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Children Bible Overview 07 13/05/07


Teachers to read bible scripture: <Gen 6-7>

Children to memorize bible scripture:
<Gen 6:9(ii)> Noah was a righteous man… he walked with God
<Gen 6:22(ii)> Noah did everything just as God commanded him

Children, do we all know Jesus? So, where is Jesus right now? [Ans: In my heart] So, what do
children who know Jesus like to do most? [Ans: That is to pray!]
Quickly continue introduction
Today, Teacher is going to tell you a story. This story is about a person called Noah. God
asked Noah to build a very big boat. This boat was called “Jesus’ boat”. Then, God said, “I
am going to send a very heavy rain on earth and only good people can go onto the boat,
while bad good people will eventually be drowned by the rain water.” Qns: Children, are you
a good person or a bad person? [Let them answer]. Therefore, we shall see today, who the
good person is and who the bad person is.

1. [At that time, God said that all people are bad people] Then, who is a bad person?
1) God says, those who do not know Jesus are bad people!
Those who do not know Jesus, and even do not tell lies, are also bad people.
Those who do not know Jesus, and even study hard, listen to their father and mother,
love their brothers and sisters, are also bad people.
Those who do not know Jesus, and even often help others, share their toys with
friends, are also bad people. [give more examples]
2) Why so? This is because the devil, Satan binds those who do not know God.
People who are bound by the devil, Satan → cannot see where God is → do not
know how to pray → do not walk together with God → cannot hear what God is
saying → do not go into “Jesus’ boat” prepared by God.
3) As a result, one day, God sent a very heavy rain on earth. Those who were not on
“Jesus’ boat” were all drowned.

2. [However, at that time, Noah was a good person] Why is Noah a good person?
1) Because Noah knew Jesus Christ. God says, “Those who know Jesus are good
Those who know Jesus, but sometimes tell lies, are also good people.
Those who know Jesus, but sometimes get angry or quarrel with others, are also
good people.
Those who know Jesus are sometimes disobedient and do not listen to parents, right?
But Jesus still loves us and so, we are good people.
2) Why so? This is because the devil, Satan cannot bind those who know Jesus.
Therefore, he can see God → knows how to pray to God → walks together with God
→ able to hear what God is saying → will go into “Jesus’ boat” prepared by God.
3) In the end, one day, God sent a very heavy rain on earth. Because he was on
“Jesus’ boat”, he was not drowned.

3. Therefore, Noah was protected by God on Jesus’ boat. Those bad people who
were outside Jesus’ boat were drowned [play props]
1) Because Noah was on Jesus’ boat, he was not drowned. [therefore, those who
believe in Jesus will all be saved]
2) Because Noah was on Jesus’ boat, all his family members could get onto the boat
and not be drowned. [therefore, if we believe in Jesus, our father, mother, brothers,
sisters will all be saved by Jesus]
3) Because Noah was on Jesus’ boat, the animals he brought onto the boat were also
not drowned. [therefore, if we believe in Jesus, those who follow us will all be saved
by Jesus]

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