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Mata Kuliah

Untuk Program
Status Soal

: Teori Akuntansi
: S1 P.S. Akuntansi FEB UNDIP
: Muchamad Syafruddin
: 75 menit saja

Closed Books.
All of the reference books and similiar have to put on the front of class
Answer at least, 15 of all the qustions below.

1. Can you think of any other economic consequences of accounting other than those in
exhibit 8-2?
2. In each category of economic consequences listed in exhibit 8-2, provide one or more
specific examples known to you from your reading.
3. List three reasons why accounting should be regulated.
4. List three reasons why accounting should not be regulated.
5. Contrast what is meant by delegation of authority to act with delegation by charter.
6. What is the primary objective of accounting?
7. What are the objectives of providing cash flow information to users of financial
8. Define entity cash flows.
9. Under what circumstances are present values likely to equal market values?
10. Distinguish the term liquidity, solvency, and financial flexibility.
11. What classification does the FASB use in its suggested format for a cash flow statement?
12. Define shareholders cash flows.
13. Define lender cash flows.
14. List three factors that are helpful in predicting investing cash flows.
15. Explain the wealth maintenance concept of income in your own words.
16. How does entity income differ from conventional net income?
17. Define in your own words, the nature of revenues. Are you more comfortable with the
notion of revenue as an inflow, an outflow, or a product?
18. What is the advantage of distinguishing gains from revenues? Can you relate your answer
to the objectives of financial reporting?
19. In your opinion, should cash discounts be treated as an offset to revenue or as an
20. Distinguish the critical event approach to revenue recognition from the substantial
accomplishment approach. Do you have preference?
21. Contrast recognition with realization as the FASB uses those terms.
22. When should revenue be recognized according to he FASB?
23. When should gains be recognized? Is this the same rule as for revenues?
24. Provide two reasons for using historical costs to measure expenses. Why are current cost
recommended by some?
25. Distinguish the three types of price change from one another.
26. Explain in your own words what is meant by the term purchasing power.
27. What circumstances cause holding gains to occur?

28. Distinguish the asset-liability approach from the revenue-expense approach in defining a
statement of financial position.
29. What is a residual balance sheet? List three reasons in its favor.
30. List three reasons for the FASBs preference for the asset-liability approach.
31. List the factors in common between the various definitions of assets in this section. List
the factors that distinguish them.
32. List the factors in common between the various definitions of liabilities in this section.
List the factors that distinguish them.
33. List the three essentials of assets and the three essentials of liabilities.
34. What is the meaning of the word recognized?
35. What criteria must an economic resource meet to be recognized in a statement of
financial position?
36. What do accountants mean by the term attributes?
37. What do accountants mean by measurement?
38. Compare prudent, standard, and original costs.
39. Compare net realizable value with replacement cost.
40. Define, in your own words, the three major categories of output values.
41. Contrast syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic objectives.

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