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I would like to tell all of you that you are worthless, hopeless, and helpless. You are a
nobody, the world can exist without you. I will drain your energy, I will suck your motivation out
of you and I will make sure that you will become a crippled and useless being. I will affect your
everyday life including your mom, your dad, your uncle or your loved one. And even them can
feel my wrath. I have killed many people, and I dont choose based on age, sex, skintone, origin,
religion, and even the wealth of a person. Who am I? I am Depression.
Almost all scientists agree that depression is a brain disorder, but some are still debating
about its main cause. There are many traits that depression can bring like genetic characteristics,
changes in hormone levels, stress, grief or a substance of abuse. And even any of these traits,
individual or both, can have an effect to the brain. According to psychotherapists, there are four
cause of depression under personal factors. These are the following; (1.) Family History.
Depression can run in families and some people will be at an increased genetic risk. However,
this doesn't mean that a person will automatically experience depression if a parent or close
relative has had the illness. Life circumstances and other personal factors are still likely to have
an important influence. (2.) Personality. Some people may be more at risk of depression because
of their personality, particularly if they have a tendency to worry a lot, have low self-esteem, are
perfectionists, are sensitive to personal criticism, or are self-critical and negative.(3.) Serious
medical illness. Having a medical illness can trigger depression in two ways. Serious illnesses
can bring about depression directly, or can contribute to depression through associated stress and
worry, especially if it involves long-term management of the illness and/or chronic pain.
(4.) Drug and alcohol use. Drug and alcohol use can both lead to and result from depression.
Many people with depression also have drug and alcohol problems.
Depression may occur only once in your life, most people have multiple occurrences of
depression. During these occurrences, symptoms and signs occur nearly every day and may
include: Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness. Angry outbursts, irritability
or frustration, even over small matters. Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal
activities, such as sex, hobbies or sports. Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or sleeping too
much. Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort. Changes in appetite
often reduced appetite and weight loss, but increased cravings for food and weight gain in some
people. Anxiety, agitation or restlessness. Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements.
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or blaming yourself for things that
aren't your responsibility. Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering
things. Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or suicide.
Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches. For many people with
depression, symptoms and signs usually are severe enough to cause problems in their daily living
such as work, school, social activities or relationships with others.
According to WebMD, there are eight (8) types of depression. First on list is the Major
Depression, it is manifested by a combination of symptoms that interferes with the ability to
work, study, sleep, eat and enjoy once pleasurable activities. A Major Depressive episode may

occur only once; but more commonly, several episodes may occur in a lifetime. Chronic Major
Depression may require a person to continue treatment and monitor lifestyle habits on an
ongoing basis. Next is Dysthymia which is characterized by an overwhelming yet chronic state
of depression, exhibited by a depressed mood for most of the days, for more days than not, for at
least 2 years. (In children and adolescents, mood can be irritable and duration must be at least 1
year.) The person who suffers from this disorder must not have gone for more than 2 months.
Another type of depressive illness is bipolar disorder (in the past described as manic-depressive
illness). Bipolar disorder is characterized by cycling mood changes: severe highs (mania) and
lows (depression), often with periods of normal mood in between. Sometimes the mood switches
are dramatic and rapid, but usually they are gradual. When in the depressed cycle, an individual
can have any or all of the symptoms of depression. When in the manic cycle, the individual may
be overactive, over-talkative, and have a great deal of energy.
Then a depression that lasts over 2 years, involving symptoms that come and go in
severity. The key is that the symptoms must be present at least two years, this is called Persistent
Depressive depression. Next type is the Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD which occurs
starting in the winter months, usually stemming from low natural sunlight and often lifting in the
summer months. SAD may be effectively treated with light therapy (Full Spectrum Lighting),
but about half do not respond to treatment and benefit from a combination of therapy and
medication. Then, the Psychotic Depression which is a severe depression where the person has
some form of psychosis along with other symptoms. This psychosis can include having
disturbing false beliefs or a break with reality (delusions), or hearing or seeing upsetting things
that others cannot hear or see (hallucinations).
The 7th type of depression is the Postpartum Depression that occurs right after giving
birth. It is much more than the baby blues that many women experience after giving birth,
when hormonal and physical changes and the new responsibility of caring for a newborn can be
overwhelming. It seriously interferes with the womans daily activities. It is estimated that 10 to
15 percent of women experience postpartum depression after giving birth. Second to the last type
is the comorbidity this happens when a disease or disorder occurs at the same time as another,
but is unrelated to it, it is considered to be comorbid. Among those suffering with depression,
92% also reported meeting the criteria for at least one additional mental illness. The most
common mental illnesses are behavioral disorders like ADD/ADHD, conduct disorder
Substance abuse disorders and anxiety.
Last type of depression is Substance-Induced Mood Disorder. a common depressive
illness of clients in substance abuse treatment. It is defined in DSM-V-TR as a prominent and
persistent disturbance of mood that is judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a
substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or somatic treatment for depression, or toxin
exposure). The mood can manifest as manic (expansive, grandiose, irritable), depressed, or a
mixture of mania and depression. Generally, substance-induced mood disorders will only present
either during intoxication from the substance or on withdrawal from the substance and therefore
do not have as lengthy a course as other depressive illnesses. However, substance use disorders
also frequently co-occur with other depressive disorders. Research has revealed that people with
alcoholism are almost twice as likely as those without alcoholism to also suffer from major
depression. In addition, more than half of people with bipolar disorder type I (with severe mania)
have a co-occurring substance use disorder.

