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Use the following website to explore Dantes Hell and to answer the following questions.

may work with a partner; however, each of you must turn in your own assignment.
The Dark Wood of Error:
1. Who is Dante, and what does he represent?
Dante is the writer of Inferno. He represents mankind .
2. What beasts does Dante encounter in the dark wood? What do these beasts foreshadow?
Leopard; Malice and Fraud. Lion; Violence. She-Wolf; Incontinence.
3. Which beast does Dante fear the most? Why?
The She-Wolf because he believed himself most guilty of her type of sin and it kept him from the Mtn. of Joy.
4. Where is Dante trying to go?
The Mountain of Joy
5. Who is Virgil, and where does his soul rest?
The poet of Rome represents human reason. His soul rests in the afterlife.
1. What is a vestibule (definition)?
An antechamber, hall, or lobby next to the outer door of a building
2. Who is in the Vestibule, and what did they do to get there?
Those who were only for themselves and were not good nor bad.
3. What are they chasing, and what is happening to them?
A wavering banner while swarms of hornets sting them as they run over a maggot-covered ground
4. In Dantes scheme, the ___________________ matches the ________________.
5. Are these souls in Hell? Explain
Yes. They are in their own personal Hell, even if it isnt as bad as what is to come.
6. Who is Charon? How does he feel about Dante?
The ferryman of the boat that crosses the River Acheron. He sees Dante as living and refuses his passage. He is
revoked by Virgil.
Circle 1:
1. What is the name of the first circle?
2. What is a virtuous pagan?
Lived without Christ but still led just lives.
3. Name some individuals who are in Circle 1.
Homer, Horace, Ovid, Lucan.
4. Who is in the castle?
Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Heraclitus, Orpheus, Euclid, etc
5. What does the castle represent?

Circle 2:

1. Who is in Circle 2?
Minos and the Lustful.
2. What does it mean to be lustful?
Having or showing strong feelings of sexual desire
3. What is the punishment for souls in circle 2?
They are caught up in an eternal whirlwind.
4. Who are Paolo and Francesca?
Souls that had an affair with each other. Murdered by Francescas vengeful husband.
5. Who is Minos and what is his job?
Son of Zeus and Europe judges souls and sends them to their Circle.
Circle 3:
1. Who is in Circle 3?
The gluttonous.
2. What does it mean to be gluttonous?
excessively greedy
3. Describe the environment in circle 3.
Garbage and filth, freezing rain.
4. Who is Cerberus?
Three-headed dog, guardian of the underworld.
5. What is the weather like in circle 3?
Freezing rain, hail, slush, etc.
Circle 4:
1. Who is in Circle 4?
Hoarders and Wasters
2. Who is Plutus?
God of wealth.
3. Who is Dame Fortune?
Represents Chance. Oversees splendors of Earth and changes fortunes of humans lives
4. What else is she called?
The Lady of Permutations
5. What are permutations?
A way in which a set of things can be ordered or arranged
Circle 5:
1. Which river is in Circle 5?
The River Styx.
2. What does it mean to be wrathful?
Full of or characterized by intense anger.
3. Name someone from modern society whom you might find in Circle 5.
Me. Lynn. Nina. Grumpy Cat. Kanye West.
4. What emits from the tower on the banks of the river?
5. Who is Filippo Argenti, and what happens to him?
An enemy of Dante. Tortured by souls for eternity.
Circle 6:
1. What is Dis?
The capital of Hell. Opposite of the New Jerusalem in Heaven.

2. What is a heretic?
Someone who sins against the Church or denies Gods existence.
3. What is the punishment for the heretics?
Lying in tombs made of iron with great flames blazing beneath them.
4. Who guards the gates of Dis?
The Rebellious Angels
5. Why does Virgil pray at the gates?
He prays for divine assistance to open the gates.
Circle 7:
1. What are the three types of violence represented in Circle 7?
Violence against Self, Neighbors, and God.
2. Describe each sin and its punishment
Neighbors; created war, tyrants. Smothered underneath the river of blood, stabbed by centaurs when they try to
rise from the river. Self; destroyed their own bodies (suicide). Substance made of trees leaves eaten by Harpies,
wounds re-heal allowing for more torture. God; Blasphemers. Slow rain of fire from above, Plain of Burning
3. Why does the Minotaur represent violence?
Devoured the fourteen people sent to him in the labyrinth.
4. What is the job of the centaurs?
Torment the Sinners against Neighbors.
5. What is Geryon symbolic of?
Fraud. He lures travelers in and kills them.
Circle 8:
1. Name 3 types of people Dante thought to be fraudulent.
Panderers and Seducers, Flatterers, Thieves.
2. How is Circle 8 shaped, and what happens in the middle?
Arena; in the middle is the border between the two circles.
3. How are thieves punished?
Tortured by snakes and other reptiles.
4. Describe the punishment of the fortune tellers.
Walk backward with their heads turned to look behind them.
5. What is a hypocrite?
People who appear good on the outside but are evil within.

Circle 9:
1. What does it mean to be treacherous?
Guilty of or involving betrayal or deception
2. Is Circle 9 hot or cold? Why?
Cold- treachery lacks all love so sinners are denied any warmth.
3. Who is at the center of Circle 9?
4. What is he doing?
Chewing on three sinners; Brutus, Cassius, and Judas Iscariot.

5. What is ironic about the actions of this individual?

Satan betrayed God and waged war in Heaven- he was a traitor like the souls he is chewing on.

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