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CAC CAU TRUC NGU PHAP TRONG TIENG ANH KARR RARER EERE CONDITIONAL CLAUSES (CAU DIEU KTEN) Cée tro dng tir hinh thai nhw will, would, can, could thuéng xuat hign trong cae cu digu kign, Céc cau digu ign thudng chita tif (néu). Cé hai loai cau digu kign li diéu kign ¢6 thye va diéu kign kh6ng e6 thu. REAL CONDITIONAL CLAUSE : Didu kign 6 thé thure hign duge : Cau diéu kign 06 thue 1 cau ma ngudi néi ding dé dién dat mt hanh d6ng hoc mét tinh huéng thudng xay tuomg lai, dang cau nay durge sir dung khi néi dén mot diéu kign c6 thé thye hign duge hoe c6 thé xay ra. TUONG LAI (FUTURE ACTION) will If +S + simple present... $+) h3!l F + Verb in simple form. may must Ex:: Ifhe tries much more, he will improve his English. If I have money, I will buy a new car. THO! QUEN HIEN TAL (HABITUAL) If+S+ Vue +O, S + always/usually/often...+ Vues +O. Ex : If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits every patiens in the affternoon. Tusually walk to school if I have enough time MENH LENH (COMMAND) If +S + Vues +0, (Please) +V; +O If +S + Vues +O, (please) dont + V; If you go to the Post Office, mail this letter for me. Please call me if you hear anything from Jane. Diéu kién khong thé thu hign duge : Cau diéu kign khong c6 thy ding dé dién té m6t hinh dong hoje mét trang thai sé xy ra hode da cé thé xay ra néu nhu tinh huéug duge dit ra tong cfu Khe véi thye té dang xay ra hoge d3 xay ra, Cu digu kign Khong c6 thy thurimg gay nhim lin vi su thu vé sw kign ma cau thé hign lai tréi nguge véi céch thé hign ciia cau: néu dng tir cua cau la khang dinh thi § nghia thyc cia céu lai la phi dinh va nguge Iai Ex : If Lwere rich, I would travel around the world. (Lam not rich) (Pm not going to travel around the world) Ex: If 1 hadn’t been in a hurry, I wouldn’t have had an accident. (Iwas in a hurry) ‘(Thad an accident) Didu kign khong c6 the 6 hign tai : PRESENT OR FUTURE TIME would TES + simple past + 4 SUL + (verb in simple form) might Ex: If [had enough money now, | would buy a tourist trip to the moon, He would tell you about it if he were here. fhe didn’t speak so quickly, you could understand him, (He speaks very quicky) (You can’t understand him) ng tit to be phai chia la were 6 tit cd cdc ng6i, If [were you, I wouldn't go to that movie. Diéu kign khong c6 thye trong qua khir: PAST TIME [rout 1 oe f have + [past participle verb) if +S + past perfect might Ex: If we had known that you were there, we would have written you a letter. (We didn’t know ...) (We didn’t write you a letter) If we hadn’t lost our way, we would have arrived sooner. If he had studied harder for that test, he would have passed it. Cha § ring eting c6 thé thé hign mot diéu kign khdng e6 thye ma khéng ding if. Trong trudng hop &6, try dong tir had duge dua 1én dau edu, dimg truée chii ngit. Ménh dé diéu kign sé dimg trade ménh dé chinh. Had we known that you were there, we would have written you a letter. Had he studied harder for the test, he would have passed it. Luu y: Cau digu kign khong phai lac ndo cling tun theo qui luat trén. Trong mét sé trudng hgp dic bigt, mot vé cia didu kign 1a qua Khir nhung vé cn Iai cé thé 6 hign tai (do thai gian qui inh). If she had caught the train, she would be here by now. Cach sir dung will, would, could, should trong m@t s6 trong hgp khac Théng thuéng c nhién van e6 mot ig tirnay khong duge sit dung véi if trong ménh dé didu kign cia cau didu kid ngoai 18 nhur sau: tuy If you (williwould) vui long. Thuimg duge ding trong céc yéu cd lich sit. Would lich sit hom will. Ex: Ifyou will/would wait for a moment, [ will go and see if Mr Conner is here. If + Subject + Will/Would: Név..... chju. Dé dién dat ¥ ty nguyén. Ex: Ifhe will listen to me, I can help him. Will cdn duge ding theo mau edu nay dé