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1. Upward
T h e purpose of this work is to take the reader upward; upw ard and forward.
Instead of sim ply functioning day to day at the m ercy of circum stances to
feel calm, controlled and purposeful. T his work will show the reader how
his or her spirit can soar, no m atter how debilitating the circum stances.
T his is not a flight of fancy, nor escape from grim reality. O n the
contrary, it is to face reality and soar in spite o f it.
T h e purpose of this work is to unshackle the reader from the bonds of
lim ited thought and negativity.
I repeat: this is not escapism. T h e reader m ay have m any real problem s,
problem s th at are threatening. T h is work is w ritten to stop such threats.
R eading this will obviously not m ake ones problem s go away, b u t it will
certainly lim it th eir power to intim idate, and this is the first step to solving
them .
You can solve your problem s one by one, step by step. It will also seem
as if your problem s are being solved for you.
For this work is about your unseen partner, a constant guardian and
friend. T his work is about unknow n power, an unknow n presence. I am
here to show you how to let this power take over. A nd w hen it takes over you
are free, your spirit will be uplifted, your soul unbounded. You are going
to go forward - and keep going forward.

2. Gullible
A wom an rem arked to m e th at she felt gullible for believing the k in d of
things th at I w rite about, th at she should know better th an to th in k that
such can be true. She im plied I was a charlatan, taking advantage of
peoples vulnerability. I found her com m ents odd, for if she was correct,
then I, too, have been gullible, for I becam e interested in these things long
ago by reading such books. T here was a tim e when I couldnt get enough
of self-help and spiritual books and I never for a m om ent doubted anything
the authors said. I never ever th o u g h t I was being taken in . I believed the
advertisem ents for them : I wanted to believe in them , for if there was only
a fraction of tru th in their content, th eir prom ise was indeed still
w onderful. M y desire to believe m ade these books work for me, and the
m ore I read the m ore I believed. So if anyone was or is gullible it is me.
Now I am w riting such m aterial m yself and I believe im plicitly in
everything I say. If my readers are vulnerable then I m ust have been too.
T h e fact is that this wom an was blam ing me for her lack of faith. It is
always convenient and easy to blam e another. O ut of the countless such
books I have read I have never blam ed the author for m y failings, and it
never even occurred to me th at any of them could be charlatans.
So I repeat, if anyone was/is gullible it is me.
Such books are w ritten because there is a need for them . Is it gullible
to w ant to believe in som ething better th an our present life? Is it gullible
to hope? A nd when it comes to vulnerability we are never so vulnerable as
w hen we lack hope. W hen hope is present we are ready to be taken to a
higher level and taken we are. Now, if a teacher or w riter tells a desperate
person som ething w hich he him self has absolutely no faith in, and does it
m erely to extract a fee or sell a book then th at is despicable. T h a t said, I
have m et m any w riters and teachers of the spiritual and the occult and have
yet to m eet one who didnt believe completely.

3. Experience
Fortunately there is no need to take any w riters w ord for it, for you
can readily experience these principles. T his confounds the allegation of
gullibility. You are going to experience the Power described in these pages
and you are going to know it cannot be any kind of confidence trick. Yet
for many, confusion and disillusionm ent reigns, for they study so m any

books and ideas and yet feel no further forward. It is hard not to end up
sceptical. I u n derstand scepticism , for it is a m ost natural reaction and is
p roof indeed th a t one is not m erely gullible.
T he basic idea beh in d all inspirational and spiritual teachings is that
there is a great invisible power th at can elevate us if we can tap into it. T he
nature of this Power varies according to the teaching, b u t in whatever form
it is described it rem ains w ondrous and inexhaustible. M any say th at this
Power is within us; b u t w hether w ithin or w ith o u t it rem ains m ysterious
and unknow able. M ysterious and unknow able because we are failing to
experience it. We becom e frustrated w ith ourselves because w hatever we
do we fail to experience w hat was prom ised. T h e purpose of this present
work is to lift the reader out of the impasse and take him or her up and
forward. T hose readers who do experience this Power will find their life
im m easurably enriched by it. Some readers w ant m ore of it and could be
said to be in love w ith the experience. T his is a w onderful condition.
W hatever you feel now I can tell you you are going to feel better by the
tim e you have finished reading this volume. You are going to go forward.
B E LIE V E IT. T h is is n ot to be gullible because it is som ething you w ant
to experience.

4. Confusion
W hat is this spiritual essence, this th in g th at hum ans, be they C hristian
or Pagan, Jew or M uslim , believe in? W hy are there so m any different
versions o f it? For at face value it is im possible to reconcile, say, the Jewish
or Islam ic view of God w ith the horned god of w itchcraft. How does one
equate the Cosmic M in d or Infinite M in d principle of m etaphysicians
and m ystics w ith the m ultitude of gods of paganism or the God o f the
Catholic C hurch?
Is there in fact a G od at all, let alone a G oddess and sundry angels,
spirits and bogeym en?
Fortunately we dont have to w orry ourselves about such questions.
Religion is always the product of the culture it springs from: as there are
so m any different cultures it is inevitable there will be so m any different
beliefs and concepts of deity.
Obviously a person born and raised in the jungle of the Congo is going
to have a different view of divinity to som eone raised in San Francisco.
B ut the com m on denom inator is the need to believe. People, whoever they

are and w herever theyre from , sim ply need to believe. A nd believe in
something they will, even if it is totally irrational.
T here are, of course, atheists who dont need to believe, so they will
tell you. T hey are the product of th eir sophisticated urban societies, again
a product of culture, a m aterialistic cynical culture. They, too, need to
believe in som ething, a need expressing itself in some odd ways. T he
atheists I know regularly read their horoscopes. Surely that is irrational,
for astrology is knee-deep in the pagan gods w hich supposedly dont exist.
I have never know n an atheist who didnt celebrate Christm as. Surely
this is irrational, or at the least inconsistent. O f course m any people
w ith no religious or philosophical sentim ent whatsoever also celebrate
C hristm as - but that, too, is irrational.
W hat atheists and m aterialists fail to acknowledge is the human need for
the irrational.
T h e experience of hunger im plies that food exists - otherw ise we would
never feel hungry. If we th irst, the im plication is th at water exists to quench
So if we feel the need to believe in som ething greater th an ourselves
th at im plies that there is som ething greater than ourselves.
Yet w hy is this greater som ething so elusive? W hy doesnt it reveal itself
openly and unam biguously? W hy are we always seem ingly left guessing
and w ondering?
We may, however, be asking the w rong questions. W hat if it IS revealing
itself, m aking itself heard - b u t we are not listening?
W hy does its existence - or non-existence - depend so m uch upon our
perception of it? T he atheist is in a way correct: he says there is n o thing
because he is not aware of anything. T h e believer, on the other hand, looks
and finds.
T h e difference betw een the two, of course, is in their approach. T he
atheist says he has looked - b u t has he? H e says he has listened - b u t was
he deaf, so n o thin g was heard?

5. Amoral
M ost assum e that this power - w hatever description or nam e we care to
give it - is m oral and good. N ot so. But then neither is h u m an k in d m oral
and good. We are a part o f th at whole. H u m an k in d does not behave m orally
and in a good m anner, for if it did there w ould be no need for laws, rules,

regulations, and so on. N either would there be any need for governm ents
and other authorities. H u m an k in d is not a benevolent species. In Rom an
tim es there was tho u g h t to be about ten m illion people on this planet.
Today it is seven billion, and for this grow th to have been achieved count
less forests and anim al species have been destroyed. T his is abom inable.
Advanced beings from another w orld w ould give us short shrift. No one
th in g in this universe of ours is m oral and good; b u t n either is it
intrinsically evil. We frown at the cruelty and savagery of nature w hilst
overlooking th at of our species. We are not a nice lot.
T he power th at we seek to be in tune w ith is neither good nor b ad :
it is sim ply there. A m an who had won on the G rand N ational three years
ru n n in g told me th at he felt a sense of guilt. H e p u t his gam bling luck
down to asking his subconscious m ind to reveal the w inners just before
he w ent off to sleep. H e did this each year on the night before the event.
T h at n ight the w inner would appear in a dream and he placed his bets
accordingly, no m atter w hat the odds were. W hen he asked his sub
conscious m ind he said it was a kind o f prayer, so for him it had a spiritual
dim ension. But because of his M ethodist upbringing he felt th at anything
that m ixed spiritual w ith m oney had to be wrong. I explained to him that
there could be no contradiction here. I explained that the subconscious unlike the conscious m ind - knows neither rig h t nor w rong. T he
religious notion th at spirituality and m aterialism are m utually exclusive
is a falsehood.
L et me give you a striking exam ple of the am oral nature o f this unseen
power. A dolf H itler. As a youth he was a voracious reader of anything
occult. H e was fascinated by the gods and goddesses of the pre-C hristian
era and he developed the belief that there was a guiding power in his life.
H is rise from obscurity to m aster o f continental E urope was spectacular,
and he continuously alluded to his deep inner conviction. We know, too,
that the Nazi hierarchy engaged in secret occult invocations of the old
G erm an gods. T his was in stark contrast to th eir official position as
endorsers of the Catholic C hurch. T h e C hurch was for the masses, the
pagan gods for the initiated. Even m ore spectacular was their leaders good
fortune in avoiding assassination. T hough not know n at the tim e H itler
was continuously the target of assassination attem pts. A lot of G erm ans
w anted to see him dead. Tim e and again he w ould avoid death by a h a irs
breadth, bullets and bom bs never h ittin g th eir target. T his deepened his
occult confidence yet further, for indeed he m ust be the Chosen O ne for
unseen powers were m iraculously protecting him .
In the end, of course, it w ould be only H itler who could kill Hitler.

H is Russian m isadventure, like others before him , resulted from over

W here was G od w hen H itler was pursuing his deep in n e r conviction?
D aily I pass th e rem ains of a church destroyed by the Nazis in 1942.
T h e C hristian God could not save his own church. A nd w here was the
Jewish God when m illions of his chosen people were being dow ntrodden
and exterm inated?
T h e universe is n ot on the side o f good and is accessible to both light
and dark agencies. T h e only good universe is the one we seek for

6. Universe
T h e cruelty and injustice in the w orld is enough to tu rn anyone into a
b itter sceptic and an atheist. T h e religious construct of m orality cannot
circum vent the cruel realities of life and hum an behaviour. Why, even
Jesus C hrist, the m ost perfect m an was tortu red and crucified!
T h a t is why I find C hristianity - and indeed organized religion - so
unappealing. O rganized religion is too bound up in negativity and suffer
ing. It serves a valid social purpose, in bin d in g a com m unity together with
shared values. But the hopeful, aspirational individual deserves som ething
better, som ething that will m ake his or her spirit soar.
Positivity is our aim, and a life full of the positive is certainly possible.
We can accept th at the objective universe is a cruel and m erciless place
but the subjective universe of our own m aking can be a w onderful place.
T his is not a flight of fantasy, but a very real and tangible possibility and
a proven fact for those who actually experience it.
F irst we m ust look at the w ord universe. These days w riters on the
m ystic refer to the universe in personal term s, e.g. you can change your
universe, but, of course, we know th at the universe is the sum total of
everything there is, our E arth and the totality o f all other worlds and space.
Com pared to all th at we are not even a speck, individually seem ingly of no
relevance whatsoever. A nd this is utterly true. Yet by the same token each
individual is a com plete w orld - o r cosmos - in his or her own right, con
sisting of billions of atoms. T his is an im pressive thought. O ur conscious
ness and physicality is of such breadth and com plexity th at if one single
atom in us could th in k and speak it w ould say, T his organism is so vast
and unfathom able and I am only one out o f billions! Secret m ystic

doctrine has taught down th rough the ages th at m an is a m icrocosm of the

universe, the hum an body itself being a replica of the solar system w ith
the sun represented by the heart at its centre and the organs representing
- or ruled by - the planets. It is extraordinary - alm ost inconceivable how each of the body parts are influenced by heavenly constellations,
beginning w ith Aries at the head and Pisces in the feet, Aries being the
first sign of the zodiac and Pisces the last. Scientists refuse to believe this
is so, for the notion seems preposterous, yet we know it is true from sim ple
observation. Astrology is the absolute proof th at we and the heavens are
So m odern talk of the universe helping you is not New Age psychic
babble b u t an absolute truth!
In any event the universe for us is the sum total o f our experience, both
physical and spiritual. Each person has his own universe. You are the
Yet how can the universe help us if we are it? Isnt this a contradiction?
O n the contrary - you and the universe are only separate for as long as you
perceive it that way. T h e m om ent you see th at there is no distinction, no
separation, then everything changes. At that m om ent you becom e a magus
- a w ord m eaning priest or priestess o f the M ysteries - a m agus in the
profoundest sense of the word.
T h e F ather (the universe) and I (the individual person) are one, the
saying attributed to Jesus, is the synthesis of this idea.
T his changes everything.