Men are more likely than women to report alcohol and drug abuse or dependence in their
lifetime; however, there is debate among researchers as to whether substance use is a symptom
of underlying depression, or a co-occurring condition that more commonly develops in men.
Nevertheless, a substance use can mask depression, making it harder to recognize depression as a
separate illness that needs treatment.
Based on my research, there are five treatment tips for depression. First tip is learn as
much as you can about your depression. Its important to determine whether your depression
symptoms are due to an underlying medical condition. If so, that condition will need to be treated
first. The severity of your depression is also a factor. The more severe the depression, the more
intensive the treatment you're likely to need. Second, it takes time to find the right treatment. It
might take some trial and error to find the treatment and support that works best for you. For
example, if you decide to pursue therapy it may take a few attempts to find a therapist that you
really click with. Or you may try an antidepressant, only to find that you don't need it if you take
a daily half hour walk. Be open to change and a little experimentation. Third, dont rely on
medications alone. Although medication can relieve the symptoms of depression, it is not usually
suitable for long-term use. Other treatments, including exercise and therapy, can be just as
effective as medication, often even more so, but don't come with unwanted side effects. If you do
decide to try medication, remember that medication works best when you make healthy lifestyle
changes as well. Fourth, get social support. The more you cultivate your social connections, the
more protected you are from depression. If you are feeling stuck, dont hesitate to talk to trusted
family members or friends, or seek out new connections at a depression support group, for
example. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness and it wont mean youre a burden to others.
Often, the simple act of talking to someone face-to-face can be an enormous help. And the fifth
and last tip is that treatment takes time and commitment. All of these depression treatments take
time, and sometimes it might feel overwhelming or frustratingly slow. That is normal. Recovery
usually has its ups and downs.
For the conclusion, depression is not only because of emotional sickness or sadness. It
can also affect your mental capabilities through feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness,
helplessness, loss of motivation and poor concentration. And also your physique like gaining or
losing weight, sleep patterns, and lower your immune system. But even thou depression can
make you feel that you are useless, always remember that there are treatments for it and there is
always hope.


Likes to be on the center stage


Vince L. De Guzman



Opening Technique: Own Made

Main Topic: Depression

Purpose: To inform[people about]

Mainpoint #1: Background
a. What is depression?
b. How many people are affected by depression?
Mainpoit #2 Causes of depression
a. Personal Factors
Mainpoint #3 Signs & Symptoms
Mainpoint #4 Types of Depression

Major Depression
Dsy Thysma
Bipolar Disorder
Persistent Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Psychotic Depression
Postpartum Depression
Substance Induced Mood Disorder

Mainpoint #5 Treatment/Prevention


Day 1
After we finished or classes, we went to the piggery. I am "torpe" but there was this girl who
caught my attention because she is beautiful. I stared at her for five minutes if she will also look

at me. And finally, after those minutes, she looked at me too. I smiled at her and walked towards
her. I asked for her name and finally bid my goodbye.

My brother performed an intermission number in Aiza Seguerra's Mall Show in Sm Clark Pampanga. There will be
other performances to follow but one performer had a stomach ache and I was the one who replaced him. I was
shocked at first but I did it well. After that, the staffs and directors congratulated me and paid me for my talent fee.
My brother was offered to join or audition in Pilipinas Got Talent Season 5 by his manager Mr. Rowland. So I woke up
at 9:30 in the morning and I saw my brother totally prepated up to go in Manila for PGT audition. When he saw me in
the kitchen he asked me if I wanted to come with him. I nodded, because it's my first time to go in the station of Abs
Cbn. In Manila, we came at 1:30 in the afternoon. We filled out the form and after 8 hours we waited for his assigned
number to be called. But I really don't know that he filled two forms included mine. Suddenly, I was very shocked
when they called my name ang not my brother's. I thought it was just a coincidence that I have the same name but I
knew that it was me when they said that it was from Tarlac. The caller shouted, "1192, Vince De Guzman,
Concepcion Tarlac". I stood up and just followed him to the studio auditioning room. "What will you do?", one director
said. " I am going to sing sir in a capella po", I answered. Say your name, age, and your address before you start up.
"Go, perform na.", second director said. " I am Vince De guzman, 17 years old from Sann Jose Concepcion Tarlac", I
said. Then I sang The Promise by Martin Nievera. But it was too cold in the studio, my voice was kinda frozen. While
singing, I just focused my eyes on the small red light dot of camera and made an eye contact to the five directors
watching my performance and to the thousands of auditionees in the studio room. After my performance, I was still
shocked that time and one director walk towatds me and said, " You have the looks, voice, skin, height but you're
body lacks because you are slim." Then, " Hindi ka namin kukunin sa PGT pwede kang artista kung gusto mo itetrain
ka namin, workshop ba. Tawagan mo lang kami anytime.", he added. They gave 3 cellphone numbers and I just
smiled at them and told them that I should go because my brother was waiting for me outside. I left them and no one
knows about what they said to me. Aside from myself, this journal and you.

