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Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa

Avaliao: Recuperao


Professora: Rossana V. Santos

Etapa: Segunda

Valor: 100

Data: 16/09/2016

Srie: 2




A interpretao das questes faz parte da avaliao.

Responda as questes usando caneta (azul ou preta).
As questes devem ser respondidas com clareza e de acordo com a norma culta da lngua.
No sero aceitas rasuras.
Cada questo vale 10 pontos.

How Braille Works

by Tracy V. Wilson
In 1828, Charles Barbier, a visitor to Royal Institution for Blind Youth, introduced Louis Braille to a tactile dot code known
as night writing. Barbier had invented the code to allow soldiers to communicate with one another in the dark, but his idea hadnt
caught on. It used dots to represent 36 phonetic sounds rather than the letters of the alphabet. Some of its characters were six dots t all.
Louis Braille realized that the same basic idea could give blind people na efficient method for reading and writing. Through trial and
error, he figured out that a six-dot cell was small enough to fit under a fingertip but had enough possible dot combinations to represent
a wide range of letters and symbols. He used this cell to create an alphabet using tactile dots and dashes. The Braille cells used today
are two dots wide and three dots tall, and they no longer use dashes. You can represent each dots position within the cell with a
number. Dots one, two and three are on the left side of the cell, and dots four, five and six are on the right side. A cell with one dot in
position six indicates that the next cell represents a capital letter, and a cell marked with dots three through six signifies that the next
cell represents a number. The Braille characters for the numbers zero through nine are the same as for the letters a through j.
A typical line of Braille is about 40 characters long, and a typical page of Braille is about 25 lines long. In other words,
Braille takes up significantly more room than standardsized print. Braille pages are also thicker and heavier than ordinary paper, and
they have to be bound in a loose format so that pages can lie flat and people can reach the cells near the books binding. This leads to
relatively bulky books. For example, the Braille version of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is eight volumes long. Its longer
predecessor, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, is fourteen volumes long. To conserve space and make the reading process
a little faster, many people learn to read contracted Braille, previously known as Grade 2 Braille. Uncontracted Braille, or Grade 1
Braille, uses characters to represent single letters, numbers and symbols. Contracted Braille uses characters to represent letter
combinations or whole words. There are close to 200 contractions in the American version of English Braille. These include
commonly-used words like and, you and for as well as letter combinations like ing and ed. There are opposing theories
about whether it is better for a person to learn contracted or uncontracted Braille. Some educators argue that uncontracted Braille is an
important foundation for learning contracted Braille. In addition, learning characters for individual letters and symbols may be easier
for young children who are beginning to learn to read. Opponents argue that uncontracted Braille is more time- and
spaceconsumingthan contracted Braille and that teaching the contracted version first requires people to learn two codes.
1 A que, especificamente, se refere o ttulo do texto?
A) autora, Tracy Wilson.
B) estrutura e ao funcionamento do Braille.
C) s variedades do Braille.
2 Segundo o texto, os fundamentos que levaram criao do cdigo Braille foram propostos
A) pelo Instituto Real para jovens cegos.
B) por Louis Braille.
C) por Charles Barbier.
D) pelo governo britnico.
3 The fragment Through trial and error, he figured out that a six-dot cell was small enough [...] could express similar meaning if
rewritten as:
A) he tried several times before concluding that a six-dot cell was ideal.
B) he had an instant insight and concluded that a six-dot cell was small enough.
C) because the original code had characters six-dot tall, he made no error.
D) he discovered a very easy and intelligent solution effortlessly.
4 Brailles original code used
A) dots to represent 36 phonetic sounds.
B) cells composed of dots and dashes.
C) different dots to represent letters and numbers.
D) an almost unlimited combination of dots.
5 Com base no texto, correto afirmar que a palavra woman em um texto Braille, quando precedida por uma clula Braile contendo
um ponto em relevo na posio de nmero 6, encontra-se grafada da seguinte maneira:
A) Woman.
B) woman.

