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Power Profile: Magnetic Powers

construction and the casings of certain metal items).

A solid cubic foot of ferrous metal has a mass rank of
4 (between 400 and 800 lbs.), although larger hollow
objects may weigh the same or less. Some common
ferromagnetic objects include:

Magnetism is one of the fundamental forces of the universe and magnetic powers give you the ability to bend
and shape metals to your will along with influencing the
electromagnetic spectrum.

Magnetic Descriptors

The following are important descriptors for magnetic powers.

Magnetic: A magnetic field is an energy field that

exerts influence over ferromagnetic materials and
other energy fields within the electromagnetic spectrum. Given that real-world magnetism is invisible to
the light spectrum seen by the human eye, magnetic
powers may be Subtle, detectable only by magnetic
senses. On the other hand, some comic book characters with magnetic powers display visible energy
effects when using them, perhaps similar to an
aurora (the interaction of cosmic radiation and the
Earths magnetic field that creates shimmering lights)
so magnetic powers are not required to be Subtle.
Magnetic fields have two opposite poles: Those of
like charge repel each other while poles of opposite
charge attract each other. Magnetic powers involving
both attraction and repulsion (typically Move Object
effects) are assumed to have the ability to switch
between charges as needed to either attract or repel,
unless specifically Limited to one or the other.
Ferrous: Magnetism affects only ferrous or ferromagnetic metals, those with a sufficient quantity of
iron, nickel, or cobalt, including iron and steel alloys,
but notably excluding aluminium (frequently used in

Power Profile: Magnetic Powers

Manhole cover: mass rank 1 (about 100 lbs.)

Lamp post: a 10 foot iron or steel lamp post is
mass rank 1 (between 100 and 200 lbs.), doubling height adds +1 rank.
Girder: about 22 lbs. per foot of length, so a 10
foot I-beam is mass rank 3 (between 200 and
400 lbs.)
Mid-size car: mass rank 6 (between 3,200 and
6,000 lbs.) +1 rank for a pickup or SUV.
Shipping container: mass rank 7 (between
6,000 and 12,000 lbs.)
Suspension bridge: mass rank 20 (between
12,000 and 25,000 tons).

Countering: Since similar magnetic charges repel,

magnetic powers can easily be used to counter
other magnetic effects. Magnetism is also linked to
electrical fields and can potentially counter electrical effects, and vice versa. Strong magnetic fields are
known to interfere with radio frequency transmissions, so magnetic powers may counter some powers
with a radio descriptor, particularly Communication
and Senses effects.
Magnetic fields are linked to ambient temperature:
more efficient in super-cooled (and therefore superconductive) environments, but less effective under
high temperatures. So heat- and fire-based effects
may counter magnetism.

Magnetic Features
Some potential Feature effects associated with Magnetic
Powers include the following:

Minor Ferrokinesis: You can generate a strong

enough magnetic field to move small (mass rank 5
or less) ferrous objects within about an arms reach,
essentially a very limited Move Object effect.
Minor Magnetize: You can magnetize a small (handsized) ferrous object of mass rank 5 or less by
holding it and taking a standard action to do so. The
object remains magnetized until degaussed.
Magnetic Manipulation: You can use magnetic fields to turn or operate small metal fasteners
(screws, bolts, nails, etc.) within arms reach as if you
had the proper tools.
True North: You have an internal compass always
able to sense magnetic north on a planet with magnetic poles, equivalent to the Direction Sense effect
(Heros Handbook, page 125) and know if an object is
magnetized by touching it.

Offensive Powers
Offensive magnetic powers typically use controlled metal
as a weapon or channel sheer blasts or bursts of magnetic
energy as force.

Magnetic Binding
A powerful magnetic field seizes and holds your target in
place. A variant of this power uses magnetically controlled
metal as a medium to bind the target, changing the check
to overcome the Affliction to Damage and adding the
Quirk: requires metal (1 point).
Magnetic Binding: Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted by
Dodge, Overcome by Strength; Hindered and Vulnerable,
Defenseless and Immobile), Extra Condition, Limited
Degree 3 points per rank.

Magnetic Blast
A focused blast of magnetic force strikes your target.
Magnetic Blast: Ranged Damage (magnetic force) 2 points
per rank.

Magnetic repulsion
A matched magnetic charge flings a target away from you.
Targets can make a Strength resistance check against your
effect rank + 10; success means no effect, but failure flings
the target a distance rank of effect rank minus the targets
mass rank. Apply the Burst Area and Close Range modifiers and all targets within 30 feet of you are flung away.

