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Chicken Mod Changelog

ChickenMod 1.0.5 -> (23/02/2002)
- fixed server crashing when bot planting the bomb
ChickenMod 1.0.4 -> 1.0.5 (21/02/2002)
- fixed chickens keeping bad glowing color when changing team
- fixed dead chickens bug, that might prevent chickenized players from moving, b
eing killed, unchickenized or so
- removed health protection
- added furious george's bomb chicken model
- cvar : c_egg (by default 1) : can chickens drop their he grenade ?
- cvar : c_bomb (by default 0) : can chickens plant c4 bomb ?
- custom models for chickens' he grenades & c4 bombs
- cvar c_gravity multiplied by 100 (now by default 50)
- added config reading from player console
- added 'health protection', that prevents or not from specifying health > 255 (
not correctly printed in-game if > 255)
- renamed command admin_chicken_life to admin_chicken_health
- added admin configuration commands :
admin_chicken_egg (0 or 1)
admin_chicken_bomb (0 or 1)
admin_chicken_gravity (# percent, > 0)
admin_chicken_hprotect (0 or 1)
- fix for dead chickens bug, that might prevent chickenized players from moving,
being killed, unchickenized or so
- cvar: c_egg (by default 1) : can chickens drop their he grenade ?
- cvar: c_bomb (by default 0) : can chickens plant c4 bomb ?
- custom models for chickens' he grenades & c4 bombs
- cvar c_gravity multiplied by 100 (now by default 50)

ChickenMod -> 1.0.4 (20/06/2002)

- cvar: c_maxspeed (by default 240)
- c_health can be set from 1 to 255 points
- chickens make feather on damage
- cvar: c_alive (keeps number of alive chickens)
- cvar: c_chickens (keeps number of chickenized players)
- changes of c_glow and c_maxspeed have immediately effects

ChickenMod -> ChickenMod (16/06/2002)

- adminmod plugin by T(+)rget
- readme file

ChickenMod -> ChickenMod (12/06/2002)

- cvar: c_glow (by default set to 1)

ChickenMod -> ChickenMod (12/06/2002)

- cvar: c_health (by default set to 250)
- cvar: c_gravity (by default set to 0.5)
- server commnad: c_chicken [ # id | "name" | @ "team" ]
c_chicken @ CT (this will make all CT as chicken)
c_chicken (this will make all players as chicken)
- server commnad: c_unchicken [ # id | "name" | @ "team" ]
- fixed crashes on linux servers
ChickenMod -> ChickenMod (08/06/2002)
- no more knife sounds during attack (only peck)
- chickens make noise when take huge damage
- chickens make noise when try to use radio
- chickens no more see theirs body
- server command: c_chicken < #slotid | part of name | team | * >
* = all, team = "TERRORIST" and "CT"
- server command: c_unchicken < #slotid | part of name | team | * >

ChickenMod -> ChickenMod (07/06/2002)

- chicken has lower gravity
- chicken dies with sound and feather
- chicken uses knife to attack players
- chicken has view ofset from chicken model (this is set in model)
- chicken doesn't see its weapon anymore
- player team is now stored in localinfo (i.e. p2_team "TERRORIST", p3_team "SPE
to make AM scripting easier and more accurate

ChickenMod -> ChickenMod (06/06/2002)

- changed code to be compiled under linux
- fixed some issues

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