D) woman.
6 Sobre o cdigo ttil conhecido como escrita noturna, mencionado no texto, correto afirmar que
A) ele ainda amplamente utilizado por soldados do exrcito norte-americano.
B) nele os pontos em relevo no representavam nem letras nem palavras.
C) ele fez muito sucesso entre os soldados no incio do sculo, mas caiu em desuso.
D) nele todos os caracteres eram compostos de conjuntos de 6 pontos em relevo.
7 Contracted Braille was originally known as
A) the American version of Braille.
B) English Braille.
C) Grade 2 Braille.
D) Advanced Braille.
8 De acordo com o texto, considere as alternativas a seguir.
I - The Braille code has changed over the years.
II - Theres no need to use especial paper when writing in Braille.
III - Books in Braille come in relatively voluminous editions.
IV - Harry Potter is the longest Braille book ever.
Assinale a alternativa que contm somente afirmativas corretas.
C) I e III
D) I e IV
9 Segundo o texto, uma clula Braille , atualmente, composta de:
A) 3 pontos na coluna esquerda e 3 direita.
B) 6 pontos em relevo e traos complementares.
C) pelo menos 6 posies distribudas em colunas.
D) pontos distribudos entre, pelo menos, 3 posies.
10 De acordo com o texto, quais alternativas completam corretamente o enunciado?
About Contracted and Uncontracted Braille, it is safe to say that
I - theres no agreement as to which form is better for the learner.
II - contracted Braille seems better for children beginning to read.
III - they are identical and would be easily taught to children and adult readers alike.
IV - some argue it is more time-consuming to use the uncontracted version.
Assinale a alternativa que contm somente afirmativas corretas.
A) II e IV
B) I, II e III
D) I e IV

Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa

Avaliao: Recuperao


Professora: Rossana V. Santos

Etapa: Segunda

Valor: 100

Data: 16/09/2016

Srie: 3




A interpretao das questes faz parte da avaliao.

Responda as questes usando caneta (azul ou preta).
As questes devem ser respondidas com clareza e de acordo com a norma culta da lngua.
No sero aceitas rasuras.
As questes de 1 a 9 valem 10 pontos cada. As demais, 5 pontos cada.

One calls out to a little boy on a bicycle but her words are lost in the sound of loud drilling and hammering. Workmen are still uilding
this site and these are some of Hamburg's newest refugee homes, with room for just over 200 people. All around are converted
hipping containers: functional metal boxes painted red and stacked two storeys high. New tenants are already moving in. A family
nvites us inside. Yusef is an energetic young man who introduces his wife, a shy pregnant woman in a bright pink headscarf, and his
little girl.
"I didn't like life in Iraq," he tells me. "Maybe I'm killed, maybe my children are killed, maybe my wife is killed. In the markets there
are car bombers, in the hospital there are car bombers."The family is waiting to hear whether Germany will give them a home for the
long term. It can take up to five months for an asylum application to be processed, although the government hs promised to reduce
the average waiting time to three Migrant crisis: Hamburg uses shipping containers as homes Dust blows across the path as women
carry what possessions they have in flimsy blue bin bags. months. For now, Yusef and his family live in a single room and share a
kitchen and bathroom with the other tenants. His oldest child is now in a German school. He hopes to learn German then get a job.
As Yusef makes tentative plans for the future, the authorities in Hamburg are struggling. It's estimated that about 400 refugees and
migrants arrive here every day.
HILL, Jenny. Migrant crisis: Hamburg uses shipping containers as homes. Disponvel em:
1. The young couple and daughter interviewed by BBC are from:
a) Syria.
b) Germany.
c) Turkey.
d) Iraq.
e) Brazil.
2. The main theme of the text above is:
a) The German houses.
b) The small families.
c) The refugee temporary homes.
d) The best colors for houses.
e) The European economy.
3. The Germam government has promised to reduce the average waiting time for an asylum application to be processed.
a) They promised to reduce it to nine months.
b) They promised to reduce it to five months .
c) They promised to reduce it to an year.
d) They promised to reduce it to three months.
e) They promised to reduce it to a month.
4. About Yusef, the refugee interviewed , we may say:
a) He has a small family of three children.
b) He has a daughter and is about to have a baby.
c) He has two wives and a little daughter.
d) He has a big family in the temporary house.
e) He is very old and has a young wife.
5. The man interviewed said : I didnt like life in Iraq . Which of the following sentences show the same verb tense of the sentence
said by Yusef?
a) The world was shocked and began to care about the refugees after the Syrian boys death.
b) The European Union will help the Syrian refugees.
c) Many refugee families are leaving their countries.
d) There will probably be more than two million refugees arriving in Europe this year.
e) The refugee camps are not the most appropriate place to keep children for months.