Magnetic Seizure
You create an intense magnetic field that shorts out the
electrical activity of your targets brain, causing a momentary seizure.
Magnetic Seizure: Perception Ranged Affliction (Resisted and
Overcome by Will; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Subtle 1
point + 3 points per rank.

Metallic Burst
A magnetic blast causes metallic objects or projectiles to
burst in an explosion of shrapnel.
Metallic Burst: Ranged Burst Area Damage (projectile),
Quirk (requires metal objects, 1 point), 2 points for rank 1
+ 3 points per rank.

Metal Storm
You create a swirling storm of metallic debris in an area
around you.
Metal Storm: Cloud Area Damage (projectile), Quirk
(requires metal objects, 1 point), 2 points for rank 1
+ 3 points per rank.

You magnetically accelerate a small metal projectile to the
speed of a bullet, launching it at your target.
Railgun: Ranged Damage (projectile), Quirk (requires
objects as ammo, 1 point) 1 point for rank 1 + 2 points
per rank

Defensive Powers
Defensive magnetic powers shape energy fields to protect
against attacks, deflect metallic weapons, or shield against
outside magnetic influences.

Magnetic Deflection
You can use magnetic fields to change the course of
attacks by ferrous metal projectiles or weapons, causing
them to miss their targets.
Magnetic Deflection: Perception Ranged Deflect, Limited to
Metallic Attacks 1 point per rank.

Magnetic Immunity
Control over magnetism renders you immune to its
effects, including those that normally do affect targets of
your type (such as Magnetic Seizure or Magnetic Blast).
Magnetic Immunity: Immunity 5 (magnetic effects) 5 points.

Magnetic Repulsion: Move Object, Limited to Flinging Targets

Away 1 point per rank.

Power Profile: Magnetic Powers

Magnetic Shield
A shield of magnetic force surrounds your body, protecting you from harm. Like other forms of Protection, this
power may be Impervious, perhaps even Impervious with
the Limit Only Against Magnetic Attacks (reducing the
cost of the Impervious modifier to 1 point per 2 ranks).
A variant of this power assembles temporarily armor by
shaping and molding metal around the characters body,
holding it in place (and perhaps reinforcing it) with a powerful magnetic field.
Magnetic Shield: Protection, Sustained 1 point per rank.

Movement Powers
With the power to move other objects may come the ability
to move the character or other people using magnetism.

Magnetic Cling
Magnetizing your hands and feet, you can cling to ferrometallic surfaces, or even to the faades of buildings with
steel superstructures (attracting the metal underneath).
Magnetic Cling: Movement (Wall-Crawling), Quirk (Only
Magnetic Surfaces, 1 point) 1 point (rank 1) or 3 points (rank

Magnetic Flight
Using magnetic fields, you can lift yourself off the ground
and fly through the air. Magnetic flight is virtually silent,
and so has the Subtle modifier.
Generally, this power assumes youre using the magnetic
field of the planet to assist your movement, but Magnetic
Flight might be limited to locking on to large masses of
metal and pulling you towards them, only functioning
in urban environments and similar areas with sufficient
concentrations of ferrous metals; for most series, this
should be considered a Power Loss complication, unless
adventures outside of a city environment are particularly
common (at least half the time).
Another variant of this power involves levitating a metallic object upon which the character stands, applying the
Platform modifier to the effect.
Magnetic Flight: Flight, Subtle 1 point + 2 points per rank.

Magnetic Levitation
Although you cannot fly (see Magnetic Flight, previously)
you can use magnetism to levitate a short distance off the
groundless than a footand impel you forward, like a
maglev or bullet train, skimming at high speed along the
ground and even over liquid surfaces.
Magnetic Levitation: Movement 3 (Sure-Footed, Trackless,
Water Walking), Speed 6 points + 1 point per rank.

Power Profile: Magnetic Powers

You convert your body mass into a magnetic field and
transmit it along the magnetic lines of force surrounding
the Earth to reform elsewhere. Since you can only magnoport within a sufficiently strong planetary magnetic field,
you may earn a Power Loss complication in circumstances
where you cannot (such as in the depths of space or in an
alien dimension). Earths magnetic field is too ubiquitous
to qualify for the Medium modifier of Teleport.
Magnoport: Teleport 2 points per rank.

Utility Powers
Shaping and projecting magnetic fields is useful for a
wide range of other effects, from simply moving large
masses of ferrous metals to manipulating other energy
signatures, transmissions, and fields.

You suspend or remove magnetism from a subject.
Just as objects do not recover from losses in Toughness
(Heros Handbook, page 134) the GM may rule that some
magnets, once degaussed, remain so unless they are
re-magnetized. Magnetic powers are temporarily nullified, but can recover. Degaussing also destroys magnetic
storage media, such as audio and video tape or some
types of magnetic computer disk drives, wiping out the
stored information and leaving them blank.
Degauss: Nullify Magnetism, Simultaneous 2 points per rank.

