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Shally Rizkiyanti (29115017)

Ethical Issues and Challenges Faced by Food Industries

1. The distribution of wet noodles containing formalin in the traditional markets was found in
Palembang recently. This issue was not exposed once only on the local media, it was there,
away for a while then there again, and the cycle goes that way.
2. The utilization of used skewers was found in one of Sate Madura street stall. I found this
suspicious because there was a big trash bin to put the waste together inside but instead of
throwing the skewers into the trash bin, the seller put those used skewers into a plastic and
pile them up there.
3. The use of borax is infamous in preserving meatballs and/or dumplings. I think this can be
found anywhere in Indonesia and this issue still cannot be solved even it is around us for
years already.
4. Arsenic can cause cancer, cardiovascular problem and diabetes. Ironically, this substance used
in some of baby foods such as protein bar and even cereals for baby. (http://tabloidnova.com)
5. For those who like to eat canned food (canned tuna, canned peas, etc.), be more careful after
this because apparently, the use of Nitrat and Nitrit, the preservative substances that are
causing baby blue syndrome and/or cancer were found in those products.
6. Syntethic dyes can easily found in the market. This substance usually used for textiles, papers
or woods but now the producers use it for candy, cereals and drinks which can cause
hyperactive to children and migraine. (Compiled from http://id.theasianparent.com,
http://intisari-online.com, and http://smallcrab.com)
7. MSG or Monosodium Glutamat is the most common substance used by many people in
Indonesia to make the foods to be more savory. The use of MSG can be found at home, street
stalls, restaurants and almost anywhere in the country. Unfortunately, the excess consumprion
of this substance could bring people to the destruction of fat tissue, brain cancer, cells
mutation and so forth. (http://smallcrab.com)
8. It was found that the salted fish used Propoxur, one of active chemical substances in antimosquito spray. This issue was found in Center Kalimantan in the late 2008.
9. Recently, the sale of chicken carcasses was again exposed to the public. Those carcasses
were usually distributed to the traditional markets nearby with a very cheap price, around Rp
7,000,- for one chicken carcass. (http://news.detik.com)
10.Instant noodles might be the most salable instant product throughout Indonesia. But these
products contain high carbohydrate, saturated fat and excess sodium which can cause high
blood pressure, cardiovascular disease then lead to stroke, and also can trigger cancer as well.

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