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$ grep suresh emplist.

In addition, three variant programs egrep, fgrep and rgrep are
egrep is the same as grep -E.
fgrep is the same as grep -F.
rgrep is the same as grep -r.
Direct invocation as either egrep or fgrep is deprecated, but is provided
to allow historical applications that rely on them to run unmodified.
grep chope /etc/passwd
Search /etc/passwd for user chope.
grep -r "techbuddies" /www/
Recursively search the directory /www/, and all subdirectories, for any
lines of any files which contain the string techbuddies.
grep -w "hope" myfile.txt
Search the file myfile.txt for lines containing the word hope. Only
lines containing the distinct word hope will be matched. Lines in
which hope is part of a word will not be matched.
grep -cw "hope" myfile.txt
Same as previous command, but displays a count of how many lines
were matched, rather than the matching lines themselves.
grep -cvw "hope" myfile.txt
Inverse of previous command: displays a count of the lines in myfile.txt
which do not contain the word hope.
grep -l "hope" /www/*

Display the filenames (but not the matching lines themselves) of any
files in /www/ (but not its subdirectories) whose contents include the
string hope.
gzip [parameters] file(s)
This program compresses the contents of files, using complex
mathematical algorithms. Files compressed in this way are given the
extension .gz and need to be uncompressed before they can be used.
To compress several files or even entire directories, use the tar
decompresses the packed gzip files so they return to their original size
and can be processed normally (like the command gunzip).
tar options archive file(s)
The tar puts one file or (usually) several files into an archive.
Compression is optional.
tar is a quite complex command with a number of options available.
The most frequently used options are:
Writes the output to a file and not to the screen as is usually the case
Creates a new tar archive
Adds files to an existing archive
Outputs the contents of an archive
Adds files, but only if they are newer than the files already contained in
the archive
Unpacks files from an archive (extraction)
Packs the resulting archive with gzip
Compresses the resulting archive with bzip2
Lists files processed

The archive files created by tar end with .tar. If the tar archive was also
compressed using gzip, the ending is .tgz or .tar.gz. If it was
compressed using bzip2, .tar.bz2.
diff [option(s)] file1 file2
The diff command compares the contents of any two files. The output
produced by the program lists all lines that do not match.
This is frequently used by programmers who need only send their
program alterations and not the entire source code.
Only reports whether the two given files differ
File System commands
mount [option(s)] [] mountpoint
This command can be used to mount any data media, such as hard
disks, CD-ROM drives, and other drives, to a directory of the Linux file
mount read-only
-t filesystem
Specifies the file system. The most common are ext2 for Linux hard
disks, msdos for MS-DOS media, vfat for the Windows file system, and
iso9660 for CDs.
For hard disks not defined in the file /etc/fstab, the device type must
also be specified. In this case, only root can mount. If the file system
should also be mounted by other users, enter the option user in the
appropriate line in the /etc/fstab file (separated by commas) and save
this change. Further information is available in mount.
umount [option(s)] mountpoint
This command unmounts a mounted drive from the file system. To
prevent data loss, run this command before taking a removable data
medium from its drive. Normally, only root is allowed to run the
commands mount and umount. To enable other users to run these

commands, edit the /etc/fstab file to specify the option user for the
respective drive.
free [option(s)]
The command free displays information about RAM and swap space
usage, showing the total and the used amount in both categories.
Output in bytes
Output in kilobytes
Output in megabytes
date [option(s)]
This simple program displays the current system time. If run as root, it
can also be used to change the system time. Details about the
program are available in date.
top [options(s)]
top provides a quick overview of the currently running processes. Press
H to access a page that briefly explains the main options to customize
the program.
ps [option(s)] [process ID]
If run without any options, this command displays a table of all your
own programs or processes those you started. The options for this
command are not preceded by hyphen.
Displays a detailed list of all processes, independent of the owner.
kill [option(s)] process ID

Unfortunately, sometimes a program cannot be terminated in the

normal way. However, in most cases, you should still be able to stop
such a runaway program by executing the kill command, specifying the
respective process ID (see top and ps).
kill sends a TERM signal that instructs the program to shut itself down.
If this does not help, the following parameter can be used:
Sends a KILL signal instead of a TERM signal, with which the process
really is annihilated by the operating system. This brings the specific
processes to an end in almost all cases.
killall [option(s)] processname
This command is similar to kill, but uses the process name (instead of
the process ID) as an argument, causing all processes with that name
to be killed.
[root@TechTutorials ~]# ps -aux
It should be noted, ps is not equal to ps -a.
Process Snapshot (ps)
The ps command lists the processes depending on the parameters that
we pass modifiers.
Lets review the most relevant:
ps -e / -A List all processes
List -x processes that are associated with a terminal (TTY) -U Lists the
processes associated with one or several users
-o it Used to determine which characteristics of the process will be
The most interesting -o parameters are:
% Cpu% CPU cpu utilization of the process in ##. # Format.
% Mem% MEM ratio of the processs resident set size to the
physical memory on the machine, Expressed as a percentage

args COMMAND command With all its arguments as a string.

Modifications to the arguments May be shown.
cgroup cgroup Control display groups to Which the process
or NI nice value. This ranges from 19 (nicest) to -20 (not nice to
pid PID to the process ID number Representing
ppid PPID parent process ID
We can then combine these parameters in the following output:
[root@TechTutorials ~]# ps -e -o pid,% cpu,% mem, args
Which would give us the pid, the percentage of CPU used, the
percentage of memory used and the arguments with which the
program is run. Another interesting parameter is cgroup, because since
we have systemd, all processes running under the control of a group
(control group).
You can find these settings and many more doing man ps in section
The last tip is: to sort the output, use -sort, and specify on the basis
that we want to sort the output parameter.
For example we ordain by percentage of CPU processing:
[root@TechTutorials ~]# ps -e -o pid,% cpu, cpu command --sort%
Table of Process (top)
Another classic command of UniXS, we will list the table real-time
process and resource consumption. Also, default orders top processes
by CPU consumption, which enables us to find which programs are
consuming more resources.
R can be changed by pressing the priority number of a process and k
can send a signal to kill the process.
You can find a good post on top here

Nice & renice

The UniXS systems allow processing set priorities for the CPU focus
mainly on certain tasks and relegates others.
Nice to execute a command with a given priority:
[root@TechTutorials ~]# nice -n 5 command --argument
If the process were already running, we can reassign the priority with
renice referencing its pid:
[root@TechTutorials ~]# renice -n April 2345
Kill and derivatives
Finally, to eliminate a process, we have the kill command.
Unix establishes different signals that can send to a process, the most
common are SIGHUP (1) (die and run again), SIGTERM (15) (notifies the
process that has to end its execution, but gives you time to close the
file descriptors and kill their children) and SIGKILL (9) (terminates the
process immediately) l.
Thus, we can send these signals using the PID and the number of
[root@TechTutorials ~]# kill -s September 2345
Killall and pkill allow us to do the same, but looking for the process
[root@TechTutorials ~]# killall -s 9 xchat

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