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166 519. (CHAPTER FIVE Bln of Pi Ane arcival ates continuously increasing at constant rate of 200 veh n/n fr I min the arava rate wil be 10 veh/br, ater 2 min, 900 ). The saturation flow ofthe approach is 1800 veh, the ‘yee length i 60sec and the effective green is 40 se. Determine the total ‘hice delay uni complete queue dissipation (assume 8 D/D/1 ueving resime). “The saturation Now foram intersection appeouch is 3600 veh At the beginning of a eycle (fective red) no vebices are queued. The signal is timed so that when the queue is 13 vehicles Tong. the eft green begins IF the queue dissipates 8 sec before the end of the eee andthe cele length is 0 sex what isthe asia rate assume a D/D/1 queuing regime } Chapter Six Applied Traffic Analysis: Basic Elements YOR coarren six / sped Te Ari: Bae Eien 6.1 INTRODUCTION Although the fundamental cements of trai analysis presented in Chapter 5 are theoretically valid the acal application of these fundamentals requies 4 more claborate definition of terms. Two examples of the pracico-ep>s [ele 7 “#Lane Feeney @ Lanes each iecton) Toe] oF] om | om | im | om | on Pon ‘om | aa | am | am | a | om | 090 | om fm | om | ao | oa | aoe | ons | on | om ‘ome | a9s | ass | om | ase | os | omy | om for | ane | ase | am | aoe | ost | O86 | one 9) | 090 | os | o7 | csr | oxs | oxo | on om | am | am | on | am | om | om | 04 ‘x Lane Peery Go 4 Lanes ech econ) Tor] 0% | 099 | Om ] 1m | 0% | 089 | OW se | ass | oss | tar | om | oss | oss | om tee | 095 | oss | oar | og | oo | oe | O77 oe | ose | ost | 07 | os | os | ase | ore sy | os | oxy | oe | ose | os | ass | ors tat | 092 | os | ax | aa | om | on | om bse | om | ass | or | ost |-osr | om | a7 Ec iemeray we bate Gry Mama i ea Kd "Gan ps of drip en Nr par, ot ae aye ‘tet onwie Row Tome ld ered ng ten 64 masicrasewaysecuents 177 642 Lane Width and/or Lateral Clearance Adjustment ‘When lane widths are narrower thn the ideal 12 ft and/or obsretons (ex barmers of tlepone pole) ae closer than 6 f from the edge of the tele pavement atthe roadside ora the median), the adjustment factor /, is wsed to fect prevailing condition. Such an adjustment is needed, since narrow lanes tnd obstructions clove to traveled pavement cause tlic 0 low asa result of Feduced psehologl comfort and ims oa driver manewering and accident Svoidance options Ts in turn leads to an effective reduction in roadway Capacity retve to the capacity that would be avaiable if ideal roadway tondiins were provide. “The adjustment factors weed in current practice are presented in Table 62. Athough the defn of lie width is wnaiguows, some elaboration of what ‘Smeant by an obstruction ie warranted. An obstuction isa roadside or median objet that canbe ether continuous (eg, a retaining wall or base) or ptiodic (et light post or telephone poles). Table 6.2 provides coretons fr bstuc- tions on one side of the roadway (dither mean of roadside objects) and for ‘bstractions on both sides (bth median and roadie). For the ese where ‘bstraction are on both ides of he roadway and the distances trom the traveled ‘averent to the abjects are unequal (e,2f to rondsde obstructions and $f 10 median obstructions) the average distance is we to arive at the f_ value from ‘Table 2. "AS an example of wsing Table 62, consider a 6ane Freeway with 11-flans and obstructions from he traveled pavemeat of 4 forthe roadside ege and 0 (ee, the barr immediately adjacent) fom te median edge. The factor is found to be 092 from Table 62 indicating that 8 percent ofthe ideal roadway ‘apt i Tost de to nonidea lane widths and lateral clearances, 643 Heavy Vehicle Adjustment “Trucks, buses, and eens vehicles have performance characteris (slow {zcleration or tfeior baking) and dimensions (eagth, height and wid) tht fave an adverse elect on a foadvay’s capaci). Recall that ideal condvons Assume tat no heavy vehicles ate preeat in the tfc srcam and, when prevaling conditions Indiate the preeace of heavy vehicles, the adjustment [ecto fg is wed to tant del to prevailing conditions. The fy coeection term i Tound uking a two-step procs. The fist sep is (0 