dién dat sy ngoan 06: Néw NEU ove cle, Ex : Ifyou will tum on the music loudly so late tonight, no wonder why your neighbours complain, If you could: Xin vui long. Dién dat lich su 1 yéu cdu ma ngudi néi cho ring ngudi kia sé déng ¥ nhu Ia mét 1é duong nhién, Ex: If you could open your book, please. dat m@t tinh huéng dit ¢6 thé xay If + Subject + should +... + command: Vi phong nhuw. ra duge song rit khé. Ex: Ifyou should find any difficulty in using that TV, please call me. C6 thé dao should len trén chi ngit va bé if Ex: Should you find any difficulty in using that TV, please call me. Cach sir dung if trong mot sb trwong hop khac If... then: Néu... thi Ex : If she can’t come to us, then we will have to go and see her. If ding trong dang edu suy dién logie (khéng phai cu diéu kign): Bong tir 6 cde ménh dé dién binh thug theo thei gian cia chinh né. Ex: Ifyou want to leam a musical instrument, you have to practice, Ifyou did not do much maths at school, you will find economics difficult to understand. If that was Marry, why didn’t she stop and say hello, should = If... happen to... = If... should happen to... din dat sy khong chic chin (Xem thém phan sit dung should 6 trén) Ex : IF you should happen to pass a supermarket, perhaps you could get some eggs. (Ng6 nh6 ma anh c6 tinh e& ghé qua cho, c6 18 mua cho em it trimg) If, was/were to... Dign dat digu kign khéng c6 that hoc tuémg tugng, Né gin giéng ciu didu kign Khong c6 that 6 hign tai, Ex -If our boss was/were to come in now (= if the boss came in now), we would be in real trouble. ‘What would we do if I was/were to lose my job. Hoie c6 thé dign dat mét § lich sw khi dura ra dé nghj If you were to move your chair a bit, we could all sit down. (Néu anh vui long dich ghé ca anh ra mot chat thi ching ta eé thé cling ngdi durge) Note: Céu trite nay tuyét dbi khOng duge ding véi céc dng tir tinh tai hogec chi trang thai tu duy (know, understand .... ) Correct: If | knew her name, I would tell you. Incorrect: _ If I was/were to know. If it + to be + not + for: Néu khéng vi, néu khong nha vao. Thoi hién tai: If it wasn’t/weren’t for the children, that couple wouldn't have any thing to talk about. ‘u khéng vi nhimg dita con thi vo chéng nha dy cha c6 chuyén gi ma néi) ‘Thai qua khit: Ex: If ithadn’t been for your help, I don't know what to do. _(Néu khéng nhi vio sy gidip d6 ca anh thi t0i ciing khéng biét phai lam gi day), C6 thé dio Iai: Ex : Had it not been for your help, I don’t know what to to Not di khi duge thém vio nhimg dong tirsau if dé bay t6 su nghi ngd, khong chée chin. (C6 nén Hay khéng ...) Ex : I wonder if we shouldn't ask the doctor to look at Mary. It would... if + subject + would... (sé 18... néu— khéng duge ding trong vn viét) Ex : It would be better if they would tell every body in advance, (Sé la tét hon néu ho ké cho moi ngudi tir trade) Ex: How would we (Ta sé cam th if this would happen to our family. thé nao néu diéu nay xay ra d6i v6i gia dinh ching ta.) Tf...d have Ding trong vin néi, khong ding trong van viét, dién dat dieu kign khéng thé xay ra 6 qua khi Ex : If I'd have known, I'd have told you. If she’d have recognized him it would have been funny. If + preposition + noun/verb... (subject + be bj luge bd) Ex: If in doubt, ask for help. (= If you are in doubt, ...) If about to go on a long journey, try to have a good nights sleep. (= If you are about to go on...) If ding véi m6t sé tir nhw any/anything/ever/not dé dign dat phi dinh ‘There is litle if any good evidence for flying saucers. (There is litle evidence, if there is any at all, for flying saucers) (Cé rit it bing chimg vé dia bay, néu qua la cé thyc) I'mnot angry. If anything, I feel a litle surprised. (Téi khéng gin dit dau. Ma c6 ching tdi cam thay hoi ngac nhién) Céch néi nay edn dién dat ¥ kién wém