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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts


Deploying WebSphere Message Broker using Ant script

Prior to IBM WebSphere Message Broker V6.0.2, there was no supported way to modify the
configurable properties within the broker.xml file using a command-line tool. Developers usually did this
operation by using the Broker Archive Editor in the WebSphere Message Broker toolkit, or by manually
unzipping the broker archive (BAR) file and manipulating broker.xml outside the Message Broker
environment. In WebSphere Message Broker V6.0.2, a new command-line tool called
mqsiapplybaroverride can help you modify the configurable properties in a BAR file. This article shows
you how to use Ant, the popular open-source Java-based build tool, to build and maintain BAR files
from within WebSphere Message Broker V6.0.2. Ant is like a Java version of make. Ant scripts are written
in XML, and as with make, Ant targets can depend on other targets.
BAR files
A BAR file enables you to deploy or dynamically install executable content to a WebSphere Message
Broker domain or execution group. A BAR file is a standard ZIP file with the extension .bar instead of
.zip. It is similar to the EAR files used for J2EE deployment packaging, which are ZIP files with the
extension .ear instead of .zip. A BAR file contains a single deployment descriptor, known as broker.xml,
along with compiled message flows, message set dictionaries, XML, XSLT, and JAR files used by the
Java compute node or within ESQL code. The deployment descriptor is an XML file, which is stored in
the META-INF/broker.xml directory within the BAR file.
The META-INF/broker.xml file specifies overrides for the configurable properties in all of the message
flows within a given BAR file. Figure 1 shows the XML Schema definition of broker.xml:
Figure 1. broker.xml XML schema definition
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xsd:element name="Broker">
The document element of the broker.xml file is always a Broker element.
The structure of the broker.xml file may not be extended or modified by users.

Hacke kabouya

Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

<xsd:element ref="CompiledMessageFlow" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="CompiledMessageFlow">
A CompiledMessageFlow element defines all the property overrides
for a single compiled msgflow ("CMF") file in the root folder of
the bar archive.
<xsd:element ref="ConfigurableProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:element name="ConfigurableProperty">
A ConfigurableProperty optionally specifies a deploy-time
value for a single configurable property.
Attribute "uri" specifies the broker-schema qualified flow name,
the node name (if needed),and the property name. Uri is required.
Attribute "override" specifies the value to assign to the
property during installation.
Override is optional. If override is not set, the configurable
property value at install defaults to the value in the flow.
If override is set (even to ""), the value of the configurable
property at install is set to the value of override.
<xsd:attribute ref="uri" use="required" />
<xsd:attribute ref="override" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="uri" type="xsd:string">
The following specifies the syntax for uri attribute values in the

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

broker.xml ConfigurableProperty elements.
>>--+-------------------+--flowName-- # --+---------------+--propertyName-->>
+--schemaName-- . --+
+--nodeName-- . --+
* "schemaName" is the name of the Broker schema the msgflow was defined in,
or nothing if the msgflow is defined in the unnamed schema.
schemaName is a dot separated list of path segments.
* "flowName"
is the name of the msgflow; i.e. the name of the file without
the .msgflow or .msgnode extension.
* "nodeName"
is the label of the node, if the property is defined on a node.
The nodeName parameter is optional, and does not appear if the
property is defined on a flow.
* propertyName is the name of the property, or the label key if the node is
a primitive node. The descriptor tab of the BAR editor displays
the NL enabled name if the label key matches a NL enabled name,
else it displays the key itself.
<xsd:attribute name="override" type="xsd:string">
Override is an optional attribute. If the attribute is absent, the
default value set in the msgflow tool will be applied at install time.
If a value is provided for override, then that value will be applied
at install time. If override="", then the value at install time is the
empty string.

