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P R E S E N T E D T O : D R . AD L A N PAR S A

Politicians and C-level Managers are leaders but it doesnt mean they are the right kind of
leaders. They are in positions of power that can cause an effect on the organizations in retrospect
to their decisions. They are leaders because they have people that follow them and listen to their
directives of accomplishing a task, but are they good leaders, do their followers like them or are
the followers abiding to directives and rules. This makes a leader effective or not. A C-level
manager and a Politician must possess different traits that enable them to be called a leader.
Those traits are Honesty and integrity, which makes their followers trust them and blindly follow
them in whatever venture they are taking them to. Vision which is telling the followers how the
prospective future is going to look. Communicating to the follower and describing to them the
futuristic insight of how the organization will expand or change internally. Inspiration by
motivating them how to effectively work together, and setting up yourself as a role model and
being amongst them in every step of the way. Leaders have two determinants that inspires their
followers, either by being a relationship oriented character, and being socially entrenched with
the employees or followers emotionally. Helping them out not only in their work but also being
there as a friend to boost morale and make them see the bigger picture. The second determinant
is task oriented in which the leader focuses on the tasks that need to be performed in order to

meet certain goals, or to achieve a certain performance standard. This type of leader ensures that
deadlines are met and jobs are completed, and it's especially useful for team members who don't
manage their time well. Additionally, these types of leaders will tend to exemplify strong
understanding of how to get the job done by focusing on the necessary workplace procedures,
thus can delegate work accordingly in order to ensure that everything gets done in a timely and
productive manner.
The ability to change in trying to adapt to a dynamic society and not being enveloped by past
constraints of businesses or the red tape dichotomies. Change is intrinsic in every leader to adapt
to the ever changing society we live in, and it is necessary to think outside the box when difficult
situations arise, and delegate or consult with the followers about ideas of change. The leader
might be the looked upon figure but he or she must always consult or delegate with the followers
in order to reach an understanding to change, so that it will not be a paradox for the followers.

Lastly communication, which is sending the message through to the followers in an

understanding manner, with relevant information required for the task to be accomplished or
understood. Communication is necessary as leaders are the people looked upon when a task is at
hand. Being able to send the message through at ease is not enough, but constant feedback and
evaluation must also take place to ensure that the communication has been successful. Using
various techniques, such as emails, billboards, company conferences, team meetings, can be
beneficial if the message was easy to comprehend. A mix of techniques is also a good idea.
Political managers , which is a new profile of this kind of manager is one that includes service
(1) on several corporate boards, (2) as a trustee of two or three nonprofit organizations, (3) in the

leadership of a major business association, and (4) as an advisor to a federal agency. "They are
willing to step out and accept public responsibility," observed one long-time participant, "even
while they carry out their private responsibility." Furthermore, in rubbing shoulders with
executives from a range of industrial and financial firms, executives acquire a general
understanding of the diverse political problems confronting business. Through their associations
with administrators of nonprofit organizations and officials of various government agencies, they
also gain a better appreciation for the complexities of the political, legislative, community
environments in which these businesses operate.
Political managers, as a result, are often more moderate in their political views and are more
aware of the need for compromise on legislative issues. At times they may even promote policies
deriving not so much from their own firm as from an aggregate corporate thinking developed
within such bodies as The Business Roundtable and Business Council. Above all, political
managers are activists and promoters of activism. They believe that companies must become
more involved in the political process if the business climate is to become and remain favorable.
In general, political managers agree that there is no substitute for direct managerial participation,
which will only be effective if company programs and policies are fostered. Thus they have
become the driving force behind the concept of management development for political action.

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