thie: Néu e6. T'd say he was more like a father, if anything (Toi xin néi ring éng dy cn hon ci mot nguéi cha, néu c6 thé ndi thé.) He seldom if ever travel abroad. (Anh ta cha may khi di ra mrée ngoai) Usually, iffnot always, we write “cannot” as one word (Thong thuémg, nhung khéng phai la luén lu6n... ) If+ Adjective = although (cho dit 18) Neha khéng manh bang although - Ding dé dign dat quan diém rigng hoe vin dé gi d6 khong quan trong, His style, if simple, is pleasant to read, (Van phong cia dng ta, cho di la dom gidn, thi doc eiing thi) ‘The profits, if little lower than last year’s, are still extremely wealthy __ (Legi nhufin, cho dit la,c6 thép hom nm qua mot chit, thi vin li rit im.) Céu trite nay e6 thé thay bang may... but His style may be simple, but itis pleasant to read Céch str dung Hope vi Wish. Hai dng tir ny tuy cing nghia nhumg khée nhaw vé céch sir dung va ngit php. Hope ding dé din dat mot hanh dng hode tinh huéng c6 thé s& xay ra hode e6 thé da xay ra, cdn wish diing dé dién dat mét diéu che chan sé khéng xay ra hog che chin di khéng xay ra. Thii cla ménh dé sau hope (hi vong rang) c6 thé 1a bt kj thé ndo. Thi ciia ménh dé sau wish bat bude khOng duge & thé hign tai We hope that they will come. (We don’t know if they are coming or not) ‘We wish that they could come. (We know they can’t come) We hope that he came there yesterday. (We don’t know if he came there or not.) We wish that he had come there yesterday. (He didn’t come) Wish & tong lai: could + verb S+ wish + (that) +s +4 would + varb Bess were + verb-ing That la tuy chon (c6 hoge khéng c6). Hai chit ngit (S) o6 thé giéng nhau hoc khac nhau. ‘We wish that you could come to the party tonight. (We known you can't come) Wish 6 hign tai $+ wish = (that) + S = simple past tense .. Déng tir 6 ménh d3 sau wish s& chia 6 Simple past, to be phai chia la were 6 tit cd cdc nga wish that I had enough time to finish my homework. Wish 6 qua khit 5 + wish + (that) +¢ + | pest perfect ould have + [verb in participle] Déng tir & ménh 48 wish s& chia & Past perfect hoe could have + Pa, I wish that I had washed the clothes yesterday, She wishes that she could have been there. g thé thye hign duge nhumg did hit khéng phy thuge vio thei cia Liru ¥ 1: Béng tir m@nh dé sau wish bit buge phi & dang didu kign kh ign dy 6 thai ndo lai phy thade vao chinh thei gian cia ban than ménh d wish. She wishes that she could have gone earlier yesterday.(Past) He wished that he would come to visit me next week.(Future) ‘The photographer wished we stood clother than we are standing now. (Present). Luru § 2: Cin phan bigt wish (uée gif mong gi) véi wish mang nghia "chic" trong miu edu: fo wish sb sme wish you a happy birthday. Lau § 3: va phén bigt véi wish mang ngha “muén" wish to do smt (Muén Lam gi) Why do you wish to see the manager Twish to make a complaint To wish smb to do smt (Mudn ai lam gi) The government does not wish Dr.Jekyll Hyde to accept a professorship at a foreign university. Cah sir dung as if, as though (cit nhur 1a, nhw thé 1a) ‘Ménh dé dang sau hai thanh ngit nay luén & dang diéu kign khéng thé thye hign duge. C6 hai trudng hgp: O thai hign tai: Néu dong tir & ménh dé trude chia 6 thdi hign tai don gian thi ddng tir 6 ménh dé sau chia & qua khit don gian. To be phai chia ld were 6 tat ci cdc ngoi + verb (present) + [ as it | 5S + verb (past) {55 though The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer. (BA cy din mic ett nhu bay gi’ 1a mia déng) (it is not winter now) - He acts as though he were rich. (Anh ta cir lim nhu thé [a anh ta gidu cé lam) (He is not rich infact) He talks as if he knew everything in the world. ‘Thai qua khit: Néu dong tir 6 ménh dé trude chia 6 qué khir don gidn thi dong tir 6 ménh dé sau chia 6 qué khir hoan thanh. asif Jeff looked as though he