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Alcohol Notes

Alcohol Notes
Ethanol/Ethyl the type of alcohol found in

What drug classification does

alcohol belong in?
Alcohol is a
It does however work
as a stimulant during
the first couple hours
of use

What is a standard drink?

4-5oz glass of wine =

12oz beer =
16oz wine cooler =
1.5 oz hard alcohol
(tequila, vodka)
Shot v. cocktail

What is binge drinking?

Drinking 5+, per
occasion at least every
2 weeks.

How long does alcohol stay in your

1 hour per drink from the time you stop
3 beers, 1 shot, and a glass of wine
(stopped drinking at 10pm)
What time would it be out of your system?

What are the short and long term

Short Term:
Slows down the CNS (Central Nervous System)
Impairs judgment
Stimulates kidneys which causes mass urine
Decrease in motor skills
Slurred speech and blurriness

What are the short and long term

Long Term
Possible brain damage
Cirrhosis disease in which liver tissue is
destroyed and replaced with useless scar
Stomach and skin problems
Sexual impotence
Vitamin deficiencies

What is BAC?
BAC Blood Alcohol Concentration/Content
21 years or older - .08 is limit
20 and under - .01 (Zero Tolerance)

Alcohol and Teens

Accidents are the #1 leading cause of death
for boys and girls 15-24 years old.
ALCOHOL is the #1 cause of those
Alcohol has been a factor in unplanned
pregnancies, STDs, rape, suicides, and

Mixing Alcohol With Other Drugs

Can lead to paralysis and death!!!

FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
1 in 700 births in the U.S.
Leading cause of preventable mental retardation in the
If women drinks regularly baby has 40% chance of FAS
If women drink a little during pregnancy baby has an 11%
chance of FAS

If women doesnt drink during pregnancy there is a 0%

chance of FAS

The Alcoholic Family

1. Alcoholic Typically
the dad; his mood
dictates the familys
2. Enabler Typically
the mom; helps the
alcoholic continue to

The Alcoholic Family continued

3. Hero Typically the 1st
born copes by
4. Clown Typically 2nd
born; makes jokes about
5. Troublemaker Typically
the 3rd born; acts out
6. Forgotten Child 4th
born child; ignores family

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