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Chapter 3

Meridians and Their Acupoints

The twelve main and eight extra meridians have their own circulating pathways Ling Shu Jing

Mai thoroughly described the path w ays of the main meridians ho w ever the eight ex tra

meridians w ere barely mentioned in L ing S hu Su W en T he acupoints located along the

meridians path w ays are the key areas used during treat ments w hen giving acupuncture and
mo xibustion T he t w elve main meridians plus the conception and govenor meridians w hich

belong t o the eight ext ra meridians have their o w n acupoints In total there are acupoints

on these fourteen meridians w hich w ere described in the book Zhen J iu J ia Y i J ing T he

number increased or decreased in the dynasties that follo w ed until the Qing Dynasty at w hich
time Li Xuechuans book Zhen J iu Feng Yuan w as published w hich described a total of


3 1 The Twelve Main Meridians and

Their Acupoints
T here is an intrinsic relationship bet w een the path w ays of the t w elve main meridians and

the functions of their related acupoints Bein g familiar w ith their path w ays on the bodys

surface and their relationship w ith the organs can make it easier to learn their indications and
special functions In this section w e w ill b riefly in t r oduce the m ain path w ay s and so m e
w idely u sed acup oin t s acco rdin g t o t he distribu tion rules o f the t w elve m ain m eridians A s

far as m anipulatio n m eth ods are concer ned w e w ill only in t r oduce the r o u tine dep th s and

an gles o f filifo r m needle inser tions O ther m anipulation s w ill be in t r oduced in differen t

chapter s

3 1 1 LungLUMeridian of Hand Taiyin

3 1 1 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the chest to the hand and has a total of acupoints T he first

acupoint is Zhong f u L U the last is S haoshang L U According to the Zhen J iu Da

Cheng the indications of the acupoints are similar on the w hole and theyre different in few

cases Its primary indications include lung and laryngeal diseases along with problems of the

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


heart eyes milk ducts and pain located on the radial aspect of the anterior ar mhand
3 1 1 2 The Course of the Meridian

T he lung meridian of hand tai y in originates at the middle energizer and descends to

connect with the large intestine Winding back it goes along the upper orifice of the stomach
w here it ascends through the diaphrag m and enters the lung its associated organ From the

respiratory system w hich refers to the portion of the lung com municating with the throat it

comes out t ransversely at Zhong f u L U Descending along the radial border of the upper

ar m it reaches the cubital fossa T hen it continues descending along the anterior aspect radial
side of the forear m and enters T ai y uan L U Passing the thenar eminence Yu J i and going

along its radial border it ends at the radial aspect of the tip of the thumb S haoshang L U

T he branch emerges fro m L ieque L U and runs along the dorsum of the hand onto the

radial aspect of the index finger S hang yang LIColor Fig

3 1 1 3 Frequently Used Acupoints
Zhong f uLU1

Alar m point of the lung

Location cun lateral to the midline of the chest in the first intercostal space near the

coracoid processColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue pectoralis major pectoralis minor

thoracic cavity In the superficial layer are the inter mediate supraclavicular nerve the lateral

cutaneous branch of the first intercostal nerve and the cephalic vein T he thoracoacromial
artery and vein and the medial and lateral pectoral nerves are in the deep layer

Indications Cough asth ma chest pain and other cardiopulmoary diseases shoulder

pain backache

Needling T ransverseoblique insertion cun to w ards the lateral side Deep

perpendicular or oblique insertions may penetrate the lung resulting in a pneumothorax


H eSea and w ater point

Location On the cubital crease of the elbo w in the depression on the radial side of the

tendon of biceps brachiiColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue brachioradialis radial nerve brachialis

muscle T he cephalic vein and lateral cutaneous nerve of the forear m are in the superficial layer
T he radial nerve anterior branches of the collateral radial arteries and veins and the recurrent

radial arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Bronchitis asth ma hemoptysis sore throat and other heat syndromes of the

lung elbo w pain acute vomiting and diarrhea sunstroke infantile convulsions
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun or prick to bleed

L uoConnecting point confluent point of conception vessel

Location cun above the most distal t ransverse crease of the w rist above the styloid

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

process of the radius T he simple w ay to find this acupoint is to hold the t w o palms together

interlocking the w ebbings of the thumbs together the index finger can feel the depression in the
cleft bet w een the t w o tendons this is the acupointColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue abductor pollicis longus the tendon of

brachioradialis quadratus pronator T he cephalic vein lateral cutaneous nerve of the forear m

and the superficial branch of the radial nerve are in the superficial layer In the deep layer are
the branches of the radial arteries and veins

Indications Bronchitis asthma sore throat and other lung diseases headache toothache stiff

neck facial paralysis

Needling Oblique insertion cun to w ards the elbo w


S huStream YuanSource and earth point influential point of the pulsevessels

Location T he most distal transverse crease of the w rist on the lateral border of the radial

arteryColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the tendons of flexor carpi

radialis and abductor pollicis longus T he lateral cutaneous nerve of the forear m and the

superficial branch of the radial nerve are in the superficial layer T he deep branch of the radial
nerve and the radial artery and vein are in the deep layer

Indications Bronchitis asth ma pulseless disease pain in the w rist and forear m

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun Care should be taken to avoid the radial



J ingw ell and w ood point

Location On the radial border of the thumb about cun from the corner of the nail

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue root of the fingernail In this area are the

dorsal digital branch of the proper palmar digital nerves branches of the median nerve the

rete w hich is co mposed of the branches of the principal artery and vein of the thumb and the

first dorsal metacarpal artery and vein

Indications Sore throat epistaxis high fever co ma manicdepressive disorders

Needling Oblique insertion up w ards for cun or prick to bleed in acute and severe


3 1 1 4 Other Acupoints on the Meridian


On the laterosuperior aspect of the chest superior to the coracoid process of scapula in

the depression of the infraclavicular fossa cun lateral to the anterior median line

Indications Bronchitis asth ma chest pain and other lung diseases shoulder pain
Tian f uLU3

On the radial border of biceps brachii cun belo w the end of the anterior axillary fold

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Indications Bronchitis asthma epistaxis and other lung diseases goiter pain in the

upper ar m


On the radial border of biceps brachii cun belo w the end of the anterior axillary fold or

cun above the transverse cubital crease

Indications Bronchitis asth ma retching and other lung diseases pain in the upper

ar m

X icleft point

cun above the transverse crease of the w rist along the line connecting Yang x i L U with

T ai y uan L U

Indications Hemoptysis bronchitis asthma sore throat and other lung diseases cramy pain

in the elbow and arm


J ingriver and metal point

cun above the t ransverse crease of the w rist on the medial border of the radial artery
Indications Bronchitis asth ma sore throat and other lung diseases w rist pain

Yuj iLU10

Y ingspring and fire point

On the thenar eminence the midpoint of the shaft of the first metacarpal bone at the

junction of the red and w hite skin

Indications Bronchitis hemoptysis dryness of throat sore throat aphonia and other

lung diseases infantile malnutrition

3 1 2 Large IntestineLIMeridian of Hand Yangming

3 1 2 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the hand to the head and face and has a total of acupoints on

each side T he first acupoint is S hang yang LIand the last acupoint is Ying x iang LI T he

primary indications include diseases of the head face five sense organs and large intestines

along with other diseases in the regions along the course of this meridian such as headache

trigeminal neuralgia facial paralysis eye diseases toothache stuffy nose sore throat goiter
gastrointestinal diseases pain numbness and paralysis of the hand
3 1 2 2 The Course of the Meridian

It begins at the radial aspect of the index finger and passes through the interosseous space

of the st and nd metacarpal bones T hen it ascends along the lateral side of the w rist and

elbo w to the shoulder A fter that it passes through supraclavicular fossa and connects w ith the
lung and large intestine One branch ascends along the cheek and enters the lo w er gums T hen it

turns back to the upper lip From there the left meridian goes to the right and the right

meridian to the left Both end at the opposite sides of the nose and it connects with the sto mach

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

meridian of foot yang mingColor Fig

T he large intestine meridian of hand yang ming begins at the tip of the index finger

Shang yang LI It runs up w ards along the radial aspect of the index finger and passing

through the interosseous space of the st and nd metacarpal bones at H egu LI w here it

enters the depression bet w een the tendons of ex tensor pollicis longus and brevis T hen it runs
along the anterior aspect of the forear m until it reaches the lateral aspect of the elbo w From

there it ascends along the posteriolateral aspect of the upper ar m to the highest point of the

shoulder J iany u LI A t the anterior border of the acromion it ascends to the th cervical

vertebrathe confluence of the three yang meridians of the hand and foot Da z hui G V it

then descends to Que p enS Tin the supraclavicular fossato connect with its corresponding

z ang f u organ Finally it then passes through the diaphrag m and enters the large intestine its

associated organ

T he branch fro m Que p en S T runs up w ards to the neck passes through the cheek and

enters the lo w er gums then it turns back to the upper lip and crosses the opposite meridian at

the philtrum From there the left meridian goes to the right and the right meridian to the left

ending at the opposite sides of the nose Y ing x iang LI w here the large intestine meridian
links with the sto mach meridian of foot yang ming
3 1 2 3 Frequently Used Acupoints

J ingWell and metal point

Location On the radial border of the index finger about cun fro m the corner of the nail

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue the root of the fingernail T here are the

dorsal digital branches of the proper palmar digital nerves branches of median nerve in this

area and the rete composed of the branches of the dorsal radial artery and vein of the index
finger and the first dorsal metacarpal artery and vein

Indications T oothache sore throat febrile diseases coma acute faucitis

Needling Shallo w insertion or prick to bleed with a threeedged needle

H esea point and y uansource point

Location On the dorsum of the hand bet w een the first and second metacarpal bones near

the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone on the radial borderColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue the first dorsal interosseous muscle

adductor muscle of thumb T he superficial branch of the radial nerve the radial portion of the
dorsal venous rete of the hand and branches of the first dorsal metacarpal ar tery and vein are in
the superficial layer In the deep layer is the deep branch of the ulnar nerve

Indications Headache redness w ith s w elling and pain in the eyes toothache epistaxis

deviation of the eye and mouth deafness chills and fever febrile diseases without sw eating or
with excessive s w eating amenorrhea dysmenorrhea dystociadifficult labor

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints



Location cun belo w Quchi LI on the line connecting LI with yang x i LI Color


Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue ex tensor carpi radialis longus ex tensor

carpi radialis brevis supinator T he lateral and posterior cutaneous nerves of the forear m are in
the superficial layer Branches of the recurrent radial artery and vein and the deep branches of

the radial nerve are in the deep layer

Indications N umbness and pain of the hand motor impair ment of the upper extremities

and other diseases of the ar ms bellyache diarrhea toothache s w ollen cheek

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

H esea and earth point

Location On the elbo w at the midpoint bet w een Chi z e LIand the lateral epicondyle of

the humerus w hen the elbo w is flexedColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue ex tensor carpi radialis longus ex tensor

carpi radialis brevis brachioradialis T he branch of the cephalic vein and the posterior

cutaneous nerve of the forear m are in the superficial layer T he radial nerve the anastomotic
branches bet w een the recurrent radial artery and vein and the collateral radial artery and vein

are in the deep layer

Indications Paralysis numbness and pain in the hand motor impair ment of the upper

extremities and other diseases of the ar ms febrile diseases hyper tension mental

disorders bellyache vo miting diarrhea and other diseases of stomach and intestines sore

throat toothache redness with s w elling and pain in the eyes and other febrile diseases of the

five sense organs urticaria eczema scrofula etc

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Location A nterior and inferior to the acromion t w o depressions are for med w hen the ar m

is raised horizontally T he anterior depression is this acupointColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue deltoid muscle subdeltoid bursa the

tendon of supraspinous T he lateral supraclavicular nerves and the superior lateral cutaneous

nerve of the ar m are in the superficial layer In the deep layer are branch of the posterior

circumflex humeral ar tery and vein and the axillary nerve

Indications Paralysis of the hand motor impair ment of the upper ex tremities and other

diseases of the ar ms and shoulder urticaria

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun w hen the upper ar m is abducted If the ar m

can not be raised use an oblique insertion to w ards the elbo w Perpendicular insertion to w ards
the joint is done for frozen shoulders

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Location Level with the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala nasi in the nasolabial

grooveColor Fig

L ayer s o f Dissection S kin subcu taneous tissue levato r labii superio ris T here are

b ranches o f the infrao rbital ner ve a b ranch o f the m axillar y ner ve in the superficial layer
T he buccal branches o f the facial ner ve and b ranch o f the facial ar ter y and vein are in the

deep layer

Indications Nasal congestion allergic rhinitis deviation of the mouth and other diseases

of the local area biliary ascariasis

Needling Oblique or horizontal insertion cun to w ards the root of the nose

3 1 2 4 Other Acupoints on the Meridian

Er j ianLI2

Y ingspring and w ater point

Hand dorsum on the radial border of the index finger in the depression distal to the

metacarpophalangeal joint w hen the hand is slightly flexed

Indications toothache epistaxis febrile diseases
San j ianLI3

S hustream and w ood point

Hand dorsum on the radial border of the index finger in the depression proximal to the

second metacarpophalangeal joint w hen the hand is slightly flexed

Indications toothache sore throat abdominal distension borborygmus and other diseases of

the intestines somnolence


J ingriver and fire point

Radial side of the w rist in the depression bet w een the tendons of ex tensor pollicis brevis

and longus

Indications Wrist pain headache redness with sw elling and pain in the eye deafness

L uoconnecting point

cun above the transverse crease of the w rist on the line connecting Yang x i LI with

Quchi LI

Indications T innitus epistaxis aching pain in the hand and ar m abdominal

distension edem a

X icleft point

cun above the transverse crease of the w rist on the line connecting Yang x i LI with

Quchi LI

Indications Acute borboryg mus and abdominal pain furuncle headache sw ollen

face sore throat and other facial problems aching pain in the upper back and shoulder

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Radial side of the forear m cun belo w the elbo w crease on the line connecting Yang x i

LI w ith Quchi LI

Indications Pain in the elbo w and ar m headache vertigo eye pain borboryg mus and

abdominal pain


Radial side of the forear m cun belo w the elbo w crease on the line connecting Yang x i

LI w ith Quchi LI

Indications Pain in the elbo w and ar m hemiparalysis numbness of the hand and ar m

headache borboryg mus and abdo minal pain


When the elbo w is flexed the depression cun above and lateral to Quchi LI Directly

above the lateral epicondyle of the humerus

Indications Aching pain numbness and spasm of the elbo w and ar m and other diseases of

the local area


Lateral aspect of the upper ar m cun above Quchi LI On the line connecting Quchi

LI with J iany u LI

Indications Crampy pain in the elbo w and ar m scrofula


On the line connecting Q uchi LI w ith J iany u LI cun above Quchi LI at the

end of the deltoid

Indications Crampy pain and paralysis in the shoulder and ar m neck convulsions and

other diseases of ar m and shoulder scrofula eye diseases


U pper aspect of the shoulder in the depression medial to the acromial process and bet w een

the lateral ex tremity of the clavicle and the upper par t of the spine of the scapula

Indications Crampy pain and paralysis in the shoulder and ar m and other diseases of the

local area scrofula and goiter


Lateral side of the neck the midpoint of Futu LI and the supraclavicular fossa at the

posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid

Indications Sudden loss of voice sore throat and other diseases of the throat scrofula

and goiter


Lateral side of the neck level with the tip of the laryngeal pro minence bet w een the t w o

headssternal and clavicularof the sternocleidomastoid

Indications S ore th roat sudden loss of voice and other diseases of the th roat

scrofula and goiter bronchitis asth ma the point of acupuncture anesthesia for cervical


Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

A bove the upper lip cun lateral to S hui gou G V belo w the lateral side of the

nares Indications Sniffles nosebleed rhinitis deviation of the mouth trismus and other

diseases of the local area

3 1 3 The StomachSTMeridian of Foot Yangming

3 1 3 1 General Information of the Meridian

T his m eridian g oes fr o m the head to the leg T he fir st acupoin t is C hen g qi S T and

the last acupoin t is L i d ui S T T here are acupoin ts on each side T he main indications

are gastrointestinal diseases diseases of the head face eye nose and m outh and other

diseases in the region along the course of this meridian such as sto mach diseases enteritis
dyspepsia headache facial paralysis too thache faucitis paralysis nu m bness pain of the


3 1 3 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian starts at the side of the nose It ascends to the medial canthus at the bridge

of the nose w here it meets the Bladder meridian Descending along the lateral aspect of the

nose it enters the upper gum Reemer ging it circles around the lips and descends to the angle

of the mandible then it ascends to the forehead Its descending branch runs through the
mandible and enters the supraclavicular fossa w here it continues to descend through the

diaphrag m enters the stomach its associated organ and connects with the spleen A nother

branch from the orifice of the stomach descends inside the abdo men and reaches the groin
T hen it connects with the branch that descends along the body surface it continues descending

along the anterior aspect of the thigh the lateral aspect of the tibia passes through the dorsum

of the foot and reaches the lateral side of the tip of the nd toe A nother branch connects with
the spleen meridianColor Fig

T he stomach meridian of foot y ang ming starts at the lateral side of the ala nasi Ying x iang

LI It ascends to the bridge of the nose J ing ming B L w here it meets the bladder

meridian of foot tai y ang It turns to descend along the lateral aspect of the nose Chengqi S T

and it enters the upper gum Reemerging it curves around the lips and descends to meet

conception vessel at the mentolabial groove Cheng j iangCV T hen it runs posterolaterally

across the lo w er portion of the cheek to Day ingS T Winding along the angle of the mandible
at J iache S T it ascends anteriorly to the ear and traverses S hang g uan GB of the
gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang T hen it travels along the anterior hairline and reaches
the forehead

T he facial branch emerges anterior to Day ingS Tand descends to Reny ingS T From

there it travels along the throat and enters the supraclavicular fossa Continuing its descent it

passes through the diaphrag m enters the stomach its associated organ and connects with the

T he straight portion of the meridian arising fro m the supraclavicular fossa runs do w n w ard

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


passing through the nipple It descends past the umbilicus and enters Qichong S T in the

inguinal region

T he branch fro m the lo w er orifice of the sto mach descends inside the abdo men and joins

the previous portion at Qichong S T It con tinues runnin g inferiorly traversin g B i g uan

S T and further throu gh the fem ur at F utu S T until it reaches the k nee from there
in continues its descent along the anterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia passes
th rough the dorsu m of the foot ter minatin g at the lateral side of the tip of the nd toe at
L i d ui S T

T he tibial branch emer ges from Zusanli S T cun belo w the knee and enters the

lateral side of the middle toe

T he branch fro m the dorsum of the foot arises from Chong yang S T and ter minates at

the medial side of the tip of the great toe Y inbaiSP w here it links with the spleen meridian

of foot tai y in

3 1 3 3 Frequently Used Acupoints


Location Directly belo w the pupil bet w een the infraorbital ridge and the eyeball w hen the

eyes are looking straight aheadColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicular muscle of the eye inferior

rectus muscle inferior oblique muscle T here are branch of the infraorbital nerve and

zygomatic branches of the facial nerve in the superficial layer In the deep layer are branch of
the oculomotor nerve and the ophthalmic artery and vein

Indications T w itching of the eyelids tearing due to w ind irritation nyctalopia night

blindness myopia deviation of the eye and mouth facial paralysis facial spasms

Needling Push the eyeball up slightly with the left thumb and do a perpendicular insertion

cun along the infraorbital ridge It is not advisable to manipulate the needle with

lifting and thrusting to avoid injuring the blood vessel w hich w ill result in a hematoma Press
the point w hen the needle is withdraw n to avoid bleeding

Location Directly belo w the pupil in the depression over the infraorbital foramen w hen

the eyes are looking straight aheadColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicular muscle of eye levat or labia

superioris infraorbital foramen T here are branches of the infraorbital nerve and zygo matic

branches of the facial nerve in the superficial layer T he infraorbital artery and vein with the

infraorbital nerve emerging fro m the infraorbital foramen are in the deep layer

Indications redness with s w elling and pain in the eyes t witching of the eyelids

glaucoma deviation of the eye and mouth facial spasms trigeminal neuralgia and other facial

diseases headache dizziness

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun Deep insertion are inadvisable to avoid

injuring eyeball and it is also in advisable to manipulate the needle with large amplitudes

Part One General Introduction to

Contraindicated for moxibustion

Meridians and Acupoints


Location Directly belo w the pupil about cun lateral to the corner of the mouthColor


Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oris buccinator T here are

branches of the buccal nerve and infraorbital nerve emerging from the trigeminal nerve and
branches of the facial artery and vein in the area

Indications Facial paralysis trigeminal neuralgia salivation and other diseases of the local


Needling Oblique or transverse insertion cun to w ards J iache S T or Ying x iang



Location On the prominence of the masseter cun anterior and superior to the angle of

the mandibleColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue masseter muscle T here are branch of

the auricularis magnus nerve and the mar ginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve in the


Indications T oothache temporomandibular joint T M J syndrome sw ollen cheek

deviation of the eye and mouth and other diseases of the local area

Needling Perpendicular insertion for cun or transverse insertion to w ards D icang

S Tor QuanliaoSI

Location Lo w er border of the zygomatic arch in the depression cun anterior to the

condyloid process of the mandible anterior to the tragusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue parotid gland between the masseter and the

zygomatic process of temporal bone lateral pterygoid muscle There are branch of the auriculo
temporal nerve zygomatic branches of the facial nerve and the transverse artery and vein of the face in

the superficial layer The maxillary artery and vein the lingual nerve the inferior alveolar nerve the
middle meningeal artery and the pterygoid plexus are in the deep layer

Indications T emporomandibular joint T M J syndrome trigeminal neuralgia toothache

deviation of the eye and mouth and other diseases of the face and mouth deafness tinnitus
otorrhea otitis media

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun or oblique insertion to w ard T ing gong

SI It is not advisable to open mouth w hile the needle is being retained to avoid breaking
the needle


Location A t the corner of the head cun directly above the hairline cun lateral to

the midline of the head S hentingG VColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue epicranial aponeurosis on the superior

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


margin of the temporalis muscle loose connective tissue under the aponeurosis pericranium
T here are branches of the auriculotemporal nerve temporal branches of the facial nerve and the

frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery and vein in the area

Indications Headache vertigo aching of the eyes and other diseases of the head and eyes
Needling T ransverse insertion to w ards the back for cun subcutaneously

Frontmu point of the large intestine

Location cun lateral to the umbilicusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue anterior sheath of rectus abdominus

rectus abdominus muscle posterior sheath of rectus abdo minus T here are lateral and anterior

cutaneous branch of the anterior branch of lumbar nerves and and venous rete around
the navel in the superficial layer In the deep layer is the anastomotic branch of the superior and

inferior epigastric veins and the muscular branches of the anterior branches of the lumbar
nerves and are in the deep layer

Indications Acute or chronic enteritis or gastritis bacillary dysentery paralytic ileus

abdominal pain andor distension diarrhea constipation dysmenorrhea irregular andor

painful menstruation

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location U pper thigh at the junction of the lines level with the lateral border of the

patella and the transverse gluteal fold In the depression lateral to the sartorius muscle at the

junction of a vertical line draw n do w n from the anterior superior iliac spine and a horizontal
line dra w n level with the lo w er border of the pubic sy mphysisColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the tensor fascia lata and

sartorius rectus femoris vastus lateralis T he lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is in the

superficial layer T he ascending branches of the lateral circumflex artery and vein and the
muscular branch of the femoral nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Paralysis of the legs lumbago cold invasion of the knee and other diseases of

the lo w er extremities

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location On the thigh on a line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and lateral

border of the patella cun above the superior border of the patellaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue vastus lateralis vastus inter medialis

T he lateral veins of the thigh anterior cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve and the lateral

cutaneous nerve of the thigh are in the superficial layer T he descending branches of the lateral

circumflex femoral artery and vein and the muscular branch of the femoral nerve are in the deep

Indications Paralysis of the legs lumbago cold invasion of the knee and other diseases

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

of the lo w er extremities herniation beriberi

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun
X icleft point

Location On the thigh in the depression cun above the superior border of the patella

along its lateral marginColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue rectus femoris and vastus lateralis the

lateral part of the tendon of vastus inter medialis T he anterior cutaneous branches of the
femoral nerve and the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh are in the superficial layer T he

descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and vein and the muscular branch of
the femoral nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Acute gastric pain diseases of the knee paralysis of the legs and other

diseases of the lo w er extremities mam mary abscess mastodyniabreast pain

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

H esea and Earth points abdominal com mand point

Location Belo w the knee cun belo w D ubi S T the depression in the lateral patella

ligament one fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibiaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue tibialis anterior interosseous membrane

of the leg tibialis posterior T he lateral sural cutaneous nerve is in the superficial layer In the

deep layer are branches of the anterior tibial artery and vein

Indications Acute or chronic gastritis or enteritis stomachache vomiting dysphagia abdominal

distension diarrhea dysentery constipation pain or paralysis of the lo w er ex tremities insanity

mam mary abscess acute appendicitis paralysis of the legs consumptive disease T he point

has the function to tonify as w ell as maintain health

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun M oxibustion is com men used for healthy care
Shang j uxuST37

Lo w er H esea point of the large intestine

Location Lo w er leg cun belo w D ubi S T the depression in the lateral patella

ligament cun belo w Zusanli S T one fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior crest of the
tibiaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue tibialis anterior interosseous membrane

of the leg tibialis posterior T he lateral sural cutaneous nerve is in the superficial layer T he

anterior tibial artery and vein and the deep peroneal nerve are in the deep layer Caution Deep

insertions might puncture the posterior tibial artery and vein and the tibial nerve

Indications Borboryg mus abdominal pain acute or chronic diarrhea constipation acute

appendicitis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines pain or paralysis of the lo w er

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Location Lo w er leg cun belo w the depression in the lateral patella ligament the

midpoint bet w een the popliteal crease and the tip of the medial malleolus one fingerbreadth

lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue tibialis anterior interosseous membrane

of the leg tibialis posterior T he lateral sural cutaneous nerve is in the superficial layer T he

anterior tibial artery and vein and the deep peroneal nerve are in the deep layer Caution Deep

insertions might puncture the fibular artery andor vein

Indications Pain or paralysis of the lo w er extremities spasms aching of the shoulder and

ar m abdomen pain

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


L uoconnecting point

Location Lo w er leg cun belo w the depression in the lateral patella ligament the

midpoint bet w een the popliteal crease and the tip of the medial malleolus t w o fingerbreadths

lateral to the anterior crest of the tibiaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue ex tensor digitorum longus ex tensor

hallucis longus interosseous membrane of the leg tibialis posterior T he lateral sural

cutaneous nerve is in the superficial layer Branches of the anterior tibial artery and vein and the
deep peroneal nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Headache dizziness mental disorders productive cough and other diseases

associated with phlegm paraesthesia or paralysis of the lower extremities abdominal distension


Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


J ingriver and fire point

Location On the dorsum of the foot in the middle of the transverse ankle creasebet w een

the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and ex tensor digitorum longusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the tendon of ex tensor hallucis

longus and extensor digitorum longus talus T he medial dorsal cutaneous nerve and the dorsal

cutaneous vein of the foot are in the superficial layer T he deep peroneal nerve and the anterior
fibial artery and vein are in the deep layer

Indications Paralysis of the lower extremities diseases of the ankle foot drop headache

dizziness mental disorders abdominal distension constipation

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Y ingspring and w ater point

Location Foot dorsum on the junction of the red and w hite skin bet w een the nd and rd

toesColor Fig

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the tendons of ex tensor

digitorum longus and brevis of the second and third toes bet w een the heads of metatarsals of

the second and third toes T he dorsal digital nerves of the foot branches of the medial dorsal

cutaneous nerveand the dorsal venous rete of the foot are in the superficial layer T he dorsal
digital arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications T oothache sore throat epistaxis and the heat syndromes of the five sense

organs febrile diseases acid regur gitation diarrhea dysentery acute or chronic enteritis

and other sto mach or intestine diseases pain in the dorsum of the foot pain in the metatarso
phalangeal joints M PJ

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

3 1 3 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


Directly belo w the pupil of the eye w hen looking straight ahead level w ith the lo w er

border of the ala nasi lateral to the nasolabial groove

Indications Deviation of the mouth and eye epistaxis toothache and sw elling of the lips

and cheek and other five sense organsdiseases


A nterior to the angle of the mandible in the depression on the anterior border of the

masseter near the facial artery pulse

Indications Deviation of the mouth and eye sw elling of the cheek toothache and the local

area diseases


Level with and cun lateral to the tip of the laryngeal pro minence Adams Apple in the

depression bet w een the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoidSC Mand the lateral border
of the thyroid cartilage

Indications Scrofula and goiter sore throat hypertension asthma


On the neck at the anterior border of the sternocleido mastoideus at the midpoint of the

line joining Reny ingS Tand QisheS T

Indications Sore throat and the diseases of the local area bronchitis asthma

On the neck at the superior border of the medial extremity of the clavicle bet w een the

sternal head and clavicular heads of the sternocleidomastoideus

Indications Sore throat scrofula and goiter asthma and hiccups pain and rigidity

in the neck


Supraclavicular area posterior to the midpoint of the superior border of the clavicle cun

lateral to the midline on the maxillary line

Indications Bronchitis asth ma sore throat pain in the supraclavicular fossa and the

diseases in the local area scrofula

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints



On the lo w er border of the midpoint of the clavicle cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Bronchitis asthma hiccup and other diseases due to the dishar mony of

ascending and descending of qi chest pain and fullness

Ku f angST14

In the st intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Bronchitis asthma w hooshing pus and blood and other diseases of the lung

pain and fullness sensation in the chest


In the nd intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Bronchitis asthma w hooshing pus and blood pain and fullness sensation

in the chest hypochondrium and mam mary abscess


In the rd intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Bronchitis asthma w hooshing pus and blood pain and fullness sensation

in the chest mam mary abscess


In the th intercostals space at the very centre of the nipple

N ote T he point is not used for acupuncture and moxibustion it serves only as a landmark

for locating acupoints on the chest and abdo men


In the th intercostals space belo w the nipple cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications H ypochondrium and mam mary abscess hypogalactia bronchitis asth ma

hiccup chest pain


On the epigastrium cun above the centre of the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior


Indications V omiting stomachache anorexia abdominal distension


On the epigastrium cun above the centre of the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior


Indications Sto moahache hematemesis anorexia


On the epigastrium cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the midline

Indications A norexia stomachache vomiting


On the epigastrium cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the midline

Indications Distending pain in the abdomen borboryg mus diarrhea and other diseases of

Part One General Introduction to

the stomach and intestines

Meridians and Acupoints


On the abdo men cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the midline

Indications Stomachache vexation epilepsy and mania


On the epigastrium cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the midline

Indications Stomachache vomiting epilepsy and mania


Lo w er abdo men cun belo w the umbilicus and cun lateral to the midline

Indications A bdominal pain hernia dysmenorrhea

Da j uST27

Lo w er abdo men cun belo w the umbilicus and cun lateral to the midline

Indications Lo w er abdominal distension dysuria hernia emission


Lo w er abdo men cun belo w the umbilicus cun lateral to the midline

Indications Lo w er abdominal distension dysuria hernia dysmenorrhea ascites


Lo w er abdo men cun belo w the umbilicus cun lateral to the midline

Indications Lo w er abdo minal distension hernia irregular menstruation leucorrheal

prolapse of uterus


Slightly superior to the groin cun belo w the centre of the umbilicus cun lateral to the

anterior midline

Indications Lo w er abdominal pain borboryg mus hernia irregular menstruation

leucorrhea impotence s w elling of the vulva


On the thigh on a line dra w n bet w een the lateral margin of patella and the anterior

superior iliac spine in a depression cun above the superiolateral margin of the patella

