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TODAY: Dominican Republic Mission Trip 2017.

Please visit our table under the Angel Wing (between
the Sanctuary and Allen Hall) for more information.

September: We continue the Journey of Discipleship.

Take the assessment at fpco.org/journey.

September 30: Fall Serve Day Registration Opens

for the October 22 Serve Day. ourserveday.com

October 2: First Pres will launch our newest ministry

effort to equip you in one of the places you spend the
most time: your work. beyondthepaycheck.org

October 2: Faith Serves Forum: Madagascar,

12PM-1:30PM, join us for lunch to hear from friends and
ministry partners in Madagascar. fpco.org/events

October 6: Faith Serves Mercy Drive Orientation

6PM-8PM. An introduction to First Pres' initiative in the
Mercy Drive Community. fpco.org/events

October 13: Q Commons. 7PM-9PM, a live event

where attendees hear fast-paced national and local
talks on how to thoughtfully engage our divided nation.
$20 at qcommons.com/orlando.

October 14: Young at Heart. Luncheon and fellowship

with guest speaker, David Swanson. Lunch is $8.
RSVP to Maddy Vilar at 407.423.3441 x1159 by Friday,
October 7.

October 16: LifeFest Lite. 6PM-8:45PM, get a preview

of what our LifeFest Church Retreat is like, featuring
Nashville recording artist Alan Levi. fpco.org/lifefest

For our 9:45 Genesis worshipers who are getting to know
the Sanctuary: the best way to reach restrooms during the
service is to go to the Narthex (entry doors for the Sanctuary on Church Street). There is one restroom available
in the Narthex, and more in Allen Hall, adjacent to our
Sanctuary; our ushers can direct you. We ask you enter and
exit through the back of the room to minimize distractions
in worship.

SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

As a caring body of believers, please remember in your
prayers those who have recently been hospitalized or are
recuperating at home: Lauren Lawson, Bob Hines, Austin
Jones, and Lynne McKnight.
To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office
at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at


8:15am & 9:45am worshipers can help the church be better
stewards of our resources and environment. If you do not
want to keep this extremely handy bulletin, just hand it to
one of our ushers as you leave. The bulletins are reused
for the 11:00am worship service, and recycled on Monday

Stewardship Report as of September 18, 2016.
Thank you for your faithful generosity.



Because we believe participation (and not a dollar amount)

is key in our giving, we are now reporting our churchs
giving participation percentage weekly.
Our financial numbers will appear on a monthly basis for
continued transparency in budgeting.
Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at



106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801

fpco.org /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando

Choir Testimony

Ministry Focus

The Sacrament of Baptism (9:45)

S Charlotte Rose Houck and Harper Violet Houck,

born March 23, 2016, daughters of

Claire and Ryan Houck.
Prayer for Illumination
*Scripture Reading

Dr. Case Thorp

Matthew 1:18-25

pew bible p. 681

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will
say, This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is
invited to respond, Thanks be to God.


The First and Foundational Yes

Assisting in Worship: Scarlett Stewart and Luke Domeck.

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)


On many of the Sundays youll note early on in the
worship service there is what weve simply called
the Organ Meditation. What is the point or purpose for
including such in the service? Is there something the
worshipers are to do during that time? King Solomon,
in the book of Ecclesiastes, writes Guard your steps
when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen
rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools... Do not be
quick with your mouth...God is in heaven and you
are on earth, so let your words be few. We live in a
world of words and talk with very little verbal silence.
Its hard to listen for Gods voice when we are talking
either out loud or in our minds. During these moments
of the Organ Meditation, listen for the still, small voice
of God. Clear your heart and mind to be receptive to
the Holy Spirit. You may pray Create in me a clean
heart O God and renew a right spirit within me. Or
you may simply be quiet and listen for Gods voice.
Above all, it is a moment to consciously become aware
that you are in the presence of God. He is in our midst
and we are spiritually, mentally, and physically present
looking forward to our worship of this matchless Lord
and Savior.
- Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

randall thompson
Chorale Prelude on Jesus, My Sure Defense


Organ Meditation

randall thompson


Call to Worship

daniel sharp

The Lord Is Here!

*Processional Hymn of Praise

God Is Here!

no. 1
abbots leigh

Psalm 68

*Ascription of Praise
Organ Praise
Pastoral Report
*Passing of the Peace

darrell harris & eric wyse

Call to Prayer
Be Still

Pastoral Prayer
Choir Testimony

Ministry Focus
Westminster Confession


Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings
*We Give Thee But Thine Own
*Prayer of Commitment

no. 688

(Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

k. lee scott
The Chancel Choir

Servants of Peace


Prayer for Illumination
*Scripture Reading

Dr. Case Thorp

Matthew 1:18-25
pew bible p. 681

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say,

This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is invited to
respond, Thanks be to God.


The First and Foundational Yes

no. 603
st. peter

*Hymn of Response
In Christ There Is No East or West

*Invitation and Charge

*Choral Response

daniel sharp

Chancel Amen

3 Pieces for Clock Organ

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Bret Allen, Dr. Dan Sharp, organist

Josiah Armes.
Visual Arts: The flowers on the Communion table are given
to the glory of God in loving memory of Victor Woody
Woodman, by his wife, Susan, and family.
Dr. Swanson is away this week preaching at First
Presbyterian Church in Dalton, GA. He will return to the
pulpit next Sunday.

is pleased to sponsor


Public and Permanent

Community Information Events
to Keep Your Family Safe Online
Join Us to Learn About:

Cyber Bullying
Inappropriate Photos
Irresponsible Use of Apps
Poor Social Media Behaviors
Inappropriate Posting by Children and Adults

Parent Session
Monday, October 3 u 7:00 - 8:30 pm
For parents of children of all ages

Student Session
Tuesday, October 4 u 8:30 - 9:45 am
All students in 5th - 8th grades are invited!
Sessions will be held on the campus of
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando
in Lee Fellowship Hall

RSVPs are Requested: info@thechristschool.org


This program received the School Safety

Advocacy Councils Exemplary School Safety
Program Award and Exemplary School
Safety Initiative Award
For more information on the program, visit IROC2.org

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