Creating BAR files using Ant

Ant is a powerful tool for automating build environments. Calling mqsicreatebar from within an Ant task
is a common way to build a BAR file from message flow and message set source artifacts. The most
common way to build a BAR file from source files is to use an Ant script to extract the source data from a
repository, although you do not have to use this technique in order to use the mqsicreatebar command.
Here is the syntax diagram for the mqsicreatebar command:
Figure 2. Syntax diagram for mqsicreatebar command

>>-mqsicreatebar-- -data --WorkSpace-- -b --BarName------------->

'- -cleanBuild-' '- -version --VersionString-'

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

>--+----------+----+-------------------+-+-- -o ---------------->
'- -Esql21-'
'- -p --ProjectName-'

-data WorkSpace
(Required) The path of the workspace in which your projects are created.
-b BarName
(Required) The name of the BAR file where the result is stored. The BAR file is replaced if it
already exists and the META-INF/broker.xml file is created within the BAR file.
(Optional) Refreshes the projects in the workspace and then invokes a clean build before new
items are added to the BAR file. Use the -cleanBuild parameter to refresh all the projects in the
BAR file and invoke a clean build if amendments have been made to the BAR file resources using
external tools.
-version VersionString
(Optional) Appends the _ (underscore) character and the value of VersionString to the names of the
objects added to the BAR file, before the file extension. In Message Broker V6.0, runtime
versioning was introduced and you should use that mechanism to version your source files and
propagate them to the deployed execution group.
(Optional) Compile ESQL for V2.1 brokers.
-p ProjectName(s)
(Optional) Projects containing files to include in the BAR file. You can specify multiple projects,
which can include a message flow project, a message set project, or a message flow plug-in node
project. If a project that you specify is not part of your workspace, the command links the project
to the workspace so that the files in the project can be included in the BAR file. The command
does not copy the files into your workspace directory. If a project that you specify is part of your
workspace but is closed, the command opens and builds the project so that the files in the project
can be included in the BAR file.
-o FilePath
(Required) The workspace relative path (including the project) of a msgflow or messageSet.mset
file to add to the BAR file. You can add more than one deployable file to this command by using
the following format: -o FilePath1 FilePath2... FilePath'n'.
Using -data with existing workspaces and new workspaces

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

The -data parameter for the mqsicreatebar command refers to a workspace directory, and its behavior
varies depending on whether or not the workspace directory already exists.
If the workspace and .metadata directory already exist and already contain the Message Set and Message
Flow projects, then the -p option is not necessary. However, you should always supply the -p option
regardless of whether a workspace directory already exists. If it does exist, issue the -cleanBuild parameter
if any of the files were changed outside the WebSphere Message Broker toolkit. The -cleanBuild option
forces a refresh of all the projects within the given workspace. Then issue a -cleanBuild to synchronize the
projects with the existing .metadata information.
If the workspace directory does not exist, the -p option is mandatory, so that the projects specified by it
can be added to a newly created workspace. The -cleanBuild parameter is not necessary in this case,
because when the projects are added to the new workspace, the -p option forces a clean build on them. Use
the second option when -data references a workspace that does not exist when using Ant to build BAR
files using mqsicreatebar, because the message flow and message set projects are usually extracted from a
repository, and the source files would be out of sync with the workspace that would be used. This would
require the "-cleanBuild" parameter and could give inconsistent results. You can call the mqsicreatebar
command from any Ant task by supplying the correct parameters. Figure 3 below shows a sample Ant task
that will build a given BAR file:
Figure 3. Sample Ant task calling mqsicreatebar command to build a BAR file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="project" default="run">
<target name="run" description="">
<property name="toolkit.home" value="C:\MessageBroker\602" />
<property name="ant.bars.basedir" value="C:\Dev\messagebroker" />
<property name="workspaces.dir" value="${ant.bars.basedir}\workspace" />
<property name="bar.name" value="${ant.bars.basedir}\postcard.bar" />
<antcall target="mqsicreatebar.buildbar" />
<!-Target to build the broker archive using mqsicreatebar
<target name="mqsicreatebar.buildbar">
<echo message="Building Broker Archive file: ${bar.name} " />
<exec executable="${toolkit.home}\eclipse\mqsicreatebar.exe" spawn="false">
<arg value="-data" />
<arg value="${workspaces.dir}" />
<arg value="-b" />
<arg value="${bar.name}" />
<arg value="-p" />
<arg value="Postcard" />
<arg value="PostcardFlow" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="Postcard\Postcard\messageSet.mset" />