determine the passenger car eqivaleat pe) for each wack, bus, and/or recreational vehi in the trafic stream. These values repent the number of passenger cas tht ‘would consume the same amount of roadway capacity asa Single truck, bus, of Tevretonal vehicle. These pasenger ear oqivleats ae denoted Ey fr track, I for buses and. for recreational vehicles, and are a funtion of the type of ferain (ep. soadesy grade, nee step grades will tend to magnify the performance iferiny of envy ehides as well asthe sght-dstance problems kused by their larger dimensions Ge, abty of divers in vehicles folowing 180 waren six / Ap aff dn ase lens 645 Freeway Trafic Analysis ‘With all terms in Eg. 64, 6, and 66 defined, these equations can now be applied to determine freeway lee of service and freeway capaci. The manner in which this determination is underaen is best demonstrated by example. Brample 67 A sivlane urban feeray (hee lanes in ech direction is on rolng tran with | Yoamph design sped, 10-1 lanes, with cbstroctions 21 from bth roadside snd median edges. A dirctional weekday peal-hour volume of 2200 vehicles is ‘observed with 700 vehicles arriving in the most eongesied Sin ped. If he traf steam has 12 perceat tucks, 10 percent bases, and 2 pecea recreational vehicles, determin the level of serie. Solution “The approach that wil be taken to determine lvl of sevice wil be to compute the wolume-to-capaiy ratio (v/s) ofthe roadway and to compare it wth the ‘maximum volume to capa ratios for spcied leresof service, as given ia ‘Table 61, To ative at the roadways Yolumetozapacty rao, Eq. 66 i rearranged giving We" ENE T, ws, tom B63, Sha Ket = 20.8 = 2000 ppp 7O-mph design sped) HIGieo fp = 10 (wekday, Table 64) 12088 (Ost lanes, obstructions 2 fon bot sis, assumed with 2 shoulder, Table 62) E,~ 40, Ey = 30, Ey = 30 (roling tern, Table 63) Sey mscrmvaysecuets 181 From Bg, 67, we obtain bow” TOT H FT ST FORT=D substuing, ed that We moO RTXOEE KORE XTD ~ont hich gves a LOS D trom Table 6. sige the maximum v/e for LOS Cis 0.77 tnd the maximum v/¢ for LOS D is 083 (ie, O77 < 0878 < 093). rample 62 Considering the conditions descibd ia Example 61, how many atonal ‘vehicles can be added tothe peak hou before te freeway rashes capacity? Solaton ‘To salve this problem, the highest Service fw that the roadway can sustain mst be computed: Since eoadway capa occur at LOS F, andthe highest lume torcapacity ratio under LOS E's 1.0 (Table 61, wih volume equal to capaci) the highest service ow can be calculated from Bq. 66, She 9/606, 29 Xow Using ¥/c = 1.0 and al other terms ain Example 6.1, we obtain Sh, = 10x 10 x3 085 x 0405 x 10 aun sehr ‘Recall that sevice ow is based the highest 1Smin volume inthe pe our ‘To determine the number of vehicles that canbe added tothe entre peak hot, see flow mst Be omer oan gue! hoy vom y eran Eg 62, we eet, vase xen 182 CWAPTER SIX / Apel Tac At BeBe where 7 / v ar = 7g i 0, snc inital ¥ = 2200 ve/hr (given) and Fy = 70 vehicle (given), 0 PRE = aaa 0706 so that 2 sts veya Assuming that all heay vile percentages and traf volume peaking remains the same, this means that 308 ational vehicles (2505 ~ 2200) ean bende 0 the peak hour blore the leeway teaches cepa, 65 MULTILANE HIGHWAYS “Multan highways ae those highways that are below Freeway standards becase they do not have fall coauel of access and, in some instances opporng rk [xp oF [AD OF zs | io 100 | ass om | ase om 0% ‘4 | om os | oss ose | om ons | oss ane 2 | om om | ors om | ast om | 0s om 0 | a7 oss | ous cm | ost ars | 049 006 ‘Seer Tamporoe Roxwch Do har pat” Mam, pce Rep 3, Rasen Fir deri tte hfe ely, ete mee oe wt Foor pia a es an 1h ‘TAME 613 Paseage Car Balen for TwoLane Hlghoays Vetie Lev ie Seve [tee Truss E a 20 0 70 aac 2 Pn 100 Dante, 20 So no ‘eben a 2 32 so bans a 39 2 Dat is 3 3 Bucs & a ir 30 Po aac 2 aM é DandE ts 2 es Save, We ant Mora “Fase Gr Eqs of Tas, Bs, and Rese ‘ova Wel or Toae Ru ea Panton Rock Ra a8 YSZ Harner sx / Aye ii Ani Base omens {actors vary by level of sevice, which was not the case fr freeways and mulAlane ighways. As wil be shown in forthcoming examples, this dependeneon level of service wil