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Caesarean section is the delivery of a baby through a cut in the mother’s lower abdomen
and the uterus. It was an operation with many risks, less than a century ago. Today, it is one of the
most frequently performed surgeries in the world. Caesarean births are more common than most
surgeries (such as gallbladder removal, hysterectomy or tonsillectomy) due to many factors. One
factor, of course, is that nearly 50% of the world population are women, and pregnancy is still a
very common condition! However, more important is the fact that a Caesarean section may be life
saving for the baby, or mother or both. Caesarean birth is also much safer today than it was a few
decades ago. Thus “caesarean” is not something that should scare you, as the ultimate goal is a
healthy mother and healthy baby, regardless of the method of delivery.

Types and Indication of C-Section

1. Classical Caesarean Section
The upper portion of the uterus is opened by an incision and the baby is then extracted.
This is not practiced anymore due to higher incidence of complication.
2. Lower Segment Caesarean Section
In this case, the uterus is opened in the lower segment and the baby’s head or breech as
the case may be delivered.
3. Emergency Caesarean Section
When there is suspected danger to the mother’s or baby’s condition an emergency section
is resorted to.
4. Elective Caesarean Section (planned C- Section)
The caesarean is planned and done on a specific date chosen by the patient and the doctor
after assessing the maturity of the baby.

Emergency Caesarean Section
Fetal Distress
The baby may not be tolerating the forces of labor well.
Difficulty or abnormal labor patterns.
Bleeding from placenta
Placental or cord problem
Planned/ Elective Caesarean Section
Previous Caesarean delivery
Placenta previa
Mal-presentation of the baby
Transverse lie
Shoulder presentation
Oblique lie
Breech presentation (buttocks first)
Posterior face presentation
Brow presentation
A small or contracted pelvis
Resulting from pelvic injury or fracture
A large sized baby where the baby is to big to deliver through the pelvis
Other problems of the birth canal
A stenos cervix
A thickly cervix which does not open up
Previous pelvic injury repair of a urinary or rectal pistula
Active herpes lesion of the genital tract
Maternal medical condition
Maternal Diabetes
Other medical illness like Asthma

Within 36 hours of rendering nursing care @ VGDH, I

will be able to:

1. Correlate concept learned to actual exposure in the area.
2. Assess the pain manifested by the mother during active
3. Differentiate frequency, duration and interval.
4. Identify instruments used in the delivery.
5. Organize all things needed before and after delivery.

1. Perform aseptically open cloving.
2. Serve properly and aseptically the instrument s to the
3. Do labor watch properly.
4. Arrange and clean all instruments used.

1. Be polite, punctual and kind.
2. Manifest initiative and resourcefulness.
3. Respond to corrections and criticism positively.
4. Show Augustinian value at all time.

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