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Professor Stacy Benton, PsyD

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Assignment 7

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Netra Gyrane Kendle

Professor Stacy Benton PsyD.
Psychology 3009-8-7
July 03, 2016

Mental Health and Illness can Differ From Culture to Culture

What Influence Does Culture Have on the Definition of Illness and Disease?
From reading the story of Monsieur D. his cultural depends on the wellbeing of his life.
If he isnt carefully considering his ancestors connection, he could die for they are not
protecting him if something bad happens. Monsieur D African cultural is profoundly enriched in
the belief of witchcraft being possessed by spirits because of this his cultural references take
precedence in curing or even diagnosing a cure. This is done by way of addressing and
acknowledging ethno psychiatry to address no western individuals. Nathan T. (1999). While
living in the French society this cultural is very much aware the contribution to religion and
spiritual beliefs that address the individual cultural and is included in treatment according to their
understanding. This would not be the case if addressing the fear of not respecting ancestors
spirits it could be look upon as this person is mad or hallucinating. If you are afflicted with a
disease of any kind, it could very much be considered a possession or witchcraft. At the Centre
Georges Devereux in order to heal from this affliction addressing the ancestral rituals and
remedies are necessary in finding cures or answers to treatment is dealt with very seriously.
Nathan T. (1999).
China Culture Influence on the Definition of Illness and Disease
This was interesting reading of cultural differences and seeing how different their views
are on aging and how it is considered shameful to send your aging parents to care facilities for
they take on the care of their aging parents if not it will be in violation of Confucian beliefs that
is valued in their cultural Lee, S., & Kleinman, A. (2003).

Dealing with illness in the Chinese

cultural has to do with dealing with what they consider face and not being truthful to what the

problem may be because of shamefulness. Chinese culture will not admit that there is a problem
and face is what they seem to go with to shameful to admit even if it is the truth they simply will
complain about physical problems with ever admitting to illness or mental conditions. Qian, M.,
Liu, X., & Zhu, R. (March, 2001). When working with Chinese individuals to establish trust it
will take time for them to open up for the fear of Face factor is strong facing the truth of the
situation is not something that they like to talk about due to shame. Chinese requires a nonjudgement approach to therapeutic treatment to address the true nature of the problem.

What specific etic factors applied to the understanding of psychological illness and cure?
The Etic factor is taking into consideration when cultural individuals may interpret the
full understanding of what explanation of their cultural beliefs really mean. Sometimes it can be
taken out of context to represent how they have been told or exposed to the belief or ritual
practice that they undergo to determine what is important to them. Using this approach social
worker at The Centre Georges Devereux house in Paris can address issues alleged possession of
jinn spirits to court for refusing to be responsible individual and rely of unrealistic claims of
witchcraft to avoid common responsibilities Nathan T. (1999). Etic factors apply in this method
of ethno psychiatry having an understanding in the human social systems addressing
psychological distress. You attempt to walk in the same understanding of the culture as
Monsieur D see things how he sees things. For the Chinese cultural it not so much the witchcraft
factor the psychological issues or concern has to go according to the Confucius values and
teaching. Reading of the article states that it is not easy to deal with Chinese individual for the
fear of face take precedent causing individuals to withdraw from talking about themselves and

will engage in conversation on other things. The establishing trust plays a great deal in treatment
for the underline issues must be established.

What emic factor applied?

Using the emic approach, you then deal with how everybody else think about things. You
become more govern my rules and if broken for whatever the reason then something is wrong
because that is not how we as the society believe, explain or conduct over selves. To understand
what is going on with Monsieur D the therapist at The Centre Georges Devereux have to speak to
him in his native tongue often using a cultural mediator which knows the African cultural of
Monsieur D and can apply traditional methods of therapeutic treatments Nathan T. (1999).
Individuals are seen by themselves with a therapist before going on to groups intervention
secessions. Having someone interpret for Monsieur D it helps to aid better response it what e to
treatment by emphasizing his culture belief, norms and a more conclusive answer to why the
attacks on him and the reason he cannot return home. In the Chinese cultural it is what
everybody else think and how they will see you. The Face factor carries over so tremendously as
not to ever give the truth to any real subject. If the situation will make the Chinese client feel
ashamed it want, be address proper everything must fit the normal part of society as a whole unit
all uniformly and must be explain as just another thing with no judgment connected to the
situation Lewis, M. (1995). Poverty in the Chinese cultural is so unacceptable and shamed as
well as being pregnant without marriage can lead to death by suicide for young mothers the
shame and backlash is so profound for this cultural. In our western cultural it is similar with the