Indications Flaccidity and arthralgia in the leg and knee dyskinesia of the knee joint hernia

On the knee in the depression directly belo w the patella and lateral to the patellar

ligament T his point is also kno w n as W ai x i yan

Indications Flaccidity and ar thralgia in the leg and knee dyscinesia of the knee joint
Xia j uxuST39

Lo w er confluent point of small intestine

Lo w er leg cun belo w D ubiS T one fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior crest of the


Indications Diarrhea dysentery lo w er abdominal pain flaccidity and arthralgia in the

leg and knee mammary abscess


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Yuansource point

Highpoint of the dorsum of the foot in the depression near the donsal pedal pulse pedis


Indicatio ns S t o m achache deviatio n of the m o ut h and eye epilepsy and m ania

flaccidity o f the foo t


S hustream and w ood point

Dorsum of the foot bet w een the second and third metatarsals

Indications Facial and general edema swelling pain in the dorsum of the foot abdominal

pain borborygmus

J ingw ell and metal point

On the lateral side of the phalanget te of the nd toe cun posterior to the corner of the


Indications Epistaxis toothache sore throat and the heat syndromes of the five sense

organs febrile disease epilepsy and mania dreaminess

3 1 4 SpleenSPMeridian of Foot Taiyin

3 1 4 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the foot to the stomach and has a total of acupoints on each

side T he first acupoint is Y inbaiSPand the last is DabaoSP Primary indications include

digestive and urinary t ract diseases Diseases related to bleeding problems and diseases located

near the meridians path w ay such as dyspepsia dysentery enteritis retention of urine bed
w etting metrorrhagia bloody stools and knee pain
3 1 4 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian star ts from the medial side of the big toe runs along the medial aspect of the

foot and ascends to the front of the medial malleolus and fur ther up to the posterior aspect of

the tibia It passes through the front of the liver meridian of foot j uey in at a point cun above
the medial malleolus A s it continues along the anterior medial aspect of the knee and thigh it

enters the abdomen and the spleen its associated organ and connects with the stomach One
branch connects with the heart meridianColor Fig

T he spleen meridian of foot tai y in starts from the tip of the big toe y inbai SP It runs

along the medial aspect of the big toe at the junction of the red and w hite skin and ascends to

the front of the medial malleolus and further up the medial aspect of the leg It follo w s the

posterior aspect of the tibia and passes through the front of the liver meridian of foot j uey in

Continuing along the anterior medial aspect of the knee and thigh it enters the abdomen
reaches the spleen its associated or gan and connects with the stomach from there it ascends

passing through the diaphrag m and running alongside the esophagus When it reaches the root

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

of the tongue it spreads over its under surface

T he branch from the sto mach goes up w ards through the diaphrag m and flo w s into the

heart to link with the heart meridian of hand shaoy in

3 1 4 3 Frequently Used Acupoints

J ingw ell and w ood point

Location A bout cun from the medial border of the corner of the base of the big toenail

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue nail root T he branch of the medial

dorsal cutaneous nerve dorsal digital nerves and the dorsal digital arteries and veins are in this


Indications Metrorrhagia hematachesia upper intestinal bleeding melanalower intestinal

bleeding blood in the stool hemafecia hematuria mental disorders excessive dreaming infantile

convulsions abdominal distension sudden diarrhea

Needling Shallo w insertions

L uoconnecting point confluent point of the thoroughfare vessel

Location On the medial aspect of the foot in the depression distal and inferior to the base

of the first metatarsalColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue ex tensor hallucis longus flexor hallucis

brevis the tendon of flexor hallucis longus T he medial margin has branch of the footbranch

of the saphenous nerveand branch of the dorsal venous arch of the foot in the superficial layer
T here is a branch of the medial plantar artery and vein and branch of the medial plantar nerve in

the deep layer

Indications Stomachache vomiting abdominal pain diarrhea dysentery acute or chronic

gastroenteritis vexation insomnia mania and other mental disorders BenT unsyndrome

running piglet qi

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Sanyin j iaoSP6

Location cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus posterior to the medial crest

of the tibiaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue flexor digitorum longus tibialis

posterior flexor hallucis longus T he medial crural cutaneous branch of the saphenous nerve

and branch of the greater saphenous vein are in the superficial layer T he tibial nerve and the
posterior tibial artery and vein are in the deep layer

Indications Borborygmus abdominal pain diarrhea irregular menstruation leukorrhea

uterine prolapse sterility prolonged labour nocturnal emissions impotence enuresis retention
of urine palpitations insomnia high blood pressure paralysis of the leg yin deficiency

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun It shold be forbidden for pregnant w oman


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


H esea and w ater point

Location On the medial aspect of the knee belo w the medial condyle of the tibia in a

depression in the posterior groove of the medial border of the tibia level with Yang lingquan

GBColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue the tendon of Semitendinosus the

medial head of the gastrocnemius T he medial crural cutaneous branch of the saphenous nerve

the greater saphenous vein and a branch of the descending genicular artery lie in the superficial

layer T he medial inferior genicular artery and vein are in the deep layer

Indications A bdominal distension diarrhea edema icterusjaundice dysuria and other

diseases of the phleg m due to the poor transfor ming and transmitting of the spleen knee

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location On the thigh cun above the medial border of the patella in the depression in

the bulge of vastus medialis directly above YinlingquanSPColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue vastus medialis T he anterior cutaneous

branch of the femoral nerve and branch of the greater saphenous vein are in the superficial

layer T he muscular branch of the femoral artery and vein and the muscular branch of the
femoral nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea amenorrhea urticaria eczema


Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

3 1 4 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


Y ingspring and fire point

On the medial side of the big toe in the depression distal and inferior to the first

metatarsophalangeal joint at the junction of the red and w hite skin

Indications Abdominal distension stomachache vomiting diarrhea constipation febrile

diseases without sweating


S hustream y uansource and ear th point

On the medial side of the foot in the depression pro ximal and inferior to the head of the

first metatarsal at the junction of the red and w hite skin

Indications Borboryg mus abdo minal distension stomachache diarrhea constipation and

other spleen and stomach diseases fatigue in the limbs and heaviness in the body

J ingriver and metal point

On the medial aspect of the ankle in the depression at the junction of lines draw n fro m the

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

anterior and inferior borders of the medial malleolus

Indications A bdominal distension diarrhea constipation jaundice pain in the foot

and ankle


On the medial aspect of the lo w er leg cun above S any in j iao SP in the depression

posterior to the medial crest of the tibia or cun above the apex of the medial malleolus behind
the tibia

Indications Abdominal distension borborygmus dysuria emission numbness paralysis

of the lower extremity

Di j iSP8

X icleft point

On the medial aspect of the lo w er leg cun belo w Yinlingquan SP in the depression

posterior to the medial crest of the tibia behind the tibia

Indications Dysmenorrhea dysentery irregular menstruation abdominal distension

diarrhea dysuria edema


On the line connecting X uehaiSPand ChongmenSP cun above X uehaiSP

Indications Dysuria enuresis pain in the medial aspect of the thigh


Lateral to the groin cun lateral to the midpoint of the upper border of the sy mphysis

pubis on the lateral side of the pulsatile side of the ex ternal iliac artery

Indications Hernia disorders metrorrhagia and metrostaxis leucorrhea vaginal discharge


cun belo w daheng SP cun superior to Chong men SP cun lateral to the

anterior median line

Indications A bdominal pain and masses hernia disorders

Fu j ieSP14

cun belo w DahengSP cun lateral to the midline

Indications A bdominal pain diarrhea hernia disorders


On the abdo men cun lateral to the center of the umbilicus

Indications A bdominal pain diarrhea constipation


cun above daheng cun lateral to the midline

Indications A norexia abdominal pain constipation dysentery


In the th intercostal space cun lateral to the anterior median line

Indications the sensation of fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region regurgitation

abdominal distension edema


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


In the th intercostal space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Chest pain bronchitis acute mastitis hypogalactia


In the rd intercostal space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region


In the nd intercostal space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Bronchitis fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region


Great luoConnecting point of the spleen

On the midaxillary line in the th intercostal space

Indications Asthma fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondriac region general pain

chest pain tiredness of limbs

3 1 5 HeartHT Meridian of Hand Shaoyin

3 1 5 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the chest to the hand and has a total of acupoints on each side

T he first acupoint is J iquan H T and the last one is S haochong H T T he primary

indications include cardiovascular and nervous system diseases mental disorders and local

diseases such as tachycardia bradycardia angina pectoris inso mnia mental disorders epilepsy
hysteria and pain located on the medial side of the hand
3 1 5 2 The Course of the Meridian

It originates in the hear t then passes do w n w ards to connect with the small intestines T he

straight portion of the meridian goes up w ards to the lung w here it then descends and emerges
from the axilla Fro m there it runs along the ulnar side of the medial aspect of the upper ar m

and passes bet w een the th and th metacarpals it finally ter minates at the radial side of the
little fingerColor Fig

T he heart meridian of hand shaoy in originates at the heart E merging it spreads over the

cardiovascular systemi e the tissues connecting the heart with the other z ang f u organs
It then passes through the diaphrag m to connect with the small intestine

T he ascending por tion of the meridian from the cardiovascular system runs alongside the

esophagus to connect with theopthalmic systemi e the tissues connecting the eyes w ith the

T he straight portion of the meridian from thecardiovascular systemascends to the lung

then it runs do w n w ards and emer ges at the axilla J iquan H T fro m there it runs along the

posterior border of the medial aspect of the upper ar m behind the lung meridian of hand tai y in

and the pericardium meridian of hand j uey in and do w n to the cubital fossa fro m there it

descends along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the forear m to the pisifor m region

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

proximal to the palm w here it enters the palm Finally it follo w s the medial aspect of the little

finger to its tip S haochong H T and links w ith the small intestine meridian of hand tai y ang
3 1 5 3 Frequently Used Acupoints

Location T he depression in the center of the axilla on the medial aspect of the axillary

arteryColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue brachial plexus axillary artery and vein

the tendon of latissimus dorsi teres major T he intercostobrachial nerve is in the superficial

layer T he medial radial ulnar and medial cutaneous nerves of the forearm the medial cutaneous
nerve of the arm and the axillary artery and vein are in the deep layer

Indications Precordial pain palpitations intercostal neuralgia hand paralysis scrofula

axillary odor upper extremity acupuncture anesthesia point

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun A void the axillary artery


H esea and w ater point

Location When the elbo w is fully flexed this acupoint is the depression at the medial end

of the transverse cubital crease the midpoint bet w een Qu z e PCand the medial epicondyle of
the humerusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue pronator teres brachialis muscle T he

medial cutaneous nerve of the forear m and the basilic vein are in the superficial layer T he

median nerve anasto motic branch of the recurrent ulnar artery and vein and the inferior

collateral ulnar artery and vein are in the deep layer

Indications Precordial pain hysteria mental disorders spasm odic pain in the elbo w

and ar m hand trem ors hand num bness elbo w pain head and neck pain axilla and rib pain

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


L uoconnecting point

Location On the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris cun above the most

distal transverse crease of the w rist S henmen H TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor

digitorum superficialis flexor digitorum profundus quadratus pronator T he medial cutaneous

nerve of the forear m and branch of the basilic vein are in the superficial layer T he ulnar

arteries veins and nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Palpitations z heng z hong fearful throbbing severe palpitations stiff

tongue aphasia sudden hoarseness of the voice pain in the w rist

Needling Perpendicular insertion for cun Deep needling is contraindicted to

avoid damage underlying blood vessels and nerves Bending the w rist should be avoided w hile
retaining the needle


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


X iCleft point

Location On the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris cun above the most

distal transverse crease of the w rist S henmen H TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue the radial margin of flexor carpi ulnaris the

ulnar nerve The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm and branch of the basilic vein are in the

superficial layer The ulnar artery and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Precordial angina pectoris arrhythmias tidal fever due to y in deficiency

night sw eats hematemesis epistaxis

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun Deep insertion are contraindicated to

avoid damage underlying blood vessels and nerves It is not allo w ed to bending the w rist w hen
retaining the needle

S hustream y uansource and ear th point

Location A t the w rist joint on the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris in the

depression at the most distal transverse crease of the w ristColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue the radial margin of flexor carpi ulnaris The

medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm branch of the basilic vein and the palmar branch of the ulnar

nerve are in the superficial layer The ulnar artery vein and nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Precordial pain vexation j ing j i palpitations due to fright zheng zhong

fearful throbbing severe palpitations poor memory insomnia dementia insanity epilepsy and other
mental disorders high blood pressure pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

J ingw ell and w ood point

Location A bout cun from the corner of the radial side of the base of little fingernail

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue nail root T he dorsal digital branch of

the proper palmar digital nerves and rete composed of the dorsal digital branch of the proper

palmar digital arteries and veins are in the area

Indications Palpitations precordial pain mental disorders coma and other heart or mind

diseases fever pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions

Needling Shallo w insertions or prick to bleed

3 1 5 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


cun above the transverse cubital crease of the elbo w on the line connecting J iquan

H Tand Shaohai H T

Indications Headache shivering pain in the hypochondrium pain in the shoulder and

upper ar m

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

J ingriver and metal point

cun above the transverse crease of the w rist S henmen H T on the radial side of the

tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris

Indications Precordial pain schizophrenia sudden loss of voice cramping pain in the

elbo w and ar m

Shao f uHT8

Y ingspring and fire point

On the palm in the depression bet w een the th and th metacarpals w here the tip of the

little finger touches w hen the fist is clenched

Indications Palpitation chest pain pruritus and pain in the vulvae carbuncles pyogenic

infections and ulcerations of the skin cramping pain in the little finger

3 1 6 Small IntestineSIMeridian of Hand Taiyang

3 1 6 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes fro m the hand to head and has a total of acupoints on each side T he

first acupoint is S hao z eSI and the last is T ing gong SI T he primary indications include

pain of the head neck and back and other diseases in the regions along the meridian path w ay
3 1 6 2 The Course of the Meridian

T he meridian begins at the ulnar side of the tip of the little finger Follo wing the ulnar side

of the dorsum of the hand it reaches the shoulder then circling around the scapular region it

meets Da z hui G V Finally descending to the supraclavicular fossa it connects with the

heart and enters the small intestine its associated organ One branch runs from the

supraclavicular fossa ascending the neck to the cheek via the outer canthus it enters the ear
A nother branch links with the bladder meridianColor Fig

The small intestine meridian of hand taiyang starts from the ulnar side of the tip of the little

finger Shaoze SI goes along the ulnar side of the dorsum of the hand until it reaches the wrist

where it emerges from the styloid process of the ulna from there it ascends along the posterior border

of the lateral aspect of the forearm passes between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle

of the humerus and it runs along the posterior border of the lateral aspect of the upper arm to the

shoulder joint Circling around the scapular region it meets DazhuiGV on the superior aspect of
the shoulder Then turning downwards to the supraclavicular fossa it connects with the heart from

there it descends along the esophagus passes through the diaphragm reaches the stomach and finally

enters the small intestine its associated organ

T he branch fro m the supraclavicular fossa ascends along the neck to the cheek via the

outer canthus it enters the ear T ing gong SI

T he branch from the cheek runs up w ards to the infraorbital region Quanliao SI and

further to the lateral side of the nose Finally it reaches the inner canthus J ing ming B L to

link with the bladder meridian of foot tai yang

3 1 6 3 Frequently Used Acupoints

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints



J ingw ell and metal point

Location On the ulnar border of the lit tle finger about cun proximal to the base of the

corner of the nailColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue nail root T he dorsal digital branch of

the proper palmar digital nervecoming from the ulnar nerveand rete composed of the palmar

ulnar ar tery and veins of the little finger are in the area

Indications M ammary abscess puerperal lactation insufficiency coma sunstroke febrile

diseases headache corneal cloudiness sore throat and other diseases of the face and five sense