complicate the tale aaalyis procedure, ‘As final observation, note hat Eq 69 doesnot contain an adjustment factor for regular/nonreguar users as was the casein Bs. 65 and 68 (or reoray and ‘mulilane highways, respective). Because ofthe many other completes of two-lane highway, the fp af driving population has Been found not to be x critical concer (Transportation Research Boazd 1985) amp 63 ‘A roralewo-ane highway ison level tran with Ut ans, 2-8 paved shoulders, tnd 80 percent no-passing tones. The ditional spi is 80/20 and thee ate Deteent truck, 2 perent buses, and 5 percent recreational vehicles, Determine the service tow of the roadway a capacity. Solution ‘The roadway reaches capaci of LOS E whch from Table 610 gives a ¥/e ratio (0f 1.0 on level eran with 80 percent no-pssng2ones. Ths the serie ow at ‘pacity can be computed using Eq 63, She = OX 9/6, LL. Xe where v/eg = 1.0 (Table 610) f= 083 80/20 directional split, Tale 611) fe = 088 (14 lanes, 24 shoulders, LOS E, Table 6.12) EL 20, Ey = 18, By ~ 16 level tein, LOSE, Table 613) From Ba, 67, we obtain foe ™ TS UORI=D OOS F OTT Substituting these vrms into the above equation for SF, "SF, = 20 1.0085 x08 x0916 = wT .eyr 46 / RURALTWoLANE HIGHWAYS 193 Brame 66 Consider the conditions deseibed in Example 65. Ifthe peak-hour vehicle count is 522 with a peal-hou facior of 0.90, determine the level of servic. Soltion Note that both f, and fy are dependent on the LOS tht i not known. ‘Therefore, this prcblem mst be approached by italy assuming 8 LOS, then ‘computing 2 LOS, and making certain that the computed LOS ix consistent with the intaly assumed LOS. To begin, assume LOS E. Under thi assumption, {and fg ate all s determined in Example 65. Also, fom given information, SP ie sa a = Stir “To compute LOS (vi 6) Ea, 69 is erangd, Ve BOOKLETS Sbsioing. we obi Veo OTRO XO oa From Table 6.10 (eel tern, 80 percent noasing zone) LOS C is obtained (ie, 017 < 031 033) wich i nconasent with the earlier assumed LOS E ‘Thereloe, he above computations must be reworked. I LOS Dit assumed oly 4. wil change fom the astumed LOS E adjustment factors. In ths case ‘£= 075 assuming LOS D with IL lanes and 2-1 shoulders, as indicat in “Fable 6.12. The v/e is computed a8 Veo ETN RO KOS ey From Table 6.10; LOS Dis obtained (e033 < 0.363 < 08), which consis ‘ent with the assumed LOS D. Thteoe, he roadway’ eve of service is D. At 1 final point, note that f LOS C had been nity assumed, f. = 0.75 (as forthe LOS D assumption) but a diferent fy would result besise now Ey = 22, 194 carrer six / appt fe Ana Bs les Ey = 20, and Ey = 25 (LOS C, lvl tran, fom Table 613)'S, 7 1 bo > TEODET DF OOTY FOOT H By substi, we a that Ve eae Se OKO OKO 0am From Table 6.10 LOS D is again indicated (ie, 0.33 < 0384 < 058), whichis inconsistent with the assumed LOS C. Thus LOS D provides the only consistent 6.7 DESIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES In the precaling sections of this chapter, consideration was given to some predetermined, congeied, or peak Hout, and the temporal nonuniformity of trafic ow over ths hour was accounted for by ung the peakchour fatr. However, tere tsa lager question that looms How i the pea hou determined for either highway dep (Le, determining the mimber of lanes eeguied, and so on) or congestion analy) "Thi question ir complicated by (wo concerns. Fist, there is considerable ‘aciabiity in tae volumes by time of day, day af week, time of year, and type of highvay, Figure 6 demonstrates ch variations in af volutes by hour of ‘ay, day of week, and type of foad. Figue 6 gives variations by time of yearby ‘comparing flows with te anual average daily trafle AADT (in units of veils per day and computed asthe ttl yer tac divide by the numberof days in the year) {Mtanj 1963}. Both ofthese gues underscore the variability in rfc ‘volumes over ime. The Second concer ian ougrowth af the st in that, given the temporal variability in tafe fow, what Rosy volume should be wsed for ‘design and/or analyse? To anawer this question, consider « diagam of Us highest 100 hosrly'volumes on a roadway over a one-year time peiod, as rated in Fig. 6, I cient capac