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Cushing's syndrome is a disorder of the adrenal glands in charge of producing

glucocorticoids or cortisol. In this disease the levels of cortisol in the blood increases.
Factors triggering these circumstances there are two factors outside and inside the
body. In general, the most common treatment is corticosteroids and malignancies in
the body that trigger increased by hypothalamic CRH and ACTH from the pituitary in
response to feedback when the target cells of the hormone cortisol. The hormone
cortisol increased impact on several body functions such as fat accumulation in the
central area called moon face , The more body fat either due to excess fluid volume
and accumulation of fat, and so forth. Glucocorticoids increase due to various factors
both from outside and inside the body , as described in point chusing etiology
syndrome. Metabolic function glucocorticoid cortisol stable or influenced by the
amount of secretion of glucocorticoids or cortisol . Excess glucocorticoids may lead
to changes in a variety of conditions inside the body , especially metabolic function.
Management of Cushing's syndrome depends on what the cause of the hormone
cortisol, which is produced in excess . Management can be done by surgery , radiation
, chemotherapy or the use of drugs to inhibit cortisol . If the cause is long-term use of
glucocorticoid hormones used to treat other disorders , your doctor will gradually
reduce the dose to achieve the lowest dose but still enough to control the disorder .
After a successful control , the daily dose of glucocorticoid hormones can be
increased two -fold and given the other day to reduce side effects . Suggestions after
knowing and understanding how the disease Cushing's syndrome and nursing care to
clients with Cushing's syndrome, nursing students should be able to put them into
practice field.

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