Needling Shallo w insertion or prick to induce bleeding It should be forbidden for pregnant

w oman


S hustream and w ood point confluent point of governor vessel

Location On the ulnar border of the hand in the depression pro ximal to the head of the th

metacarpal T he point is located at the end of the transverse crease of the palm lying bet w een

the red and w hite skin w hen a loose fist is madeColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue A bductor digiti minimi flexor digiti

minimi brevis T he dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve the palmar branch of the ulnar nerve and

the cutaneous vein are in the superficial layer T he proper palmar arteries and veins of the little

finger and the proper palmar digital nerves are in the deep layer

Indications Pain and stiffness in the neck and head pain of the back and loins

spasm odic pains of the elbo w ar m and fin gers and so on deafness redness w ith s w ellin g

of the eyes epilepsy insanity malaria

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun U sing H egu LI w ith penet ration method

to treat contracture and pain of fingers is applicable

X icleft point

Location When the palm faces to the chest this point is located on the dorsal aspect of the

head of the ulnar in a cleft level with the radial aspect of the high point of the styloid process of
the ulnaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue the tendons of extensor carpi ulnaris and

extensor digiti minimi T he medial and posterior cutaneous nerves of the forear m the dorsal

branch of the ulnar nerve and the branch of the basilic vein are in the superficial layer In the

deep layer is the dorsal venous rete of the hand

Indications Poor vision pain in the shoulder back elbo w and ar m

Needling Oblique insertion cun to w ards the elbo w w hen the palm faces to the

chest M oxibuston can be used to reinforce vital qi and maintaining health

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

H esea and earth point

Location T his acupoint is located in the depression bet w een the tip of the olecranon

process of the ulna and the tip of the medial epicondyle of the humerusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue in the groove of the ulnar nerve T he

ulnar branch of the medial cutaneous nerve of the forear m the medial cutaneous nerve of the

ar m and the branch of the basilic vein are in the superficial layer T he ulnar nerve and rete

composed of the superior collateral ulnar artery and vein and the posterior branch of the
recurrent ulnar artery and vein are in the deep layer

Indications Spasmodic pain of the elbo w and ar m epilepsy

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Location In the center of the infraspinous fossa of the scapularColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius infraspinatus T he cutaneous

branch of the dorsal branches of thoracic nerves and and the arteries and veins that

follo w are in the superficial layer T he branch of the suprascapular nerve and circumflex artery

and vein of the scapula are in the deep layer

Indications Pain in the scapular region supraspinatus tendinitis fasciitis of the muscles

in the shoulder and back and other diseases of the local area dyspnea

Needling Perpendicular or oblique insertion cun T he needle should not be inserted

further inserted w hile facing the resistance


Location When the mouth is open this point is the depression for med bet w een the middle

of the tragus and the condyloid process of the mandibularColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue cartilage of the acoustic meatus T he

auriculotemporal nerve and branch of the anterior auricular branch of the superficial temporal

artery are in this area

Indications Deafness tinnitus otorrhea toothache

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun T he patient should keep the mouth open

w hile retaining the needle

3 1 6 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


Y ingspring and w ater point

On the ulnar border of the lit tle finger in a depression distal to the metacarpophalangeal


Indications Febrile disease acute mastitis hypogalactia headache eye pain tinnitus sore

throat and other diseases of the face and sense organs


Yuansource point

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


On the ulnar border of the hand in a depression bet w een the base of th metacarpal and

the triquetral bone the point is located at the junction of red and w hite skin

Indications Contracture of the fingers and pain in the w rist rigidity of nape with

headache cloudiness of the cornea jaundice febrile disease malaria


J ingriver and fire point

On the ulnar border of the w rist in the depression bet w een the head of the ulnar and the

triquetral bone

Indications Swelling of nape and chin pain in the ulna side of the arm pain in the wrist and

other pain syndromes headache vertigo tinnitus deafness febrile disease epilepsy

L uoconnecting point

On the line of Yang guSI to X iaohai SI cun above the dorsal t ransverse crease of

the w rist

Indications H eadache rigidity of nape aching pain in the elbo w and ar m febrile

disease epilepsy and mania verrucosis


On the posterior aspect of the shoulder cun above the end of posterior axillary fold

Indications Pain in the shoulder and ar m m otor im pair men t of the upper ex tremity



On the posterior aspect of the shoulder directly above J ian z hen SI in the depression

belo w the spine of the scapular

Indications Pain in the shoulder and ar m scrofula

Bing f engSI12

Middle of the supraspinatous fossa directly above T ian z hongSI

Indications Pain in the scapular region numbness and aching of the upper extremity and

other diseases of the upper extremities


On the scapular region at the medial ex tremity of the supraspinous fossa at the midpoint

of the line joining N aoshuSIand the spinous process of the nd thoracic vertebrae
Indications Pain in the scapular region

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra

T aodaoG V

Indications Pain in the shoulder and back stiffness of the neck and nape

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the seventh thoracic vertebra

Da z huiG V

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Indications Bronchitis asth ma pain in the shoulder and back


On the lateral aspect of the neck at the posterior border of sternocleidomastoideus

posterior to Futu LI level with the Adams apple

Indications Tinnitus deafness sore throat sudden loss of voice and other sense organs

disorder pain and rigidity in the neck and nape


On the lateral aspect of the neck posterior to the angle of mandible in the depression on

the anterior border of sternocleidomastoideus

Indications Tinnitus deafness sore throat sudden loss of voice pain and rigidity in

the neck and nape


Directly belo w the outer canthus in the depression at the lo w er border of the zygo matic


Indications Deviation of the mouth eye flickering eyelids and other facial problems

3 1 7 BladderBLMeridian of Foot Taiyang

3 1 7 1 General Information about the Meridian

T he bladder meridian goes from the head to the foot and has a total of accupoint on each

side T he first acupoint is J ing mingBLand the last is Zhi y inB L Its primary indications

include diseases of the head nape eye lumbosacral area legs hemorrhoids rectal prolapse
mental problems and epilepsy T he Back S hu acupoints are used to treat diseases of their

associated organs and tissues respectively

3 1 7 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian begins at the inner canthus ascends to the vertex of the head w here it

descends to the nape and breaks into t w o branches One branch parallel to the vertebral

column descends to the lumbar region w here it enters the body cavity to connect with the
kidney and join its associated organ the urinary bladder T he other branch runs straight

do w n w ard along the medial border of the scapula it passes through the gluteal region and runs

do w n w ard along the lateral aspect of the thigh w here it meets the preceding branch descending

from the lumbar region in the popliteal fossa it then descends through the calf muscle to the

lateral side of the dorsum of the foot finally reaching the lateral side of the little toe It connects
with the kidney meridian of foot shaoy inColor Fig

T he bladder meridian of foot tai yang begins at the inner canthus J ing ming B L it then

ascends to the forehead w here it joins the Baihui G V at the vertex From the vertex a
branch emerges and runs to the temple

T he straight portion of the meridian enters and com municates with the brain from the

vertex It then emerges and bifurcates to descend along the posterior aspect of the neck
Running do w n w ard along the medial aspect of the scapula and parallel to the vertebral column

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


it reaches the lumbar area w here it enters the body cavity via the paravertebral muscles to
connect with the kidney and join its associated organ the urinary bladder

T he branch in the lumbar region descends through the gluteal area and ends in the

popliteal fossa T he branch from the posterior aspect of the neck runs straight do w n along the
medial border of the scapula Passing through the gluteal region H uantiao GB and

descending along the lateral aspect of the thigh it meets the preceding branch descending from
the lumbar region in the popliteal fossa from there it descends through the gastrocnemius to

the posterior aspect of the external malleolus Finally it runs along the tuberosity of the th

metatarsal bone w here it reaches the lateral side of the tip of the lit tle toe Zhi y in BL there

it links with the kidney meridian of foot shaoy in

3 1 7 3 Frequently Used Acupoints

Location A bout cun superior to the inner canthus near the medial border of the orbit

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oculi corrugator supercilii

procerusbet w een the medial straight muscle and the orbital plate of the eth moid bone T he
supratrochlear branch of the ophthalmic nervea branch of the trigeminal nerveand branch of

the angular artery and vein are in the superficial layer In the deep layer are branches of the

ophthalmic artery and vein and branches of the ophthalmic and oculomotor nerves

Indications Redness w ith sw elling and pain of the eye lacrimation myopia s wivel eye

glaucoma blurred vision night blindness retinitis colour blindness acute lumbar strain

sciatica tachycardia

Needling T he patient should close the eyes w hile inserting the needle T he practitioner

should use the right hand to push and hold the eyeball laterally and insert the needle

cun slo w ly along the medial side of the orbit with the left hand the needle should not be

inserted past the point of resistance While the doctor can change the direction of the needle or

withdra w it It is inadvisable to lift or thrust the needle with large amplitudes T o avoid

bleeding either the practitioner or the patient should maintain pressure on this point for

minutes after withdraw al of the needle Tiny needles can be applied and sterilization should be

focused on M oxibustion is contraindicated on this acupoint


Location Near the medial end of the eyebro w in a depression directly above the inner

canthusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oculi corrugator supercilii

T he supratrochlear nerve of the frontal nerve and branches of the supraorbital artery and vein

are in the superficial layer T he temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve are in the
deep layer

Indications Headache trigeminal neuralgia t witching of the eyelids pytosis deviation

of the eye and mouth optic atrophy lacrimation redness with s w elling and pain of the eye and

Part One General Introduction to

other eyes problems hiccups

Meridians and Acupoints

Needling Oblique insertion do w n w ards for cun to treat eye diseases transverse

insertion to w ards Yuy ao EXH N to treat headache and facial paralysis M oxibustion is

contraindicated on this acupoint


Location Level with the posterior hairline on the lateral aspect of the trapezius muscle

cun lateral to the posterior midline YamenG VColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius medial head of the splenius

semispinalis capitis T here are medial branches of the posterior branch of cervical nerve and
subcutaneous veins in the superficial layer T he greater occipital nerve is in the deep layer

Indications Headache stiffness of the nape pain in the shoulder back and loin nasal

obstruction insanity epilepsy febrile diseases

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun It should not be deep insertion up w ard in

order to avoid hurt the myelencephalon


Influential point of bones

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the st thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius rho mboid superioposterior

serratus splenius erector spinae muscles T he medial cutaneous branches of the posterior

branches of thoracic nerves and and the medial cutaneous branch of the dorsal branches

of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins are in the superficial layer In the deep layer are
muscular branch of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and dorsal branches of

the posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications Cough stiffness of the nape pain in the shoulder and back

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun T he points on the back of BL should not

be deeply inserted in order to keep the organs safe


Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the nd thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius rho mboid superioposterior

serratus splenius erector spinae muscles T here are medial cutaneous branches of the

posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and medial cutaneous branches of the dorsal
branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins in the superficial layer In the deep layer

are muscular branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and dorsal
branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications Com mon cold cough fever headache stiffness of the nape pain in the

chest and back

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Back transport point of the lung

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the rd thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius rho mboid superioposterior

serratus splenius erector spinae muscles T here are medial cutaneous branches of the

posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and medial cutaneous branches of the dorsal
branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins in the superficial layer In the deep layer

are muscular branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and dorsal branches
of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications Cough dyspnea hemoptysis tidal fever due to yin deficiency night sweats
Needling Oblique insertion to w ards the spine for cun

N O T E B L are all located above the th thoracic ver tebra and in the area of the

lung Perpendicular needling or oblique insertions aw ay from the spine pose a significant risk for

a pneumothorax


Back transport point of the heart

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius inferior mar gin of the

rho mboid erector spinae muscles T here are medial cutaneous branches of the posterior

branches of thoracic nerves and and arteries and veins in the superficial layer In the deep

layer are muscular branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and dorsal
branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications Precordial pain insomnia amnesia epilepsy cardiovascular diseases mental

diseases cough hematemesis night s w eats seminal emissions

Needling Oblique insertion to w ards the spine for cun


Influencial point of blood

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius latissimus dorsi erector

spinae muscles T here are medial cutaneous branches of the posterior branches of thoracic
nerves and and arteries and veins in the superficial layer In the deep layer are muscular

branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and dorsal branches of the

posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications Vomiting hiccups dyspnea hematemesis anaemia urticaria skin pruritus tidal

fever night sweats

Needling Oblique insertion to w ards the spine for cun

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Back transport point of liver

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue t rapezius latissimus dorsi inferio

posterior serratus erector spinae muscles T here are medial cutaneous branches of the

posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and arteries and veins in the superficial layer
M uscular branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and dorsal branches of

the posterior intercostal arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Rib pain icterusjaundice liver and gallbladder diseases redness with swelling

of the eye s night blindness epiphora tearing due to wind irritation eye diseases insanity

epilepsy pain of the back and vertebra

Needling Oblique insertion to w ards the spine for cun


Back transport point of gallbladder

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius muscle latissimus dorsi

inferior posterior serratus muscle erector spinae muscles T here are medial cutaneous branches

of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and arteries and veins in the superficial

layer In the deep layer are muscular branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves

and and dorsal branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications Rib pain icterus jaundice bitter mouth taste liver and gallbladder

diseases pulmonary tuberculosis tidal fever

Needling Oblique insertion to w ards the spine for cun


Back transport point of the spleen

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue latissimus dorsi inferior posterior

serratus muscle erector spinae muscles T here are medial cutaneous branches of the posterior

branches of thoracic nerves and and arteries and veins in the superficial layer In the deep

layer are muscular branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerves and and dorsal
branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications A bdominal distension loss of appetite vo miting diarrhea dysentery blood

in the stoolhemafecia edema spleen sto mach and intestinal diseases back pain
Needling Oblique insertion to w ards the spine for cun


Back transport point of the stomach

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic

vertebra TColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue superficial layer of the thoracolumbar

fascia and aponeurosis of latissimus dorsi erector spinae muscles T here are cutaneous

branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerve and lumbar nerve and arteries and
veins in the superficial layer M uscular branches of the posterior branches of thoracic nerve

and lumbar nerve and branches of the arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Epigastric pain vo miting abdo minal distension borboryg mus sto mach


Needling Oblique insertion cun


Back transport point of the kindey

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the nd lumbar

vertebra LColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue aponeurosis of latissimus dorsi and the

superficial layer of the thoracolumbar fascia erector spinal muscle T here are cutaneous

branches of the posterior branches of lumbar nerve and and arteries and veins in the
superficial layer In the deep layer are muscular branches of the posterior branches of lumbar
nerves and and dorsal branches of the lumbar arteries and veins

Indications Dizziness tinnitus deafness lumbago kidney deficiency syndromes enuresis

nocturnal emissions impotence premature ejaculation infertility sterility urogenital system

diseases irregular menstruation leucorrhea ascites

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Back transport point of large intestine

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th lumbar

vertebra LColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue superficial layer of the thoracolumbar fascia

erector spinal muscle There are cutaneous branches of the posterior branches of lumbar nerves and
and arteries and veins in the superficial layer Muscular branches of the posterior branches of lumbar

nerve and and branches of the arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Pain in the lumbar area and lo w er extremities abdominal distension

diarrhea constipation stomach and intestinal diseases

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

C rossing p oint o f the B L and G B mer i dians

Location On the second posterior sacral foramenColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue erector spinal muscle posterior sacral

foramina T here are middle cluneal nerves in the superficial layer In the deep layer are sacral

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

nerve and posterior branches of the lateral sacral arteries and veins

Indications Irregular menstruation leukorrhea dysmenorrhea dysuria nocturnal

emissions hernia pain in the lu m bosacral area lo w er back and leg

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun
Cheng f uBL36

Location Right in the middle of the inferior cluneal t ransverse creaseColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue gluteus maximus long head of biceps

femoris and semitendinosus Branch of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh and the

inferior cluneal nerves are in the superficial layer In the deep layer are the trunk of the
posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh the ischiadic nerve and arteries and veins
Indications Pain in the w aist sacrum buttock and thigh hemorrhoids
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


