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UNDERSTANDING THE HOW That is - the EXECUTION Understanding the HOW, or Implementing the Execution is the most vital part of any marketing plan. Strategy is worth nothing if not executed well, One must understand the various ways to reach out to consumers and then actually go ahead and reach them for real! Let’s look at some aspects of the HOW in greater detail WORD OF MOUTH MARKETING | Word of Mouth - Most Powerful Marketing Force How often have you tried a brand that your friends have used and recommended? Be it a product, a new game or an app. That's the power of Word of Mouth (WOM), the world's most powerful marketing tool. 92% of people trust recommendations of friends and family completely according to Nielsen Global trust study. That is why smart marketers create real users as their brand's unpaid ambassadors vs. spending crores of rupees on a paid celebrity. ‘As a marketer, you trigger WOM by giving people something to talk about. it can be an interesting fact about your brand/product, fabulous product experience or design or a unique feature. Read more about Word of Mouth Marketing: http://bit.ly/powerofWOM

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