7. Value
If we are of the F a th er we are therefore of the same essence. T h e
m ysterious power we spoke of earlier is not only T he F ath er b u t also us.
It is consciousness of this fact w hich m akes us a magus. But how do we do
it? We shall presently see. It is not enough for me to explain it: w hat is
im portant is to establish if you are ready for it. Just because you are reading
this doesnt necessarily m ean th at you are ready for it. W hat you th in k and
the reality m ay not coincide. In this chapter I am going to concentrate on
som ething th at is not fashionable - you wont find it often in self-help
books - yet it is vital to our purpose.
I th in k if there is one fundam ental flaw in m ost hum ans it is th eir lack
o f a sense o f value. M ost people seem not to value w hat they have, or put

another way, take so m uch for granted. A nd they are not even aware o f it,
it doesnt even cross th eir m ind. M ention value and they can only th in k ,
How m uch do the things I own cost? as if m onetary purchase was the sole
barom eter of value. You cannot place m onetary value on fresh air, w arm th,
affection, com panionship, a pet, a child, and so m uch else. U sually these
things are taken for granted.
T he only tim e any concept of value emerges is w hen som ething is lost,
or w hen som ething or som eone is taken. At th at m om ent they are devoured
by th eir own paucity of value.
It is im possible to be truly happy and fulfilled w ithout a highly
developed sense of value. W ithout it the m agic you will learn here will
be, pardon the pun, valueless.
Trying to explain this to m ost people is an uphill task, for the concept
is com pletely beyond th eir ken. You, dear reader, will have to grasp it for
a reason th at will soon becom e apparent.
I believe a great deal of societys problem s can be sourced to peoples
lack of value. If they en masse truly valued w hat they have discontent and
crim e w ould vanish.
T he ubiquity of litte r in public places is a m ost telling instance of no
sense of value. It tells you th at some people sim ply do not value their
surroundings; to them th eir environm ent doesnt count. W hen I see
som eone casually discarding som ething in a public place they are
subconsciously saying, It doesnt m atter; I dont care anyhow. T he
discarded litter is not th eir problem , w hich is another way of saying, Its
your problem . You deal w ith it! I get on a train and find a seat sprawled
w ith the previous occupants litter. H e or she has left a clear message, You
clear it up!
You can read an awful lot into a persons character from such
observations. However, w hat is m ost definitely evident is th eir disregard
for th eir surroundings, w hich have no value to them . A nd it doesnt stop
there, one finds th at alm ost everything else doesnt m atter - has no value
- to them . T hey dont value or respect relationships, th eir health, their
work, their hom e, and so on. E verything is taken for granted, com prom ised
or expendable at a whim . To me they seem alm ost like zom bies - alive but
not alive - for everything th at should be of value to them is not registering.
L e ts rem ain w ith trains for a m om ent. I m arvel at the speed, efficiency
and punctuality of m odern trains. It wasnt always like this. But are
passengers any happier? Does such speed and efficiency give them
pleasure, things w hich once could n ot be taken for granted? I th in k not,
judging by their dem eanour. In other words, no th in g is going to m ake

them happy. Since a boy I have always travelled by rail and I have never
know n a tim e w hen people didnt habitually com plain about the service.
T h e greatest com plainers are always those w ith the acutest lack o f sense of
value. Superm arkets are another source of w onder and efficiency. So m uch
product, such variety and choice, and never have prices been so low in
com parison to purchasers incom e. Pensioners who today com plain about
superm arket prices should speak to pensioners o f a generation ago and
realise how lucky they are! But each succeeding generation th in k s it is
m ore hard done by than the earlier. In the 21st century we are all so blessed
and fortunate in so m any ways and yet it is all taken for granted. If only a
magic b u tto n could be pressed so that people could be im m ediately
transported back to the 1940s. To live just one day would m ake them crave
to be back in the m odern era! T here are no good old days, be it any era;
those who believe it are those who do not value the present.
In todays W estern w orld even the poorest have refrigeration, m obiles
and laptops. W hat k in d o f poverty is that? Todays p oor enjoy luxuries
and privileges th at even kings and queens o f old couldnt even imagine.
Yet only a fool cannot possibly fail to realize th at few people seem happier
as a result.
To value w hat you have is to m ake your life m ore m eaningful. N ot to
value w hat you have is to considerably increase the chances of you losing
it. All good things are to be treasured and cherished. Taking things for
granted is a cardinal sin against the soul. T h e w orst is to take others for
granted. It poisons relationships. A nd you cannot fail to notice - unless
you are a fool - that others are also takingjw u for granted. A nd there is not
m uch you can do about that.
W hen you have a profound sense of value you open yourself to a positive
flow of good from the universe. You are liberating yourself. H e who takes
all for granted and is devoid of a sense of value is in bondage.

8. Gratitude
To some this m ay seem boring, to go on about value and now g ratitude.
Some readers m ight th in k I am slipping into platitude. However, value and
its next-of-kin gratitude are vital com ponents in becom ing a magus.
G ratitude for living in the present era w ith so m any conveniences and
opportunities. G ratitude for the wealth of ones society, a society whose
poorest live in a m anner envied by the genuinely poor - w ithout light or

ru n n in g water, uncertain of the next meal, etc. - of the T h ird World.

G ratitude for ones surroundings even if they are not ideal, for you know
full well they could be worse. E verything could be worse b u t it isnt. Be
grateful for your health, even if it isnt th at good, for you surely know it
could be so m uch worse.
I f you th in k it is easy for you to say th a t then th in k again. For as
long as you cling to ingratitude you are sh u tting the door to progress in
your life and worse. Ingratitude is a poison, slowly destroying the soul,
eventually ru ining ones health. It is an extraordinarily expensive state of
m ind.
T he ungrateful know full well in advance th at if asked to w rite on a
sheet of paper two colum ns, one for the good things they have and the other
for the bad the first colum n w ould be longer.
I shall not labour this point, b u t you shall presently see why it is so
im portant.

9. Huna
A 41-year-old H aw aiian was dying from tuberculosis. All m edical
treatm ent had failed. H is m other called a K ahuna - a pagan m agus native
to the islands - to see if he could help. For an hour the K ahuna, hands
placed on the m ans throat and chest, prayed and chanted. Im m ediately
afterw ard the m an got up and declared him self totally healed. T h e follow
ing day he was back at work. T he experience transform ed his personality,
filling him w ith a gratitude th at has never left him . Over six decades later,
at the age of 104, he is still w orking and is im bued w ith a zest for life that
is the w onder of those around him .
H e said th at w hen the K ahuna told him th at he w ould be healed he
believed him completely.
K ahunas are practitioners of huna magic, a discipline w hich astonished
A m erican psychic researcher M ax Freedom L ong who wrote a book about
it, The Secret Science Behind Miracles, in the 1940s. W hat amazed him was
the sim ilarity of K ahuna beliefs w ith the Berbers o f N o rth Africa, m any
thousands of miles away. M oreover, w hen C hristian m issionaries came
to Haw aii in the 19th century they were flabbergasted to find th at the
K ahunas already knew the stories in the O ld Testament! T hey couldnt get
the K ahunas to abandon th eir religion because the K ahunas felt
C hristianity had no th in g to offer th at they didnt already have. M oreover,

they possessed a system of spiritual psychology th at had sim ilarities

w ith m odern W estern psychology M ax Freedom L ong was particularly
im pressed w ith th eir concepts of different levels o f consciousness before
F reud discovered them !
T h e prefix Ka m eans keeper and huna m eans secret. So a K ahuna
is effectively a keeper of the secret. T hey believed that each hum an
possessed not one self b u t three: a Low, a M iddle and a H igh. T h e Low
they said was in the solar plexus and corresponded to the subconscious
m ind. T hey called it Low because it has no intellectuality and can be
influenced by the M iddle, located in the brain, w hich is the conscious
self - the self th at we are conscious of, w hat we call m e. A nd finally, in
the rig h t side of the head, the intuitive part of the brain, there rises an
ethereal silver cord w hich reaches five feet up to the H igh Self. Called T he
Great P aren t by the K ahunas it corresponds to the F ath er taught by
Jesus. It is also the G uardian Angel. It is the H igh Self, say the K ahunas,
th at creates w hat we call m iracles. T he Low Self is the anim al being
w ithin us, the M iddle the hum an, and the H igh the divine. At death the
silver cord is severed from the brain, the two lesser selves dissolve w hilst
the H igh rem ains, being indestructible. At this p oint it is G od, or
whatever nam e or description one wants to use for the Suprem e U niversal
It is clearly the H igh Self w hich intervenes in tim es of emergency.
In his The Help I Received When I Most Needed It (Finbarr, 2009), Jack
H em pstead cites several examples. M ountaineer F rank Sm ythe,
vanquished by the th in air of the Everest peak, suddenly came face to face
w ith a stranger who reassured him th at he w ould survive and n ot perish.
Joshua Slocum, sailing around the w orld in his sloop was guided by an
invisible helper through the m ost ferocious waters. M ost rem arkable of
all and I will quote from the book: Ron D i Francesco was one o f only four
persons on the floors above the 81st of the south tower of the W orld Trade
Centre to survive the infam y of 9/11. T he emergency stairway was blocked
w ith debris, he and others crouching for protection. T h en an authoritative
voice called out, Ron! Get up ! W ithout th in k in g he got up, spellbound
by the voice: he described a definitive physical presence w hich was cer
tainly not th at of any of the terrified people around him . It told him to
keep going down, he struggling and fighting his way through the dust and
debris, doing exactly as told, not questioning anything. T here was no
question of logical th in k in g : to th in k logically w ould be to th in k the
inevitable and becom e another one o f the 3000 who perished on that
terrible day. T h en he came to a raging inferno: he could descend no further.