By Heather Pringle
8 July 2014 11:45 am
Last week, Brazilian officials announced that an isolated Amazonian tribe took a momentous and potentially tragic step.
Emerging from dense rainforest along the Upper Envira River in the state of Acre, Brazil, the group willingly approached a team of
Brazilian government scientists on 29 June and made peaceful contact with the outside world. Officials suspect that the tribe fled
illegal logging and drug trafficking in their traditional homelands in Peru. The meeting was Brazil's first official contact with an
isolated Amazonian tribe in 20 years. Anthropologists remain deeply concerned about the tribe's future as it encounters novel diseases
and resource-hungry outsiders. Many previous contacts have ended in tragedy, as diseases such as influenza and whooping cough
ravaged tribes.
Disponvel em: http://news.sciencemag.org/latin-america/2014/07/uncontacted-tribe-brazil-ends-its-isolation. Adaptado.
6. According to the text, uncontacted means the tribe lives
a) in contact with other people.
b) in a dense rainforest.
c) without any contact with other people.
d) in the state of Acre, Brazil.
e) along the Upper Envira River.
7. In Portuguese the word concerned in the sentence Anthropologists remain deeply concerned () means
a) preocupados.
b) tranquilos.
c) omissos.
d) alegres.
e) felizes.
8. The word meeting in the sentence The meeting was Brazil's first official contact with an isolated Amazonian tribe in 20 years.
a) a verb.
b) an object.
c) a preposition.
d) an adjective.
e) a noun.


The next time the clerk at your favorite grocery store asks whether you prefer paper or plastic for your purchases, consider
giving the truly eco-friendly response and saying, neither. Plastic bags end up as litter that fouls the landscape, and kill thousands of
marine mammals every year that mistake the floating bags for food. Plastic bags that get buried in landfills may take up to 1,000 years
to break down, and in the process they separate into smaller and smaller toxic particles that contaminate soil and water. Furthermore,
the production of plastic bags consume millions of gallons of oil that could be used for fuel and heating. Paper bags, which many
eople consider a better alternative to plastic bags, carry their own set of environmental problems. For example, according to the
American Forest and Paper Association, in 1999 the U.S. alone used 10 billion paper grocery bags, which adds up to a lot of trees.
But if you decline paper and plastic bags, then how do you get your groceries home? The answer, according to many
environmentalists, is high-quality reusable shopping bags made of materials that dont harm the environment during production and
dont need to be discarded after each use. Experts estimate that 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed and discarded
annually worldwide more than a million per minute.
Disponvel em: http://environment.about.com/od/recycling/a/reusablebags.htm. Adaptado.
9. O primeiro pargrafo [The next time the clerk at your favorite grocery store asks whether you prefer paper or plastic for your
purchases, consider giving the truly eco-friendly response and saying, neither.] contm uma funo comunicativa importante.
Nele, o autor do texto
a) aconselha os consumidores quanto escolha de sacolas plsticas ou de papel no momento
de embalar as compras em lojas.
b) ilude o consumidor com falsas ideias sobre as sacolas plsticas usadas em lojas e
c) critica os consumidores que ainda usam sacolas plsticas ou de papel para embalar suas
d) d informaes tcnicas sobre as sacolas plsticas e de papel usadas em lojas e
e) mostra as diversas utilidades das sacolas de supermercado, plsticas ou de papel, aps sua
utilizao na embalagem de compras.
10. Na frase Plastic bags that get buried in landfills may take up to 1,000 years to break down, o verbo em destaque significa
a) acomodar-se.
b) decompor-se.
c) submergir.

d) explodir.
e) emergir.
11. Considerando a gramtica e o contexto, analise as alternativas a seguir e assinale a CORRETA.
a) whether, no primeiro pargrafo, apresenta uma ideia de proximidade.
b) end up, fouls e mistake, no segundo pargrafo, so verbos.
c) furthermore, no segundo pargrafo, um conector de tempo.
d) Na frase they separate into smaller and smaller toxic particles, h uma comparao indicando igualdade.
e) A frase then how do you get your groceries home? contm uma indagao sobre o tempo gasto para embalar e levar as compras
para casa.

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