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

<arg value="PostcardFlow\PostcardFlow.msgflow" />
<echo message="Completed building Broker Archive file - ${bar.name} " />

Modifying the BAR file deployment descriptor using Ant

Using the mqsiapplybaroverride command lets you replace configurable values in the BAR file
deployment descriptor with new values that you specify in a properties file. You can use this command in
conjunction with the mqsicreatebar command. Figure 4 below is the syntax diagram for the
mqsiapplybaroverride command.
Figure 4. Syntax diagram for mqsiapplybaroverride command
>>-mqsiapplybaroverride-- -b --BarFile-- -p --PropertiesFile---><

-b BarFile
(Required) The path to the BAR file (absolute, or relative to the executable command), to which
the override values apply.
-p PropertiesFile
(Required) The path to the properties file (absolute, or relative to the executable command) that
contains override values.
The mqsiapplyoverride command can change a specific URI in the broker.xml file, or replace all instances
of a specific override value within the BAR file broker.xml file.
Figure 5 below shows a broker.xml file within a given BAR file before the mqsiapplyoverride command is
applied with the property values from Figure 6. Figure 7 then shows the new broker.xml file within a
given BAR file with the updated values. The two configurable properties that are being changed are:
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#additionalInstances" />
<ConfigurableProperty override="Q1"
uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.queueName" />

Figure 5. Sample broker.xml file within a BAR file before applying new override values
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<CompiledMessageFlow name="PostcardFlow">
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#additionalInstances" />

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts


uri="PostcardFlow#commitCount" />
uri="PostcardFlow#commitInterval" />
uri="PostcardFlow#coordinatedTransaction" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.serializationToken" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.topicProperty" />
uri="PostcardFlow#Postcard.validateMaster" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.queueManagerName" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.replyToQMgr" />
uri="PostcardFlow#Postcard.dataSource" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.replyToQ" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.validateMaster" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.validateMaster" />
override="Q1" uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.queueName" />
uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.queueName" />

Figure 6. Sample properties file to pass to the -p option in mqsiapplyoverride command

#If want to replace a specific URI override value within the
#URI_<uri with # escaped with a backslash \>=<new override value>
#Replace all places in broker.xml that have IQ as a override value
<old override value>=<new override value>

Figure 7. Sample broker.xml file within a BAR file after applying new override values
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<CompiledMessageFlow name="PostcardFlow">
<ConfigurableProperty override="2" uri="PostcardFlow#additionalInstances" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#commitCount" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#commitInterval" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#coordinatedTransaction" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.serializationToken" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.topicProperty" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#Postcard.validateMaster" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.queueManagerName" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.replyToQMgr" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#Postcard.dataSource" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.replyToQ" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.validateMaster" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.validateMaster" />
<ConfigurableProperty override="TEST_QUEUE"
uri="PostcardFlow#MQInput.queueName" />
<ConfigurableProperty uri="PostcardFlow#MQOutput.queueName" />

Hacke kabouya

Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts


You can call the mqsiapplybaroverride command from any Ant task by supplying the correct parameters.
Figure 8 below shows a sample Ant task that will change the override values within a given BAR file:
Figure 8. Sample Ant task calling mqsiapplybaroverride command to modify a BAR file deployment
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="project" default="run">
<target name="run" description="">
<property name="toolkit.home" value="C:\MessageBroker\602" />
<property name="ant.bars.basedir" value="C:\Dev\messagebroker" />
<property name="bar.name" value="${ant.bars.basedir}\postcard.bar" />
<property name="bar.properties.name"
value="${ant.bars.basedir}\brokerxml.properties" />
<antcall target="mqsiapplybaroverride.modifybar" />
<!-Target to build the broker archive using mqsiapplybaroverride
<target name="mqsiapplybaroverride.modifybar">
<echo message="Applying overrides in Broker Archive file - ${bar.name} " />
-b ${bar.name} -p ${bar.properties.name}" />
<exec executable="${toolkit.home}\eclipse\mqsiapplybaroverride.exe" spawn="false">
<arg value="-b" />
<arg value="${bar.name}" />
<arg value="-p" />
<arg value="${bar.properties.name}" />
<echo message="Completed apply overrides in Broker Archive file - ${bar.name}" />

This article has shown you how to use the Ant scripting language to automate the scripting process of
building BAR files using WebSphere Message Broker command-line tools, to reduce manual intervention
and avoid common mistakes when building BAR files. Using Ant scripts to build BAR files provides a
consistent and reliable way to modify deployment descriptors within them.