T h e voice said, Go through it. Forearm s covering his head, he dashed

down the stairs. W hen he got to the 76th floor he was safe - if th a ts the
rig h t word, for the whole building was to collapse w ithin 30 m inutes there was no m ore voice, no guiding presence.
I am rem inded o f a sleepwalker I once knew. O ften she w ould arise in
the dead of n ight - still fully asleep - have a snack and then drive in her
car to some distant location. W hen daylight came she w ould awake,
frightened and bew ildered to find herself sitting on a river bank in her
pyjamas. It happened tim e and again. How on earth did she drive her car
at all, let alone safely, w hilst unconscious? Clearly another consciousness
was in control.
T h e m ystic concept o f the universe can also be equated to the theory
of the universal Collective Consciousness postulated by Carl Jung: a
great sea o f consciousness in w hich all thoughts, all knowledge, and all
archetypes are stored. Yet the p rim itive K ahunas had such theories of
consciousness long before Jung, and F reud came along. W hilst W estern
civilisation was trying to find its spiritual compass long ago the prim itive
Polynesian priesthood already knew! A nd w hen the C hristian m ission
aries tried to convert them to the teachings of C hrist th eir response was,
So w hat else is new? Is th at all you have to offer us?

10. Subconscious
For m any there is confusion about the subconscious and unconscious
m inds. Are they one and the same or different entities? Some o f the
confusion can be ascribed to the lack of inform ation on the subject, for
little, if anything, m ore is know n today th an in Ju n g s tim e. O stensibly
they are different entities. In essence they are theoretical concepts.
T h o u g h t to exist b u t hard to prove. In particular the unconscious, for
unconscious m eans just that, not conscious. How do you dem onstrate
som ething th at is not there? F reud specifically used the term to describe
a repository of m em ories o f w hich the conscious m ind is unaware, hence
a person is wnconscious of them . T hese are m em ories from the in d i
viduals distant past, especially childhood, m em ories w hich have faded
into the background or as is frequently the case, deliberately shut from
consciousness at an early stage because they contain som ething painful,
forbidden or taboo. Now this is quite different from the subconscious. As
the prefix suggests, this is a state w hich lies just below the surface. It is a

consciousness just one step, or one layer, rem oved from the conscious
m ind. It is a consciousness th at is not suppressed, it is hidden yet acces
sible. It is a pool of knowledge, containing m em ories or inform ation which
the conscious m in d has forgotten. M ore intriguingly, is the subconscious
m in d s store of knowledge not yet registered. In other words it has access to
inform ation as yet unavailable, know ing w hat is yet to happen. T he m an
who won on the G rand N ational in successive years had proof positive of
this aspect of the subconscious. In this respect its activity is a function of
the D ivine M ind. T h e subconscious is also the power operating and
controlling the m yriad workings of the body.
To confuse m atters further the subconscious is som etim es referred to
as the SMperconscious w hich in tu rn can be equated to H igher or D ivine
It is hard indeed to draw clear lines of distinction. T he only th ing
certain is th at subconscious or unconscious either is definitely not the
conscious m ind. We can only be sure of this, for the conscious m ind is the
only consciousness we are actually aware of. T h e rest is conjecture.

11. Magic
T h e Oxford Dictionary defines magic as the practical art o f influencing the
course of events by com pelling the agency of spiritual beings, or by
bringing into operation some occult controlling p rinciple. T here is low
magic w hen a practitioner in his or her own privacy lights a candle, recites
a spell or chant, nam ing some spirit or god, for the purpose of som ething
extraordinary, either spiritual or m aterial. T here are enough books on the
subject, few, if any, offering any explanation as to w hy such-and-such
spirits should be invoked. A nd just who are these spirits, w hat are their
histories and origins; w hy are no stories or m yths attached to them so that
they convey some m eaning? T hey invariably carry lofty and bizarre titles.
We m ay be blandly told that so-and-so is the prim e m in ister of a certain
realm , but why does such a place - and w hat is this place - need such a
figure? Do these spirits m eet to discuss m atters concerning this realm?
No explanation is ever provided as to how and why they have the powers
attrib u ted to them . In addition to prim e m inisters there are dukes,
princes and the like. T he practitioners are expected to tru st entities w hich
appear entirely fictitious and have done so, it seems, for centuries. B ut so
far I have not yet encountered any attem pt to explain it all. I have no

difficulty, however, w ith gods and goddesses, for they have biographies and
the an tiquity of cult tradition.
Yet it cannot be dism issed as rubbish. I have practised cerem onial
m agic and got results. W hen I told one wom an, greatly interested in all
spiritual m atters, that I had invoked pagan gods such as W otan, H erm es
and D ionysus she was horrified. Such gods, unlike the seem ingly m eaning
less nam es of spirit-dem ons who are otherw ise totally obscure, possess
fully developed personalities and m ystic lives, so in invoking them I know
I am draw ing on a considerable psychic reservoir w hich already existed.
But m y friend was appalled, suggesting my soul could be in peril. Well, I
felt no such thing, on the contrary I felt enlarged by the experience.
T h e pagan gods were supplicated and invoked for thousands of years
before any o f todays m ajor religions took hold. These gods represented
divine consciousness in its m yriad form s, though not always divine - the
diabolical was always close at hand. T h e divine, the secret, the unknow able
cannot be contained in one single concept, the universe, the In fin ite,
the Cosmic M in d , or sim ply G od - or w hatever nam e we give it. T h e
O ne cannot be bound by the singular. Each god represents a different
facet just as every hum an has various facets o f character and personality.
D ifferent people see you in a different way, you revealing yourself
according to the relationship and the situation. Yet for all these varieties
you are still a single person; there are m any different versions of you, yet
there is only one you.
Carl Jung saw gods as archetypes of the Collective U nconsciousness,
each representing a potent psychic force. W hen we seek un ity w ith the One
th at does not exclude the m yriad different expressions of th at One. T he
O ne is also the Many. Every god, every goddess, is b u t a different facet, a
different expression of the Eternal.
M agic is not rubbish, b u t we could say it is irrational. O ur souls will
not be placed in peril by practising magic, b u t if we ignore the irrational
not only in ourselves b u t also the universe then we could eventually be in
Some folk are repelled by some of the bizarre religious practices o f the
ancient Egyptians, in particular the veneration of particular anim als. All
cats were tho u g h t o f as incarnations of the Great Goddess in her feline
aspect. Statues represented her as a seated cat or a standing wom an w ith
not a hum an head b u t a cats, in this form she was called Bastet am ongst
other names. W hen invoked as H a th o r the Great Goddess appeared as a
cow, her priestesses w earing bovine masks. A nd how about Sobek who
appeared as a crocodile or Taurt the hippopotam us.

Are these conceptions of deity sim ply crazy or are they a sim ple
acknow ledgem ent of the D ivine Presence in creation and its creatures?
In ancient Egypt the diabolical co-existed w ith the divine and again
m odern rational readers m ay be disturbed at the E gyptians veneration
o f the truly diabolical ass-headed Set - usurper, m urderer, oppressor,
destroyer. H e was the tem plate for the Devil of m odern religion b u t whilst
Jews and C hristians loathe him ancient Egyptians paid him homage,
erecting m any great tem ples in his honour.
Set is the m ythical dweller of barren inhospitable places, perhaps a
m etaphor for us o f unacceptable and destructive thoughts banished from
our conscious m ind. Set em bodies another aspect of existence, for life
cannot only be o f the acceptable and not the unacceptable.
M agic is about exploiting consciousness in w hatever form it takes,
according to the need and aspiration of the magus.
I u n derstand th at m ost readers will not w ant Set or any dem on-god in
their life, b u t these forces rem ain w hether we like it or not.


12. Night
I m ust confess a feeling of some reluctance before w riting this as I regard
it as m ost personal. H ere is w hat I actually do, and because it actually works
I know I m ust im part it. Yet at the same tim e there is n othing particularly
new, so far as I know, here. I am following a well-worn path and some
of you at least will walk the same one. W hat I can assure you is that I
know it works. I am not w riting hypothetically or m etaphorically: T H IS
W O R K S F O R REAL. Yet I m ust say that w hat I know and w hat I have
experienced is not definitive and final: it rem ains unfolding and
continuous. I am telling you w hat I know as of now.
I repeat: T H IS W O RK S. It works for me and countless others. IT
W IL L W O R K IF YOU W A N T IT T O W O R K ; w hich I know m ost of
you do. Follow carefully w hat I say and do not fret if you do not at first
understand, for you should read it again and again. Also the practice o f it
will enable you to u n derstand w hat is going on.

H ere is the starting point, and so easy and pleasant is it it m ay also

rem ain your finishing point. It all revolves around relaxing in bed at
night, prior to sleep. T h is is the tw ilight tim e betw een consciousness and
unconsciousness; so it is potent and magical. You should be lying on your
back, arm s at side or over your torso if you wish. Take two or three gentle
deep breaths. T his, and the following, is certainly w hat I do each and every
night. I th in k for a m om ent o f the day, hom ing in on anything I should be
grateful for and I allow m yself there and then to be truly grateful for it.
There is not a single day that I cannot find something in it for which I am thankful.
Even if it was one of those days I give thanks th at I rem ained patient and
did n ot lose m y cool. If it was an atrocious day I am sim ply grateful th at it
is over!
I f it was a day w hen things could easily have gone against me, b u t
everything tu rn ed out m y way, I allow my gratitude full sway, letting myself
be swept away by it. Because I fully realize the consequences if things had
gone badly. Som etim es the gratitude swells to such an extent that I feel
a disintegration o f consciousness and a glorious liberation of spirit. I know
at this very m om ent the U niverse is w ith m e and w hat I am about to ask
for will be granted. Once you have experienced this for yourself you will
realize just why I place such em phasis on the value of gratitude. Rem em ber,
the gratitude m ust be genuine and heartfelt, it cannot be m anufactured or
faked. To feign g ratitude w ould be to shut yourself off from the Universal
After this reverie I place m yself in a state o f absolute belief as I pronounce,
O h L ord, teach me to be always grateful every hour o f every day. L et
gratitude constantly inform m y thoughts. L et me live in gratitude.
T h e phrase L o rd suits me fine, b u t you m ay choose som ething else.
T h is is not the L ord Jesus of the C hurch. T h a t holds no resonance for me
and m ay not for you. I know th at to whom ever I am speaking it is a Being
greater than I. It is w orthy to be addressed as L o rd . It could also be L ady.
Indeed, w hen this Power com m unicates w ith me it is invariably as a lady.
W hat the orthodox-m inded cannot grasp is th at there cannot be a G od
w ithout a G oddess, nor O ne w ithout the Many.
I am explaining w hat it is I do, b u t as you apply m y instructions you
m ay intuitively vary them , w hich is perfectly fine.
I always begin m y conversation - or prayer - w ith gratitude. To repeat:
gratitude opens in n er gateways of power. It becomes a channel through
w hich future blessings will follow. U nto him who has it will be added;
to him who has not it will be taken. It heals and liberates. It opens the
bodys psychic centres, it puts ego in context, allowing freedom and