had seen a ghost. (Tréng Jeff nhw thé anh ta vita gp ma) (He didn't see a ghost) She talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize. Lara f: Ménh dé sau as if, as shough khong phai le ndo cling tun theo qui lugt uén, Trong mot sé trudmg hop, néu digu kign trong edu la c6 thét hode theo quan nigm cha ngudsi ndi, ngudi viet li c6 that thi hai cong, thite trén khong durge sir dung. DOng tir é ménh dé sau ching dién bién binh thurimg theo méi quan hé véi Ong tir ménh 48 chinh, He looks as if he has finished the test. Céch str dung used to, (to be/get) used to Used to + Verb: Chi m@t théi quen, mét hanh dong thudng xuyén xay ra trong qué Khit S + used to + [verb in simple form] When David was young, he used to swim once a day ~ Nghi van: Did + S + use to + verb in simple form Did David use to swim once a day when he was young? ~ Phir dinh: S = didn't + use to + verb in simple form David didn’t use to swim once a day when he was young, To be/ to get used to + V-ing/ Noun: Tra nén quen véi. be < up to date = méi, c@p nhat Out of work = that nghigp, mat vige Out of the question = khéng thé Out of order = héng, khéng hoat dong + By: dOng tir chi chuyén dong + by = di ngang qua (walk by the library) dddng ti finh + by = 6 gan (your books are by the window) by + thdi gian cu thé = trudc Ide, cho by + phuong tign giao thong = di bing by then = cho dén Ite d6 (dling cho c& QK va TL) by way of theo dung... = via by the way = m@t céch tinh cé, ngdu nhién by the way = by the by = nn day, nbn tign by far + so sinh (thutmg la so sénh bée nhdt)=>ding dé nin manh by accident = by mistake = tinh cd, ngdu nhién >< on purose «+ In=bén trong, In+ month/year In time for ~ In good time for = Ding git (thuing kip lim In the street = duéi long duémg In the morning! afternoon’ evening In the past future = trade kia, trong qué khit/ trong twong lai in lic (hanh déng cho dén lie a phai xy ra) i, hoi sém hon gid da dinh mgt chit) In future ~ from now on =tirnay tradi In the beginingy end = at first/ last = thoat diw/ rét cube In the way = d6 ngang 16i, chin 16i ‘Once in a while = di khi, thinh thong In no time at all trong nhay mat, mét thoding, In the mean time = meanwhile = ciing lic In the middle of (dia diém)= & gitta In the army/ airforce! navy In + the + STT + row = hing th... In the event that = trong trudmg hop ma In case = dé phing khi, ng6 abe Get/ be in touch/ contact with SI ‘On = trén bé mit On + thir trong tuin/ ngiy trong thang . ‘On + a/the + phutog tign giao théng = trén chuyén/ da lén chuyén. ‘On + phé = dia chi... (nh B.E : in + phd) On the + STT + floor = 6 tng thit. ‘On time ~ vita diing gig (bat chap diéu kign bén ngoai, nghia manh hon in time) On the comer of = & gc phé (gitta hai phd) Chi y: In the comer = 6 g6e trong At the comer = 6 goe ngoai tai gée phd ‘On the sidewalk = pavement = trén via hé Chi y: ‘On the pavement (A.E.)= trén mat duémg nhya (Don’t brake quickly on the pavement or you can slice into another car) On the way to: trén duémg dén >< on the way back to: trén dudmg tré ve On the righvleft On T.V./ on the radio ‘On the phone/ telephone = goi dign thogi, néi chuyén dign thoai ‘On the phone = nha e6 mac dign thoai (Are vou on the phone?) On the whole= néi chung, vé dai thé ‘On the other hand = tuy nhién= however Chi y: ‘On the one hand = mét mat thi ‘on the other hand = mat khdc thi (On the one hand, we must learn the basic grammar, and on the other hand, we must combine it with listening comprehension) on sale = for sale = 66 ban, 48 ban on sale (A.E.)