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"used to" vs.

"be used to"

vs. "get used to"
used to
Se puede usar "used to" para acciones habituales del pasado.
I used to walk to school.
Caminaba a la escuela.
En la forma negativa la palabra "didn't" indica que la oracin es negativa y "used to"
cambia a su forma bsica de "use to". En la forma interrogativa la palabra "Did" indica
que es una pregunta.
I didn't use to walk to school.
Did you use to walk to school?

be used to
Usamos el verbo "to be" junto con "used to" para decir "estar acostumbrado" a algo.
I am used to exercising every day.
Estoy acostumbrado a hacer ejercicio todos los das.

get used to
Usamos el verbo "get" con "used to" para decir "acostumbrarse".
I am getting used to waking up early.
Me estoy acostumbrando a levantarme temprano.
Se usa el gerundio (la forma -ing del verbo) con "be used to" y "get used to" pero se usa
el infinitivo (la forma bsica del verbo) con "used to".
I used to walk.
I am used to walking.
I get used to walking.

Selecciona la traduccin correcta de las oraciones.

1. Ella limpiaba la casa.
She used to clean the house.
She got used to cleaning the house.
She is used to cleaning the house.
2. l se acostumbr a levantarse temprano.
He used to wake up early.
He is used to waking up early.
He got used to waking up early.
3. Pablo est acostumbrado a ir tarde.
Pablo is used to going late.
Pablo used to go late.
Pablo is getting used to going late.
4. Estoy acostumbrada a cocinar en la maana.
I am getting used to cooking in the morning.
I am used to cooking in the morning.
I used to cook in the morning.
5. Maria manejaba el carro.
Maria used to drive the car.
Maria got used to driving the car.
Maria is used to driving the car.
6. Ella se est acostumbrando a trabajar en esa compaa.
She is getting used to working at that company.
She used to work at that company.
She is used to working at that company.
7. No lea muchos libros.
I didn't use to read many books.
I am used to reading many books.
I got used to reading many books.
8. Ests acostumbrado al clima?
Are you used to the climate?
Did you used to the climate?
Did you get used to the climate?

Escribe la oracin en ingls traducindola del espaol. Usa la informacin en el

parentesis en la traduccin.
_____________________________(speak English)
Me acostumbr a hablar ingls.
1. ____________________________(cook)
Estoy acostumbrado a cocinar.
2. __________________________ (watch TV at night)
Vea la televisin en la noche.
3__________________________ (use the computer)
Me estoy acostumbrando a usar la computadora.
4. __________________________ (need/study)
Necesito acostumbrarme a estudiar.
5. __________________________ (clean the house on Saturdays)
No limpiaba la casa los sbados.
6. __________________________ (work at night)
l est acostumbrado a trabajar en la noche.
7. _________________________ (play with the children)
Jugabas con los nios?
8. __________________________ (travel)
Me acostumbr a viajar.
Busca el error en las siguientes oraciones. Escribe la oracin corregida.
He are a student. - He is a student
1. I got use to the weather
2. They're used waking up early.
3. I didn't used to speak English.
4. Did you used to study?
5. She use to run for exercise
Elige la respuesta correcta.
I __________ smoke when I was in my 20s.
use to
used to

am used to

I __________ smoke when I drink.

use to
used to

am used to

I __________ the smell of smoke because my husband smokes.

use to
used to
am used to

There was a time when she __________ always work late.

use to
was used to
He __________ be a vegetarian when he was a kid.
use to
used to


They __________ the silence when they built a restaurant next door.
were used to
are used to
are getting used to
were getting used to
Sally __________ drink a lot of wine.
didn't use to

didn't used to

It's a noisy apartment, but I __________ it.

used to
am used to
use to

don't use to
am use to

Bill is used to _________ long days.

By the time John moves in, I __________ living alone.
am used to
would be used to
will be used to

used to

Selecciona la traduccin correcta de las oraciones.

1. Ella limpiaba la casa.
She used to clean the house.
2. l se acostumbr a levantarse temprano.
He got used to waking up early.
3. Pablo est acostumbrado a ir tarde.
Pablo is used to going late.
4. Estoy acostumbrada a cocinar en la maana.
I am used to cooking in the morning.
5. Maria manejaba el carro.
Maria used to drive the car.
6. Ella se est acostumbrando a trabajar en esa compaa.
She is getting used to working at that company.
7. No lea muchos libros.
I didn't use to read many books.
8. Ests acostumbrado al clima?
Are you used to the climate?
Escribe la oracin en ingls traducindola del espaol. Usa la informacin en el
parentesis en la traduccin.
I got used to speaking English.
Me acostumbr a hablar ingls.
1. - I'm used to cooking
Estoy acostumbrado a cocinar.
2. I used to watch TV at night.
Vea la televisin en la noche.
3I'm getting used to using the computer.
Me estoy acostumbrando a usar la computadora.
4. I need to get used to studying.
Necesito acostumbrarme a estudiar.
5. I didn't use to clean the house on Saturdays.
No limpiaba la casa los sbados.
6. He's used to working at night.
l est acostumbrado a trabajar en la noche.
7. Did you use to play with the children?
Jugabas con los nios?
8. I got used to traveling.

Me acostumbr a viajar.
Busca el error en las siguientes oraciones. Escribe la oracin corregida.
1. I got use to the weather
2. They're used waking up early.
3. I didn't used to speak English.
4. Did you used to study?
5. She use to run for exercise

I got used to the weather

They're used to waking up early.
I didn't use to speak English.
Did you use to study?
She used to run for exercise.

Elige la respuesta correcta.

I used to smoke when I was in my 20s.
I usually smoke when I drink.
I am used to the smell of smoke because my husband smokes.
There was a time when she would always work late.
He used to be a vegetarian when he was a kid.
They were getting used to the silence when they built a restaurant next door.
Sally didn't use to drink a lot of wine.
It's a noisy apartment, but I am used to it.
Bill is used to working long days.
By the time John moves in, I will be used to living alone.

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