It's November 01! Happy Halloween. smile emoticon smile emoticon smile emoticon This halloween me and my
siblings tried something new, new here in Philippines but it is a tradition in other country. This day, we went door to
door getting loads of anything but usually in other country they give candies when it is halloween. We're just like kids
oh, we think we're kids today haha. Well bact to what happened, I walked to this one house ang knocked to the gate
three times. I stood there for a little while and nobody came. Literally, I think that they think that I'm stupid person
because here in the Philippines, when it is November 1 they usually go to cemetery to visit their love ones, have
picnic there ang make bond together. As I turn to leave, I heard a frail voice said, " Wait, don't leave hijo". I turn
around and see the old woman with nothing on her hand. She said, "Come here hijo, why are you here? Just for
something, for candies?, I said. She smiled a little and said to me that okay wait hijo. She went back to her house
then about a minute ago, sh has chocolates in her hands ang gave it to me. I said, " thank you so much po " then... I
went back to our house.

Day 2
It was our vacant period when we went to Sm Tarlac. We went to the World Of Fun and we
decided to sing in public. I was nervous at first. When it was my turn to sing, I sang "I'll Never
Go" by Erik Santos. It was difficult to sing but I sang it well while other people were watching.

This is the first day of my experimentation. After school, I decided to go at a bar in my hometown ( Literally a bar that
have many girls wearing a panty ang bra only ). So I went outside to sit on the curb and have a cigarrette ( I don't
smoke, I'm just holding the cigarette for a reason I don't even know ). This older gentleman, ( Yes, a guy. ) probably
around 30-35 years old sat down next to me and then a few minutes, he talked to me. He said that I reminded him of
his son and he wanted me to have a ride with him ( It's 11 midnight though and I think he likes me. ) He asked me
why I'm here, in the club that I'm only a teenager, and I'm too young for this kind of life. I just gave him a smile ang
said, " Sir, actually I just wanted to know, I'm curious about what is inside in bars/club and then I laughed." We talked
for a good hour, about my mom, about my life, about dropping out of college and many more. He gave me some
pieces of advice I have ever received from my family and friends because he made me feel like things could really be
okay again. He waited there with me because I said that I have one friiend that will fetch me at the bar eventhough it
is not true. I stand up and said to him that I have to go my friend is waiting me outside. I was totally shocked because
he gave me a huge hug and thank me genuinely. I never saw him until now and I have no way of finding him but I
thing of him of what and why he hug me and how much that man which is a total stranger had an impact in my life.
Now, I think he's a good man, a good father.

HELLO MANILA!!! Me and my family were on the train? Or should I say MRT, and then there
it is a middle aged woman walking in the aisle, we made an eye contact and I gave her sweet &
seductive smile for a moment. I did that because shes beautiful and I got attracted to her for
unknown reason. She stopped and kept looking at me even after I had broken eye contact with
her. She eventually took her seat right after me and she stopped and kept staring at me. I think
she was not a serial killer which is so creepy, it was a sort of a stare that means something I dont
know or she likes me to? She wants me? I just really dont have an idea. It is kinda weirded me
out though because I had never her in my life just today. About five minutes, she started
breathing strangely as she was holding back tears, then she eventually started to cry. Then all
people in the train or MRT looked at her, all attention was on her that time. I was totally shocked
and taken back at her crying but one of the passenger asked her, Is there any problem lady?.
Then the lady answered,Get out of my face! I dont need you, leave me alone! All passenger
including me got afraid of her after that scene and I think of it all day long if whats her problem.
Is it my fault?