H esea and earth point lo w er H esea point

Location On the back of the knee midpoint of the popliteal fossa in the depression

bet w een biceps femoris and semitendinosusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the medial and lateral heads of

the gastrocnemius Branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh and the small

saphenous vein are in the superficial layer T he tibial nerve the popliteal artery and vein and the
sural arteries are in the deep layer

Indications Lumbar pain paralysis of the lower extremities and other leg diseases abdominal

pain acute diarrhea dysuria enuresis erysipelas

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun or prick to bleed During the acupuncture

process practitioner should not insert the needle too much quickly strongly and deep in order
to avoid injury of vessel and nerve

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th sacral vertebra

SColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue gluteus maximus gluteus medius

gluteus minimus T he middle and inferior cluneal nerves are in the superficial layer T he

superior and inferior gluteal artery and vein and the superior and inferior gluteal nerve are in
the deep layer

Indications Pain in the lumbosacral area paralysis of the lo w er extremities and other

diseases of the legs and lumbus dysuria constipation hemorrhoids vulvitis

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location On the lo w er leg in a depression belo w the bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle

mid w ay bet w een W ei z hongBLand K unlunBLColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue gastrocnemius soleus muscle T he

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


small saphenous vein and medial cutaneous nerve of the calf are in the superficial layer T he
tibial nerve and posterior tibial arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Pain and stiffness in the lumbar area and lo w er extremities hemorrhoids


Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


J ingriver and fire point

Location Behind the ankle joint in the depression bet w een the tendo calcaneus Achilles

and the apex of the lateral malleolus level with the apex of the lateral malleolus Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue peroneus brevis loose connective tissue

in front of calcaneal tendon T he sural nerve and small saphenous vein are in the superficial
layer In the deep layer are branches of the fibular artery and veins

Indications Headache stiff neck pain in the lumbosacral area leg and ankle diseases

epilepsy prolonged labour

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun It is forbidden for pregnant w oman and

should pay more attention during menstruation


J ingw ell and metal point

Location On the dorsal aspect of the little toe about cun from the lateral corner of the

base of the lit tle toenailColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue nail root T he dorsal digital nerves of the

foot lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve and rete of the dorsal digital arteries and veins are in this


Indications M alpositioning of the fetus prolonged labour headache eye pain nasal

obstruction epistaxis

Needling Shallo w inser tion and use mo xibustion w hen dealing with malpositioning of the


3 1 7 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


Directly above Zan z hu aka Cuan z huBL cun w ithin the anterior hairline level with

ShentingG V

Indications Headache dizziness nasal obstruction epistaxis


On the head cun directly above and cun lateral to the midpoint of the anterior

hairline just at the junction of the internal and medial of the distance from S henting

G Vto T ou w eiS T

Indications Headache dizziness nasal obstruction epistaxis


Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

On the head cun directly above and cun lateral to the midpoint of the anterior


Indications Headache dizziness epilepsy


On the head cun directly above and cun lateral to the midpoint of the anterior


Indications Headache dizziness nasal obstruction febrile disease


cun above the anterior hairline cun lateral to the midline

Indications Headache dizziness nasal obstruction epistaxis rhinorrhea and other nasal



On the head cun directly above and cun lateral to the midpoint of the anterior


Indications Dizziness blurred vision tinnitus


cun lateral to the depression superior to the external occipital protuberance cun

superior to Feng f u G V

Indications Pain in the neck and nape eye pain nasal obstruction

Back transport point of the pericardium

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra

Indications Cardiac pain palpitations bronchitis chest distress vomiting


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra

Indications Cardiac pain chest distress chills and fever asthma abdominal distension

abdominal pain borborygmus hiccups

San j iaoshuBL22

Back transport point of triple energizer

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the st lumber vertebra L

Indications Borborygmus abdominal distension vomiting dysentery retention of urine

edema pain and stiffness in the lower back


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the rd lumber vertebra L
Indications Borboryg mus abdominal distension dysmenorrhea lo w er back pain

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th lumber vertebra L

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Indications A bdominal distension diarrhea lo w er back pain frequent micturition or

retention of urine


Back transport point of small intestine

cun lateral to the midline level with the st posterior sacral foramen

Indications Enuresis seminal emissions urodynia hematuria leukorrhagia diarrhea

dysentery hernia lo w er back pain


cun lateral to the midline just level with the nd posterior sacral foramen

Indications Retention of urine enuresis lo w er back pain diarrhea constipation


cun lateral to the midline just level with the rd posterior sacral foramen
Indications Diarrhea hernia lo w er back pain

cun lateral to the midline just level with the th posterior sacral foramen

Indications Enuresis seminal emission irregular menstruation leukorrhagia hernia

lo w er back pain


On the st posterior sacral foramen midw ay bet w een the lo w er border of the posterior

superior iliac spine and the midline

Indications Retention of urine constipation irregular menstruation leukorrhagia

prolapse of the uterus seminal emission impotence lo w er back pain


On the rd posterior sacral foramen

Indications Constipation diarrhea retention of urine irregular menstruation leukorrhagia

lower back pain


On the th posterior sacral foramen

Indications A bdominal pain constipation retention of urine leukorrhagia lo w er

back pain


cun lateral to governor vessel level with the tip of the coccyx

Indications Hemorrhoids diarrhea impotence leukorrhagia


On the posterior thigh in the depression bet w een the hamstrings cun belo w Cheng f u

BL on the line connecting Cheng f uB Land W ei z hongBL

Indications Lo w er back pain motor impair ment of the lo w er extremity


A t the lateral end of the popliteal transverse crease cun above W ei y angBL on the

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

medial side of the tendon of biceps femoris

Indications Pain and numbness in the femoral and popliteal regions constipation


Lo w er hesea point of t riple energizer

On the back of the knee to w ards the lateral end of the popliteal fossa in the depression

medial to the biceps femoris tendon

Indications A bdominal fullness retention of urine stiffness and pain in the lo w er

back cramping of the leg and foot

Fu f enBL41

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the nd th oracic vertebra

Indications Stiffness and pain in the shoulder back and nape numbness of the elbo w and

ar m


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the rd thoracic ver tebra T
Indications Bronchitis asthma pulmonary tuberculosis neck rigidity pain in the

shoulder and back


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra T

Indications Bronchitis asth ma pulm onary tuberculosis pain in the scapula region

poor mem ory seminal emissions nigh t s w eat


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra T
Indications Bronchitis asth ma chest oppression and other diseases of the lung and

chest pain and stiffness in the back


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra T
Indications Bronchitis asth ma pain in the back and shoulder malaria febrile



cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra T
Indications chest oppression eructation vomiting stiffness and pain in the back

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra T
Indications Pain in the chest and hypochondrium back pain vomiting diarrhea


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra

Indications Borboryg mus abdo minal pain diarrhea jaundice diabetes


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra

Indications A bdo minal distension borboryg mus vomiting diarrhea and other stomach and

intestinal disorders

cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the th thoracic vertebra

Indications Pain in the epigastric region abdominal distension infantile dyspepsia edema



cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the st thoracic vertebra L

Indications Pain in the epigastric region abdo minal masses constipation mam mary



cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of the nd lumbar vertebra L

Indications seminal emissions impotence retention of urine edema pain and

stiffness in the lo w er back


cun lateral to the median sacral crest level w ith the nd posterior sacral foramen

Indications Borboryg mus abdominal distension constipation and other stomach and

intestine disorders dysuria pain and stiffness in the lo w er back


cun directly belo w WeizhongBL

Indications Pain and stiffness in the lo w er back pain numbness and flaccidity in the

lo w er extremities hernia metrorrhagia and metrostaxis

Cheng j inBL56

A t the midpoint of a line draw n from H ey angBL to ChengshanB L in the middle

of the venter musculi of gastrocnemius

Indications Contracture and pain in the lo w er back and legs hemorrhoids


L uoconnecting point

On the lo w er leg cun above K unlun B L cun inferior and lateral to Chengshan


Indications Headache dizziness pain in the waist and lower extremities hemorrhoids
X icleft point

On the lo w er leg cun above K unlunBL

Indications Pain in the lumbosacral region flaccidity and numbness of the lo w er

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

extremities pain and sw elling in the lateral malleolus headache


On the lateral side of the foot directly belo w K unlun BL at the junction of the red

w hite skin

Indications Flaccidity and numbness of the lower extremities pain in the heels epilepsy

Confluent point of yang heel vessel

On the lateral side of the foot in the depression belo w the lateral malleolus and posterior

to the peroneal tendons

Indications Headache vertigo manic depressive disorders epilepsy insomnia aching pain

in the lower back and legs

X icleft point

On the lateral side of the foot anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus in the

depression posterior to the base of the th metatarsal protuberance on the lo w er border of the

cuboid bone

Indications Headache flaccidity and numbness in the lo w er extremities pain and

s w elling in the lateral malleolus Bi syndrome epilepsy infantile convulsions


Yuansource point

On the lateral side of the foot in the depression anterior and inferior to the base of the th

metatarsal protuberance at the junction of the red and w hite skin

Indications Headache neck rigidity pain in the lo w er back and leg epilepsy

S hustream and w ood point

On the lateral side of the foot in the depression posterior and inferior to the head of the

th metatarsal at the junction of the red and w hite skin

Indications Headache neck rigidity dizziness pain in the lower back and legs epilepsy

Y ingspring and w ater point

On the lateral side of the foot in the depression on the anterior and inferior to the th

metatarsophalangeal joint at the junction of the red and w hite skin

Indications Headache neck rigidity epistaxis epilepsy

3 1 8 The KidneyKI Meridian of Foot Shaoyin

3 1 8 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the foot to the abdomen and has a total of acupoints T he first

point is Yongquan KI and the last one is Shu f u KI Primary indications include diseases

of the urogenital respiratory and nervous systems Seminal emissions impotence premature

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


ejaculation edema urine retention bedw et ting asth ma cough faucitis insomnia tinnitus
deafness vertigo backache due to kidney dysfunctia andor deficiency
3 1 8 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian begins at the inferior aspect of the small toe and runs obliquely to w ards the

sole Running behind the medial malleolus it enters the heel and goes further up w ard along the

posteromedial aspect of the leg to w ards the vertebral column w here it enters the kidney its

associated organ and connects with the bladder T he straight portion of the meridian ascends to

the liver and enters the lung then running along the throat it ter minates at the root of the

tongue One branch links with the pericardium meridianColor Fig

T he kidney meridian of foot shaoy in begins at the inferior aspect of the little toe and runs

obliquely to w ards the sole Yongquan KI It emerges from the lo w er aspect of the navicular

tuberosity and runs behind the medial malleolus w here it enters the heel from there it ascends

along the medial aspect of the leg to the medial border of the popliteal fossa w here it goes

further up w ard along the posteromedial aspect of the thigh to w ards the vertebral column

ChangqiangG V It is there that it enters the kidney its associated or gan and connects
with the bladder

T he straight portion of the meridian reemerges from the kidney ascends and passes

through the liver and diaphragm it enters the lung runs along the throat and ter minates at the

root of the tongue

A branch springs from the lung joins the heart and runs into the chest to link with the

pericardium meridian of hand jueyin

3 1 8 3 Frequently Used Acupoints


J ingw ell and w ood point

Location On the sole of the foot in the depression bet w een the nd and rd metatarsals

w hen the toes are plantar flexed at the junction bet w een anterior onethird and posterior t w o

third of the solethe length of the toe is not includedColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue plantar aponeurosis co m mon plantar

digital nerve of toe second lumbrical muscle T here are branch of the medial plantar nerve

in the superficial layer T he com mon plantar digital nerve of toe and the com mon plantar
arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Coma sunstroke vomiting in children induced by fright insanity epilepsy

headache dizziness blurred vision insomnia hemoptysis sore throat paralysis of the

larynxlaryngoplegia and other lung diseases constipation dysuria BenT un running

piglet qi heat sensations in the five centersfivepalm heat

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun M oxibustion or drug pasting is applicable to

keep evil influence do w n w ards


S hustream y uansource and ear th point

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Location In the depression bet w een the tip of medial malleolus and tendo calcaneus

Achilles level with the apex of the malleolusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue among the tendon of tibialis posterior

the tendon of flexor hallucis longus calcaneal Achilles tendon and the tendon of the plantar
muscle T he medial crural cutaneous branch of the saphenous nerve and branch of the great

saphenous vein are in the superficial layer T he tibial nerve and posterior tibial arteries and
veins are in the deep layer

Indications Headache blurred vision insomnia amnesia nocturnal emissions impotence

asthenia of kidney diseases sore throat tinnitus deafness toothache and other sense organs diseases

due to the yin deficiency cough dyspnea chest pain lung diseases diabetes frequent micturition
irregular menstruation pain along the spinal column and cold of lower extremities
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

J ingriver and metal point

Location On the medial side of the lo w er leg cun directly above T ai x i KI on the

anterior border of the Achilles tendonColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue anterior to the tendon of the plantar

muscle and calcaneal Achilles tendon flexor hallucis longus T he medial crural cutaneous

branch of the saphenous nerve and branches of the great saphenous vein are in the superficial

layer T he tibial nerve and the posterior tibial arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Edema sw eating disorders abdo minal distension diarrhea stomach and

intestinal diseases lumbar stiffnessrigidity paralysis of the lo w er ex tremities

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

3 1 8 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


Y ingspring and fire point

On the medial side of the foot in the depression distal and inferior to the navicular

tuberosity at the junction of the red and w hite skin

Indications irregular menstruation prolapse of uterus pruritus vulvae gonorrhea

seminal emissions impotence retention of urine hemoptysis sore throat diabetes

diarrhea infantile omphalitis and tetanus lockjaw


L uoconnecting point

On the posterioinferior part of the medial malleolus approximately cun posterior to

the midpoint of a line draw n from T ai x i KIt o S huiquan KI on the anterior border of the
Achilles tendon

Indications dementia retention of urine enuresis constipation irregular mens

truation hemoptysis asth ma pain in the lo w er back pain in the heel


X icleft point of the kidney meridian

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


cun belo w T ai x iKI on the medial border of the calcaneus

Indications Irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea amenorrhea prolapse of the uterus dysuria


Confluent point of y in heel vessel

In the depression directly belo w the medial malleolus in the groove for med by the t w o

ligament bundles

Indications Insomnia epilepsy sore throat redness with swelling of the eye irregular

menstruation leukorrhagia prolapse of the uterus and other gynaecological problems frequent

micturition retention of urine


X icleft point of y in heel vessel

cun above T ai x i KI cun anterior to FuliuKI posterior to the medial border of

the tibia

Indications Irregular menst ruation metrorrhagia and metrostaxis prolapse of the

uterus pruritus vulvae hernia stranguriasyndrome diarrhea constipation dysentery


X icleft point of y in link vessel

On the medial side of the lo w er leg cun above T ai x i KI on the line bet w een T ai x i

KIand Yingu KI belo w the belly of the gastrocnemius


Indications Epilepsy and mania hernia vomiting pain in the medial aspect of the


H esea and w ater point

At the medial end of the popliteal crease between the semitendinosus and semimembranosus

tendons when the knee is flexed

Indications Epilepsy and mania impotence dysuria irregular menstruation metrorrhagia and

metrostaxis pain in the medial aspect of the leg and knee


cun belo w the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior median line

Indications Fullness and pain in the lower abdomen dysuria enuresis seminal emissions

impotence hernia

cun belo w the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications seminal emissions impotence leukorrhagia prolapse of uterus


cun belo w the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications BenTun run vital energy running piglet qi irregular menstruation

leukorrhagia dysuria diarrhea

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

cun belo w the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Irregular menstruation metrorrhagia and metrostaxis leukorrhagia seminal

emissions enuresis pain in lower abdomen hernia abdominal masses constipation edema

cun belo w the umbilicus anterior midline

Indications Irregular menstruation abdominal pain constipation diarrhea


A t the middle part of the abdomen cun lateral to the cent re of the umbilicus

Indications A bdo minal pain abdominal distension constipation diarrhea irregular

menstruation hernia

cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Stomachache abdominal pain abdominal distension constipation diarrhea

and other stomach and intestine disorders abdominal mass


cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Stomachache vomiting abdominal pain abdominal distension constipation

and other stomach and intestine disorders sterility


cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Stomachache abdo minal distension constipation and other stomach and

intestine disorders

cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Stomachache vomiting abdominal pain abdominal distension vomiting and

other stomach and intestine disorders cardiac pain palpitation chest pain

cun above the umbilicus cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications A bdominal pain abdominal distension vomiting diarrhea and other sto mach

and intestine disorders


In the th intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Chest pain bronchitis asthma mam mary abscess

