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NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Module 5
Lecture 30
1.1.9 Calculation of coefficient of consolidation from laboratory test results

Logarithm-of-time method

Square-root-of-time method

Sus maximum slope method

Sivaram and Swamees computational method

1.1.9 Calculation of coefficient of consolidation from laboratory test results

For a given load increment, the coefficient of consolidation can be determined from laboratory
observations of time vs. dial reading. Two graphical procedures are commonly used for this: the logarithmof-time method proposed by Casagrande and Fadum (1940), and the square-root-of-time method proposed
by Taylor (1942). There are also two other useful methods, which were proposed by Su (1958) and Sivaram
and Swamee (1977). Each of these four methods is described below.

Logarithm-of-time method
1. Plot the dial readings for sample deformation for a given load increment against time on semilog
graph paper as shown in Figure 5.34.
2. Plot two points, P and Q on the upper portion of the consolidation curve which correspond to time
1 and 2 , respectively. Note that 2 = 41 .
3. The difference of dial readings between P and Q is equal to x. locate point R, which is at a distance x
above point P.
4. Draw the horizontal line RS. The dial reading corresponding to this line is 0 , which corresponds to
0% consolidation.
5. Project the straight-line portions of the primary consolidation and the secondary consolidation to
intersect at T. the dial reading corresponding to T is 100 , i.e., 100% primary consolidation.
6. Determine the point V on the consolidation curve which corresponds to a dial reading of (0 +
100 )/2 = 50 . The time corresponding to the point V is 50 . ., time for 50% consolidation.
7. Determine from the equation = / 2 . The value of for Uav = 50% is 0.197 (table 1). So,

Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 5.34 Logarithm-of-time method for determination of

.0197 2



Square-root-of-time method

Plot the dial reading and the corresponding square-root-of-time as shown in Figure 5.35.
Draw the tangent PQ to the early portion of the plot.
Draw a line PR such that OR = (1.15)(OQ).
The abscissa of the point S (i.e., the intersection of PR and the consolidation curve) will give
50 (i.e., the square-root-of-time for 90% consolidation).
5. The value of for Uav = 90% 0.848. so,

0.848 2

Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur


NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 5. 35 Square-root-of-time method for determination f

Sus maximum slope method


Plot the dial reading against time on semilog graph paper as shown in Figure 5.36.
Determine in the same manner as in the case of the logarithm-of-time method (steps 2 through 4).
Draw a tangent PQ to the steepest part of the consolidation curve.
Find h, which is the slope of the tangent PQ.

5. Find as

= 0 + 0.688


Where is the dial reading corresponding to any given average degree of consolidation, .
6. The time corresponding to the dial reading can now be determined, and


Sus method is more applicable for consolidatin curves that do not exhibit the typical S-shape.

Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 5.36 Maximum slope method for determination of

Sivaram and Swamees computational method

1. Note two dial readings, 1 and d2 , and their corresponding times, 1 and t 2 , from the early phase of
consolidation. (Early phase means that the degree of consolidation should be less than 53%).
2. Note a dial reading, 3 , at time 3 after considerable settlement has taken place.
3. Determine 0 as
0 =

1 2 1 / 2
1 1 / 2


4. Determine 100 as
100 = 0

0 3
1 ( 0 3 ( 2 1 )/( 1 2 ) 3 ]5.6



5. Determine as

1 2

0 100

2 1


Where H is the length of the maximum drainage path.

Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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