This day I decided to go in the bar just to see again what people will think I they saw a teenager
on a bar and watching girls or the hostess dancing in the stage wearing only their under wear. Do
you think this time they will approach me? Or not? Okay back to what happened, it was thirty
minutes before midnight when the show started. I ordered an orange juice ( I never drink an
alcohol ever since in my life) then while Im busy watching the show, there it is one hostess who
walked in and for some reason I felt an instant attraction to her and it was different than anything
I had experienced in my life. Or just because of what shes wearing thats why I got this feeling
of something I did not know. Well she looked about 20-24 years old and I got nervous because I
know that she noticed me. She kept looking at me, I saw her drinking some kind of an alcohol.
After that, she sat right beside me and I dont know what to say or how to start and end up fast
our conversation, then she said. Can you take me out tonight? I was speechless that time, my
face blushed I really dont know what to do then words just came out of my lips and said that,
Sorry but Im just watching and I stand up , I walked as fast as I can just to get out of hat club!
Actually I just did it for my jounal that is what I want t say to that hostess lol.



Day 3

Day 4
My brother was offered to join or audition in Pilipinas Got Talent Season 5 by his manager Mr.
Rowland. So I woke up at 9:30 in the morning and I saw my brother totally prepated up to go in
Manila for PGT audition. When he saw me in the kitchen he asked me if I wanted to come with

him. I nodded, because it's my first time to go in the station of Abs Cbn. In Manila, we came at
1:30 in the afternoon. We filled out the form and after 8 hours we waited for his assigned number
to be called. But I really don't know that he filled two forms included mine. Suddenly, I was very
shocked when they called my name ang not my brother's. I thought it was just a coincidence that
I have the same name but I knew that it was me when they said that it was from Tarlac. The
caller shouted, "1192, Vince De Guzman, Concepcion Tarlac". I stood up and just followed him
to the studio auditioning room. "What will you do?", one director said. " I am going to sing sir in
a capella po", I answered. Say your name, age, and your address before you start up. "Go,
perform na.", second director said. " I am Vince De guzman, 17 years old from Sann Jose
Concepcion Tarlac", I said. Then I sang The Promise by Martin Nievera. But it was too cold in
the studio, my voice was kinda frozen. While singing, I just focused my eyes on the small red
light dot of camera and made an eye contact to the five directors watching my performance and
to the thousands of auditionees in the studio room. After my performance, I was still shocked that
time and one director walk towatds me and said, " You have the looks, voice, skin, height but
you're body lacks because you are slim." Then, " Hindi ka namin kukunin sa PGT pwede kang
artista kung gusto mo itetrain ka namin, workshop ba. Tawagan mo lang kami anytime.", he
added. They gave 3 cellphone numbers and I just smiled at them and told them that I should go
because my brother was waiting for me outside. I left them and no one knows about what they
said to me. Aside from myself, this journal and you.

Day 5
This is the first day of my experimentation. After school, I decided to go at a bar in my
hometown (Literally a bar that have many girls wearing a panty and bra only ). So I went outside
to sit on the curb and have a cigarrette (I don't smoke, I'm just holding the cigarette for a reason I

don't even know). This older gentleman, (Yes, a guy. ) probably around 30-35 years old sat down
next to me and then a few minutes, he talked to me. He said that I reminded him of his son and
he wanted me to have a ride with him (It's 11 midnight though and I think he likes me. ) He
asked me why I'm here, in the club that I'm only a teenager, and I'm too young for this kind of
life. I just gave him a smile and said, " Sir, actually I just wanted to know, I'm curious about what
is inside in bars/club and then I laughed." We talked for a good hour, about my mom, about my
life, about dropping out of college and many more. He gave me some pieces of advice I have
ever received from my family and friends because he made me feel like things could really be
okay again. He waited there with me because I said that I have one friend that will fetch me at
the bar even though it is not true. I stand up and said to him that I have to go my friend is waiting
me outside. I was totally shocked because he gave me a huge hug and thank me genuinely. I
never saw him until now and I have no way of finding him but I thing of him of what and why he
hug me and how much that man which is a total stranger had an impact in my life. Now, I think
he's a good man, a good father.

Day 6

Day 7
It's November 01! Happy Halloween. smile emoticon smile emoticon smile emoticon This
halloween me and my siblings tried something new, new here in Philippines but it is a tradition
in other country. This day, we went door to door getting loads of anything but usually in other
country they give candies when it is halloween. We're just like kids oh, we think we're kids today
haha. Well bact to what happened, I walked to this one house ang knocked to the gate three
times. I stood there for a little while and nobody came. Literally, I think that they think that I'm
stupid person because here in the Philippines, when it is November 1 they usually go to cemetery

to visit their love ones, have picnic there ang make bond together. As I turn to leave, I heard a
frail voice said, " Wait, don't leave hijo". I turn around and see the old woman with nothing on
her hand. She said, "Come here hijo, why are you here? Just for something, for candies?, I said.
She smiled a little and said to me that okay wait hijo. She went back to her house then about a
minute ago, sh has chocolates in her hands ang gave it to me. I said, " thank you so much po "
then... I went back to our house.

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