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Escola Estadual Coronel Joo Barreto

Nome: __________________________________________________ n ______

Professor(a): _______________________ Srie: ____Ano Turma:_________
Data: _____/_____/2016

Desconto Ortogrfico: _______

Nota: ________

Jim and Darryl work together

Jim and Darryl work together. They're coworkers. They both work as salespeople for a
furniture company in Chicago. Their day begins at 9:30 in the morning and it ends at
six or seven in the evening. They like the company that they work for, but business
isn't very good these days because of the economy.
Jim is married and has two kids. He's worried that he's not making enough money right
now to support his family. He's trying to save money for the future in case he loses his
Darryl is single. He worries a little about his job, but he doesn't have the same kind of responsibilities that Jim
has. On the weekends, Darryl likes to play golf and go out with his friends.
Together juntos
Coworkers colegas de trabalho
Furniture mveis
Begin comear
Business - negcios

Married casado
To save economizar
Worry (worries) preocupado
Weekends fins de semana
Go out sair

How much do you remember from the reading? Answer the questions in Portuguese.

Para qual tipo de companhia Jim and Darryl trabalham?


O que eles fazem?


Quantos filhos Jim tem?


O que Darryl gosta de fazer nos finais de semana?


2- Complete the sentences using verbs in parentheses with the Simple Present.
a) I _____________ to school every day. (go)
b) She _____________ to school every day. (go)
c) We ______________ how to speak Italian. (know)
d) You ______________ from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day (work)
e) It ________________ in the summer. (snow - negative)
3- Complete the conversation with verbs using the Simple Present.

Linda: __________ (do/does) you ___________ (live) in an apartment?

Cris: No, I __________ (dont/doesnt). I _____________ (live) in a house.
Linda: What is it like? ___________ (Do/Does) it ___________ (have) a yard?
Cris: Yes, it __________(do/does). And its next to the river.
Linda: Thats sounds great. _____________ (Do/Does) you _____________ (live) alone?
Cris: No, I _________ (dont/doesnt). I ___________ (live) with my parents and my sisters.
4- Read the text and complete the sentences according the text.
Tony surfs all summer long. He lives in southern California where surfing is a very
popular sport. Almost every day after work, he goes to the beach with his surfboard to
meet his friends and see what the waves look like.
Some days the water is calm, but small waves are not good for surfing. It's important
to have big waves. On days when the waves are big, there are a lot of surfers.
Sometimes it gets too crowded.
A lot of people like to watch Tony surf. He's very good at it. Someday he wants to
become a professional surfer, but his parents want him to become a doctor.
Next month Tony is going down to Mexico to surf. His friends tell him that the waves are bigger there, and
there aren't too many surfers.
Beach praia
Calm calmo
Crowded lotado

Surf - surfar
Too many - demasiado
Wave - onda

What does Tony like to do in the summer?

He likes to _____________.

What conditions are necessary for surfing?

Surfers need big _____________.

What does Tony's parents want him to become? They want him to become a ____________.

Where is Tony going next month?

He's going to _______________.

5- Check the adverb of frequency about yourself for each sentence.


How often do you practice a sport?

How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

How often do you meet your friends outside school?

How often do you read a book for pleasure?

7- Use the interrogatives words to complete the sentences:


A- ___________________ do you from? Im from Japan.

B- ___________________ is your occupation? I am a teacher.
C- ___________________ were you born? On September 26,01992
D- __________________ are you sad? Because my dog is dead.
E- __________________ is that girl? She is Mary.
F- __________________ kind of film do you like: horror or suspense? I like the horror film.

G- __________________ are you today? Im very happy today.

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