= ban ha gid = at a discount (B.E) ‘on foot = di b6 At= 6 tai At+ sé nha At+ thoi gian cy thé Athome/ school/ work ‘Atnight/noon (A.E : at noon = at twel was 15 minutes late)) ign Inc, tgp xite v6i ai ja trea (she was invited to the party at noon, but she At least = chi it, ti thigu >< at most = t6i da At once =ngay lap tite Chu J: 2 thinh ngit trén twong dong véi presently nhung presently se khéc nhau vé nghi dimg & cdc vi tri khac nhau trong cau: Sentence + presently (= soon): ngay tite thi ( She will be here presently/soon) Presently + sentence (= Afterward and then) : ngay sau dé (Presently, I heard her leave the room) $+ to be + presently + Ving = at present/ at the moment ( He is presently working toward his Ph.D. degree) At times = d6i khi,thinh thoding ‘At first = thoat du >< at last = cudi cling At the beginning of /at the end of... = 6 daw/ & cudi (ding cho thoi gian va dia diém), At + tén céc ngiy 18 : at Christmas, at Thanks Giving, Nhung on + tén cde ngay 18 + day ~ on Christmas day ‘Trong dang informal E., on truge céc tht trong tun d6i khi bj gc bd: She is going to see her boss (on) Sun, moming. Aviin/on thuémg duge khéng ding trong céc thanh ngtt chi théi gian khi cé mat: next, last, this, that, ‘one, any, each, every, some, all At+ dia diém : at the center of the building ‘At+ nhiing dia diém lén (khi xem né nhu mét noi trung chuyén hod hour at Washington D.C. before continuing on to Atlanta, At + tén cae toa nha 1én (khi xem nhu 1 hanh d6ng sé xay ra 6 dé chit khong dé cp dén toa nha) There is a good movie at the Center Theater. At+ tén rigng ede t6 chite: She works at Legal & General Insurence. At+ tén ring noi cde truémg sé hoge khu vue dai hoc: She is studying at the London school of Economics, At+ tn céc hoat dng qui ty thinh nhém: at a party/ lecture. + Mét sé ede thanh ngit ding véi gigi tir ‘On the beach: trén bis bign Along the beach: doc theo ba bién In place of = Instead of: thay cho, thay vi. For the most part: chinh 1a, cht yéu ld = mainly. In hope of ~ V-ing = Hoping to + V = Hoping that + sentence = véi hi vong la. off and on: dai ding, ti hdi all of a sudden= suddenly = bing nhién for good = forever: vinh vign, mai mai, iP g9): The plane stopped 1 ARTICLES Hinh thire cia Mao tir xe djnh (Definite Article) ‘The dig cho ca danh tir dém duge (s6 it lan s6 nhigu) va danh tir khéng dém duge. Vidu: ~ The truth (sy that) - The time (théi gian) - The bicycle (mét chiée xe dap) - The bicycles (nhiing chiée xe dap) Ding mao tir x4e din 1/ Khi vat thé hay nhém vat thé 1a duy nhat hoge duge xem la duy nhat IS Ie ~ The sun (mat trdi); the sea (bién ca) - The world (thé gidi); the earth (qua dat) 2/ Trude mét danh ti, v6i diéu kién danh tir nay vita méi duge 48 cAp truée 46. Vi du: - I saw a beggar. The beggar looked curiously at me. (Toi thay m6t ngudi an xin. Ngudi an xin 4y nhin tdi véi vé to md) 3/ Truée mét danh tir, voi digu kién danh tir nay duge xdc dinh bing mét cum tir hodc mot Vidu: = The girl in uniform (C6 gai mc déng phyc) - The mechanic that I met (Ngudi thy may ma tdi da gp) - The place where I waited for him (Noi ma t6i dgi anh ta) 4/ Trude mot danh tir chi mt vat riéng bigt Vi du: ~ My father is working in the garden ~ (Cha tdi dang lam vigc trong vd) [Virén nha t6i] - Please pass the dictionary (Lam on da quyén ty dign) [Ty dign 6 trén ban] 5/ Truée so sinh cyc cap, Trude first (thir nhat), second (thtt nhi), only (duy mhat).... khi cdc tir nay duge ding nhu tinh tir hay dai tir. Vidu: The first day (ngay dau tién) - The best time (thoi gian thud - The only way (cdch duy nl - The first to discover this accident (ngudi dau tién phat hign tai nan nay) tign nhat) 6/ The + Danh tie sé it twgng trang cho m@t nhém tha vat hod Vidu: - The whale is in danger of becoming extinct (C4 voi dang trong nguy co tuyét ching) - The fast food has made life easier for housewives.