shaming but address enough to seek assistance for mother and child even if abortion is the option
chosen Lewis, M. (1995).

How does the role of the psychotherapist differ in each?

For Monsieur D psychotherapy had to do a lot of talking in order to have a full
understanding of the problem he was facing. Dealing with the present issue and the patterns that
caused these issue to recur it can take more than one visit to resolve issues sometimes even be
years. Researching history to get a full understanding of the problem that affected you in the
past to help you relate to the days ahead. Monsieur D was left damaged and scared from his
recurring attacks and having to deal with the current fact of his safety and that of his family
Nathan T. (1999). I feel the Ethno psychology took place in this situation addressing. It is a lot
of talking and counseling with the French Monsieur D. dealing with supernatural encounters
pertaining to their religious belief. Chinese cultural it is the shame or face factor or what
Confusion has to say about things must be carefully address with no judgement attached Hsu, S.,
Kwo, E., Tong, HQ., Long, J., & Thompson, L. (2007). Contributing them to Psychotherapist
you have to do comparison studies consisting of empirical terms to determine Psychotherapist
treatment for me reading the both I just do not see the difference for you have to consider their
cultural belief so greatly in treatment and associated then Psychotherapy patterns of recurring
issues. Regardless the past has to be revisited to make the determination of specific treatment.
This will take time to establish that with both cultural factors present.

How did the therapist deal with being part of an out group in relation to the people he
was treating, and to their cultural definitions of health and healing?
I think he felt overwhelmed learning and dealing with a whole new cultural of
understanding of comprehending treatment remedies for problems that individuals where having
at the time. He really had no real knowledge of what to do his own cultural exposure was
crippling to his new undertaking in the French Social integral elements of ethno psychiatry. He
had to address things as they interpret and incorporate some western cultural adaptation for cure
of treatment in both cultural aspects. It is almost impossible to not be a skeptic when someone
that is exhibiting a disorder but is treated with more ritual practices from ancestral performance.
Telling individuals, they must practice this or it can happen again having some knowledge of
Confusion values and that with the Face factor of Chinese individuals that the truth will be
buried and it takes time to dig through the signs of emotional or mental conditions by observing
and studying. Zhang,Y.,Young, D., Lee, S., Li, L., Zhang, H., Xiao, Z., et al. (2002).
Section two
Personal Reflections on the Approach Each Therapist Took to Multicultural Psychology
Given the Diverse Nature of Most Societies, how well do you Think you will be able to
Adopt a Cross-Cultural Understanding?
It will not be easy adapting to Cross-Cultural Understanding because you simply are not
raised in that cultural. It will take time and practices to study and research being exposed to
everyday way of life to be fully affected. It would be hard to relate a seizure disorder to
possession of something demonic or the aids virus as a curse and to follow treatment by giving
therapeutic advice as to witchcraft remedies verses medical sound diagnosis for recovery.