i provided for the highest annual hourly volume, the roadnay wil operate at well below capacity for much of the eat. Tis would bea wasteful use of resources, since additonal lanes would be provided fora relatively rare cccurrnce In conast the 100 highest volume 49 / pesto TaarricvowuMes 195 ty FIGURE 64 samples thot sition for itera intr outs is used as capacity for desig, the capacity ofthe roadway will be exceeded 100 tines a year, which will ret io contdeable deve delay- Clay, some Compromise beowen the expense of providing addtona expscty and the expense of incaring addtional diver day must be made. “Current design practice in the United Sats generally uses a peak hour ‘etweun the 10th and SOth highest volume hour ofthe year, depending on the type and location ofthe road (eg, urban freeway, rural mulilsnehighay, and 0 on, local trate dat, and engineering judgment. Perhaps the most common Tour volume ued for roadway design i the 300 highest hourly volume ofthe Year In practice, the Alcor is ued to convert average nal dll tafe (WADI) fo the 2th highest annual hourly volume & is defined a8 ro BR (10) where DHV is the design houtly volume (typically, the 30k highest annual 196 caren sx / aye Tri Ame Base is 5g ages "a Wa ey Ti ae SO WO ty aes ly te pct OT asae "a i ai a sag vey tnd oan FIGURE 6 Examples f monthly fe olune vata sowing lative tafe ends by route pe ‘on ral ond (Sauter T Mata, “A Mein of Etinting Tre Behar oa All Routes in + Meopestan Coan” Higheay Reach Rc, 1983), hourly volume) and AADT isthe roadways average annual ily trac. S, for cxampl, Fig, 64 indicate K value of 0.12. More generally, K; can be defined 2 the K actor corespondng to the th highest anzual hou volume. Again, for txampl, the 20th highest anal hoy volume would have K vale, (0126, fom Fig. 64 I K is act subsrped, the Oth highest anual houly volume is assumed (Le, K'= Kp) Finally, in the design and anal of some highway types (eg reas and smultilane highways) the concern lis with directional tafe ows. Thar factor 1S needed to reflect the proportion of peak-hour tafe volume traveling in the peak direction. This factor is denoted as D and is used to ave at the 67 / pesinearmcvouumes 197 of ay ‘oct pa ls FrouRE 6s Highest 100 toa volanes over one ee ped fora plata. Directional Design Hour Volume (DDHY) by appiation of DDHY = Kx Dx AADT om where all terms are as previously define, Bample 67 1A freeway i to be designed as a pasengerca-only facility for an AADT of 51,000 bites per day, and 12 lanes and a T-mph design speed are to be teed The designs 4 be for commuters and te peak-hour factors 085 with 65 pent ofthe peakchoor tale teeing inthe peak dvecton. Using Fig. 6 to Sbtsn design Houc volumes, we determine the numberof lanes required (asim ing no obstructions to provide at lest LOS C wing: the highest annual hourly ‘oun and the 30th higher annual vue, 198 carrer st / Appt rc nai Bae ens Solin By inspection of Fig, 66, the highest annual houly volume has K = 01S, ‘Application of Eq 61 gives DRY =k, Dx AADT 015 x08 x 31000 13025 vehi With ¥ = DDH, a, 62 gives, ale ms 238558 To determine the numberof lanes require, Eq, 66 is rearranged as sf N° ROT E where c, = 2000 ppp C-mph design spss) “fey = LO (with no hese veces) ‘i 1.0 (12 lanes, no obstructions, Table 62) {f= 10 (commutes only, Table 6) For worst LOS C coniins, ¥/ec 0:7. Substituting, we obtain ma 355558 Box Orr x 1 OXTOXTS an Since 21 lanes are needed, 3 lanes must be provide to achiev atleast a LOS (CFor the 3th highest annual Volume, Fig 66 gives Ky, = K'= 012, which, when used in Eq. 6:11 gives DDHY = KX Dx AADT 012 x 065% 5.000 = 248 bee 2047 67 / pesca TaARMIC VOLUMES 199 ‘With all other terms as before, the mumber of ans needed is mau N= mpoxorTSTORTORTB So, forthe 30 thst annual hourly volume, only two lanes are needed to ‘provide LOS C or beter as opposed to the three lanes needed to sats) the Feve-srvice conditions for the highest annual hourly volume. NOMENCLATURE FOR (CHAPTER 6 AADT average anal dil tal (in vh/day) ‘ roadway capacity (in veh /he) 4 capacity per lane at design speed / (in pep) > ietona factor HY desigatour volume DDHV directional