(Thite an nhanh da lam cho cde ba ni try ¢6 cude séng dé dang hon) At 7/ The c6 thé ding Trude mét thanh vién cia mét nhom ngudi nhat dinh Vi du: - The small shopkeeper is finding business increasingly difficult (Giéi cha tiém nhé thay vigc budn ban ngay cing khé khan) 8/ The + Danh tir s6 itding Trude mot dong tir s6 ft. Dai tir 1a He / She /It Vi du: - The first-class passenger pays more so that he enjoys some comfort. (Hanh khach di vé hang nhat tra tién nhigu hon dé huéng tign nghi thoai mai) 9/ The + Tinh tirtugng trang cho m@t nhém ngudi Vi du: ~The old (ngudi gia); the rich and the poor (ngudi gidu va ngudi nghéo) 10/ The ding Trude nhing danh tit riéng chi bién, séng, quan dao, day ndi, tén goi sé nhiéu ctia cde mude, sa mac, mig Vi du - The Pacific (Thai Binh Dwong);The Netherlands (Ha Lan) - The Crimea (Viing Crimé); The Alps (day Alps) 11/ The cing dig Trude nhimg tén goi gm Danh tie + of + danh tie Vi du: - The Gulf of Mexico (Vinh Méhied) - The United States of America (Higp ching qué Hoa Ky). Nhung nguéi ta lai néi: - South Africa (Nam Phi), North America (Bic Mj), West Germany (Tay Ditc),mie dii The north of Spain (Bac Tay Ban Nha), The Middle East (Trung Déng); The West (Tay Phuong) 12 The + ho (6 86 nhiéu)nghia la Gia dinh .. ‘Vi du:The Smiths = Gia dinh Smith (vg chdng Smith va cdc con) 13. One of the + superlative form Khong ding mao tir xc djnh én quéc gia, tén chau lye, tén nui, tén hd, ten dong. Europe (Chau Au), South America (Nam Mf), France (Phap quéc), Downing Street (Phé Downing) 21 Khi danh tir khéng dém duge hoge danh tir sé nhigu ding theo nghia chung nhat, chit khéng chi riéng truéng hop nao. Vi du: ~ I don't like French beer (Ti ching thich bia cta Phép) - I don't like Mondays (Téi chang thich ngay thé hai) 3/ Trude danh ti trivu tuong, tri phi danh tir 46 chi mgt trudng hop ca biét. Vi du: - Men fear death (Con nguai sg cdi chét) Nhung: - The death of the President made his country acephalous (c4i chét cia vi tong théng da khién cho dat nuéc éng khéng cé ngudi lanh dao). 4 Sau so hitu tink tir(possessive adjective) hoe sau danh tit 6 sé hitu cdch(possessive case) . Vidu: - My friend, ehtr khong néi My the friend - The girl's mother = the mother of the girl (Me iia c6 gai) 5/ Trude tén goi cde bita dn. Vi du: ~They invited some friends to dinner. (Ho méi vai ngudi ban dén an téi) Nhung: - The wedding breakfast was held in a beautiful garden (Bita tiéc cuéi duge té chite trong mét khu yun xinh dep) 6/ Trude céc tude hiéu. Vi du: ~ President Roosevelt (Téng théng Roosevelt) - King Louis XIV of France (Vua Louis XIV ciia Php) 7/ Trong cde trudng hgp sau day: - Women are always fond of music (Phy nit ludn thich m nhac) - Come by car/by bus (Dén bing xe 6t6/xe biyt) - In spring/in autumn (Vao mia xudn/mia thu), last night (4ém qua), next year(ndm t6i), from beginning to end (tir dau téi cudi), from left to right (tir trdi sang phai). - To play golffchess/cards (choi gén/ danh cd/danh bai) Luuy ‘Nature mang nghia "Ty nhién , thién nhién " thi khong ding the. Vidu: ~ According to the laws of nature (Theo quy luat ty nhién) - They couldn't tolerate city life anymore and went back to nature(Ho khéng chu néi di song thanh thi nita va tré vé v6i thién nhién) ‘He listened to the radio(Anh ta nghe radio), nhung He watched television (Anh ta xem TV) ; hoe He heard it on the radio(Anh ta nghe duge vige d6 trén radi6), nhung He saw it on TV(Anh ta thay vige d6 trén TV). Go home/get home (Bi vé nha), be at home (™ nha), nhung They returned to the bridegroom's home(Ho tré | Go to bed/hospital/church/school/ work/prison (Di ng4i nim bénh vign/di jam/ di ta), nhung They went to the school to see their children's teacher(Ho dén truong dé gap thay cua con ho) & Thepriest goes to the jail topray for the two dying prisoners(Linh muc dén nha ti dé cau nguyén cho hai ngudi tu dang hap héi) & She will get a bus at the church (C6 ta sé dén xe biyt 6 ché nha thé).Noi chung, khdng thé thiéu The néu dén truéng khéng phai dé hoc, dén nha ti khong phai dé 6 ti