Shen f engKI23

In the th intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondrium bronchitis asthma mammary

abscesses vomiting

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


In the rd intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondrium bronchitis asthma mammary

abscesses vomiting

In the nd intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondrium bronchitis asthma vomiting


In the st intercostals space cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondrium bronchitis asthma and

other lung problems

Shu f uKI27

On the lo w er border of the clavicle cun lateral to the anterior midline

Indications Bronchitis asthma chest pain

3 1 9 PericardiumPC Meridian of Hand Jueyin

3 1 9 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the chest to the hand and has a total of acupoints T he first

point is T ianchi PC the last one is Zhongchong PC T he primary indications include

cardiovascular and mental diseases such as angina pectoris arrhyth mia coma acrotismabsent
andor imperceptible pulse sto mach problems vomiting and spasms of the diaphrag m
3 1 9 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian originates in the chest It pertains to the pericardium and descends to

connect with the triple energizer meridian One branch arising from the chest ascends to the

axilla then passes through the middle of the medial aspect of the upper ar m Entering the palm

it ter minates at the end of the middle finger A nother branch links with the t riple meridian

Color Fig

T he pericardiu m meridian of hand j uey in originates at the chest W hen it emerges it

enters its associated organ the pericardiu m then it descends th rough the diaph rag m to

connect successively w ith the upper middle and lo w er energizer fro m the chest to the
abdo men

A branch arises from and runs inside the chest it emerges from the costal region at a point

cun belo w the axilla T ianchiPCand ascends to the axilla Follo wing the medial aspect of

the upper ar m it runs bet w een the lung meridian of hand tai y in and the heart meridian of hand
shaoy in to the cubital fossa there it runs further do w n w ard to the forear m bet w een the tendons

of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis w here it enters the palm Finally it passes along the
middle finger ter minating at its tip Zhongchong PC

A nother branch arises from the palm at L aogongPC runs along the ring finger to its tip

Guanchong T Eand links w ith the t riple energizer meridian of hand shaoy ang

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

3 1 9 3 Frequently Used Acupoints


H esea and w ater point

Location On the transverse cubitalelbo w crease in the depression on the ulnar side of

the tendon of the biceps brachii muscleColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue median nerve brachialis muscle T he

median cubital vein and medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm are in the superficial layer In the

deep layer are the brachial arteries and veins rete composed of the anterior branch of the
recurrent ulnar arteries and veins anterior branch of the inferior collateral ulnar arteries and

veins and the trunk of the median nerve

Indications Precordial pain palpitations susceptibility to fright and other heart diseases

stomachache vomiting hematemesis stomach febrile diseases pain located on the medial

side of the elbo w

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun Prick to bleed to treat acute vomiting and



L uoconnecting point confluent point of the y in link vessel

Location On the flexor co mpart ment of the forear m cun above the most distal transverse

crease of the w rist D alingPC in bet w een the t w o tendons of the palmaris longus muscle and
flexor carpi radialis muscleColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the tendon of flexor carpi

radialis radial and the tendon of palmaris longus flexor digitorum superficialis flexor

digitorum profundus pronator quadratus T he medial and lateral cutaneous nerves of the
forear m and median antebrachial vein are in the superficial layer T he median nerve artery and
veins lain among flexor digitorum superficialis flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum

profundus are in the deep layer T he anterior interosseous artery and veins and anterior

interosseous nerve are in front of the interosseous membrane of the forear m

Indications T achycardia or bradycardia angina pectoris precordialin front of the hear t

pain chest oppression stomachache vomiting hiccups apoplexy inso mnia depressive

syndrome insanity epilepsy dizziness syndro me pain located on the medial side of elbo w
Needling Perpendicular or oblique insertion cun up w ards

S hustream y uansource and ear th point

Location In the middle of the most distal transverse crease of the w rist bet w een the

tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis level with S henmen H TColor Fig
Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the tendon of palmaris longus

and the tendon of flexor carpi radialis among the tendon of flexor pollicis longus the tendons
of flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus T he medial and lateral

cutaneous nerve of the forear m palmar branch of the median nerve and palmar carpometacarpal

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


venous rete are in the superficial layer T he median nerve palmaris longus and flexor carpi
radialis are in the deep layer

Indications Precordial pain palpitations pain and fullness in the chest and hypochondria

region stomachache vomiting foul breath and other stomach disorders insanity epilepsy
mental disorders contracture and pain of the ar m

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

3 1 9 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


In the th intercostal space cun lateral to the nipple

Indications Bronchitis asth ma obstruction of the chest chest pain and other diseases of

the lung and heart mam mary abscesses scrofula and acute mastitis

cun directly belo w the anterior end of the axillary fold just bet w een the long and short

heads of biceps brachii

Indications Precordial pain bronchitis distension and pain in the chest and hypochondrium and

other diseases of the lung and heart pain in the back and chest pain in the medial aspect of the arm

X icleft point

On the flexor compart ment of the forear m cun above the transverse crease of the w rist

Daling PC on the line connecting Qu z e PC to Daling PC bet w een the tendons of

palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis

Indications Precardial pain palpitations chest pain hematemesis hemoptysis furuncles



J ingriver and metal point

On the flexor compart ment of the forear m cun above the transverse crease of the w rist

DalingPC bet w een the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis

Indications Precardial pain palpitations sto machache vomiting febrile disease

malaria epilepsy and mania


Y ingspring and fire point

Bet w een the nd and rd metacarpal bones in the depression on the radial side of the rd

metacarpal w here the tip of the middle finger touches w hen the fist is clenched

Indications Stroke and coma sunstroke precordial pain epilepsy and mania canker

sore and halitosis tinea of the hands


J ingw ell and w ood point

A t the center of the tip of the middle finger

Indications Stroke and coma sunstroke stiffness pain and s w elling of the tongue

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

unconsciousness infantile convulsions

3 1 10 Triple EnergizerTE Meridian of Hand Shaoyang

3 1 10 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the hand to the head and has a total of acupoints T he first is

Guanchong T Eand the last is S i z hukong T E Primary indications include diseases of the

ear the lateral side of the head and the hypochondria others are the eye and throat E xamples

are tinnitus deafness otitis media conjunctivitis myopia sore throat fever and pain located on
the lateral side of the hand and shoulder

3 1 10 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian starts at the tip of the ring finger and runs up w ards in the middle of the

dorsal aspect of the upper ex tremity to the shoulder T hen it winds over to the supraclavicular

fossa and connects with the pericardium One branch originates at the chest w here it runs up

ascending the neck along the posterior border of the ear until it reaches the upper corner of the
ear T hen it runs do w n w ards to the cheek ter minating in the infraorbital region A nother
branch connects with the gallbladder meridianColor Fig

T he triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang originates at the tip of the ring finger

Guanchong T E it run up w ards bet w een the th and th metacarpals along the dorsal aspect

of the w rist to the lateral aspect of the forear m bet w een the radius and ulna A scending through

the olecranon and going along the lateral aspect of the upper ar m it reaches the shoulder region

w here it crosses behind the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoy ang Winding over to the

supraclavicular fossa it spreads in the chest to connect w ith the pericardium It then descends

through the diaphrag m to the abdo men and joins its associated organ the upper middle and

lo w er Energizeri e san j iao

A branch originating from the chest runs up w ards w here it emerges from the

supraclavicular fossa from there it ascends the neck running along the posterior border of the

ear and further to the corner of the anterior hairline T hen it runs do w n w ards to the cheek and
ter minates in the infraorbital region

T he auricular branch arises from the retroauricular region and enters the ear w here it

emerges in front of the ear crosses the previous branch at the cheek and reaches the outer

canthus S i z hukong T Eto link with the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang
3 1 10 3 Frequently Used Acupoints

J ingw ell and metal point

Location On the dorsal aspect of the lit tle finger about cun from the corner of the base

of the nail on the ulnar side of the ring fingerColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue nail root T he dorsal digital branch of

the proper palmar digital nerve of the ulnar nerve and rete of the dorsal digital branch of the

proper palmar digital arteries and veins are in the subcutaneous tissue

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Indications Headache redness with swelling of the eye deafness tinnitus laryngoplegia stiff

tongue and other facial problems or disorders of the five sense organs febrile diseases sunstroke
Needling Shallo w insertion cun or prick to bleed with a threeedged needle

S hustream and w ood point

Location On the dorsum of the hand in the depression proximal to the th and th

metacarpophalangeal jointsColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue interosseous dorsalis T he dorsal

digital nerves of the ulnar nerve and the ulnar part of the dorsal venous rete of the hand are in
the superficial layer In the deep layer is the dorsal metacarpal artery

Indications Headache redness with swelling of the eye deafness tinnitus laryngoplegia and

other facial problems or disorders of the five sense organs febrile diseases aching of the shoulder

and arm numbness of the little finger

Needling Perpendicular or oblique insertion cun


L uoconnecting point confluent point of yang link vessel

Location cun above the transverse crease on the back of the w rist YangchiS T in the

depression bet w een the ulnar and radius closer to the radial borderColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue ex tensor digiti minimi and ex tensor

digitorum extensor pollicis longus and ex tensor indicis T he posterior cutaneous nerve of the
forear m and branch of the cephalic and basilic vein are in the superficial layer T he posterior

interosseous arteries and veins and the posterior interosseous nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Febrile diseases headache redness with sw elling and pain of the eye

deafness tinnitus and other facial problems or disorders of the five sense organs scrofula
hypochondriac pain motor impair ment of the upper extremities
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

J ingriver and fire point

Location cun above the transverse crease on the back of the w rist Yangchi T E

bet w een the ulnar and radius close to the radial borderColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue ex tensor digiti minimi ex tensor pollicis

longus interosseous membrane of the forear m T he posterior cutaneous nerve of the forear m

and branches of the cephalic and basilic vein are in the superficial layer T he posterior

interosseous arteries and veins and the posterior interosseous nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Constipation deafness tinnitus acute aphonia scrofula hypochondriac

pain febrile diseases

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location T he depression for med w hen the ar m is abducted posterior and inferior to the

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

lateral ex tremity of the acromion posterior to J iany u LIColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue deltoid teres minor teres major

tendon of latissimus dorsi T he lateral supraclavicular nerve is in the superficial layer T he

axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral arteries and veins are in the deep layer
Indications Diseases of the shoulder and lateral side of the hand
Needling Perpendicular or oblique insertion cun

Yi f engTE17

Crossing point of the T E and GB meridians

Location Behind the ear lobe in the depression bet w een the mastoid process and the

mandibleColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue parotid gland T he great auricular nerve

and branch of the external jugular vein are in the superficial layer T he posterior auricular

artery and facial nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Deafness tinnitus deviation of the eye and mouth seborrheic der matitis

trismus s w ollen cheeks and other facial or oral diseases scrofula

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Location In a depression for med w hen the mouth is opened anterior to and slightly

superior to the condyloid process of the mandibleColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue parotid gland T he auriculotemporal

nerve anterior auricular branches of the superficial temporal arteries and veins and temporal
branches of the facial nerve are in this area

Indications Deafness tinnitus otorrhea toothache temporomandibular joint T M J


Needling Perpendicular insertion cun with the mouth open


Location A t the lateral end of the eyebro w in the depression on the supraorbital margin

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oculi T he supraorbital

nerve zygomatic and temporal branch of the facial nerve and the frontal branch of the

superficial temporal artery and vein are in this area

Indications Epilepsy headache blurred vision redness w ith s w elling and pain of the

eye t witching of the eyelids toothache

Needling H orizontal insertion cun

3 1 10 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


Y ingspring and w ater point

In the w eb at the junction of the red and w hite skin bet w een the ring finger and little


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Indications Headache redness of the eye tinnitus deafness sw elling and pain in the

throat malaria pain in the hand and ar m


Yuansource point

On the dorsum of the w rist joint in the depression bet w een the tendons of ex tensor

digitorum com munis and ex tensor digiti minimi

Indications Redness with pain and s w elling of the eye deafness sw elling and pain in the

throat and other diseases of the five sense organs diabetes w rist pain pain in the shoulder

and ar m

X icleft point

cun above the t ransverse crease on the back of the w rist Yangchi T E level with the

ulnar side of Zhi gou T E in the depression bet w een the ulnar and the ex tensor digitorum

com munis muscle

Indications Deafness epilepsy contracture and pain in the upper limb


cun above the t ransverse crease on the back of the w rist in the depression bet w een the

radius and ulna on the radial side of the extensor digitorum com munis muscle

Indications Deafness sudden loss of voice toothache and other diseases of the five sense

organs pain in the hand and ar m


A t the line joining Yangchi T Eand the tip of the elbo w cun belo w the tip of the elbo w

and bet w een the ulna and radius

Indications Deafness sudden loss of voice toothache sore throat and other diseases of

the five sense organs pain in the hand and ar m

Tian j ingTE10

H esea and earth point

In the depression cun proximal to the olecranon w hen the elbo w is flexed

Indications Deafness epilepsy scrofula goiter migraine pain in the hypochondrium and

costa neck nape shoulder and back pain


With the elbo w flexed this point is located cun above T ian j ing T E

Indications Headache eye pain pain in the hypochondrium pain in the shoulder and ar m

A t the line draw n from J ianliao T E to T ian j ing T E cun above Qing leng y uan


Indications Headache toothache pain in the neck and back


Approximately t w o thirds the distance bet w een the line draw n bet w een T ian j ing T J

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

and J ianliao T E cun belo w J ianliao T E at the posterior border of the deltoid

Indications Scrofula goiter contracture and pain in the upper limb


A t the midpoint of the line draw n from J ian j ingGBto Qu y uan SI at the superior

angle of the scapula

Indications Pain in the shoulder and ar m stiffness and pain in the neck

Directly under the posterior aspect of the mastoid process level with the angle of

mandible at the posterior border of sternocleido mast oideus

Indications Headache dizziness blurred vision stiffness of the neck sudden deafness

pain and sw elling of the throat epistaxis and other diseases of the head neck or the five sense
organs scrofula pain in the shoulder and back

Just bet w een J iaosun T Eand Yi f eng T E at the junction of the middle and the

lo w er of the curve line alongthe helix

Indications Headache tinnitus deafness infantile convulsion


Just bet w een J iaosun T Eand Y i f eng T E at the junction of the upper and the

middle of the curve line alongthe helix

Indications Headache tinnitus deafness infantile convulsion


A nterior to the auricle within the hairline of the temple directly above the tip of the ear

w hen the ear is folded for w ard

Indications Headache stiffness of the neck redness w ith pain and s w elling of the eye

cataract toothache s w elling of the cheek


Posterior to the temporal hairline level with the root of the auricle and at the posterior

border of the superior temporal artery

Indications Headache tinnitus trismus and w ry mouth

3 1 11 GallbladderGB Meridian of Foot Shaoyang

3 1 11 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the head to the foot and it has a total of points T he first point

is T ong z iliaoGBand the last is Zuqiaoy in GB T he primary indications include diseases

of the head lateral side of the body liver and gallbladder E xamples migraine tinnitus

deafness eye diseases hepatitis cholecystitis

3 1 11 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian starts at the outer canthus ascends to the corner of the forehead then curves

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


do w n w ards to the retroauricular region w ere it runs along the side of the neck in front of the

triple energizer meridian to the shoulder T urning back it traverses and passes behind the triple

energizer meridian do w n to the supraclavicular fossa T he straight portion of the meridian

descends from the supraclavicular fossa and passes along the lateral aspect of the chest to the
hip region T he interior branch of the meridian connects w ith the liver and enters its associated

organ the gallbladder It runs along the pubic area and goes transversely into the hip region
w here it joins with the superficial branch of the meridian Finally it descends along the lateral

aspect of the leg ter minating at the tip of the th toe One branch connects with the liver
meridianColor Fig