space, and through this freedom and space the M ystic U niverse reveals
After expressing g ratitude I ask for the faith I need that m y desire will
be accom plished. I affirm th at I and the F ather are O ne. T his is very
im portant. T his phrase is attrib u ted to Jesus b u t you can be sure th at the
idea b eh in d it is very ancient. Sim ilarly - although I do not suggest you
speak it - the phrase, W ithout the F ather I can do n o th in g , an
acknow ledgem ent of the incom pleteness of our conscious m ind and
its lim itations. We feel helpless to change things - bu t w ith the help of the
F a th er we can change everything. T he F ather is the H igh Self, the
G uiding L ig h t or Power, H oly G uardian Angel, or whatever nam e or
representation strikes a chord w ith you. It is not m ake-believe or wishful
th in k in g , there is a Suprem e Power: it is both universal and unique to you.
T h e purpose of this work is to enable you to harm onize w ith it.
We have spoken of conscious, subconscious and unconscious m inds,
b u t m iracles happen in D IV IN E CO NSCIO USNESS. T his is w hen lim ita
tion is transcended and the im possible happens. G reat m asters live in
divine consciousness. I aspire to it and so should you. You need only a
glim pse of divine conscious to becom e elevated and renewed.
In a practical context I and the F ather are O ne m eans th at if you do
the best you can to get w hat you w ant the F ather will do the rest, in other
w ords, supply it.
You will know th at the F a th er is w orking for you, providing you
continuously affirm it, not only at n ight b u t daytim e too. M ore of that
So I lie there asking to be given faith and that I may tru st uncon
ditionally and w ithout reservation.
It could be said th at one is entering a state of w orship of the Great Self:
the little self, my ego, is inconsequential and there is a definite awareness
th at o f m yself I can do n o th in g . I realize th at the Great Self is everything.
So I go on asking for faith, trust, and the power to believe.
Then I ask for the thing I want. It can be just one th in g one asks for; but
if asking for several they should all in some way be connected. T his is not so
unlikely as it seems. W hen we have several problem s sim ultaneously, if we
study them carefully, we will find th at they all tend to revolve round a
central issue. So if th at one core concern didnt exist the others probably
w ouldnt either.
If your objectives or problem s are unrelated to one another then you
should focus on just one, obviously the m ost im p ortant or pressing. Simply
ask th at I receive so-and-so. Affirm it is m ine now . T his is not the little

self affirm ing but a H igher Power w hich at th at m om ent is inform ing you.
At th at m om ent your wish is sealed and delivered in the ether, ready to
m anifest physically m aterially at the appropriate tim e. Say these words at
some other tim e, out o f context w ith your com m union w ith this H igher
Power, and you w ould be com pletely foolish. O f m yself I can do n o th in g .
After speaking m y wish I give thanks and picture for a m om ent th at I
am already in possession of w hat I seek or th at the problem is solved. T hen
I tu rn over and go to sleep.
However, at no tim e do I ever kid m yself that anything is going to just
fall into my lap or th at any problem is sim ply going to vanish. I know I am
going to have to do som ething about it: I still live in the real w orld. T h e
difference is th at I know I am going to be successful, for I know I have a
silent p a rtn e r.

13. Daytime
I have explained w hat I do at night. It takes only about ten m inutes,
som etim es less if I am particularly tired, or longer if I am m ore alert and
m y need m ore pressing. Occasionally I m ay go to bed exhausted in w hich
case I dont do anything at all as m y concentration is w orth nothing.
D uring the day one lives w ith ones problem s, problem s w hich at tim es
seem overw helm ing. So at the occasional m om ent close eyes and say, H elp
me; sustain me now. Say - or th in k - w ith belief. T h a ts all you do.
Particularly effective is to look upw ard to the ceiling or the sky if
outdoors and unobserved and declare, I know w hat I w ant, or some other
positive statem ent. It takes only a m om ent and gives you an in stant lift.
T h is is n ot m ere auto-suggestion - you are heard and the U niverse is acting
for you.
If you can take one or two deep breaths first it helps (but is not essential).
W hen rid in g a bus or train, close eyes and say m entally, Be w ith me,
Father, be w ith m e now.
H eres som ething else th a t is good, b u t you will need privacy. Seated or
standing, adopt the arm s crossed pose of the ancient Egyptian gods. Place
your rig h t hand on your left shoulder and your left han d on the right
shoulder. Close eyes, take a deep breath, look upw ard saying, F ather grant
m y desire. Be w ith me, guide m e. It takes only a m om ent and im m ediately
connects you w ith the Divine. You are always heard. T his is not m ere auto

I find these little daytim e gestures help enorm ously, som etim es bringing
immediate help at tim es of crisis.
Once you are in the habit of following these form ulae, once they becom e
a part of your daily life, you will know exactly the m eaning of everything
I have thus far said. You will not need anyone to explain the D ivine to
you for you will be experiencing it.
You can only go forw ard and upw ard. A nd so it is.

14. Materialism
I am criticized by the spiritually m in d ed for suggesting that m ystic forces
can be em ployed for m aterial gains, gam bling wins, seduction of another
person, and other unw orthy aims. Such m inded see me as cheapening
or p ro stitu tin g the spiritual.
T his is nonsense o f course. I dont know w hat w orld such spiritually
m in d ed folk live in: it cannot be the same one that I live in w ith all its
pressures, dem ands and m aterialism . Besides, there is no contradiction
betw een the spiritual and the m aterial. W hat is touched and felt is good;
w hat is pleasurable to the eye is gratifying. Pleasure o f the senses is good
for the soul. Life is to be enjoyed. T h e point of life is surely to live\ I will
have no truck w ith self-denial and abstinence; deprivation, m onasticism ,
etc., is based on a tw isted vision of the D ivine. T h e U niverse is so
abundant, so sensual - how can it possibly be rig h t to deny its very nature?
A new car, a new stereo system, a new suite of furniture, a luxury cruise,
super duper technological devices - all bring pleasure and satisfaction, so
long as we value them . If we take them for granted we not only dim inish
the pleasure b u t dim inish and devalue ourselves. W hatever m aterial thing
you desire can be w ithin your grasp, if you are prepared to get it w ith the
aid of the Father.
T h e D ivine L ig h t w ithin wants you to flourish, to prosper. L acking for
things is not spiritual, it indicates not only m aterial im poverishm ent but
also im poverishm ent o f the soul. Im poverishm ent is not the way o f nature:
all life teems w ith abundance. You can partake in this abundance and w hen
you do you should relish it and give thanks.
Recently a m an from M arseilles told me th at he m ade a fortune w hich
he attributed to his absolute tru st in the In n er M ind. H e told me th at every
n ight he affirm ed for about ten m inutes the following, W ealth is m ine,
w ealth is m ine now. H e w ould repeat this over and over before drifting off

to sleep. Im pregnating his subconscious in such a way, he believed, gave

him the M idas touch: everything he tu rn ed his h an d to m ade money. O n
one occasion he won 1,200,000 euros in a lottery. H e sincerely believed in
the power of the subconscious m ind to guide, direct, heal and inspire him ,
and it responded according to his belief. W hat we expect is w hat we get.
T his Power always provides. T h e U niverse never fails. Trust com pletely
and do your best to achieve your goal and and it will deliver.
Your pu rsu it o f the m aterial through the D ivine in point of fact increases
your spiritual awareness, not dim inishes it! For you will always rem ain
conscious o f the w ondrous Power beh in d your accom plishm ents! You will
be continually aware of the presence of your silent p a rtn e r. You will never
feel alone again, know ing th at you are surrounded and protected by a
Power th at seeks only your good.
Can anything be m ore w onderful to know?

15. Everything!
E verything can be provided by this great Power! W hatever you need - it
can be met. If your health is poor it can be im m easurably im proved. You
can be healed, renew ed, regenerated, and live m uch longer than you ever
thought! T his Power is constant and inexhaustible, always renew ing,
forever vitalizing. O pen yourself to it and let it in! Just ask for it to enter
and let it in! You can lead a tru ly w onderful life. No m atter w hat the
obstacle you will have the power to cope; you will continually overcom e
and realize w hat it is to be trium phant! All th at holds you back are your
own concepts o f limitations.
A young m ans rig h t arm was badly ulcerated. It was not responding to
m edication and am putation was increasingly looking like the only option
left. H e prayed for a m iracle but no th in g happened. Instead his arm got
worse. Positive th in k in g didnt help. E ventually his spirit sank to an all
tim e low as he dreaded w hat m ay lay ahead.
I knew there had to be a deeper reason for this situation. I asked a
pertin en t question, Is there anything you have done in the past w ith your
rig h t arm that causes you regret now ?
Yes, I feel very bad and very guilty about punching a fellow a few years
ago. I over-reacted in a silly row over a girl.
Is th at som ething you w ould do again, th at is, throw a punch in an
argum ent? I enquired.

O h no! he fired back. I w ould never do a th in g like th at again. So

w hy go on feeling this guilt? I asked. Because it was wrong. Besides, the
girl wasnt w orth it.
I then gave him m y analysis of the situation. You did som ething bad
years ago w hen you were not the same person you are today. You w ould not
today react violently to provocation. Also every single atom in your body
has changed m any tim es in the intervening years. So physically as well as
m entally you are a different person to the one who threw that punch. T he
old you is dead, so w hy not accept and em brace the new you instead of
clinging to the past? I added th at he had been acting as judge and jury
against an innocent m an - himself.
Gosh, I had never tho u g h t of it th at way, he said. Well, start th in k in g
in a different way, I replied, and start forgiving yourself. Tonight in bed
ask the U niverse for forgiveness - w hich in tru th is not actually necessary,
for you are already forgiven - so th at you can th en forgive yourself. Believe
completely. Do this every n ig h t.
A fter seven days he reported a dram atic im provem ent in his arm.
F ourteen days, he was com pletely healed. D octors were flabbergasted, and
so they w ould be. (Such stories are absolutely true. T hey are not here for
entertainm ent.) T his is the power of the m ind. T his is the power of insight.

16. Psychology
We can see psychology at work in the case o f the m an w ith the ulcerated
arm . Psychology is always bound up w ith the magical. It is also the key to
understanding w hen we dont get results. E verything this young m an tried
didnt work. O nly w hen he realized th at guilt was the cause of his condition
and the realization th at it was founded on a false prem ise was he able to be
T hose who cannot succeed, everything they touch turns to rust, are
those who deep down believe they are not worthy o f success. A young lady
confided in me her despair at how badly she was doing at college. She feared
the disapproval of her parents w hen she failed - as she expected to - her
exams. H er concentration was poor and she found it exceedingly difficult
to rem em ber and retain w hat was taught. I asked her a few questions about
her background and it came to light th at as far back as she could recall she
w ould hear her father rem ark to h er m other th at she w ould never am ount
to anything. T h a ts the source of your problem , I said. How do you

m ean? she asked, perplexed. T h e In n er M ind, the subconscious m ind, or

even G od, whatever one chooses to call th at som ething other w orldly in
our consciousness, is not a m oral agent. It is am oral, it m akes no distinction
betw een rig h t and wrong. All existence is like that, if you look around and
observe. T here is no such thing as justice. W rongdoers go unpunished,
evil people flourish, the innocent are at the m ercy of the guilty. N ature is
cruel and ruthless.
But we are different, I continued. A lthough m ost people choose to be
am oral them selves the fact is th at we have the power to be otherwise. You
can dictate to your Inner M ind,you can dictate to the Universe, w hat you w ant.
But if its am oral, why m ust I fail rather than succeed; why cant it be
the other way round? she asked. Because your In n er M ind did not decide
for you; it was decided by som eone else, I replied. A nd who was th at? she
It was your father who decided for you. H e decided you were no good
and your subconscious m ind autom atically accepted it as fact, having no
power of judgem ent, not know ing w hats rig h t and w hats wrong. T h a ts
why no m atter how hard you try w ith your studies there will be conflict.
You w ant to succeed, b u t your subconscious is w orking to the agenda set
by your father.
So w hat do I do?
You m ust see your fathers rem arks for w hat they are: the utterings of
a sm all-m inded man. T here is absolutely no reason you should not succeed
in your studies if that is w hat you want. Your fathers vision, like th at of
so many, is obviously extrem ely lim ited. Perhaps at an early stage he
noticed th at you were not a quick learner so im m ediately assum ed you
w ould never am ount to m uch. T h e m ans a fool and ignorant, for some of
the w orlds brightest and m ost successful people are not the quickest
learners: and then there are those who catch on very quickly and seem very
sm art and yet am ount to little in life.
You m ust now dictate your own agenda. Reject your fathers opinion
w hich is ill-conceived and worthless. B eginning to night before going to
sleep ask the H igher Power for w hat you seek. Indeed affirm that you will
be a better student, th at you will absorb and rem em ber w hat you learn, and
th at you will pass your exams. Say I reject w hat D ad says, I reject it
completely. I am the m aster of my own m ind and the m aster of my destiny.
I shall be successful and accom plished, no m atter w hat anyone says!
T his young lady passed her exams and subsequently w ent on to better
things, m uch m ore confident and self-m otivated than w hen she first saw

