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Software Engineering

Extreme Programming
Iteration Planning Document
Taylor Hale, J.P. Phillips, Matthew Collins, Jason Holt, Seth Patriacca,
Elliot Reinharz, Benjamin Doerflinger
Radford University



Team Information............................................................................................................3
Team Name..................................................................................................................3
Project Title..................................................................................................................3
Project Objectives............................................................................................................3
Project Scope...................................................................................................................3
CLOUD SMART ASSET LOCKER (WWW.CLOUDSMARTAL.COM)................................................3

Iteration 0.........................................................................................................................6
Iteration 1.........................................................................................................................7
Iteration 2.........................................................................................................................8
Iteration 3.........................................................................................................................9


Team Information
Team Name
Project Title
Cloud Smart Asset Locker

Project Objectives
We will develop a web based application that will allow a user to record information of
owned assets along with a picture of the assets and a copy of the receipt to be uploaded to
a central server for safekeeping in case of loss due to fire, theft, or natural disaster for
insurance purposes; or to use for tax purposes through donations or depreciation value.
This application will run current cost comparisons, depreciation values, analysis for
better asset management, and will have the ability to mark specific items for the current
tax year for the user.

Project Scope

Cloud Smart Asset Locker


Upon launch, the user will be presented with a Login screen with background images and
general information. This screen will allow a new user to click to navigate to a create
account page. Once logged in, the user will be shown a welcome page.
From the welcome page, a user can click on several options; to add an item, view their
inventory, view their profile, print reports for insurance, for law enforcement, or for tax
purposes, and run an asset management analysis on their inventory.
Adding an item:
Users should be able to type (or if voice interface control is available) in the name, the
description, category, make, model number, serial number, date acquired, price paid,
quantity, and miscellaneous information about an item. Three pictures shall be allowed to
be uploaded of each item. A receipt showing the item purchased in image format shall be
allowed to be uploaded as well. If the account is set for both personal and business, then a
checkbox for each will appear on the screen for user selection. If available, a user will be
able to use an image of the bar code on an item to have the fields automatically filled.
Viewing inventory:


Upon selecting to view inventory, users will be able to view a list of their inventory in
alphabetical order of the item name along with the other categories, one thumbnail
picture, and a button highlighted if a receipt is available. From this page, users shall be
able to sort on the item name, descriptions, categories, date acquired, and price. Also
while viewing the inventory, a user will have the ability to search for a specific item
based on the item name or description.
Updating an item:
While in the view inventory page, a user will have the ability to update an item to set a
release date due to fire/water damage loss, no cause loss, work related incident, theft,
donation, or discarded as refuse. The user will be able to update their pictures of the items
as well. A user will be able to update the various fields of information about the item or
have the ability to permanently delete an item due to a mistake in user error.
Viewing and Printing/Downloading Reports:
Users will have the ability to create a pdf report of their inventory based on various
selections; such as all inventory, marked as donations, marked for tax deductions, time
frame selection, marked as theft with date released, or marked as loss due to fire or
natural disaster with date released. In order to print or download the report, advanced
authentication will be used by sending a pin number to the user via text or email, which is
chosen in their profile set up.
View/Update Profile:
A user will be able to view and update their profile; first name, last name, change their
password, set account for personal use or business use or both, add a profile picture, and
select how the pin number should be sent for advanced authentication (email or text).
Asset Analysis:
A user will be able to run an analysis of their assets to see in a graphical form of
purchases made and show viable candidate purchases for smarter tax filing. A user will be
able to print a report of the analysis from this page.
Manager Credentials (A manager is a user with elevated permissions within the system):
A manager will have all functionality as a regular user of the system for themselves, but
will have user management access to assist with user accounts. A manager will be able to
search for a user or show all users alphabetically by last name. A manager can mark an
account disabled due to a users misuse of the system.
System Admin Credentials (A system admin is the owner or designee of the system):
A system admin will have full access to update the database or system itself.
Technologies Used:
PHP: for web server pages
Stormpath: for user management
HTML and CSS: for general-purpose design
Javascript and JQuery: for client user experience


Bootstrap: for general-purpose design

MySQL: for database
Expected Audience:
User - Any person who would be creating an account and installing the associated app to
use Cloud Smart Asset Locker. The system is intended for personal or business use.
Manager/Super User Any person who can view listed user accounts and assist users in
account creation and troubleshooting.
Administrator - Any person who will have server-side access and be able to view the
overall data generated by the system and assign permissions.


Iteration 0
General Tasks:
Create a landing page for the site that includes a log in box.
Create a way for a user to create an account.
Allow the user to log in.
Create a way for the user to update their profile and personal information.
Create Account
Update Profile Description
Update Profile Image
Password Reset
Logging Out

3 hours
2 hours
1 hour
2 hours
.5 hours
2 hours
10.5 hours

Deliverables: Design documents (including wireframes, etc.) and a version of the

application that will allow account creation, user login, profile description updating,
profile image updating, account password resets, and user logout.


Iteration 1
DELIVERY DATE: 9/27/2016
General Tasks:
Create main navigation buttons for the various pages of the system.
Create the add item page and create uploading of images for pictures of the item and a
Create the view inventory page.
Allow users to sort their inventory.
Select Add Item Button
Select View Inventory Button
Select View/Update Profile Button
Select Print Reports Button
Add Item Page/Typed Info
Add Item Page/Upload Photos
Add Item Page/Upload Receipt
Sort Saved Items

.75 hours
.75 hours
.75 hours
.75 hours
2.5 hours
3.5 hours
3.5 hours
1.5 hours
14 hours

Deliverables: Additional design documentation and (in addition to maintaining iteration-0

functionality) a version of the application that will allow adding items, viewing inventory,
viewing/updating profiles, printing reports, adding photos, uploading receipts, and sorting
saved items.


Iteration 2
DELIVERY DATE: 11/2/2016
General Tasks:
Create a button that will take an image of the bar code of an item and return the items
information to auto fill in the fields to save to the database.
Create updating and item.
Create a way for the user to delete an item.
Create the About Us company information page.
Create the Contact Us company contact information page and links for emailing the
Update Item
Delete Item
Use Bar Code
View Company Information
View Company Contact Information

2 hours
2 hours
5 hours
2 hours
3 hours
14 hours

Deliverables: Additional design documentation and (in addition to maintaining iteration-0

and interation-1 functionality) a version of the application that will allow updating items,
deleting items, using bar codes to update information, viewing company information, and
viewing company contact information.


Iteration 3
DELIVERY DATE: 11/29/2016
General Tasks:
Create building reports for printing and download.
Create the Asset Analysis page and its functions for analyzing the users data.
Create a super users way of managing users; set active or inactive with a reason.
Create a super users way of searching for a specific user.
Create system admin page for managing categories.
Create the How To Use The Cloud Smart Asset Locker Software System document
Generate Report for Download
Perform Asset Analysis
Super User View Users
Super User Search Users
Super User Set User Status
System Admin Add Categories
System Admin Delete Categories

5 hours
4 hours
1.5 hours
1.5 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2.25 hours

Deliverables: Additional design documentation and (in addition to maintaining iteration0, iteration-1, and iteration-2 functionality) a version of the application that will allow
generating reports for downloading, asset analysis, super-user user viewing, super-user
user searches, super-user user status updating, system-admin category additions, and
system-admin category deletions.


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