A common variant of this power is a Degauss Burst or Ray,

affecting all targets in a radius or a cone-shaped area. If
the burst or cone originates from you, apply the Close
Ranged flaw, keeping cost at 2 points per rank.
Degauss Burst: Nullify Magnetism, Simultaneous, Burst or Cone
Area 3 points per rank.

This is the most common magnetic power: you can use
magnetic fields to lift and move ferrous objects at a distance without touching them. As mentioned under Magnetic Descriptors, this power is often Subtle (magnetic
fields being invisible to normal vision).
Ferrokinesis normally only allow you to lift objects and
move them around (or throw them). The Damaging modifier also allows you to use magnetic force to crush them, exerting your rank in Damage against the objects Toughness.
A common power stunt for ferrokinetics is an Alternate
Effect that drops the Limited to Ferrous Materials modifier
to work on living targets by using the trace amounts of
iron found in blood hemoglobin.
Ferrokinesis: Perception Ranged Move Object, Limited to
Ferrous Metals 2 points per rank.

By creating a powerful magnetic field, you magnetize all
of the ferrometallic objects in an area, causing them to
attract each other and any nearby magnetic materials.
The rank of the effect determines the Strength of the
magnetic pull in terms of moving objects. This can stick
objects in place or bury them underneath a pile of metallic debris.
Magnetize: Burst Area Move Object, Limited to Ferrous
Metals, One Direction (Attract or Repel) 1 point per rank.

Magnetic Encoding
With very precise control over magnetic fields, you can
encode information onto magnetic media like audio or
video tape or computer disks as if using an encoding
device (recorder or computer, for example). This allows
you to do things like dictate text into computer files or
produce audio-visual recordings of things you see and
hear. Once created, this information exists on the medium
like any other and can be manipulated, edited, or erased
Magnetic Encoding: Comprehend 2 (Machines), Limited to
Encoding Information 2 points.

Magnetic Form
You transform from flesh and blood into a being of pure
magnetism, an intelligent and mobile magnetic field
in the shape of a person, essentially. You are invisible to
normal visionalthough powers like Magnetic Sense can
detect youand able to pass through most solid objects,
unless they are specifically shielded against magnetism.
You can still touch and manipulate ferrous metals using
your magnetic field, but cannot otherwise interact with
the material world. This form often includes magnetic
sensory powers (Magnetic Radar, Sense, or Scan) but does
not require them. It essentially includes 1 rank each of Ferrokinesis and Magnetic Flight and you can add additional
ranks normally.
Magnetic Form: Concealment 4 (All Visual), Flight 1, Immunity
10 (Life Support), Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal), Move Object 1
(Limited to Ferrous Metals) 41 points.

Magnetic Interference
You create a powerful magnetic field that interferes with
radio communication, radar, and magnetic navigation (via
Magnetic Interference: Burst Area Ranged Concealment Attack
2 (all magnetic and radio) 8 points, +1 point per +1 distance
rank to area.

Magnetic Radar
Emitting pulses of magnetic energy that ping off of
nearby objects, you can form a picture of your surround-

ings, allowing you to know the locations and positions of

things without having to see them.
Magnetic Radar: Senses 5 (magnetic; Detect Objects,
Accurate, Radius, Ranged) 5 points.

Magnetic Reading
You can read encoded magnetic information from
various media (audio and video tape, computer disks,
even encoded magnetic strips on credit cards) as if you
possessed an appropriate reader or player. If you have
both this power and Magnetic Encoding (previously), you
have both halves of the full Comprehend Machines effect,
essentially removing the Limited flaw.
Magnetic Reading: Comprehend 2 (Machines), Limited to
Reading Information 2 points.

Magnetic Sense
You can detect nearby magnetic fields. Add the Acute
option if you can sense their relative strength and Analytical if you can sense their exact wavelength like a sophisticated scientific instrument. If you can use this sense to
target other effects, add the Accurate option.
Magnetic Sense: Senses 2 (Detect Magnetic Fields, Radius)
3 points, +1 point for Acute, +1 additional point for
Analytical, +2 points for Accurate.

Magnetic Scan
Magnetic waves penetrate objects, providing information
about their interior like a magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) scan. This allows you to see inside of objects and
through solid obstacles.
Magnetic Scan: Senses 4 (Vision Penetrates Concealment)
4 points.