Illness is m ore a product of psychology than of bad diet or lack of

exercise. Illness is usually a form of self-punishment. Take the case of another
young wom an. She couldnt get rid of a sore throat w hich together w ith a
fever was getting her down. A ntibiotics didnt help and her doctor was
puzzled. Com ing to me about this, I asked her, A p art from this w retched
throat condition, w hat else in life is getting you dow n? Well, as a m atter
of fact, she replied, it is m y m other. D ont get m e wrong - 1 love my m other
- b u t she is continually trying to organize and control m y life. Now she
wants me to go out w ith a m an who she th in k s is rig h t for me. I just hate
her constant interfering.
T he two things getting her down, the bad th roat and the difficult
m other, had to be connected. She loved her m other b ut was beginning to
hate her and this in n er tension was creating guilt, m ade worse by the fact
th at the young m an her m other w anted her to go out w ith was o f an
extrem ely am iable disposition, but she knew she could never love him .
N one of this was helped by the fact that she was - at age 28 - still living
w ith her m other. I suggested she find her own accom m odation and that
she m ust m ake her feelings absolutely clear to her m other. I also suggested
she say the following every night as the Great P rotecting and H ealing
Power will definitely come to her aid. D ear L ord, show me the way
forward. I realize that I can love m y m other and still have my own
independence of m ind. Please show this to her. Please help me. L et me be
freed, let me be released.
She repeated this several tim es, usually in her head, for her throat was
so tender.
She spoke to m other calm ly and w ithout rancour, m other not taking
the offence that m ight have been expected. T here was a rem arkable change
in her attitude, she adm itting that she had been overbearing and th at she
didnt w ant her to leave. T he question of the young m an never arose again
and she was determ ined she w ould choose her own boyfriend.
Seven days later her throat was com pletely healed.
A religious wom an confided in me th at no m atter how m uch and how
often she prayed her prayers were never answered. H er life was being m ade
a m isery by ulcers, and m edication was of little help. She tried different
doctors but no th in g changed. She was not a happy wom an. Upon enquiring
I learnt th at she was at loggerheads w ith her in-laws and was full of
resentm ent. T his was m aking her feel guilty for well she realized th at she
was falling short of Jesus injunction to love thy enem ies. I explained to
her th at trying to suppress her rage w ould m ake her ulcers worse and that
if she w anted to get rid of them there had to be changes in her m ental

attitude. T h e reason she got no answer from God, I continued, was that
she was praying to some far-off being in the sky and not to som eone as
close to her as her own skin. M oreover, Your ulcers will not let go of you
u n til you let go of your rage, be it w ith your in-laws or anyone else.
B ut they are such awful people! she retorted. T h a ts neither here nor
there, I replied, youve got the ulcers, not them .
I then gave her the following to affirm every night. Please, L ord, let
peace prevail. L et harm ony prevail. Free me from the chains o f negativity.
Replace everything negative w ith the positive. I radiate good to all, for my
own good. Oh L ord, teach m e gratitude, teach m e love.
L et the Life Force flow freely and joyously through my body. M ake me
whole and in perfect h ealth.
I m et her again about a m onth later. N ever had I seen such a transfor
m ation in a person. Instead of a frown she wore a beam ing sm ile, her walk
was light and energetic, her dem eanour buoyant. Needless to say, her ulcers
had disappeared, and even her in-laws were suddenly being nice to her!
T he H igh Self is the Healing Self; the Universe is both the source of your
ills and your cure. You have the power to choose which you really want.
Sickness cannot dwell in a joyous, positive soul: the two are entirely
incom patible.
Ask the H igh Self to fill you w ith joy, power and gratitude. Open
yourself to its lim itless abundance. Ask it to cast out all doubt and nega
tivity from your thoughts. D o so with all your heart.
T his Power will not fail you, C A N N O T fail you. You are lim ited only
by your belief. Believe w ith heart and soul and everything is possible.
Failure is the price you pay for yielding to negativity and self-doubt.
Sickness is the price for suppressing anger, for guilt, and other m alignant
conditions. Ask to be freed of all these unhealthy states - doing so w ith all
your heart - and believe you will be answered, as you surely will.

17. Sin
M ost peoples - especially the religious-m inded - idea of sin is illusional.
T h e word itself is derived from the ancient Greek m eaning wide of the
m ark. So to sin is to be wide o f the m ark, or to miss the m ark. P ut
another way it is a failure to grasp w hat is right for us.
T h e dogm atic religious view th at money, m aterialism , physical love are
sinful is rubbish. It is a falsehood and is contrary to the Spirit of U niversal

A bundance. N ature teem s w ith life, riches, the m aterialistic, all of w hich
are there for our enjoym ent and participation. W hat gives us pleasure
cannot possibly be wide of the m ark, so long as it is valued. Life is to be
enjoyed, relished, and the m ore of it the better.
Jesus C hrist never died for our sins; nobody can die for our sins. T he
sins we com m it are transgressions against ourselves.
Ideas of guilt and regret about self-enjoym ent are based on a false
prem ise. If you live and are guided by the Cosmic Power there can be no
guilt, for you will bear no grudge towards another; you will have no need
to envy others and no w ish to harm them . N egativity disappears from your
Get rig h t - h it the m ark - w ith your own best higher in tu itio n and all
else falls into place. D aily affirm the following:
I am O ne w ith the Father. I am O ne w ith the H igh Self of the
Universe. All positive energy flows through me. I focus on my own
good, and w hat is good for m e is good for all.
Affirm w hen you need it, repeat as m any tim es and as often as you wish.
Im pregnating the layers of your consciousness, it is quite im possible for
negativity to rem ain: it literally dissolves before the L ig h t contained in
these words.
W anting the best for yourself is n ot negative selfishness. Speaking for
myself, I w ant the best for everyone. I enjoy seeing others happy and
successful. I feel no envy or covetousness, for I realize th at these are utterly
pointless and self-defeating em otions. By w anting the best for everyone I
am open to the best for myself.
W hilst I wish the best for others I also recognize th at so m any are
negative, petty and childish. I m ay wish the best for them , b ut the tru th is
they can never have it! T h a t is not my concern: my concern is th at all
spiritual doors shall be open to me. A nd they are.
A nd so they shall also be for you.

18. Healing
T h e w onderful Power w ithin us knows no boundaries. T he H igh Self is
not alone and isolated, b u t connected to the U niversal H igh Self (G od)
w hich connects all consciousness. There are no barriers to divine consciousness.

T h e subconscious, too, w hether or not we th in k it is the same th in g is

also not lim ited by boundaries. The subconscious minds of two different people
can work in unison as one functioning entity.
H ence the m iracle o f spiritual healing.
A very good friend of m ine, a young m an who shares the same interest
in all m atters spiritual and m ystic was saddened w hen his m other, alm ost
overnight, becam e crippled. She was taken to hospital w here she was told
she w ould spend the rest o f her life in a wheelchair. H e then recalled
som ething he had often heard her say when he was a boy, I guess th at one
o f these days Ill end up arth ritic and crippled like m y m other and
grandm other. Being a child he took no notice at the tim e, b u t now he was
struck by the recollection. W hat she said w ould happen has now happened
b u t he couldnt grasp why it should be so inevitable despite his forebears
condition. T he bogeym an o f hereditary illness is a certain self-fulfilling
prophecy. H e asked her to take p art in an experim ent. She, appreciating
his interest in all things spiritual, agreed to take p art w hilst acknow ledging
the sense of his rem ark, You kept telling yourself you w ould end up a
cripple and it happened. W hat else did you expect?
T his is yet another example of the im partiality and am oral nature o f the
inner m ind. It doesnt judge or challenge - it m erely accepts. Keep saying
I am going to be ill and sooner or later ill you will be. Keep telling yourself
th at all will be fine ensures a positive outcom e. The subconscious mind blindly
accepts. It acts upon whatever it is told; it doesnt come back and say to you,
W ait a m inute, that cant be right. Do you really w ant th is?
T IO N BY T H E SUBCONSCIOUS M IN D . T his same m ind w hich lives
and functions th rough every cell of your body, called by the K ahunas the
Low Self.
T he crippled lady was asked to say every n ight and at intervals during
the day the following:
T he Life Force runs through me. I am a vessel for free flowing joyous
energy. I accept only life, vibrancy, enthusiasm , vitality. I reject
all notions of disability and negativity. I affirm life and m ovem ent.
I will th in k only positive thoughts. I allow the U niversal H ealing
Presence to perm eate my whole being, continuously and exuber
antly. I refuse to entertain negative and unhealthy thoughts. I affirm
only the good and the positive. T h e L ig h t is in m e and I am in the
L ight.

Likewise her son m ade sim ilar affirm ations for her each night and day.
A lthough she retu rn ed hom e in a w heelchair they were determ ined to
continue the experim ent.
A bout a m onth later she no longer needed the wheelchair, no r any aid.
She was a new person, fit and vital. She declared she hadnt felt this
energetic since she was a teenager.
M y young frien d s faith w ould be tested by another crisis, one of far
greater m agnitude. H is child was w ith a high fever from an extrem ely rare
condition. W hatever the doctors did it didnt help. T hey told the ch ild s
father to prepare for the worst. Refusing to accept this he appealed to the
H igher Power th at he m ay rem ain calm and focused on a cure. H e was
im bued w ith a sense of peace and received a w onderful sense of certainty
th a t everything w ould be all right. W hen one needs faith and reassurance
sim ply ask for it and believe it will come and surely it does. H e then
repeated the following continuously: O h Great Life of the U niverse, you
are the life of my child. T h e G reat River of Life courses through her. T he
w onderful life-giving perm eates every atom of her being right now. She is
the receptacle for free-flowing life and energy. H e believed w ith his whole
heart that at the same tim e he prayed to the U niversal M ind these very
same words were being absorbed by his childs subconscious m ind.
T h e child m ade a rapid recovery and all sym ptom s of the illness
disappeared. T h is is the work of G od, said the baffled doctors.
T h e childs father had surrendered ego to the H ealing Power so that his
anxious lim iting conscious m ind w ould not get in the way. W ith all m ental
obstacles rem oved the childs recovery was inevitable.
A doctor friend o f m ine - a rare physician who also believed in the
healing power of in n er consciousness - told me of the tim e he was called
to the hom e of parents of a sick girl whose religious beliefs did not acknow
ledge illness or recognize doctors. H er high fever no doubt challenged
these beliefs. U pon exam ination he could not find anything particularly
w rong w ith her and reassured the parents that there was no danger of death.
She, however, asked if he would pray w ith her for a full recovery, w hich he
did. She w ould not take any m edicine as it was against the fam ilys religious
beliefs. H e reassured her that he thought she w ould be perfectly all right
and th at he im agined her as glowingly healthy.
T his story now takes a surprising turn. It transpires that this girls older
b ro th er - who had broken w ith the fam ilys religious sect and had become,
of all things, a m edical doctor - got in touch w ith m y doctor friend about
a m onth later asking w hat therapy he had given her. W hy do you ask?
enquired my friend. Well, for years shes been suffering severe epileptic

