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Causes of the crisis in Ukraine

To understand the current situation, it is necessary to go back in 1991. It is at this

date that the country proclaims its independence. Since then, Ukraine was governed
by his oligarchy, while maintaining ambivalent relations with Russia. In 2004,
following the " orange revolution ", the couple Viktor Ioutchenko - Loulia Tymochenko
rises to power against Viktor Ianoukovytch. The latter will be elected later in 2010.
The country knew a chaotic evolution during which the central power always had
difficulty in imposing its authority regard to the big regions.
To encircle the current situation, it is also necessary to underline the importance
disagreements of Kharkiv signed in 2010. These agreements have for object a kind
of dialectic with a preferential gas price for Ukraine against the extension of the
presence of Russian military in Sevastopol until 2042. Except the circles of experts,
this signature totally went unnoticed with the countries of the European Union which
were mainly worried during this period by the survival of the Euro. The
neighborhoods politics couldnt be a priority in a context of deep crisis.
But crisis was born because of the disagreement between European Union and
Ukrainian government. The European Union had to start the oriental Partnership of
the European Union, carried since 2009 essentially by two countries: Poland and
Sweden. It is a question of proceeding to a link between the EU and six old soviet
republics. Azerbaijan, Armenia and Belarus, as Ukraine, refused to sign this
agreement. On the other hand, Georgia and Moldavia signed it. Eventually, these
countries hope to subscribe to the EU. A perspective which does not make the
unanimity among 28.
This agreement allowed a free trade area between these countries, that forced
Ukraine to begin strong restructurings and thus numerous sacrifices.

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