, surtout cutanomuqueux.

Il sagissait dune tude prospective vise descriptive et analytique mene dans le service
doncologie de lhpital gnral de Yaound pendant une priode allant de Janvier Avril
Ont t inclus dans ltude, tout nouveau patient affect par le cancer ligible la
chimiothrapie, dont la nature du cancer est dtermine, naf de traitement anti-cancreux,
des deux sexes, de tout ge, ayant accord son consentement clair.
Pour chaque patient collig, le recueil des donnes sest fait laide dun questionnaire prvu
cet effet et dun examen dermatologique complet aprs chaque consultation. Il yavait une
consultation prvue avant chaque nouvelle sance de chimiothrapie.

Au total nous avons recrut 70 patients. Il sagissait dune population majorit fminine
(sex ratio F/H=2,8) avec un ge moyen de 47,4 13 ans, extrmes 25 et 90 ans.
Il existait au moins une atteinte dermatologique chez 85,7% de nos patients. Les principales
manifestations dermatologiques taient lalopcie (84,2%), lhyperpigmentation des ongles
(38,5%), lhyperpigmentation gnralise (28,5%), la stomatite (7,1%), lrythrodysesthsie
palmo-plantaire (4,2%), la radiodermite de rappel (1,4%). Lalopcie de dveloppait le plus
aprs la deuxime semaine aprs la premire chimiothrapie. Lhyperpigmentation de la peau
et des ongles apparaissait surtout la deuxime chimiothrapie. Il existait une association
significative entre la stomatite et la sropositive au VIH (valeur p=0,003).

Les manifestations dermatologiques sont frquentes chez les patients sous chimiothrapie
anticancreuse. Elles sont domines par lalopcie, lhyperpigmentation de la peau et des
ongles, la stomatite, le syndrome pied-mains.

Mots cls : Toxicit cutane, chimiothrapie, alopcie, stomatite, erythme acral.

Recent discoveries in cancer chemotherapy and the establishment of new management
protocols have improved survival for cancer patients. All this is accompanied by many side
effects, especially mucocutaneous ones.

We conducted a prospective descriptive and analytical study in the oncology ward of the
Yaounde General Hospital over a period ranging from January to April, 2015.
Were included in the study, each new patient affected by cancer eligible to chemotherapy,
with a determined nature of cancer, naive to chemotherapy treatment, of both sexes, of all
ages, having given informed consent.
For each patient, data collection was done by using a questionnaire and a complete
dermatological examination during consultation. Consultations were scheduled before each
chemotherapy session.

In total we recruited 70 patients. It was a female majority population (sex ratio F / H = 2.8)
with a mean age of 47.4 13 years, ranging from 25 to 90 years.
There were at least a dermatological disease in 85.7% of our patients. The main
dermatological events were alopecia (84.2%), hyperpigmentation of nails (38.5%),
generalized hyperpigmentation (28.5%), stomatitis (7.1%), palmo-plantar erythrodysesthesia
(4.2%), the recall dermatitis (1.4%). Alopecia most developed after the second week after the
first chemotherapy. Hyperpigmentation of skin and nails appeared especially in the second
chemotherapy. There was a significant association between stomatitis and HIV positive (pvalue = 0.003).

Dermatological manifestations are frequent in patients on cancer chemotherapy. They are
dominated by alopecia, hyperpigmentation of the skin and nails, stomatitis, hand foot

Keywords: cutaneous toxicity, chemotherapy, alopecia, stomatitis, acral erythema.

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