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Lexic and Grammar assessment

Name: __________________________________________________ Number: _________Class:__________
Date: ___________________ Mark: _______________________

Tutor: ________________________

NOTE: All your answers must be written on your writing paper.

1. Choose the appropriate word to complete the text.

English is used for different ________________ (1). Actually, it is the main language of books,
newspapers, magazines, airports and air-traffic ______________ (2), international business and
academic ___________________ (3), science, technology, diplomacy, sport, __________________ (4)
competitions, pop music and advertising.
Over two-thirds of the worlds ___________________ (5) read in English. Three quarters of the
worlds mail is written in ___________________ (6). Eighty per cent of the worlds electronically
stored information is in English. Of the estimated forty million users of the Internet, some eighty per
cent ________________ (7) in English, but this is expected to decrease to forty per cent as
__________________ (8) of other languages get online.

2.British English ( BrE )or American English? (AmE) Its up to you to decide!












3.Complete the blank spaces by writing the negative form of the given words. Add the suitable
negative prefix.
a. I am really chocked! James was talking to the girl next to him and he was so __ ( polite )!

b. They have just had an accident, what an ____ ( lucky ) thing to happen!
c. Can you write your name again? Your handwriting is _____ ( legible ).
d. Someone who is _______ ( organized ) lives among a big mess!

e. My decision has been made and it is _________ ( reversible ), so, the discussion is over!

The candidate is highly __________ ( likely ) to win the election because the statistics show
he is very ________ ( popular ) at the moment.

g. The American people are very ______ ( formal ) and they are neither __________ ( friendly )
nor _____ ( kind ).
h. Its ______( legal ) to drink if youre under eighteen; instead, you can have _______
( alcoholic ) drinks.

4.Complete the sentences below with the suitable preposition.

a. My sister has just applied __________ a new job. She is interested _______ working as a
b. Everybody agrees __________ the fact that English is a global language.
c. Businessmen only have to concentrate __________ their work.
d. This book deals __________ the importance of English.
e. Stop complaining _______ everything! If you dream ______ changing the world, you better
start thinking _______ real actions!!!!!
f. You should not insist _____ going out tonight because I am worried ______ my English test
and I have to concentrate _____ these grammar topics!!!!!
g. I rely _____ you , my dear!
5.Mixed tenses. Pay attention to the time expressions and do your best!
a. Nowadays English language _____ ( be ) a Lingua Franca because millions and millions of
people ______ ( use ) it to communicate. However it _____ ( not / be ) that accessible for
some time in some cases. A Finnish teacher ___________ ( explain ) the situation very well:
Most of the students at Helsinki University of Technology __________ (study) English at
school for ten years. They __________ (hear) English in films, at the cinema and in pop
music every day so they __________(understand) English very well. However, there are few
foreigners in Finland, so the students __________ (not / get) the chance to speak English
very often. One day, while I __________ (talk) to my colleagues I __________ (discover)
the power of the Internet and I __________ (try) to involve my students with their mates
throughout the world. I __________ (ask) them to do various kinds of tasks. E-mail writing
exchanges was one of them. My students were very excited. We __________ (do) very
interesting activities since we started and at the moment we __________ (plan) on a new
b. In the past, the knowledge of English _____ ( not / be ) so required because
people_________ ( not / have ) the chance of travelling so much as they ______ ( do ) today.
Now, when you _____ ( listen ) to music or _________ ( watch ) TV or even ______
( apply ) for a job, you _______ ( know ) it ______ ( be ) unthinkable not knowing English!

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