(Zhang, Y., Young, D., Lee, S., Li, L., Zhang, H., Xiao, Z., et al. 2002). Its a whole new way of
learning to be a part of Ethno psychological methods of treatment. Ethno psychological research
attempts to establish the relation between the characteristics of the psyche of members of the
communities being studied, on the one hand, and the type of economic activity engaged in under
specific natural conditions and the character of nonmaterial culture (for example, traditions and
religious beliefs).
What aspects of the work of these therapists do you admire and perhaps wish to model?
I have to give a hand for the therapist and the practices of Ethno Psychological research it
is so important to understand cultural practice and belief and truly the religious values that is
practice and worshiped for cross-cultural understanding. It is a great field and it does address a
tremendous need for affective treatment to be able to reach a vast amount of people so different
from yourself. Its a growth and the knowledge is practical principle to be applied today in the
western country as well due to diversity of the nation as which we live. It is the now not just the
future treatment for the oversees nation is here in our diversity making understanding necessary
to continue to grow as a people.
Which aspects of their work did you find inappropriate or too challenging for you
It is hard to break western tradition as a therapist because its 30 years into your being of
self. It would be hard for me to utilize some of the aspect for treatment for Ethno psychological
to give advice for medical afflictions as being cursed by some sort of witchcraft. Or a child

falling down because they didnt show respect to ancestors to prevent him from falling when it
could be something more serve and more of a medical concern they must be diagnosed to visit
ancestor grave sites to get cured from condition.

How does what you learned and thought about make you think differently about the field
of abnormal psychology and psychotherapy?
They are both interesting field of study Abnormal Psychology represents the acting out of
oneself what is considered to be the not so normal response to an everyday happening. When
your thoughts, feelings and behavior are in a state of mental depletion that can be related to
Somatogenic and psychogenic theories of behaviors. With Somatogenic dealing with biological
disorder that effects the brain from damage or illness. Study the brain function pattern to see
where the damaged may be to give determination of behavior pattern that leads to adaptable
treatment and diagnosis. When this occur then it is normal pattern that may need medical
stimulants to subside but never completely get rid of the action brain damage or illness has
caused to an individual psychological disorders. Psychogenic therapy deals with you being in
more control of yourself and dealing with underlying issues to deal with why you behave in such
a way that is not of the norm. Psychogenic treatment deals with more of talking about what
bothers you to establish problems that can be dealt with and treated to resolve what is consider to
be an abnormal behavior. I like them both and feel as for me going into therapeutic treatment it
would be wise to have an understand of both form of treatment for one may not work on every

one. I feel I like to explore the different form of treatment but my heart and desire if more of
Holistic approach to therapy. Holistic approach to therapy deals with the mind, body and spirit of
a person. The other forms of therapy for Holistic health and wellbeing is Psychoanalysis
treatment along with cognitive behavioral therapy involving hypnotherapy methods of treatment.
Holistic health deals with the source of your problem not just treating the symptoms dealing with
the person as a whole engaging you into your physical self with a spiritual understanding of
emotional connections. Understanding you opens up a channel of self-awareness it empowers
your self -esteem and except you for you this is who I am and it is okay to be me. Your
symptoms are acceptable in the moment that you are in at this time knowing who you are even if
a force of evil is doing all it can do to tear you apart you know who you are and what you can
accomplish letting go of resistance that is holding you back relating to fears that would cause the
body to relax and continue to grow.

Lee, S., & Kleinman, A. (2003). Suicide as resistance in Chinese society. In E. Perry & M.
Selden (Eds.), Chinese society: Change, conflict, and resistance (2nd ed., pp. 289-311). London:
Routledge Curzon
Lewis, M. (1995). Shame: The Exposed Self, New York: The Free Press.
Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gray, HL., Tang, PC., Pu, CY., Leung, LY., Wang, P-Ch., Tse, C., Hsu,
S., Kwo, E., Tong, HQ., Long, J., & Thompson, L. (2007). Impact of in-home behavioral
management versus telephone support to reduce depressive symptoms and perceived stress in
Chinese caregivers: results of a pilot study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Vol. 15(5),
p 425-434.
Nathan T. (1999). "Georges Devereux and clinical ethno psychiatry," www.ethnopsychiatrie.net
Qian, M., Liu, X., & Zhu, R. (March, 2001). Phenomenological research of shame among
college students. Chinese Mental Health Journal, Vol 15 (2), 73-75.
Zhang,Y.,Young, D., Lee, S., Li, L., Zhang, H., Xiao, Z., et al. (2002). Chinese Taoist cognitive
psychotherapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder in contemporary
China. Transcultural Psychiatry, 39, 115129.

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