seizures two or three tim es every week and has now becom e free of all
sym ptom s and attacks. H e added th at for years he had tried unsuccessfully
to get her to take anti-epilepsy drugs. M y friend explained th at he had
given her no particular therapy b u t prayed w ith her followed by his
rem arks th at she w ould m ake a com plete recovery and that he saw her as
perfectly healthy. H e was am azed at the revelation of her epilepsy, for had
he know n, he w ould never have reassured her of a recovery for the
condition is incurable.
previously no-one had ever suggested a cure was possible because of the
taboo on epilepsy.
We are lim ited only by our thoughts.
W henever circum stances take a tu rn for the worse and im provem ent
seems im possible we convince ourselves w ith the belief, Well, th a ts it. Id
better m ake the m ost o f it then th at becomes BECAUSE W E T H IN K IT
SO. Circum stances do not im prove and we m ake do the best we can.
To retu rn to the epileptic young lady. A year passed and she had no
sym ptom s whatsoever. T h e m iracle of her healing enabled her to lead a
norm al young w om ans life. Now she can drive and becam e engaged to be
m arried.
H ealing operates through the aegis of faith and belief. A sk the F a th er
to give you faith and belief. Faith and belief dissolve obstacles and open
doors. T h e subconscious believing w hat it is fed has no choice but to deliver.
Believe th at you can heal yourself, both soul and body. A sk for healing
from your inner mind. Ask for faith and belief w hich w hen received you give
back to yourself! You both receive and give to yourself! Now your conscious
m ind becomes a force for healing in conjunction w ith your subconscious.
I and the F ather are O ne.
W hen the Life Force flows illness cannot resist; it dissolves and is
washed away. G uilt is expunged: power and not weakness prevails. You
becom e a new person, full of potential, living in a spirit of expectancy and
joy. Allow yourself to be open to the Spirit o f A bundance - th at lim itless
flowing expanse of goodness, life, vitality and energy. A sk that you may be
open. A nd open you will be.
Do not th in k th at to be open to this Power is to leave you vulnerable:
this cannot be. O n the contrary you will be protected. W hen aware o f and

in the L ig h t you cannot be vulnerable to attack or exploitation by anything

greater. Instead you are irresistibly propelled forward to accom plishm ent
and fulfilm ent: anytim e you feel depleted, sim ply ask to be renewed. Ask
and believe th at there will be a response. T here always is.
T h e U niversal Supply is available to all at the tu rn of a tap. It is always
available. We dont have to struggle to m ake it work, we only have to believe
th at it works. Belief deepens w ith experience and eventually becomes
second nature. All doubt and self-criticism evaporate com pletely as the
L ight-G iving Spirit perm eates your entire being. T his is not arrogance or
false self-confidence b ut is w hat the ancients called gnosis, the certain
knowledge th at the Power is w ithin.
We can all be healed. H ealed of conflict, m elancholy, doubt, worry, and
all other negative conditions. O ur bodies can be renew ed, vitality restored.
We can all live abundantly. Simply learn to let it happen.

19. Inequity
All about is inequity; life is no th in g if not unfair. I have just heard of a
m an who had a staggering lottery win, a m an who has apparently several
prison sentences for breaking and entering and grievous bodily harm ; a
m an w ith a history o f violence against wom en and the father of num erous
unw anted children. Yet he has been handsom ely rew arded by the u n i
verse for his efforts. H e will certainly squander every last penny of his
spectacular win, for his life has no purpose and he has no concept of value.
M oney, w hich should always be an instru m en t for the good and the
positive, will in his hands ultim ately cause grief, as the rest o f his life has.
A young lady came to me b itterly com plaining about her circum stances.
For years she had struggled to get her P h.D and yet has w ound up less well
off th an her sister. H er sister is in an occupation she would rather not
discuss - an occupation needing no qualification! A ngrily she declared that
the system is corrupt and th at societys priorities are tw isted. I explained
to her that trying to change society is the stuff of politics and politics itself
is corrupt. W hen politicians seek to regulate society to m ake it fairer the
end result is always yet m ore inequity. All politics is m ade of make-belief.
Inequity cannot be eradicated from life: life is inequity.
T h e U niversal Power is not a dispenser of fairness. It is im partial,
uncritical and w ithout judgem ent. W hen the Jehovah G od of the Old
Testam ent declared that the righteous shall be rew arded and the unjust

p u n ish ed this is pure m ake-believe, the w ishful th in k in g of sm all-m inded

bearded old m en. T h e ir God n either rew ards or punishes. Ideas of m orality
and guilt are things we inflict on ourselves. N ote earlier my com m ents on
H itler: he was com pletely amoral and w ithout conscience, yet he got what
he w anted because he believed passionately in a Power th at guided him . If
his G erm an contem poraries had held a sim ilar deep conviction and occult
purpose H itler could never have succeeded. But th a ts life.
T he sun shines equally on the bad as well as the good. Everyone breathes
the same air. To this young lady I said, Your priority is wrong. You are
looking in the wrong place. D ont waste precious energy dwelling on your
sisters high income or the other injustices of the system as you call it.
T he system is the product of all: for those who create and propagate it
cannot do so w ithout the cooperation of the masses. (H itler could not have
succeeded w ithout the aid of the Germ an electorate. Nobody forced him on
them .) T he masses are not - and never have been - interested in political
and economic change as long as creature comforts are undisturbed. Instead
of bem oaning the universe that you see create the universe you want.
T he only universe that m atters, I continued, is the one w ithin
yourself. All else is irrelevant. It is you that has to live w ith your feelings
and experiences. N ot another single living soul can do that. Only you can
live your life, and the quality of life you live will depend on the nature
of the thoughts you perpetually hold. You are daily creating your own
system which is of far greater relevance to you than any external economic
or political system. All wealth and well-being will ultim ately come from
your inner world: not any employer, banker or politician. They are not
responsible for your life and your happiness: the responsibility lies squarely
w ith you.
By channelling your m ental energy into your own desires and aspira
tions you can beat the standards of lim itations of the mass m in d of the
species, w hich perpetuates unfairness and inequity. You can beat the law
of averages. You do n ot have to be at the m ercy o f the status quo. All you
have to do is each n ight before you sleep is repeat w ith conviction, Success
is m ine. I am w orthy of success; it is m y b irth rig h t. I am a channel for
A bundance. T he Spirit o f Inexhaustible A bundance dwells in me; the
River of A bundance flows through me. W ealth is m ine; wealth is m ine
now. You can repeat this in the daytim e, too, w hen the opportunity
presents itself. Each tim e you th in k of your sister or th in k of anyone who
seems unfairly better off than you then repeat w hat I have just given you.
T hese positive words will im pregnate your subconscious m ind w hich
transm its them to other subconscious m inds. Beyond the lim itations of

our own individual conscious m ind is a vast pool of consciousness con

necting all m inds. W hen speaking such positive phrases also im agine
yourself as being well off and having plenty of spare money. D ont concern
yourself w ith how this can come about, just do it. Im agine yourself
en j oying the luxuries and extravagances of life. Give emotion to your im agi
nings, feeling all the joy and pleasure you can m uster from a richer lifestyle,
all o f w hich will m ake a great im pression on your subconscious m in d .
She followed m y advice. A bout a m onth later she was offered a position
that paid alm ost double her existing salary. An extrem ely gifted young
w om an and an expert in her field, she was later offered a publishing
contract to w rite a series of serious texts for d istribution to libraries and
universities around the world. At the tim e of w riting, m any m ore exciting
opportunities have opened up to her. I joked w ith her, A t this rate, there
will be those envying you, com plaining how un fair life is. W hat you once
com plained about is now w orking for you. Be grateful for it!
T h e subconscious m ind is like a goldm ine and can be m ined w ithout
lim it. A very successful businessm an told me recently how he b u ilt his
fortune on repeating every night, I am rich now. W ealth is m ine now
before falling asleep. H is subconscious thus im pregnated he had convinced
him self th at he w ould only be rich; there was no room in his thoughts for
any other condition. So as a consequence he m ade the rig h t decisions, m et
the rig h t people, and the rig h t opportunities presented them selves. T he
ultim ate difference between the successful and unsuccessful person is
always one of belief. Belief - b u rn in g conviction - opens doors and makes
things happen. I ts uncanny b u t absolutely true.
B ehind the anxiety over the inequities of life lurks a darker feeling:
envy. Envy, if not understood and checked, can be poisonous, not only
darkening the soul b u t rotting the body. Yet it can also work for one, if
channelled constructively. For exam ple a person m ay m arvel at the success
of someone, a success he wishes he could em ulate if only he could get the
breaks. Such constructive envy can m otivate that individual to equal the
o th ers success, and by asking and telling the U niversal M ind w hat is
w anted the breaks will appear.

20. Dreams
T h u s far we have been concerned w ith supplicating and invoking this
Power to help us; the com m unication being one way, from us to it. But it

also com m unicates w ith us. T he m ost com m on line of com m unication
is th rough dreams. T h e trouble w ith dream s, however, is trying to u n d e r
stand them . So m uch o f the tim e they sim ply m ake no sense. We can get
around this. F irst, you m ust keep a notebook by your bedside so that
you w rite your dream down im m ediately upon awakening. T his came in
extrem ely useful for one m an at the tim e of m y w riting this. A few
m onths ago he was suddenly awakened by a voice calling out a series
o f num bers. As fast as he could he w rote them down, for a few seconds
later they w ould have vanished from his thoughts. H e decided to use
these num bers in a lottery. Previously he had never won a bean and now
for five weeks out of six he has had w innings. I am sure the num bers were
given to you for a purpose, I said. These m odest w ins are a herald for
som ething m uch bigger. Stay w ith these num bers, for they are directly
from Cosmic M in d . W ho knows w hat he m ay have won by the tim e this
is published.
W ithout a handy pen and paper at your side we m ay forget our dream s
quickly. W riting them down can also help us to in terp ret them or clarify
th eir m eaning. T h a t said, m ost dream s in fact have no m eaning, being
jum bled and confused. A dream th at is particularly vivid or holds a p a rti
cular resonance or logic should certainly be w ritten down. T h e In n er M ind
m ay be trying to tell you som ething particularly im portant.
Ideally we need our dream s to be less symbolic and m ore literal so that
they can be easier to u n derstand and interpret. Before falling asleep say
som ething along the lines of the following. Please let my dream s m ake
sense. Please let m e dream in literate term s rather than symbolic so th at I
m ay u n derstand the m eaning when I awake.
As you have dream t all your life in crazy im agery it m ay take some tim e
before your dream s becom e m ore logically form ed, so you will need to keep
asking every night. Once your dream s do take on a m ore logical and u n d e r
standable shape they could be of inestim able benefit to you.
Rem em ber - the Inner M ind already knows everything you need to know
about anything. It is a lim itless storehouse of knowledge; only the true
m agus can access it regularly, confidently and w ith benefit. You can becom e
such a magus. You can have access to this inexhaustible fount of knowledge
and power. To th e average person it will always rem ain out of reach, b ut
not so to the magus.
You will get better results by being specific. W hilst the deeper con
sciousness knows everything it cannot tell you everything, not because it
is lim ited b ut because your conscious m ind is. It can only cope w ith one
or two revelations at a tim e w hich is in p o in t of fact quite adequate at any

