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This study intends to investigate which between individual and group project making is a better

performance assessment task as perceived by Fourth Year high school teachers and students of
Pasig Catholic College, S.Y. 2011-2012. To have a good conclusion, the researchers of this study
must answer the following questions:
1. Where do the students excel more between individual and group project making?
2. Which between the results of the individual and group project making is much better and can
really enhance the students knowledge and skills?
3. In the process of doing a group project, are all of the students able to contribute to the task?
4. Which between the two, individual or group project making, do the students experience a
more stressful time making the project?
5. How long does it take for the students to finish their project in both individual and group
project making?
6. How often do the students procrastinate in both individual and group project making?
7. Do the results of the efforts made by the students in both individual and group project met
theirs and their teacher's expectations?

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