Hacke kabouya

Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts


Based on the above IBM article, and to conclude, I have created a full ANT project script that include the
3 phases:
- Build the bar file
- Checkout and build the bar file
- Checkout, build the bar file and deploy
Recommendation: I dont recommend the use of any automation to build and deploy the bar files since it
requires an add on configuration locally and in the long term it will be very hard to maintain and support.
It is easier and safer to use the toolkit to do a clean job.
The ANT project below could be used as is. Some properties need to be modified according to the local
WMB installation.
Build the project bar file
<project name="project" default="run">
<!-<target name="run" description="">
<property name="toolkit.home" value="D:\IBM\WMBT700"/>
<property name="projekt" value="B2B_Replies_DE"/>
<property name="workspaces.dir" value="D:\workspace70N"/>
<property name="barfile" value="${workspaces.dir}\${projekt}\$
<!-- Target to build the broker archive using mqsicreatebar -->
<target name="cleanBuild">

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

<echo message="Building Broker Archive file: ${barfile} "/>
<exec executable="${toolkit.home}\mqsicreatebar.exe" vmlauncher="false"
failonerror="true" spawn="false">
<arg value="-data"/>
<arg value="${workspaces.dir}"/>
<arg value="-b"/>
<arg value="${barfile}"/>
<arg value="-p"/>
<arg value="${projekt}"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="${projekt}\orderListReply_DGM.msgflow"/>
<echo message="Completed building Broker Archive file - ${barfile} "/>
<target name="run" >
<antcall target="cleanBuild"/>
<!-<antcall target="deploy" depends="run">

Checkout the project and build project bar file

Let`s add a dependency where we need to use the latest version of the project flows to build the broker
archive by using a checkout from the SVN
The target checkout in the below project requires an SVN server software installation locally to be able to
use the SVN checkout Command retrieve the project flows.
<project name="project" default="run">
<property name="toolkit.home" value="D:\IBM\WMBT700"/>
<property name="projekt" value="B2B_Replies_DE"/>
<property name="workspaces.dir" value="D:\workspace70N"/>
<property name="barfile"

The repository default structure is:



<target name="checkout" depends="clean">

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

<echo message="Checking-out"/>
<exec executable="svn" vmlauncher="false" spawn="false" logError="true"
<arg value="checkout"/>
<arg value="${url.mainline}/${projekt}/trunk/${projekt}"/>
<echo message="Checked-out"/>
<property name="url.mainline" value="svn://eual0002.biz.electrolux.com"/>

The target clean deletes the project contents to be recreated during the building phase.
<target name="clean">
<echo message="Cleaning"/>
<delete dir="$${workspaces.dir}\${projekt}"/>
<echo message="Cleaned"/>
<!-- Target to build the broker archive using mqsicreatebar -->
<target name="cleanBuild">
<echo message="Building Broker Archive file: ${barfile} "/>
<exec executable="${toolkit.home}\mqsicreatebar.exe" vmlauncher="false"
failonerror="true" spawn="false">
<arg value="-data"/>
<arg value="${workspaces.dir}"/>
<arg value="-b"/>
<arg value="${barfile}"/>
<arg value="-p"/>
<arg value="${projekt}"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="${projekt}\orderListReply_DGM.msgflow"/>
<echo message="Completed building Broker Archive file - ${barfile} "/>
<target name="run" >
<antcall target="cleanBuild" depends="checkout">
<antcall target="deploy" depends="run">

Checkout the project, build the bar file and deploy it.
Lets add the deploy target to be performed after the bar file creation.
This task requires a lot of customisation that need to be done on every local installation where deploy will
be performed.