given tim e. H ere is how you proceed. Before sleep say, O h L ord, O Holy
One, reveal to me in no uncertain and definite term s w hat I should do about
(state the nature of the situation). L et my dream ing be clear, lucid and
literal. L et it be easy for me to u n d erstand. Repeat once or twice w ith
T his works if you have patience. Rem em ber, the unconscious functions
through symbology: asking it to be less symbolic and m ore literal m ay not
happen autom atically. Even so, your dream s should start to m ake sense
after a short tim e.
We will now look at some practical examples of this process at work.
F irst it should be understood th at dream s are m ore decisive in m atters of
advice and choice than they are in m ore general m atters. A m ore general
m atter is the typical, How can I acquire m ore m oney? How, where and in
w hat can I get rich?; also H ow can I find true love? W here is the rig h t
person for m e? and so on. D ream s do help in such m atters, but m ay still
rem ain hard to understand. T he subconscious is m ore helpful w ith prac
tical advice and decisions because these are m ore im m ediate in ones life.
L e ts suppose you have to change accom m odation. You have seen a room,
flat or house that you particularly like - but should you take it? As you lie
in bed th in k about the place and then ask, Should I take it? Repeat this
question a few tim es - for the pow er o f repetition is very im portant when
dealing w ith the subconscious m ind - and then say: Please show me one
way or another. Please give me a clear-cut answer either in a dream or in
a feeling about this place.
H opefully your dream will be helpful, m ore literal than symbolic, in
w hich case it will be easier to u n derstand and you will get the straight
forward answer you seek; b ut m ore likely, in your early days of trying these
ideas, it will be quasi-sym bolic or entirely sym bolic yet the symbolic
im agery will invariably explain itself!
Perhaps you m ight dream of a rich cornfield. It is early m orning, the
sun is rising and there is a glorious b ird s chorus. Such a dream hardly
needs m uch interpretation. A new start is at hand. You are going to be very
happy in this new place. On the other hand you m ight dream of standing
at a bus stop, b u t no bus stops or every bus is full. E ither way you are stuck
in the same spot. T he dream is telling you this accom m odation is already
taken; or sim ply th a t you should give it a miss. It is clearly not for you.
O n the other hand you m ay have a dream th at leaves you com pletely
confused, in w hich case you will need to ask again the following night.
However, such a vague initial dream is not prom ising. M y experience of
dream s w hich are vague concerning im portant m atters is that the In n er

M ind is advising a reappraisal o f the situation; in other words my present

course is not the rig h t one.
L e ts suppose th at a lady has m et a m an. She finds him attractive and
agreeable and can easily im agine a flowering relationship w ith him .
However, she is sensible enough to realise th at all th at glitters is not gold,
so she turns to the In n er M ind for guidance. She need only ask, Is he right
for me? Please let m e know one way or the o th er. She should picture his
face and im agine his voice in her head, and ask again, Is he right for me
- yes or no? She dream s of three beautifully m ade cups or goblets on a
nicely laid out table. T hey appear to contain some sweet or otherw ise very
pleasing drink. T h is is clearly a heart-w arm ing scenario and if she were to
ask me about such a dream I w ould have no hesitation in telling her to
proceed w ith this m an. T h e im portant thing is that the In n er M ind is not
warning her against anything. At worst, this budding relationship is not
going to tu rn out a fiasco; in fact the In n er M ind is suggesting the very
opposite. Now lets suppose th at instead she dream t of clim bing stairs and
shes out o f breath. It seems shell never get to the top. I w ould in terpret
this as a relationship th at could be h ard work. Is this w hat she wants? Or
she m ight dream of two anim als fighting or of some other discordant scene.
T his, m an, for all his charm , should be given a miss. How m any people
cultivate a veneer of charm w hen they are trying to woo another? Once
the bait is taken the mask is dropped. If she dream s no th in g at all night
after night th at suggests to me a n othing relationship: she wont find it
satisfying and it will not go anywhere.
Some people declare th at they do not dream at all. T h is cannot be so.
Consciousness does not cease. W hilst awake, our conscious m ind thinks
in pictures, a process continued in sleep by the subconscious; so daytim e
thought-im agery becomes dream-imagery. W hat non-dream ers actually
m ean is th at they have no recollection of dream ing; the unconscious im agery
has vanished, so as far as they are concerned they have not dream t. W hy
their dream s should rem ain so hidden from sight I dont know, b u t it
is a m atter of ongoing investigation by me. I m yself dream vividly and
dram atically, and receive a constant flow of - invaluable - inform ation
from In n er M ind. Yet there are occasions w hen I am surprised to awake
realizing I hadnt dream t at all. I th in k h ard and then it comes to me that
I did dream , but the images were so fleeting and obscure th at they seem to
be from a deeper level of the psyche. W hat these shadow s from the deeper
reaches of consciousness represent rem ain a m ystery to me for the present.
If you cannot recall your dream s then ask th at you do. Say: Please
let m e dream vividly and clearly. Please let me rem em ber m y dream s

w hen I wake up. D o this n ight after n ig h t u ntil you are satisfied w ith the
D ream s are a peculiar phenom enon and you should be wary o f attaching
any significance to m ost of them . M ost are nonsense, just as m any o f our
daytim e thoughts are nonsense, for we keep th in k in g of things of no real
value to us. We continuously waste precious m ental energy on im agined
things that never happen (and the things that do happen we never thought
of!). We dream not only of the living b u t also the dead. In the dream world
the living are side by side w ith the deceased and there is no awareness that
anyone is dead. D ream ing of the departed is not a sign th at they are trying
to contact you, unless the dream is unusually vivid and striking - th en you
should take note. M ore usually, dream ing o f the departed is a balancing
m echanism of the psyche. T h e deceased does not exist in your daily world,
creating a vacuum , a vacuum w hich is filled in the dream state. T his is in
p oint of fact therapeutic for the psyche.
I dream of people I didnt like w hen they were alive so I know they
cannot have any good or significant m eaning for m e in the present. I am
also puzzled by recurring dream s of certain prim e m inisters. To dream of
a prim e m inister or some other powerful figure usually suggests a need for
authority in ones self, yet m y unconscious chooses figures w hich have no
authoritative significance to m e whatsoever. T hey m ay be prim e m inisters
b u t I see these particular individuals as cheap and self-serving and w ithout
scruple. I do not tru st politicians in general and I am puzzled as to why my
subconscious should w ant to inflict on me images and stories of people
w hom I care little about, persons who I in fact dislike. But I expect to
eventually u n derstand the m eaning of all this.
D ream s are not, however, always dream s. O ccultists speak o f the astral
w orld w hich is a kind of invisible double of the physical, so everything,
say occultists, th at exists physically also exists astrally. Occasionally our
astral body can be separated from the physical and this can be experienced
as w hat one may call a dream - b u t it isnt: it is a genuine experience of
elevated consciousness, a deliberate and decisive step by the soul to
tem porarily transcend the norm . If it happens you will definitely know
you have experienced no ordinary dream . O n num erous occasions I
have visited places that seem ed like Paradise, places w here everyone
and everything seem ed as real as the physical. W hen I awake I realize
th at it was n o t in fact a physical experience, feeling bew ildered, con
fused, disorientated. I certainly do not feel like th is after usual dream
ing. T his disorientation springs from the dislocation of two bodies.
Even though the two bodies are realigned in an in stant I still find it hard

to adjust consciously, for I m uch prefer the other place w here Ive
been; a place far m ore w onderful than this. I realize I have been not only
in locations th at I know is the physical w orld, b u t locations som ewhere
else, too, w here I do not know. Paradise is an apt word. Som etimes
I am in the com pany o f persons know n to me who are trying to persuade
m e on a particular course of action. T his, too, is an astral experience, for
w hat in effect is happening is th at I am in conversation w ith the astral
form s of these people. These persons are invariably occultists or black
m agicians whom I know in real life. W hat has probably happened is that
earlier the m agician w ould have placed a spell or projected a certain
th o u g h t to me. E ither way I am the recipient of a projected psychic energy
from them .
W hilst this w ould alarm m ost, I am not disturbed. In m y line of
endeavour I m ake the acquaintance of people of all kinds of m ystic and
magical persuasion. I th in k it is inevitable th at the black ones m ay now
and then try to influence m e magically to take part in some project they
have. I do n ot feel threatened by any of this, and w hilst T heosophists and
w hite w itches m ight abhor those who do such things I regard it as just
p art and parcel o f occult life.
We all have our own guardian angel to protect us, and th at is the H igh
Self, th at eternal essence o f our being, im perishable, just and pure.
Should you fear psychic attack or the astral m achinations of others you
only have to re-affirm the protective care of the F a th er - the H igh Self.
Before sleep sim ply repeat a few tim es: O h Father, protect me this n ight
and protect me tomorrow. Place your shield about me. No evil can befall
me, for I am safe in your Infinite Presence.
T his indeed is a potent form ula for anyone living in dangerous or
threatening circum stances, real or perceived. Repeat it during the day.
Believe it implicitly.
Finally, I will close this chapter on dream s w ith a strange b u t absolutely
true story of a young m arried wom an w ith an unshakeable belief and faith
in this G reat Power. Each n ight she asked it to lead her to the ideal hom e
she wanted. For seven consecutive nights she dream t o f this hom e, walking
through each room , up and down the stairs, into the attic and into the
garage. She awoke each m orning startled by the experience, for it was so
intensely real and vivid. T h en one day soon afterw ard w hile driving w ith
her husband in a nearby neighbourhood she saw a house th at looked just
like the one she dream t of. O utside was a sign, For private sale by owner.
Please view. But w hen she knocked on the door and the owner opened he
shuddered. T h e dog growled, its h air standing on end. W hen the ow ners

wife appeared she trem bled. T hey regained their com posure and apolo
gized, the owner saying, We have seen a wom an just like you roam ing
through our house in the early hours. T h e dog howled and barked terribly
and we saw th en this ghost.
Taken aback by this, the young wom an felt she had to explain herself,
th at her intense spiritual belief and conviction had given her vivid dream s
of this house w hich she saw in her dreams. T his story is a lengthy one
but I have given you the m eat of it. T h e sale of the house proceeded
harm oniously and w ithout difficulty, unlike m ost property transactions.
Infinite M ind was w ith 'th is young wom an all the way.