Shape Metal
Precise magnetic fields allow you to bend and reshape
metal, sculpting it however you wish as if you had very
precise tools. Reshaped metal remains in its new form
unless reshaped by another effect.
You can sculpt up to your rank 6 mass rank of metal at
one time, so reshaping a larger mass of metal can take
longer; add the time rank you work to the effect rank
and subtract 6 to determine total mass rank of metal
shaped, such as Shape Metal 2 plus an hours work
(time rank 9) 6, for a total mass rank of 5, or 1,600
lbs. of metal. This is a descriptor-based bending of the
normal guideline of having Transform affect all of an
object or none of it.
Shape Metal: Transform (ferrous metal from one shape to
another), Continuous 3 points per rank.

Power Profile: Magnetic Powers

Other Magnetic Powers


Magnetism is part of the greater electromagnetic spectrum, tying it particularly to Electrical Powers. The two
power descriptors may compliment or counter each
other, depending on circumstances, and some electrical
powers may also be magnetic powers, such as Electromagnetic Pulse, Electrical Immunity, and Blackout. Some
characters may extend their influence of the EM spectrum into full-fledged control of other forms of energy,
including electricity, Light Powers, and Radiation

Given the known effects of intense magnetic fields on the

electrical impulses of the brain, it is no surprise that some
characters with magnetic powers suffer from neurological
conditions ranging from seizures to personality disorders.
Perhaps these conditions can be controlled (and the incidences of the complication limited) using medication,
regulating technology, or other treatments, or the character may have to choose between power and long-term
mental and physical health.

Since using magnetism to lift and move objects is a

primary effect of magnetic powers, they have much in
common with Kinetic Powers and some of the powers in
that profile may inspire additional magnetic effects.
Likewise, the link between earthen materials and manipulation of metals, and the Earth as the largest local magnetic field, connects magnetic and Earth Powers.
Given that a great deal of modern technology relies on
ferrometallic materials and electromagnetic media, many
Tech Powers can also be magnetic powers. In particular,
the Assemble and Disassemble powers and Control Machines may be aspects of magnetic control. The Interface
power is essentially the combination of Magnetic Encoding and Magnetic Reading, and Animate Machines may be
an option for magnetic control.

Magnetic Complications

Given the like charges repel metaphor, a magnetic character might have an enemy with similar powers able to
serve as an equal-and-opposite force, countering the
characters own powers and requiring some innovative
thinking to overcome (see the Opposite villain role on
page 49 of the Gamemasters Guide).

Power Loss
As mentioned under Magnetic Descriptors, intense heat
inhibits the flow of magnetism and may cause power loss
for some or all magnetic powers. Similarly, opposing magnetic fields or electrical dampeners may also inhibit or
temporarily remove a characters magnetic powers.


Magnetic powers have the potential to attract (pardon

the pun) various complications, from the subtle to the significant. The following are some complications associated
with magnetic powers and their use.

Perhaps connected to the penchant for mental instability

mentioned under Disability, magnetic wielders sometimes have volatile tempers, even to the point of playing
on the bipolar pun and flipping from pleasant to violent
in an instant.



Given the prevalence of ferrous metals and electromagnetic technologies in modern life, the possibilities for a
magnetic powered accident are considerable: tearing out
steel I-beams may compromise a buildings superstructure, unleashed magnetic pulses may crash computers
or cause blackouts, and so forth. These kinds of accidents
may be common for magnetic-powered characters who
have not yet learned fine-tuning or control over their abilities, and can provide some harsh lessons.

The link between magnetism and electricity may make

characters vulnerable to electrical attacks rather than resistant to them: their magnetic field actually draws the
attacks to them like a lightning rod!


Non-metallic and non-ferrous weapons and objects could

become anathema to a magnetic controller. On one level,
they may simply exploit flaws on the characters powers,
such as defenses ineffective against things like plastic restraints or wooden weapons. On another level, the physical and psychological vulnerability to these attacks might
make them even more effective, inflicting additional
degrees of success.

Since magnetic fields are formed by electrical currents,

a magnetic character might be addicted to absorbing
electrical energy in some fashion. Perhaps the electricity
results in a kind of rush or is vital in maintaining the characters powers (in which case it may also be connected to
a form of Power Loss, following).

Power Profile: Magnetic Powers

Similarly, an intensely magnetized character could actually

be more vulnerable to ferrometallic weapons, attracting
them rather than repelling them. This does not have to be
an ongoing complication, but could be an effective temporary one due to the characters powers going out of control.

Credits & License

Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Magnetic Powers
Writing and Design: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: MKUltra
Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler,
Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Magnetic Powers is
2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
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and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
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Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

DC Adventures Heros Handbook, Copyright 2010, Green

Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Heros Handbook, Copyright
2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Magnetic Powers,
Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author
Steve Kenson.

Power Profile: Magnetic Powers

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