Hacke kabouya


Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

The deploy commands requires the Websphere message broker installation locally or Installing the
Configuration Manager Proxy (CMP) applications and run a set of Java applications in environments that
do not have the broker component installed.
WebSphere Message Broker for Windows provides two variants of the mqsideploy command,
mqsideploy.bat and mqsideploy.exe.
mqsideploy.bat can be used only in environments that do not have the broker component installed.
To install CMP applications in an environment that does not have the broker component installed, perform
the following steps:
Ensure that a compatible Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed
Copy the following set of files from WMB installation to the target computer:
ConfigManagerProxy.jar from the classes directory.
The WebSphere MQ Classes for Java.
On Windows, these classes are located in com.ibm.mq.jar.
On other platforms, these are located in the component's installation image.
If you want to run any of the available broker utilities on the target computer, perform the following steps:
Copy ConfigUtil.jar from the classes directory.
Copy the required utility bat files, or shell scripts, from the bin directory. Copy one or more of the
following bat files:
If you want to display broker (BIP) messages in English environments other than US English, copy all
BIPv600*.properties files from the messages directory.
On the target computer, update the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the following files:
The CMP classes, ConfigManagerProxy.jar.
The WebSphere MQ Classes for Java, com.ibm.mq.jar, and any additional JARs required.
Any other required JARs and directories.

Hacke kabouya


Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

For example, if you require any of the available command utilities on the target computer, include
ConfigUtil.jar; if you require the broker (BIP) messages to be displayed in environments other than US
English, include a directory that contains BIPv600*.properties.
Ensure that the user ID that the target computer uses has the following authorities:
Authority to manipulate broker domain objects.
Once the CMP has been installed and configured locally, the final ANT script is ready with all different
<project name="project" default="run">
<property name="toolkit.home" value="D:\IBM\WMBT700"/>
<property name="projekt" value="B2B_Replies_DE"/>
<property name="workspaces.dir" value="D:\workspace70N"/>
<property name="barfile"
<property name=" mqsideploy.home" value=" D:\WMB" />
<property name="ipaddress" value="euus7406.biz.electrolux.com" />
<property name="port" value="1414" />
<property name="queuemgr" value="EUUS7406" />
<property name="broker" value=" EUUS7406" />
<property name="exegroup" value="EG01" />

The repository default structure is:



<target name="checkout" depends="clean">

<echo message="Checking-out"/>
<exec executable="svn" vmlauncher="false" spawn="false" logError="true"
<arg value="checkout"/>
<arg value="${url.mainline}/${projekt}/trunk/${projekt}"/>
<echo message="Checked-out"/>
<property name="url.mainline" value="svn://eual0002.biz.electrolux.com"/>

The target clean deletes the project contents to be recreated during the build fase.

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Deploying Project Flows using Ant scripts

<target name="clean">
<echo message="Cleaning"/>
<delete dir="$${workspaces.dir}\${projekt}"/>
<echo message="Cleaned"/>
<!-- Target to build the broker archive using mqsicreatebar -->
<target name="cleanBuild">
<echo message="Building Broker Archive file: ${barfile} "/>
<exec executable="${toolkit.home}\mqsicreatebar.exe" vmlauncher="false"
failonerror="true" spawn="false">
<arg value="-data"/>
<arg value="${workspaces.dir}"/>
<arg value="-b"/>
<arg value="${barfile}"/>
<arg value="-p"/>
<arg value="${projekt}"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="${projekt}\orderListReply_DGM.msgflow"/>
<echo message="Completed building Broker Archive file - ${barfile} "/>
<target name="deployBar">
<echo message="${mqsideploy.home}\bin\mqsideploy.bat"></echo>
<exec executable="${mqsideploy.home}\bin\mymqsideploy.bat" spawn="false"
logError="true" vmlauncher="false" failonerror="true" append="true">
<arg value="-i" />
<arg value="${ipaddress}" />
<arg value="-p" />
<arg value="${port}" />
<arg value="-q" />
<arg value="${queuemgr}" />
<arg value="-b" />
<arg value="${broker}" />
<arg value="-e" />
<arg value="${exegroup}" />
<arg value="-bar" />
<arg path="${barfile}" />
<echo message="Deploying Broker Archive file - ${bar.name} " />
<target name="run" >
<antcall target="cleanBuild" depends="checkout">
<antcall target="deployBar" depends="run">

Hacke kabouya


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