21. Signs
Signs and portents are another m eans by w hich the U niversal
Consciousness com m unicates w ith us. Now it so happens th at m any of
those o f a m ystic and spiritual persuasion dism iss signs and portents,
or m ore specifically the belief in them , as belonging to the realm s of
superstition and w itchcraft. T hese are invariably the same people who
dism iss polytheism , the belief in m any different gods and goddesses. T his
is abject nonsense, for they contradict their own belief in the in te r
connection of all things. In point o f fact the U niversal Consciousness
bom bards us continuously w ith signs, portents, om ens: these are not
threats but proof positive that our individual existence is connected w ith
everything else going on around us.
A m ongst the spiritual and m ystic inclined you find as m uch dis
agreem ent and argum ent as in politics. It is squalid and hardly spiritual.
U niversal Consciousness cannot be confined to anyones particular con
cept or experience. W hatever path you follow binds you to it. Because
you follow it does not m ean there are no other paths. T here are as m any
different p aths as there are hum ans. L im itation and bigotry are
inappropriate. If you w ant to get ahead let go of the shackles of lim ited,
prejudicial, thought.
T h e old saying th at one m ans m eat is another m ans poison can also
be read as one m ans god can be another m ans devil.
If you live by the principle Live and let live you will live m ore
T h e following account occurred years ago b u t I rem em ber it vividly.
M y niece was very excited by the prospect of her first date w ith a young

m an that she was very keen on. As she drove out of the driveway on her
way to m eet him another car at speed alm ost h it her. I regarded this
as a certain sign that her date was fated. I kept this thought to myself,
for I w ould be laughed at for it. In any event it was a successful date: she
had a w onderful tim e. So m uch for my superstitious m ind. However, I did
not forget this ill om en, for it had to m ean som ething. T h e U niverse may
not be fair, b u t it is n ot stupid. E verything has its reason. She w ent on to
see this fellow m any tim es u n til one night, worse for d rink, he h it her and
h it her hard. Bleeding profusely she had to be rushed to hospital. H e
begged her forgiveness, prom ising it w ould never happen again (how
m any tim es have we heard that one?). F ortunately m y nieces good self
esteem and (un)com m on sense enabled her to recognize th a t she did not
have to accept this type of behaviour from anyone, and if he did it once he
would surely do it again. She knew th at there was no such th in g as a m an
w hos violent once and never again, so she lost no tim e in term inating the
If you are on your way to an im portant appointm ent and a gorgeous
Golden R etriever runs to you w ith wagging tail you can be certain th at this
appointm ent is going to be very satisfactory. However, if a dog barks at you
prepare for a disappointm ent; or if the appointm ent is successful you may
yet need to exercise caution. Likewise a rude person bum ping into you is
an ill om en. If in a busy thoroughfare I see a person walk betw een a couple
I m ust surely be the only one w ith the observation, T h is couple will soon
fall out or argue w ith one another. Even w hen I have found it unavoidable
but to pass betw een two people I realize that I am a sym bol of com ing
discord betw een them . I am obviously not the cause o f discord, but this is
the way U niverse is choosing to express the inevitable. If som eone passes
betw een me and another I choose to T H W A R T the otherw ise inevitable.
I m ake up m y m ind there and then to create a different reality. I know that
I m ust not allow m yself to be provoked by anything the person says and
equally im portant I m ust watch my own words and actions lest I
unw ittingly cause offence.
If th at had been me driving to m eet som eone and a car alm ost collides
w ith me I w ould have then and there m ade up my m ind to cancel the
m eeting - creating any excuse I could to say I couldnt m ake it - or, if it
was already too late or im practical to cancel I w ould proceed know ing full
well n othing good was going to come of it. No m atter how pleasant the
m eeting or whatever its purpose I would not agree to anything or follow it
up in anyway.
Creating the reality you want as opposed to the reality you are stuck w ith

it is w hat being a M agus M axim us is all about. You choose your own destiny
and your own fate.
O ver 99% of people let destiny decide for them . T hey take w hats
coming. T h e M agus M axim us does not take w hats com ing: he or she
decides the outcom e required. O ver 99% of people are the victim of their
own stupidity. T h e M agus M axim us is not a victim .
M ost people accept w hat life deals out. No m atter w hat your age, for it
is never too late, you can create your own desired reality. It becomes a
certainty w hen you becom e O ne w ith the F a th er.
T his works; I repeat, it works.
I am not w riting this m erely to m ake you feel better. You can truly
experience this wondrous Power and all the benefits it confers for yourself.
By know ing exactly w hat you want, by staying focussed on it, by
constantly affirm ing through U niversal M ind, you are creating your own
route to success w hich cuts through all obstacles, distractions and h in
drances. Signs and portents act as guide posts along the way: they are not
the superstitious im aginings of a prim itive m ind b u t the certain know
ledge th at U niversal Consciousness is in touch w ith you just as surely as
you are in touch w ith it.
Signs, like dream s, however, can be unfathom able, even m isleading.
T hey can also m ake you paranoid. I could w rite a book alone on this
subject, for the wisdom o f the U niverse sits side by side w ith its
m ischievousness. But for as long as you ask for guidance you will not be
m isled. Your tru st will never be betrayed. T his is not wishful th in k in g but

22. Negativity
E arlier I com m ented on the negativity of people, to w hich I now retu rn for
I know it is o f great concern to m any of the spiritually-m inded. T he
spiritually-m inded we will define for our present purpose as any person
who is aware of, and who wants to be in harm ony w ith, the dim ensions
beyond the physical senses. T his will include m ost of m y present readers.
Such people are, alas, always in the m inority; yet even they, as we have
seen, can be negative w hen they sit in judgm ent on one another.

Yes, the vast m ajority of the w orlds population is am oral, petty-m inded,
and so on. Daily, by the m inute, they are pouring trillions of negative
thoughts into w hat some occultists call the Mass M in d or Race M in d .
T his adds up to one horrible entity w hich not only feeds off negative
thoughts b u t gives back negative energy in equal m easure. A nd each one
of us can easily get caught up in it, w ithout even realizing it is happening.
I rem em ber as a lad hearing th at the w orld was going to the dogs and that
you cant tru st anyone, notions w hich I could not have appreciated at the
tim e were readily accepted by m y subconscious m ind. Later, w hen I
realized th at the w orld had n ot gone to the dogs and th at it is not true th at
nobody can be trusted I felt I had been m entally poisoned. Since th at tim e
my life has been a long process of m ental detoxification.
We all need, m ental detoxification. We are continuously bom barded
by negative com m ents, negative images, negative behaviour. In sim ple
everyday conversation it is h ard not to be infected by it. Someone says, Soand-so has just gone up in price. T h e re s no end to these price increases.
It is tem pting to agree, b u t I will shoot back, I can rem em ber w hen
inflation was 27%. If anyone had told m e then th at there w ould be a tim e
w hen inflation w ould be a m ere 3% (as it is in 2013) I w ould have thought
they were having m e on! N o m atter w hat the increases we have so m uch
to be thankful for today! Som etim es I will give like for like. Someone
rem arks, Young people are so rude. I retort: But not h alf as rude as some
of the pensioners I encounter! (W hich is sadly true.)
W hen we speak of a H igher Pow er or U niversal M in d or Infinite
Intelligence, or any num ber of sim ilar phrases for this inexhaustible
source o f love and energy, we are referring to the Power we seek. It is
both subjective and yet as real as the ground we stand on. You are its
doorway. No m atter how m any billions of people have walked this earth
you are yet the encapsulation of all Cosmic Energy. You may feel like a drop
in the ocean, b u t no ocean can exist w ithout th at drop. So you are the ocean
too. T he th in g is to m anifest this ocean o f Cosmic E nergy in your life,
w hich you have already begun to do m erely by reading this. By allowing
yourself to be inspired in this way you are p lanting seeds of success for
the future.
T h e M ass M ind is no less real - b u t you m ust choose to reject it. You
will only soar ahead by accepting your own vision o f the Universe.
Such vision is not m ake believe. Once you accept it, it becomes true
(it was always true anyway, but you didnt know it).
T h e news in w hatever m edium it takes, newspapers, radio, TV, internet,
is a m enace, for you are m ade to accept negative events about w hich you

cannot do a thing. You are told o f the governm ents incom petence. But
th eres n o thing you can do about it, in fact it m akes you feel worse, for it
still takes your taxes anyway. You hear of corruption, deceit, coverups. N othing you can do about any of that. You read o f a terrorist who
escapes charge on a hum an rig h ts technicality. N othing you can do about
it. It is revealed th at a convicted rapist had in fact raped countless others.
N othing you can do about it. T he governm ent sends troops to some
distant hell-hole th a t you didnt even know existed, fighting a war you
dont understand, a war w hich has absolutely no th in g to do w ith the
defence of your own country, b u t still you have to pay for it in your taxes.
N othing you can do about it. A nd so m uch for democracy: I could go on
and on.
W hat do you need all this for? I do not read newspapers and I
dont watch or listen to TV or radio news. I dont wish to be burdened
by things I can do absolutely n o thing about. T he m edia gives you
only the depression, b u t not the cure. T his is not to say that one should
rem ain ignorant of w hat is going on in the world. I take note of
certain political and econom ic developm ents, for ultim ately they may
affect m e at a personal level and it is possible I m ay be able to do som e
th in g about it. I am careful, too, to get m y inform ation from certain
sources, for I realised long ago th at the general m edia only gives you the
news it considers im portant and relevant, w hich doesnt actually m ean
it is.
I am careful to distance m yself from horrible and sordid news. I dont
need to be daily rem inded of the terrible deeds com m itted by the evil
against the innocent, and even worse, the fact th at there are people who
will move heaven and earth to protect and defend the rights of those so
Surely we need to protect ourself from such vileness.
W hen the need takes you or at various tim es of the day take a deep
breath, place rig h t hand on left shoulder, left han d on rig h t shoulder, close
eyes and affirm w ith conviction, I create my own U niverse of Love, Power
and A bundance. I reject negativity and I affirm the best in m y life. M y life
is my own and I will only allow good into it.
Speaking and believing this does not m ake you selfish and insular; but
unless you are careful you will find yourself subm erged in em otions that
are of absolutely no value to you and w ith the power to drag you down,
com prom ising your power to achieve your goals. O nly you are responsible
for your own well-being. You cannot change the w orld - nobody can - you
m ould your own.

23. Summary
T he story has not ended. In fact it never ends, just as life never ends. Sure
enough you die, b u t consciousness doesnt. For as long as consciousness
continues the story continues. W hat you have read here is a glim pse of
this Power. Follow my words and you will benefit immediately from it.
C ontinuously asking of and affirm ing in this Power gives one a sense of
reassurance. T his feeling is not all in your m in d , b u t it is a prom pting
from the H igh Self, the H oly G uardian Angel, or whatever nam e we attach
to the E ternal Presence, th at you will be okay. A sk to be reassured, ask to
have faith; ask th at you m ay trust each day and you will feel answered.
T h a t feeling will grow stronger and you will have an inner glow.
T h e tem ptation is always there not to believe any of it. I have been
tem pted likewise. N ot anym ore. I live w ith this Power as a daily reality.
It is not in m y im agination. Just because it is so sim ple and child-like the
shallow -m inded cannot accept it can be true.
I will very briefly sum m arise w hat has gone before, although you should
really read everything again and again. Simple or not, repetition pays off.
I have described this Power in various ways. I have outlined distin c
tions: subconscious, unconscious, etc., yet these distinctions often blur
and evaporate. T he fact of the m atter is th at no m atter w hat any psycho
logist or occultist says th ere really is no clear u n d e rsta n d in g or defini
tion of this Power. We can only experience it, and th at surely is all that
m atters.
To access this Power just ask. N ight tim e is best. Just ask. Pray or plead,
w hatever moves you. Believe an answer is possible. If you find it h ard to
believe then ask th at you can. Belief will be given to you.
W hat on earth have you got to lose by trying any of this?
If it didnt work I w ould have dropped it long ago. W ho needs selfdelusion?
T he only universe th at m atters is the one you create for yourself. You
m ust follow your own path and find your own goal. If you dont know w hat
your path is ask to be shown. Follow ing others always leads to a dead end.
Ask th at you are shown w hat is right, to be shown w hat will work for you.
T his is not m ake believe b u t profoundly real.
You are always heard.
T here is n othing m ore real than w hat you feel and w hat you think. T his
is your w orld, your universe. By inviting a H igher Power into it you can
change everything, and it begins imm ediately. You will have no cause to
look back

M agus is the m agician. Magic. M axim us is the best you can get. T he
magic occurs in your consciousness, by allowing the H igh Self to
If only you could possibly im agine w hat is in you, w hat a w orld of
potential, healing and abundance. Once you realize this you will be on
the path of the M agus M axim us.


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