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1. Designing as assessment task for one of the learning areas you are currently teaching.




-Sorting and classifying 2D -Observation (observe) whether Teacher will assess - Recording in observation
(dimension) shapes from 3D objects learners can sort and classify 2D book
shapes and 3D objects

- Describing the features all the -Oral check whether the learner can Teacher will assess
difference between 3D objects and 2D describe the features and tell the - observation sheet or check
shapes differences between 3D objects and list
2D shapes

- Making at least 3 patterns using 2D -Practical observe and check whether - observation sheet or check
shapes and 3D objects the learner can make at least 3 patterns Teacher will assess list
using 2D shapes and 3D objects

- Follow and complete the sequences Written/ recording check whether the
__________ learner can follow and complete the Teacher will assess - Recording in learners
___________ sequence in (column 1) numeracy class book
2. Devise an appropriate scoring procedure rubric for reading

1. Not Achieved 2. Partial Achievement 3. Satisfactory Achieved 4. Excellent Achievement

-Struggle to recognise basic sights -Slow in recognising high -Knows high frequency words -Can recognise words in context
words frequency words -Uses phonic knowledge to -Use phonic skills effectively
-Poor sound -symbol relationship -Manages to decode and encode identify unfamiliar words -Can recognise unfamiliar words
some words beyond grade level

-Repetitions and reversals occur -Reads familiar words fluently but -Tries to read fluently with few -Read familiar and unfamiliar text
often stops at unfamiliar words mistakes fluently
-Tries to read at an average speed -Read at a rate of 50-60 words per
with very few repetition and minute.

-Very soft, lacks confidence - Audible reads simple , familiar - Conscious of voice modulation -An expressive reader
short texts fluently tries to be expressive and uses -Variation voice and tone
appropriate gestures -Use gesture body language
-Arouses attention of listener

- Makes meaning from visual -Makes meaning from visual and -Can recall the main ideas of the -Understands text very well
clues e.g. illustrations simple point text story -Discuss plot, setting ,character
-Can make predictions from title -Able to sequence events in the -Express own views and opinions
and cover story
3. Provide an example of your recording procedure (record sheet)

Name of learner’s Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 3 Comments

-Oral language -Word recognition -Reading skills (word -Written language

-Skills (listening and and vocabulary recognition, skills
speaking) -Skills (phonic sight comprehension and -(written at text,
words, spelling) fluently sentences contraction
hand writing )
Date Date Date Date
-Improvement in
Ivy 3 3 3 3 reading and writing

-Need more help with

Kabelo 3 2 3 2 word recognition
skills & sentences
-Has learnt to speak
Sipho 2 1 2 1 in sentences needs
more help with
phonics, reading &

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