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LaPlace Law ka ba?

naprepressure ako pagnagiging
inTense at nagkakadikit na[PHYSIOLOGY
Boom (P=2T/r)


Dynamic Lung Mechanics

Flow of gas from the start of the airway to the
end of the other airway depends on the nature
of the gradient
The higher the gradient, the better the flow of

Airflow in Airways
1. Pattern of gas flow
2. Resistance to airflow

1. Patterns of Gas Flow

Laminar Flow

- High-airflow,high-density gas, tube radius is large

Seen in low flow rates, low-density gas,

and small airways
Straight/ telescopic flow of blood in a smooth
bore like tube
The arrows do not follow the same pattern in
such a way that the higher velocity is at the
middle and the lower velocity is at the
periphery because the sides of the tube creates
a resistance to the flow
The flow is smooth and straight
Governed by Poiseuilles Law
Poiseuilles Law: R= 8nl
Resistance is directly
proportional to the length of the
tube and viscosity; inversely
proportional to the radius
If the diameter of tube is small,
the higher the resistance
If the length is increased, the
resistance also increases
But the radius has a higher
effect/impact on the resistance
because if the radius is
decreased in half, the
resistance increases 16 x
because it is to the 4th power.

Eupnea- quiet breathing, laminar flow

Turbulent Flow
Effort breathing, causes EDDYS or turbulence,
conscious breathing/ repiration
ex. After an exercise
Different patterns of flow

Reynolds number is >2000

Dimensionless value
If Reynolds number is > 2000, then the gas is
high density or the radius of the tube is wide
causing turbulence in the flow

2. Airway Resistance
Major site of resistance???
- The major resistance site is the Large
Bronchi (unique property if the respiratory
system) because of:
a.) Airflow velocity decreases
substantially as the effective crosssectional area increases.
By Brownian movement, if the molecules
are far apart, they tend to bounce from
one molecule to the other. So when
airflows through the tube, they bounce
causing Eddys causing more resistance
because the air does not flow in the same
In small airways, laminar flow occurs.
b.) Airway generations exist in parallel
rather than in series
In the cardiovascular system, the highest
resistance will be in the smallest vascular
bed bec. the vascular bed all occurs in a
series. One tube straight to the end
In the airways, it appears in parallel
rather than in series. They divide, and
then divide further. Therefore, it is not an
end tube but divides into different
The resistance in areas where the airways
are actually arranged in parallels, the
resistance should be added as reciprocals
not as a unit.
Ex.4 cm water =>
+ + = resistance is 1
and not 16
The resistance in small airways decreases
as they go down and not increase
because they are arranged in parallel,

LaPlace Law ka ba? Kasi

naprepressure ako pagnagiging
inTense at nagkakadikit na[PHYSIOLOGY
Boom (P=2T/r)


therefore they are added not as a unit

value but as a reciprocal.

The pressure or resistance is divided into four or

more airways making the
resistance fall further because it is dissipated
into different airways
- Analogous to electrical resistance i.e.
Resistance in series are added directly while
resistance in parallel are added as reciprocals


Lung volume
As the lung expands, it creates a traction on the
airways therefore distending the airway further.
The high volume decreases the resistance.
Airway mucus, edema and contraction of
bronchial smooth muscles
It happens in bronchial asthma due to
bronchoconstriction causing the radius of the
tube to decrease, thus increasing the
resistance. It creates wheezing, because air
flows through a narrow airway.
Density and viscosity of the gas
Increased density, increases the resistance
Ex. Scuba diving (as you go deeper, it becomes
denser) (treatment = helium, because it is a
low density gas)
Neurohumoral regulation of airway resistance
Sympathetic stimulation dilation of airways as
well as dry
Parasympathetic stimulation constriction and
wet (secretions)
Inhalation of irritants like smoke, gas, etc
causing bronchoconstriction

FEV1 , FVC ratio is 1 is to 0.75 (1 :

COPD and bronchial asthma
there is air trapping; exhalation
is less thus
the ratio is less/low
If < than 70 %, there is
obstructive ventilator effect

Flow-volume loop

Restrictive it is normal but everything is just low

or less making it abnormal. If
all parameters are low, the ratio is still normal
Maximum inspiratory flow
1. Force generated by inspiratory muscles
decreases as lung volume increases
above RV
- it is easier to inhale when you are at the RV
after a maximal exhalation.
- it is harder when inspiring after maximal
inspiration due to the increased volume.
2. Recoil pressure of the lung increases as
the lung volume increases above RV
- if the lungs are expanded, the nature of the
lungs is to go back to its natural size
- it is like a rubberband
3. Maximal inspiratory flow occur halfway
between TLC and RV


FVC forced vital capacity
FEV1 forced expiratory volume
FEV1/FVC - ratio

To generate a vital capacity

1. Inhale maximally/ total lung
2. At the end of maximal inhalation,
you need to exhale maximally.

Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)

Forceful maximal expiration at the
end of or after maximal inhalation
Because at this time, you create
dynamic compression of the
airways detecting obstruction

volume of air that you forcefully
exhale at the first second of
part of FVC
on the first second of FVC, you are
expected to exhale 75-80 % of the
air you have inhaled

Maximal Expiratory Flow

1. Expiratory flow limitation: flow rates
decrease progressively toward RV
- as you exhale three times without inhaling, it
becomes harder. The first exhalation is
2. At lower lung volumes, flow rates are
effort independent and flow
- If you are near the residual volume, no
matter how much you exhale or how much
effort you give, you will not be able to exhale.
3. At high lung volumes, flow rates are
effort dependent.

LaPlace Law ka ba? Kasi

naprepressure ako pagnagiging
inTense at nagkakadikit na[PHYSIOLOGY
Boom (P=2T/r)


When you inhale, you try to create an effort like

FVC, you are able to create a gas flow from the
lungs to the outside environment.

2. Tissue resistance work (MINIMAL, ABOUT

20 %)
3. Airway resistance work
happens in COPD and bronchial asthma
bronchoconstriction, airtrapping occurs
extra air in the lungs, the breathing creates
more work causing the muscles to work more
compression of abdomen, purse-lip breathing to
improve breathing
more energy is used causing fatigue in
breathing (use accessory muscles of


1. Compliance work or Elastic work
Restrictive Lung Disease there is a tendency
to inhale to a resitricted lung; no expansion
- Compensatory mechanism: tachypnea
(increase respiratory
rate but shallow)
Obstructive Ventilatory Defect increase in tidal
volume and expiratory flow to make it fast and

credits to: Irish Albon/ Ulysses Tulas

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