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"Saturation pressure set at 1 [kPa]"

m= 1 [kg]
P_1=1 [kPa]
v_l=volume(Water;x=0;P=P_1) "Specific volume of saturated water"
v_v=volume(Water;x=1;P=P_1) "Specific volume of saturated steam"
dv=v_l-v_v "Difference in specific volume during phase chance"
dvol=m*dv "Changes in volume"
"Saturation pressure set at 100 [kPa]"

P_2=100 [kPa]
v_l_2=volume(Water;x=0;P=P_2) "Specific volume of saturated water"
v_v_2=volume(Water;x=1;P=P_2) "Specific volume of saturated steam"
dv_2=v_l_2-v_v_2 "Difference in specific volume during phase chance"
dvol_2=m*dv_2 "Changes in volume"
"Saturation pressure set at 10000 [kPa]"

P_3=10000 [kPa]
v_l_3=volume(Water;x=0;P=P_3) "Specific volume of saturated water"
v_v_3=volume(Water;x=1;P=P_3) "Specific volume of saturated steam"
dv_3=v_l_3-v_v_3 "Difference in specific volume during phase chance"
dvol_3=m*dv_3 "Changes in volume"
Saturation pressure set at 1 [kPa]

m = 1
P1 = 1


v l = v water ; x = 0 ; P = P 1

Specific volume of saturated water

v v = v water ; x = 1 ; P = P 1

Specific volume of saturated steam

dv = v l v v

Difference in specific volume during phase chance

dvol = m dv

Changes in volume

Saturation pressure set at 100 [kPa]

P 2 = 100 [kPa]
v l;2 = v water ; x = 0 ; P = P 2

Specific volume of saturated water

v v;2 = v water ; x = 1 ; P = P 2

Specific volume of saturated steam

dv 2 = v l;2 v v;2

Difference in specific volume during phase chance

dvol 2 = m dv 2

Changes in volume

Saturation pressure set at 10000 [kPa]

P 3 = 10000 [kPa]
v l;3 = v water ; x = 0 ; P = P 3

Page 2

Specific volume of saturated water

v v;3 = v water ; x = 1 ; P = P 3

Specific volume of saturated steam

dv 3 = v l;3 v v;3

Difference in specific volume during phase chance

dvol 3 = m dv 3

Changes in volume

Unit Settings: SI C kPa kJ mass deg
dv = -129,2 [m3/kg]
dvol3 = -0,01657 [m3]
m = 1 [kg]
P3 = 10000 [kPa]
vl,3 = 0,001452 [m3/kg]
vv,3 = 0,01803 [m3/kg]

dvol = -129,2 [m3]

dv2 = -1,693 [m3/kg]
P1 = 1 [kPa]
vl = 0,0010001 [m3/kg]
vv = 129,2 [m3/kg]

No unit problems were detected.

EES suggested units (shown in purple) for dv dvol dvol_2 dvol_3 dv_2 dv_3 .

dvol2 = -1,693 [m3]

dv3 = -0,01657 [m3/kg]
P2 = 100 [kPa]
vl,2 = 0,001043 [m3/kg]
vv,2 = 1,694 [m3/kg]



V_c=1 [m^3] "Volume of the container"

m_tot=4 [kg] "Initial mass of water"
T= 150 [C] "Temperature after heating"
P=p_sat(Water;T=T) "Saturation pressure"
v_l=volume(Water;x=0;T=T) "Specific volume of saturated liquid"
v_v=volume(Water;x=1;T=T) "Specific volume of saturated vapor"
v=V_c/m_tot "Overall specific volume"
"In the contaniner there is a mixture of vapor and water"
x=quality(Water;T=T;v=v) "Quality of the mixture"
m_v=x*m_tot "Mass of vapor"
m_l=m_tot-m_v "Mass of liquid"
V_vc=m_v*v_v "Volume of vapor"
V_lc=V_c-V_vc "Volume of liquid"
Vc = 1
m tot

= 4

[m3] Volume of the container

[kg] Initial mass of water

T = 150 [C] Temperature after heating

P = P sat

water ; T = T

Saturation pressure

v l = v water ; x = 0 ; T = T

Specific volume of saturated liquid

v v = v water ; x = 1 ; T = T

Specific volume of saturated vapor

v =

m tot

Overall specific volume

In the contaniner there is a mixture of vapor and water

x = x water ; T = T ; v = v
m v = x m tot
m l = m tot m v
V vc

= mv vv

V lc

= V c V vc

Quality of the mixture

Mass of vapor
Mass of liquid
Volume of vapor
Volume of liquid

Unit Settings: SI C kPa kJ mass deg
ml = 1,459 [kg]
P = 475,7 [kPa]
Vc = 1 [m3]
vv = 0,3929 [m3/kg]

mtot = 4 [kg]
T = 150 [C]
vl = 0,00109 [m3/kg]
Vvc = 0,9984 [m3]

No unit problems were detected.

EES suggested units (shown in purple) for m_l m_v P v v_l V_lc .

mv = 2,541 [kg]
v = 0,25 [m3/kg]
Vlc = 0,001591 [m3]
x = 0,6353


p_sat=220 [kPa] "saturation pressure"

m_t=4 [kg] "total mass in the container"
x=0,8 "quality"
m_v=x*m_t "mass of vapor"
v=volume(Water;P=p_sat;x=x) "specific volume of the mixture"
V_c=v*m_t "Volume of the container"
p sat

= 220 [kPa] saturation pressure

mt = 4

[kg] total mass in the container

x = 0,8


mv = x mt

mass of vapor

v = v water ; P = p sat ; x = x
Vc = v mt

specific volume of the mixture

Volume of the container

Unit Settings: SI C kPa kJ mass deg
mt = 4 [kg]
v = 0,6484 [m3/kg]

mv = 3,2 [kg]
Vc = 2,594 [m3]

No unit problems were detected.

EES suggested units (shown in purple) for m_v v V_c .

psat = 220 [kPa]

x = 0,8

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