T he gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang originates at the outer canthus T ong z iliao

GB w here it ascends to the corner of the forehead H any an GB then it curves

do w n w ards to the retroauricular region near Fengchi GB and runs along the side of the

neck in front of the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang to the shoulder T urning back

it traverses and passes behind the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoy ang do w n to the
supraclavicular fossa

T he retroauricular branch arises from the retroauricular region and enters the ear It then

comes out and passes the preauricular region to the posterior aspect of the outer canthus

T he branch arising from the outer canthus descends to D ay ing S Tand meets the triple

energizer meridian of hand shaoy ang in the infraorbital region Passing through J iacheS T it
descends to the neck and enters the supraclavicular fossa w here it meets another branch From

there it further descends into the chest passes through the diaphrag m to connect with the

liver and enter its associated or gan the gallbladder T hen it runs inside the hypochondriac
region w here it emerges fro m the lateral side of the lo w er abdomen near the femoral artery at

the inguinal area from there it runs superficially along the margin of the pubic hair and goes
transversely into the hip region at H uantiaoGB

T he straight branch of the meridian runs do w n from the supraclavicular fossa passes in

front of the axilla along the lateral aspect of the chest and through the floating ribs to the hip
region w here it meets the previous branch T hen it descends along the lateral aspect of the thigh

to the lateral side of the knee It continues do w n along the anterior aspect of the fibula all the

w ay to its lo w er end there it reaches the anterior aspect of the external malleolus X uan z hong

GB Finally it follo w s the dorsum of the foot to the lateral side of the tip of the th toe

Zuqiaoy in GB

T he branch on the dorsum of the foot springs from ZulinqiGB runs bet w een the first

and second metatarsals to the distal portion of the great toe and passes through the nail
ter minating at the hairy region Dadun LR w here it links with the liver meridian of foot
j uey in

3 1 11 3 Frequently Used Acupoints


Location In a depression for med w hen the mouth is open bet w een the intertragic notch

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

anteriorly and the posterior margin of the mandibular condyloid processColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue tendon of the masseter parotid capsule

parotid gland The auriculotemporal nerve and great auricular nerve are in the superficial layer The
superficial temporal arteries and veins and the plexus of the facial nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Deafness tinnitus otorrhea toothache deviation of the eye and mouth

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun the mouth should be kept slightly open

Location On the temple in a small depression cun directly above the apex of the ear

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue superior auricular muscle temporal

fascia temporalis T he auriculotemporal nerve greater occipital nerve and the parietal branch

of the superficial temporal arteries and veins are in this area

Indications Headache dizziness acute or chronic wind in children caused by fright

Needling Subcutaneous insertion cun


Location On the forehead cun above the middle of the eyebro w directly above the pupil

w hen the eyes looking straight aheadColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue venter frontalis T he lateral branch of

the supraorbital nerve and lateral branch of the supraorbital artery and vein are in this area
Indications Headache eye pain blurred vision t witching of the eyelids
Needling Subcutaneous insertion cun

Location Belo w the occiput in the depression mid w ay bet w een Feng f uG Vand W angu

GB at the upper part of the trapezius muscle and the sternocleidomastoidColor Fig
Layers of

Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een


trapezius and

sternocleidomastoid head of the splenius head of semispinalis semispinalis capitis and the
superior oblique muscle of the head T he lesser occipital nerve and branches of the occipital

arteries and veins are in the superficial layer In the deep layer is the suboccipital nerve

Indications Apoplexy epilepsy headache dizziness tinnitus deafness and other diseases

caused by internal wind co mmon cold nasal obst ruction epistaxis allergic rhinitis redness

with s w elling and pain of the eye s deviation of the eye and mouth and other diseases

caused by ex ternal wind pain and rigidity of the nape

Needling Oblique and inferior insertion cun to w ards nose or horizontal needling

to w ards Feng f uG V

Caution T he medulla oblongata is deep to this acupoint pay attention to the angle and

depth w hen puncturing to avoid damaging the myelencephalon

Jian j ingGB21

Location Midw ay bet w een Da z huiG Vand the tip of the acromionColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius levator scapulae T he

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


supraclavicular nerves and branches of the superficial cervical artery and vein are in the
superficial layer In the deep layer are branches of the t ransverse cervical artery and vein and
branches of the dorsal nerve of the scapula

Indications Pain and rigidity of the nape pain in the back and shoulder motor impairment of

the upper extremities dystociaslo w andor difficult labor or delivery mam mary abscesses

agalactia breast nodules scrofula

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Caution Deep perpendicular insertions may penetrate the lung w hich is under the

acupoint resulting in a pneumothorax

Com mentary T his point is useful w hen combined with T ian z ong SI and Shao z e SI

for mastitis T o facilitate the discharge of lochiaafterbirth it is combined w ith moxibustion on

Zhong j iC V


Location On the anterior chest w all belo w the nipple in the th intercostal space cun

lateral to the midlineColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue external obliques external intercostal

muscles T he lateral cutaneous branch of intercostals nerve and and arteries and veins

are in the superficial layer Intercostal nerve and the posterior intercostal arteries and veins
are in the deep layer

Indications Icterus jaundice distending pain in the hypochondria vomiting acid

regurgitation hiccups

Needling Oblique insertion cun Cannot deep needling lest damage the viscera

Location On the lateral aspect of the hip the midpoint of the line bet w een the anterior

superior iliac spine and the apex of the greater trochanterColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue fascia lata gluteus medius gluteus

minimus T he superior cluneal nerves and the lateral cutaneous branch of the iliohypogastric

nerve are in the superficial layer In the deep layer are branches of the superior gluteal arteries

and veins and the superior gluteal nerve

Indications Pain in the lumbar area and leg paralysis hernia pain in the lower abdomen
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Location On the posterolateral aspect of the hip at the junction of the lateral and

medial of the distance bet w een the greater trochanter and the sacrococcy geal hiatusColor


Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue gluteus maximus ischiadic sciatic

nerve quadratus femoris T he superior cluneal nerves are in the superficial layer T he

ischiadic nerve inferior gluteal nerve posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh and the inferior
gluteal arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Indications Lumbosacral pain numbness and pain in the lateral aspects of the lo w er

extremities hemiplegia needle rash

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location On the lateral aspect of the thigh directly belo w the greater trochanter cun

above the popliteal creaseColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue iliotibial band vastus lateralis vastus

inter medialis T he lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is in the superficial layer M uscular

branches of the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and muscular
branches of the femoral nerve are in the deep layer

Indications N umbness and pain in the lateral aspects of the lo w er ex tremities paralysis

hemiplegia general pruritus

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location On the lateral side of the knee cun above Yang lingquan GB in the

depression superior to the lateral epicondyle of the femurColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue posterior mar gin of the iliotibial band

anterior to the lateral head of the gast rocnemius T he lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is in
the superficial layer T he lateral superior genicular arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Pain and stiffness in the popliteal fossa and knee paralysis of the leg knee


Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


H esea and earth point influencial point for tendonssinew s

Location Belo w the lateral aspect of the knee in the depression cun anterior and inferior

to the capitulumheadof the fibulaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue peroneus longus ex tensor longus T he

lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf is in the superficial layer T he anterior recurrent tibial artery

and vein branches of the lateral inferior genicular arteries and veins and branches of the

com mon fibular nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Icterus jaundice hypochondriac pain bitter mouth taste vomiting acid

regurgitation knee pain numbness and pain of the lateral aspects of the lo w er extremities

paralysis wind in children induced by fright

Needling Perpendicular or oblique insertion cun do w n w ards


L uoconnecting point

Location On the lateral aspect of the lo w er leg cun above the tip of the external

malleolus on the anterior border of the fibulaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue peroneus brevis anterior inter muscular

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


septum ex tensor digitorum longus interosseous membrane of leg tibialis posterior T he

superficial fibular nerve and lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf are in the superficial layer T he

deep fibular nerve and anterior tibial arteries and veins are in the deep layer

Indications Eye pain night blindness nyctalopia myopia presbyopia pain of the

chest and breast numbness pain of the lateral aspects of the lo w er ex tremities
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Influencial point of marro w

Location A bove the ankle joint cun above the tip of the external malleolus on the

anterior border of the fibulaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue extensor longus interosseous

membrane of the leg T he lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf is in the superficial layer In the

deep layer are branch of deep fibular nerve N ote If the interosseous membrane of the leg is
punctured you may prick the fibular ar teries and veins

Indications Dementia apoplexy rigidity of the nape chest and hypochondriac pain and

fullness numbness and pain of the lateral aspects of the lo w er ex tremities

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Yuansource point

Location A t the ankle joint in the depression anterior and inferior to the external

malleolusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue extensor digitorum brevis lateral talo

calcaneal ligament tarsal sinus T he superficial dorsal veins of the foot lateral dorsal

cutaneous nerve inter mediate dorsal cutaneous nerve and lateral anterior malleolar arteries and
veins are in this area

Indications Redness with sw elling and pain of the eye corneal cloudiness pain of the

nape subaxillary s w elling chest and hypochondriac pain pain in the external malleolus foot

drop foot inversion

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

3 1 11 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


In the hollo w on the lateral side of the eye approximately cun lateral to the outer


Indications Headache redness w ith pain and s w elling of the eye and cataract

A nterior to the ear in a small depression above the upper margin of the zygomatic arch

right above X iaguanS T

Indications Tinnitus deafness cerumen toothache facial pain deviation of mouth and

eye trismus

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Within the temple at the junction of the upper and lo w er of the distance bet w een

T ou w eiS T and QubinGB

Indications Migraine vertigo epilepsy tinnitus pain in the outer canthus toothache

Within the temple midpoint bet w een T ou w ei S Tand QubinGB

Indications Migraine redness with pain and s w elling of the eye toothache

Within the temple at the junction of upper and lo w er of the distant bet w een

T ou w eiS Tand QubinGB

Indications Migraine redness with pain and s w elling of the eye tinnitus

On the temple on a level with and anterior to the apex of the ear J iaosun T E

Indications H eadache toothache trism us s w elling of the cheek and other facial

problem s


cun within the hairline directly above the posterior border of the auricular root and cun

posterior to ShuaiguGB

Indications Headache epilepsy gingivitis


Posterior and superior to the mastoid process at the junction of the middle and upper

of the curved line joining T ianchongGBand W anguGB

Indications Headache tinnitus deafness toothache and other diseases of the head and

face goiter


Posterior to the ear in a depression on the lo w er one third of a curved line draw n from

W ang u GB and T ianchong GB parallel to the rim of the ear the triple energizer


Indications Headache ver tigo pain and stiffness of the neck and nape and other diseases

of the head and neck tinnitus deafness


In the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process

Indications Epilepsy headache pain and stiffness of the neck and nape pain and

s w elling of the throat s w elling of the cheek toothache w ry mouth and other five sense organs



On the lateral part of the forehead cun within the anterior hairline cun lateral to

ShentingG V t w o thirds the distance bet w een S hentingG Vand T ou w eiS T

Indications Epilepsy infantile convulsion stroke headache dizziness


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


On the forehead cun w ithin the anterior hairline directly above Yangbai GB

mid w ay bet w een S hentingG Vand T ou w eiS T

Indications Headache pain in the eye dizziness dacryorrhea dim vision nasal

congestion infantile convulsion


cun superior to the anterior hairline and cun lateral to the midline of the head
Indications Headache pain in the eye dizziness far sight myopia infantile convulsion

cun superior to the anterior hairline and cun lateral to the midline of the head
Indications Headache vertigo dizziness and other diseases of the head and eyes

cun superior to the anterior hairline and cun lateral to the midline of the head
Indications Headache vertigo pain in the eye stuffy nose epistaxis

A bove the occipital ridge directly above Fengchi G V lateral to the ex ternal occipital

protuberance cun beside the posterior midline level with N aohuG V

Indications Febrile disease headache pain and stiffness of the neck and nape dizziness

redness with pain and swelling of the eye pain in the nose deafness and other five sense organs

disorders palpitations epilepsy


A t the middle axillary line and cun belo w the axilla in the th intercostal space w hen the

ar m is lifted

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest pain and paraesthesia in the hypochondriac

region pain in the upper limb sw elling of the axilla pain in the back and shoulder
Zhe j inGB23

cun anterior to Yuany eGBand level w ith the nipple in the th intercostals space

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest asth ma vomiting and acid regur gitation

pain in the hypochondriac region sw elling of the axilla pain in the back and shoulder

Frontmu point of the kidneys

Belo w the lateral aspect of the ribcage anterior and inferior to the ex tremity of the th

rib cun posterior to Zhangmen LR

Indications Dysuria edema and other diseases due to the metabolic disorders abdominal

distension borborygmus diarrhea lumbago pain in the hypochondriac region


A nterior and inferior to the free end of the th rib directly belo w Zhangmen LR and

level with the umbilicus

Indications Irregular menstruation amenorrhea leucorrhea hernia lumbago pain in

Part One General Introduction to

the hypochondriac region

Meridians and Acupoints


A nterior to the anterior superior iliac spine and cun belo w the level with the umbilicus

Indications Irregular menstruation prolapse of the uterus leucorrhea hernia lumbago

abdominal pain


cun anterior and inferior to W ushuGB

Indications Irregular menstruation prolapse of the uterus leucorrhea hernia lumbago

abdominal pain


A t the lateral portion of the thigh and cun directly belo w Fengshi GB or cun

superior to the transverse popliteal crease

Indications A trophic debility of the lo w er limb paralysis

Yang j iaoGB35
Xicleft point

cun directly above the top of the lateral malleolus and on the posterior border of the


Indications Epilepsy and mania clonic convulsions fullness in the chest and hypochondriac

region atrophical debility of the lower limb

X icleft point

On the lateral aspect of the lo w er leg cun above the lateral malleolus at the anterior

border of the fibula

Indications Epilepsy and mania fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region atrophic

debility of the lower limb

Yang f uGB38

J ingriver and fire point

On the lateral aspect of the lo w er leg cun above the lateral malleolus at the anterior

border of the fibula

Indications Migraine pain in the outer canthus pain and s w elling in the throat sw elling

in the axilla fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondriac region scrofula atrophic
debility of the lo w er limb

S hustream and w ood point confluent point of belt vessel

On the dorsum of the foot in the depression distal to the junction of the bases of the th

and th metatarsals on the lateral side of the tendon of extensor digitorum longus

Indications Migraine pain in the outer canthus pain in the hypochondriac region pain in

the dorsum of the foot irregular menstruation acute mastitis scrofula


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Posterior to the th metatarsophalangeal joint bet w een the th and th metatarsal bones

on the medial side of the tendon of ex tensor digiti minimi of the foot

Indications headache pain in the outer canthus pain in the hypochondriac region pain in

the dorsum of the foot deafness tinnitus acute mastitis


Y ingspring and w ater point

Pro ximal to the margin of the w eb bet w een the th toe and th toes at the junction of the

red and w hite skin

Indications Palpitation headache vertigo s w ellin g of cheek tinnitus deafness

redness w ith pain of eye and other diseases of the face and five sense organs pain in the

h ypoch ondriac region pain in the knee and thigh pain in the dorsu m of the foot acute
mastitis febrile disease