hodc dén nha thi khong phai dé dur 18. Mao tir bat dink. 1/ A dimg trade mot phy am hoge m6t nguyén am cé am 1a phy am, Vidu: =a game (mét tro choi); a boat (mét chiée tau thay) ~ a university (m6t truéng dai hoc);a year (mgt nam) - a European (mét ngudi Au); a one-legged man (mét nguéi thot chan) 2/ An dig truée mot nguyén 4m hoe mét hed, Vi du: ~ an egg (mOt qua trimg);an ant (mét con kién) - an honour (mét niém vinh dy); an hour (mét gid déng ho) 3/ An ciing dimg true cdc mau ty dic bigt doc nhu mét nguyén am. Vidu: ~ an SOS (m6t tin higu cap ctru); an MSc (mét thac si khoa hoc), an X-ray (m6t tia X) 4/ A/An cé hinh thite giéng nhau 6 tit Vidu: ~ a tiger (mot con cop);a tigress (mt con cop c4i) - an uncle (mét 6ng ché);an aunt (m9t ba di) cdc giéng, Cach ding mao tir bat dinh 1/ Trude mét danh ti sé it dém duge. Vid ‘e need a microcomputer (Ching t6i can mét may vi tinh) - He eats an ice-cream (Anh ta Zin mt cay kem) 2/ Trude mét danh tir lam bé tac tir (ké cd danh tir chi nghé nghiép) Vi du: - It was a tempest (Dé 1a mot tran bao dir doi) - She'll be a musician (C6 ta sé 1A mot nhac si) - Peter is an actor (Peter la mt dién vién) 3/Trong cdc thanh ngit chi sé Ivgng nhat dinh Vi du: a lot (nhiéu); a couple (mét cAp/déi); a third (mét phan ba) a dozen (m6t ta); a hundred (m6t tram); a quarter (mét phan t) Luu ¥ acting duge ding trude half(nira, rudi), khi half theo sau mt sénguyén ven. Chang han, 2.1/2 kilos = two and half kilos hoae two kilos and a half(hai ki ri), nhungl/2 Kg = half a kilo(nita ki) [khéng c6 a truéc half|.Déi khi nguéi ta van ding a + half + danh tir, chang han nhw a half-dozen (nira 4), a half-length (bite anh chyp ntra nguéi); a half-hour (ntta gid). Khéng ding mgo tir bat dinh 1/ Trude danh tir s6 nhi . a A/An Khong cé hinh thite s6 nhigu. Vi vay, sé nhigu cua a cat la cats va cia an apple li apples . 2/ Trude danh tir khong dém duge Vi du: - He gave us good advice (Ong ta cho ching tdi nhimg léi khuyén hay) - L write on paper (T6i ghi trén gidy) 3/ Trude tén goi cdc bita An, tit phi cé tinh tir dig tude cdc tén goi dé Vi du: ~ They have lunch at eleven (ho ding com trva lie 11 gid) ~ You gave me an appetizing dinner (ban da cho t6i mét bita an ti that ngon migng). Tuy nhién, néu Li bita dn dic biét nhan dip nao 46, ngudi ta van ding mao tit bit dinh. Vi du: was invited to breakfast (bita diém tim binh thudng) (Téi duge mdi dn diém tam). - We were invited to a dinner given to welcome the new director. (Ching t6i duge méi dy bita n t6i chao mimg vi gidm déc méi). 2 vé One One (tinh tir/dai tie)ding véi another/others. Vidu: ~ One day they drink wine, another day they drink beer. (Cé ngay ho uéng regu, c6 ngay ho uéng bia). ~ One (student) wanted to watch TV,another/others wanted to play chess (Cé ngudi (sinh vién) mudn xem TV, ngudi khdc lai mudn danh cé) Cé thé ding One trude day(ngay) /week(tuan) /month(thang)! year(nam)/summer(mia hé)/winter(mita déng) ...... 48 chi m6t thai gian dc bigt nao dé. Vi du: ~ One night there was a persistent rain, (M6t dém no, trdi mua dai ding) - One day you'll be sorry you spoke highly of your neighbours. (Mét ngay ndo dé, ban sé 4n han 1a da ca nggi nhiing ngudi Ling gigng cla minh) One cing 1a mot dai tir tuong duong ciia A/An. Vidu: - Did you get a seat? - Yes, I managed to get one. (Ban da tim dgc mét ché ngdi chwa? - Vang, t6i da xoay sé duge mét ché ngdi) $6 nhidu cia One theo céch nay la Some (vai, m6 Vidu - Did you get a refrigerator? - Yes, we managed to get some. (Céc ban da mua duge tii lanh chua? - Vang, ching toi da xoay sé duge vai cai). Exclamative Sentence ( Cau cam than ! ) What + a/an + adj + noun What a lazy student! What an interesting book! Khi danh tif 6 sé nhiéu, khéng ding “a/an": What beautiful flowers! What tight shoes! Déi véi danh tir khéng dém duge: what + adj + danh tir! What beautiful weather! How + adj +S+V! How cold it is! How interesting that film is! How well she sings! WISH CLAUSE : Déng tir & ménh dé sau wish bat bude fai & dang diéu kién khong thé the hién de.Diéu kign di chia lam 3 thoi: 1.Diéu kign ko ci that & tuong lai: - Dtir 6 ménh dé sau wish sé ci dang : would/could + Verb hoae were + [ verb+ing] Ex: we wish that you could come to the party tonight. 