design hour volume Ey ———_-pasenger-ar equivalent for buses ye pusenge-car equivalent for ereational vehicles FE, passeagercar equivalent for tucks hi djustment factor for directional distrbution of tafe (tworane highways ony) fe adjustment factor fr highway type and development environment (lle bihways only) Juv sjasiment factor for heavy veces h ‘adjusment factor for driver population (teenays and malilane highways ony) he adjusiment factor fo ane widths and lateral clearances K factor wsed to convert ADT to 30th highest annual hourly volume 200. CHAPTER SI / dpid Tf Ae: Bs Bane x factor sed to convert ADT 40 the ‘th highest nal hourly ‘volume (MSF, maximum seve fw rate for level of service # (in pet) ” number of lane it ve direction PHE ——_peakshour factor SF service flow (in veh /ns) v hourly volume (a veh) Vig ——_‘ighest 15 minute volume y/e——wolumet-capcity ratio REFERENCES 1 Transportation Research Board, Highnay Capaclyy Manual, Speci Report 209, National Research Coone, Washington, D.C, 1985, 2 Highway Research Bosrd, Higheay Capaciy Mansa, Special Report §7, [National Research Coun, Washington, D.C, 196, 3. A, Werner and J. F. Moral, “Pasenger Car Equivalence of Truck, Buses, ‘Sod Recreational Veses for Two-Lane Rural Highways” Tronporaton Research Record 615, 1916. 4. T, Mutanyi, “A Method of Estimating Tafe Behavior on All Routes in & Highway Research Record 4, 1363. PROBLEMS 61. A sivlane freeway is operating unde the maximum of LOS C conditions ‘hs a design speed of 70 mph, and 10 anes, wih Bt shoulders on the Imetian side and 4 shoulders onthe nonmedian side (ie, ondside). The freeway ison roling train wth 4 commuting trafic composed of 10 pevent tusk, $ pret bose, 85 percent as, and PHF = 0.80, 128 pevent of all dctonl trafic occurs during the peak hour, determine {he total dal directional wae volume. 62, A fourane freeway (to lanes in each direction) is cated on rling ferrin and has a design speed of 70 mph, 12-4 lan, and no ltra ‘bstrctons within # feo the pavement ees. The tai steam consists ‘Gf cas and tack ety (ao Buse or reeational vehicles) A weekday 64. 67. 63. rnonems 201 peak-hour volume of 1800 vehi i observed with SOD arciving in the most congested IS-nin period. Ia level of service no worse than Cis Aesired, determine te maximem nomber of tracks that can Be present in the peakchour tai vale Consider the inal condions described in Example 6:1. How many sional (us can be aed Wo the pak Hou lore the ery aches capacity! ‘A satan frevay (Qe lanes in each ction) has a weekday peskchout ‘Volume of 2400 veils (peaichou factor = 090) mith 10 percent tack, 5 percent buss, and 2 percent ereatonal vehicles. The design speed is 0 mph and the lanes are 11 f wth obstructions on one side (41 fom the teaeled pavement) If the highway is operating at eve of service C, what ‘ype of eran iit on? What isthe maxinum dizectonl service flow fora mulilane four lanes, ‘wo lanes in each direction) undivided highway at LOS C with 12- anes, “o-mph desi speed, ina rral are with commuting trafic and (@) No additional features that limi apa (0) Telephone poles located 1 frm pavement edges (© 10 percent tacks and 5 perent buses on level ground (© Road locted in national park (Le, noncommutes) ‘A level suburban scan (hee lanes in ech diction) undivided ul {ane facility hae» S0-mph design speed with 10 percent tks, $ percent ‘buses, IL-ft lanes with obstruction 4 ft fom the pavement edge (both sides), and a commute dng population. The highway currelly oper ster a capacity with 4 directional peakchour volume of 2936 veh/be TE the facility i upgraded toa freeway TOsmph design speed) with a 30 ‘edi (ith no bration on the modian sie bt sil having obsie- tions fom the oss traveled edge ofthe eoaday), what wl be the Iaximim directional peskoar volume under LOS D? (Assume that all Tune and wall eluted characterise are unchanged) “The new freenay in Problem 66 strats 300 mote veh/br (same PHF). ‘You ae asked by an engineering frm to suggest some road improvement that wil eure that the new fsiity operates under a leat level of Service C Consider the conditions described in Example 63. How many additional ‘hice can be add to the peak hour before the highway reaches capacity? ‘A rural divided mutlane highway (ou lanes, two les in each dieton) {being designed with 10- lanes and s Gl-mph design sped. The design 202 610. on, ou. ou. as. CHAPTER SUX / Ap ri Ans Ra Es trafic consists of regular ses and forthe pak hou, 950 vehicles with 15 pereent trucks (no buses or recreational vehicles) and a pesk-hour factor of 045, The teeanis mountainous and oberon (rock embank- ments) are to be eared from both sides How much distance must be Cleared rom the edge of he traveled way to proide a level of service ‘A mullane highway has 50-mph design speed and during the peak hour has 1500 vehices witha peakchor factor of 09, The ighvay is operaing at level of service C with ve = O48. How many additonal vel can be added tothe peak hour before the lvl of service drops to D? Consider the conditions describ in Example 6S I the peaichour vehicle ‘count is 86 with a peal-hout factor of 090, what ithe maximam percent ‘of no-passng zones that can exist and sil have the highway peovide a level of serie (all ther physical characteristics a tated ia Example on ‘A rural wovlne highway, with commutes, is crteatly operating at ‘apacty on mountainous tin. Pasing isnot pomited and the Toad has 11 lanes, 2 shoulders, (Le, obstructions 2. from the evel ‘pavement with a walie mix of cars and trucks and 2 70/30 drcionl Split A recent wfc count revealed 286 vehicles (Lal, both direction) ariving inthe most congested 1S-mia itera, The road i widened t 2 four-lane (wo lanes in each dieton) muliane divided ackty with (-mp design sped, sre lane widths, and 2 shoulders on both ier “The widened road atacts sdaltional tafe such that 500 vehicles ave oval both diections, same diectonal sl) in the most congested 1S-min interval. Determine the new facts level of seice ‘A tworlane rl highvay caries a peskchour volume of 180 vb, nd has a PHF ~ 07. The roadway har a mph design speed 1 anes, 2 shoulders (ie, obsuctions Rom the taveled pavement), ands ‘8 mountainous terrain with 8D percent nopasing tones. The trafic steam has a 60/40 directional spit wth percent tucks, 10 perent, ‘recreational vehicles, no bases, and 8S percent pusenger eas. Determine the level of service. ‘A four-lane un freeway (te lanes in each dtecton) has 4 70mg ‘esgn sped, ison mountainous tevain, and has 12 lanes with oa ‘roadside obsructons (Le, no mediante obsrections) 4 from the teaveled pavement. Th tfc steam const of commuter and has 5 percent trucks, 4 percent buses, and 4 percent recreation veils. Computations show that the existing vlume-to-capacty rato is O82 If the trafic volune emains constant, what erent decrease inthe peakchour factor canbe accommodated before the roadway eeaches capac? A suburban undivided highway (0 lanes in each dieton) has tai Stream of egularwers and 8 S0-nph design speed Tf lanes, obit 66 ow. monies 203 ‘ions 2 rom the oad edge nly (Le, no medians obstructions, fd a peak hor factor of 08. Cerny, tucks are aot permite onthe Iighvay, but the wae steam does have buss (10 pereent) and rece- tional vehicles (2 percent) and ison level terrain. The highway is ‘operating (daring the peak hour at maxim LOS C conditions. If tucks Seto be permite to we the highway, determine the maximum number ‘of wack that an be add othe esting tac before LOS Ei reached ‘An engineer designs rural two-lane, two-way road on sling terrain with {Out lanes and 2: shoulders (4, cbstrvtions 2 ft from the traveled ‘pverent). The tai count i 280 veh (otal, both dietions) with 2 eachour factor of 0.80 (10 percent tks, 2 percent buses, and 5 perent Fecestional vehicles) and there are 4D perent norpassingzoaes. What ‘Giretional splits neesy to enue tha the roadway opertes at LOS C orbeter! [A frceway has 12 lanes, no Inter bstacions, passenger cars only, a ‘commuter diving population, a TOsmph design spend, two lanes in each ‘rection, peakhourdicetonaldstibuon of 070, and PHF = 080. ‘Assuming that Fig. 66 applies, ifthe AADT is 40,000 veh day, determine the lve! of see forthe 10th, 50th, and 100th highest annual bouly volume

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