2.Diéu kign ko thé thye hién de 6 hién tai: - Déng ti 6 ménh dé sau wish sé chia 6 Simple Past,tobe fai chia la were 6 tat ca cdc ngoi. Ex: I wish i had enough time to finish my homework. 3.Didu kién ko thé thy hign de & qua kh: - Déng tir 6 ménh dé sau wish sé chia 6 Past perfect hoge could have+ P2. Ex: I wish that I had washed the clothes yesterday. She wishes that she could have been there. Luv ¥: can fan biét wish (uéc gi/mong muén) véi wish mang nghia "chic" trong miu cau : to wish sb smt. Ex: I wish you a happy birthday. Va wish mang nghia "muén": to wish to do smt(muén lam gi) -to wish smb to do smt (muén ai lam gi) Ex: I wish to make a complaint. CAC DANG CAU SO SANH TRONG TIENG ANH 1. Equality(So sanh bang) S+V +as + adjadv + as + N/pronoun S$ +V + not + so/as + adj/adv + N/Pronoun Ex: +She is as stupid as I/me +This boy is as tall as that one (Khéng lp lai tly da ding & chai nga) Population ofHo Chi Minh city isn't as much as thatof Bangkok 2. Comparative(So sénh hon) Short Adj:S + V + adj + er + than + Nipronoun Long Adj: S + V + more + adj + than + N/pronoun Ex: She is taller than I/me This bor is more intelligent than that one. Dang khdc:S + V + less + adj + than + Nipronoun.(it hon) 3. Superlative(So sanh nhdt) Short adj:S + V+ the + adj + est + N/pronoun Long adj:S + V + the most + adj + N/pronoun Ex: She is the tallest girl in the village. He is the most gellant boy in class. Dang khac:S + V + the least + adj + N/pronoun(it nhdt) Chu y: ~1,.Nhiing tinh tir ngan két thtic bang mét phy 4m ma ngay tree né la nguyén am duy nhat thi chung ta nhan d@i phy am [én ri thém “er” trong so sénh hon va "est" trong so sanh nhat,(ex:hot—>hotter/hottest) -2.Nhéing tinh tir ¢6 hai van,két thtic bang cht "y" thi ddi "y" thanh "i" rdi thém "er" trong so sanh hon va "est" trong so sénh nhét(ex:happy-->happier/happiest) 3.Nhiing tinh tu/trang ttr dgc tiv hai 4m tro lén goi la tinh tty dai,mot Am goi [a tinh tir ngn.Tuy nhién,mét sé tinh tir c6 hai van nhung két thc bang "e","et","ow","er'van xem Ia tinh tir ngan 4. Cac tinh ti so sanh bat quy tac thi hgc thuéc long good/better/the best bad/worse/the worst many(much)/more/the most little/less/the least far/farther(further)/the farthest(the furthest) 5. Double comparison(So sanh kép) + Same adj Short adj:S + V + adj + er + and + adj + er Long adj: + V + more and more + adj Ex The weather gets colder and colder. (Thoi tiét cang ngay cang lanh.) His daughter becomes more and more intelligent. (Con gai anh 4y ngay cang tro nén théng minh) + Different adj The + comparative + S + V, the + comparative + S + V. (The + comparative :The + tir & dang so sanh hon) Ex: The richer she is, the more selfish she becomes. (Cang giau,cé Ay cang tra nén ich ky hon). The more intelligent he is, the lazier he becomes. (Cang théng minh,anh ta cang tre nén Iwai hon.) Dang khac(cang...cang...) The +S + V + the + comparative + S + V Ex:The more we study, the more stupid we feel. Chi y: Trong cau so sanh kép,néu o6 tuic tir 14 mét danh ti thi ta dat danh tir Ay ngay sau tinh tt so sanh Ex:The more English vocabularywe know the better we speak. 6. Multiple Numbers Comparison(So sanh gap nhiéu lan) S +V + multiple numbers + as + much/many/adj/adv + (N) + as + N/pronoun. multiple numbers:haltitwice/3,4,5...times/Phan s6/phan tram. Ex: She types twice as fast as |

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