J ingw ell and metal point

On the dorsum of the th toe about cun lateral to the corner of the base of the nail of

the th toe

Indications Headache swollen eyes tinnitus deafness redness with pain of the eye sore throat

and other heat syndromes of the five sense organs pain in the chest and hypochondriac region pain

in the dorsum of the foot

3 1 12 LiverLR Meridian of Foot Jueyin

3 1 12 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian goes from the foot to the abdo men and it has a totally of acupoints T he

first point is Dadun LR and the last is Qimen LR T he primary indications include

diseases in the areas such as the top of the head lips lo w er belly ex ternal genitalia eyes liver

and gallbladder E xamples dysmenorrhea testitis headache facial paralysis biliary tract

infection chronic hepatitis

3 1 12 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian starts at the big toe runs up w ard along the dorsum of the foot passes

through the anterior side of the medial malleolus ascending to an area cun above the medial

malleolus w here it runs across and behind the spleen meridian T hen it runs through the middle

of the medial side of the thigh curves around the ex ternal genitalia and rises into the lo w er

abdomen It then runs up w ard and curves around the stomach to enter the liver its associated

organ connects with the gallbladder and branches out in the costal and hypochondriac region
T hen it ascends along the posterior aspect of the throat and connects w ith the eye Running

further up w ard it emerges from the forehead One branch links with the lung meridian Color

T he liver meridian of foot j uey in starts at the dorsal hairs of the great toe Running

up w ard along the dorsum of the foot passing through a point cun in front of the medial

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

malleolus it ascends to an area cun above the medial malleolus w here it runs across and

behind the spleen meridian of foot tai y in T hen it runs further up w ard to the medial side of the
knee and along the medial side of the thigh to the pubic hair region w here it curves around the

external genitalia and goes up to the lo w er abdomen It then runs up w ard and curves around the
stomach to enter the liver its associated organ and connects with the gallbladder It continues

to ascend passing through the diaphrag m and branching out in the costal and hypochondriac
region T hen it ascends along the posterior aspect of the throat to the nasopharynx and connects
with theopthalmic systemthe area w here the eyeball links w ith the brain Running fur ther

up w ard it emerges from the forehead and meets the G V at the vertex A nother branch arises
from the liver it passes through the diaphrag m and flo w s into the lung and links with the lung
meridian of hand tai y in

3 1 12 3 Frequently Used Acupoints


J ingw ell and w ood point

Location On the lateral side of the dorsum of the big toe cun posterior to the corner of

the base of the nailColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue nail root T he lateral dorsal nerve of the

deep peroneal nerve and dorsal digital arteries and veins are in this area

Indications Hernia pain in the lo w er abdo men bedw etting urine retention five types

of strangury hematuria irregular menstruation metrorrhagia flaccid constriction of the

penis prolapse of the uterus epilepsy coma

Needling Shallo w insertion or prick to bleed with a threeedged needle


S hustream y uansource and ear th point

Location On the dorsum of the foot in the depression distal to junction of the first and

second metatarsal bonesColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the tendon of ex tensor

digitorum longus and ex tensor hallucis longus lateral part of extensor hallucis brevis dorsal

interosseous T he dorsal venous rete of the foot and medial dorsal cutaneous nerve are in the
superficial layer T he deep fibular nerve and dorsal metatarsal arteries and veins are in the deep


Indications Apoplexy epilepsy insanity wind in children induced by fright headache

dizziness tinnitus redness with pain and sw elling of the eye deviation of the mouth pharyngeal
pain irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea amenorrhea metrorrhagia leukorrhea icterus

jaundice hypochondriac pain abdominal distension vomiting retention of urine bed

w etting capsulitis of the big toe numbness and pain of the lateral aspects of the lo w er


Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Location cun posterior to YinlingquanSP in the depression inferior and posterior to

the medial condyle of the tibiaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue gastrocnemius T he medial crural

cutaneous branches of the saphenous nerve and branches of the great saphenous vein are in the
superficial layer In the deep layer are the popliteal arteries and veins and the tibial nerve

Indications Pain of the patella and knee pain and numbness of the lateral aspects of the

lo w er extremities

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Front M u point of the liver crossing point of the LR SP meridian and y in link vessel

Location In the th intercostal space belo w the nipple on the mamillary line Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue inferior margin of pectoralis major

external obliques external intercostals internal intercostals T he lateral cutaneous branch of

intercostal nerve and branch of the thoracoepigastric veins are in the superficial layer In the
deep layer are intercostal nerve and branches of posterior intercostal arteries and veins

Indications Chest and hypochondriac pain and fullness vo miting acid regur gitation

hiccups abdominal distension diarrhea and other liver and stomach problems Bentun
syndromerunning piglet qi mam mary abscess

Needling Oblique insertion cun Deep insertions are cont rained to avoid internal


3 1 12 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian

Xing j ianLR2

Y ingspring and fire point


On the dorsum of the foot proximal to the margin of the w eb bet w een the first and second
Indications Stroke epilepsy headache dizziness redness with pain of eye glaucosis w ry

mouth and other diseases due to the w ind heat of the liver irregular menstruation

dysmenorrheal metrorrhagia and metrostaxis leukorrhea hernia pain of vulva enuresis

retention of urine strangury syndrome pain in the chest and hypochondriac region
Zhong f engLR4

J ingriver and metal point

On the ankle anterior to the apex of the medial malleolus in the depression medial to the

tendon of tibialis anterior bet w een SP and S T

Indications Hernia seminal emissions dysuria lumbago abdominal pain pain and

s w elling at the medial malleolus


L uoconnecting point

cun above the apex of the medial malleolus in the depression bet w een the medial border

Part One General Introduction to

of the tibia and the gastrocnemius

Meridians and Acupoints

Indications Irregular menstruation leukorrhea prolapse of the uterus pruritus vulvae

dysuria hernia pain and s w elling of the testicle

X icleft point

cun above the medial malleolus behind the tibia

Indications Hernia abdominal pain metrorrhagia and metrostaxis lochiorrhea diarrhea


H esea and w ater point

Superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease in the depression anterior to the tendons

of semitendinosus and semimembranosus posterior to the medial condyle of the tibia about

cun anterior to Y ingu KI

Indications Irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea leukorrhea prolapse of the uterus

pruritus vulvae afterpains seminal emissions impotence hernia dysuria pain and
s w elling of the knee atrophic debility of the lo w er limb

cun superior to the medial condyle of the femur bet w een vastus medialis and sartorius

Indications Irregular menstruation dysuria enuresis pain in the lower back abdominal



cun directly belo w QichongS T at the root of the thigh inferior to the pubic tubercle

and on the lateral border of adductor longus

Indications Pain in the lo w er abdo men dysuria prolapse of the uterus pain and

s w elling of the testicles scrofula


cun directly belo w QichongS T at the root of the thigh inferior to the pubic tubercle

and on the lateral border of adductor longus

Indications Irregular menstruation leucorrhea pain in the lo w er abdomen


Groin crease in the area w here the femoral antery is pulsing and cun lateral to the

anterior median line

Indications Pain in the lo w er abdominal hernia prolapse of uterus


Front M u point of the Spleen influencial point of the z ang crossing point of the LR and

GB meridian

Just anterior and inferior to the free end of the th rib

Indications A bdominal pain abdo minal distension borboryg mus diarrhea vomiting and

other stomach and intestine disorders pain in the hypochondriac region jaundice mass in the


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


3 2 The Eight Extra Meridians and Their Acupoints

3 2 1 Conception Vessel
3 2 1 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian has acupoints the first acupoint is H ui y in C V and the last is

Cheng j iang C V T he primary indications include diseases of their relevant organs and

tissues in abdo minothoracic area

3 2 1 2 The Course of the Meridian

T his meridian starts from the inside of the lo w er abdo men and emerges from the

perineum It goes anteriorly to the pubic region and ascends along the anterior midline to the
throat A scending further it passes through the neck face and enters the orbital region Color


T he Conception vessel starts at the inside of the lo w er abdomen and emerges from the

perineum It goes anteriorly to the pubic region and ascends along the interior of the abdomen
passing through Guany uan C V and other points t o the throat A scending further it curves

around the lips passes through the cheek and reaches the infraorbital region
3 2 1 3 Frequently Used Acupoints

Front M u point of the small intestines crossing point of conception vessel with the SP LR

and KI meridians

Location On the anterior midline of the lo w er abdomen cun belo w the umbilicus Color


Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue Linea alba of the abdo men transverse

fascia extraperitoneal adiposity parietal peritoneum T he anterior cutaneous branch of the

anterior branch of thoracic nerve and branch of the superficial epigastric artery and vein are

in the superficial layer In the deep layer are branches of the anterior branch of thoracic nerve

Indications WindStroke prostration syndrome diseases caused by visceral deficiencies

thinness and w eakness pain in the lo w er abdomen hernia diarrhea dysentery rectal

prolapse blood in the stoolhemafeciaand other intestine diseases five types of strangury

hematuria urine retention frequent micturition and other diseases of the urinary system
nocturnal emissions impotence premature ejaculation cloudy and turbid urine irregular

menstruation dysmenorrhea amenorrhea metrorrhagia leukorrhea uterine

lochiorrheaexcessive dischar ge of afterbirth


Needling Perpendicular inser tion cun T he patient should urinate first M oxibustion

is alw ays used Contraindicated during pregnancy

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Yuansource point of H uang

Location On the anterior midline of the lo w er abdomen cun belo w the umbilicus

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue Linea alba of the abdo men transverse

fascia extraperitoneal adiposity parietal peritoneum T he anterior cutaneous branch of the

anterior branch of thoracic nerve and the rete of the umbilicus are in the superficial layer In
the deep layer are branches of the anterior branch of thoracic nerve

Indications Collapse thin w eak physique and constitution z angqi exhaustion peri

umbilical pain diarrhea dysentery constipation and other diseases of intestine dysuria

enuresis nocturnal emissions impotence hernia irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea

amenorrhea metrorrhagia leukorrhea prolapse of uterus postpar tum puerperal lochiorrhea

retention of afterbirthlochiometra

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun Moxibustion is always applied Contraindicated

during pregnancy


Location T he center of the umbilicusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue parietal peritoneum T he anterior

cutaneous branch of the anterior branch of thoracic nerve and the rete of the umbilicus are in

the superficial layer Branches of the anterior branch of thoracic nerve are in the deep layer

Indications Collapse apoplexy abdo minal pain andor distension diarrhea dysentery

rectal prolapse and other intestinal diseases edema dysuria

Needling Indirect moxibustion with salt is frequently used on this point It is a forbidden

point dne to its susceptibility to infection in ancient times


Frontmu point of the stomach influencial point of the Fu crossing point of C V with the

SI T E and S T meridians

Location On the anterior midline of the abdo men cun above the umbilicus Color Fig
Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue Linea alba of the abdo men transverse

fascia extraperitoneal adiposity parietal peritoneum T he anterior cutaneous branch of the

anterior branch of thoracic nerve and branches of the superficial epigast ric vein are in the
superficial layer In the deep layer are branches of the anterior branch of thoracic nerve

Indications Stomachache abdominal distension loss of appetite vomiting acid regurgitation

hiccups malnutrition and indigestion syndrome in children icterusjaundice insanity hysteria

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Alar m point of the pericardium qi influential point of eight influential points

Location On the midline of the sternum mid w ay bet w een the nipples in the depression

level with the th intercostal spaceColor Fig

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue Body of the sternum T he anterior

cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve and perforating branch of the internal thoracic artery
and veins are in this area

Indications Cough dyspnea chest oppression precordial in front of the heart pain

dysphagia hiccups insufficient lactation mammary abscesses breast nodules

Needling Perpendicular or transverse insertion cun

Crossing point of C V and y in link vessel

Location In the center of the suprasternal fossaColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the left and right tendon of the

sternocleidomastoid up the jugular notch of the sternal manubrium leftright sternothyriod

muscle Pretracheal space T he medial supraclavicular nerves platysma and jugular venous

arch are in the superficial layer T he branchiocephalic trunk left co m mon carotid artery arch of
the aorta and the branchiocephalic vein are in the deep layer

Indications Cough asthma chest pain sore throat acute aphonia and other lung diseases

goiter globus hystericus dysphagia

Needling First do a perpendicular insertion cun then redirect the needle tip

inferiorly along the posterior aspect of the sternum for cun T he depth and angle should
be focused on in order to avoid injuring the lung and related arteries and veins

Location On the anterior midline of the neck in the depression on the upper border of the

hyoid boneColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue between right and left digastric muscle

mylohyoid muscle geniohyoid muscle genioglossus In the superficial layer are branches of the

cervical branches of the facial nerve and superior branches of the transverse nerve of the neck Branches

of the lingual artery and vein and branches of the hypoglossal and mylohyoid nerve are in the deep layer
Indications Postapoplexy aphasia acute aphonia dysphagiadifficulty s w allo wing flaccid

tongue with aphasic salivation pain in the tongue erosion of the mucous membrane of the oral

cavity laryngitis and other diseases of throat mouth or tongue

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun to the root of the tongue

Cheng j iangCV24

Location A bove the chin in the center of the mentolabial grooveColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oris depressor muscle of the

lo w er lip mentalis muscle T he mental nervethe last branch of the inferior alveolar nerveand
the mental ar tery and vein are in this area

Indications Deviation of the mouth gingivitis salivation and other oral problems acute

aphonia insanity

Needling Oblique insertion cun

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

3 2 1 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


In the perineum at the midpoint of the line joining the anus and scrotum in the male or the

anus and posterior labial com missure in the female

Indications A sphyxia caused by dro w n coma epilepsy and mania dysuria enuresis

pain in the vulva prolapse of uterus pruritus vulvae proctoptosis hemorrhoid seminal

emissions irregular menstruation


On the midline of the lo w er abdomen at the midpoint of the upper margin of the pubic


Indications Dysuria enuresis seminal emissions impotence scrotal prurigo and other

andrology diseases irregular menstruation dysmenorrheal leucorrhea

Zhong j iCV3

Alar m point of the Bladder

On the midline of the lo w er abdomen cun belo w the umbilicus

Indications Dysuria enuresis retention of urine seminal emissions impotence infertility and

other male diseases irregular menstruation dysmenorrhea leucorrhea


Alar m point of T E

On the midline of the lo w er abdomen cun belo w the umbilicus

Indications A bdomial distension diarrhea dysentery pain around the umbilicus and

other intestine diseases BenT unsyndromerunning piglet qi hernia edema dysuria

seminal emissions impotence amenorrhea leucorrhea metrorrhagia and metrostaxis


Yin j iao CV7

On the midline of the lo w er abdomen cun belo w the umbilicus

Indications Abdomial pain hernia edema dysuria irregular menstruation metrorrhagia

and metrostaxis leucorrhea

Shui f enCV9

On the midline of the abdomen cun above the umbilicus

Indications Edema dysuria abdomial pain diarrhea regurgitation and other diseases

of the stomach and intestine


On the midline of the abdomen cun above the umbilicus

Indications Abdominal pain abdominal distension diarrhea vomiting infantile malnutrition



On the midline of the abdomen cun above the umbilicus

Indications Stomachache vomiting anorexia abdo minal distension abdominal pain and

other diseases of the spleen and sto mach edema

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints



On the midline of the abdomen cun above the umbilicus

Indications Stomachache vomiting hiccups abdominal distension epilepsy


On the midline of the abdomen cun above the umbilicus

Indications Epilepsy and mania chest pain palpitations vomiting acid regurgitation

On the midline of the abdomen cun belo w the xyphoid process

Indications Epilepsy and mania chest pain abdo minal distension hiccups

On the anterior midline just at the xiphosternal synchondrosis level w ith the th

intercostal space

Indications Fullness sensation in the chest and abdomen dysphagia vomiting precordial

pain globus hystericus


A t the anterior midline level with the rd intercostal space

Indications Bronchitis asth ma chest distension chest pain pain and distension of the

breast vo mit ting


A t the anterior midline level with the nd intercostal space

Indications Bronchitis asthma chest pain


A t the anterior midline level with the st intercostal space

Indications Bronchitis asthma chest pain

Xuan j iCV21

On the midline of the manubrium of the sternum cun belo w T iantu C V bet w een

H uagaiC Vand T iantuC V

Indications Bronchitis asth ma chest pain sore throat indigestion

3 2 2 Governor Vessel

3 2 2 1 General Information about the Meridian

T his meridian has acupoints the first is Changqiang G V and the last is Y in j iao

G V T he primary indications include febrile diseases coma mental disorders and

corresponding splanchnopathiesdiseases of the abdominal viscera
3 2 2 2 The Course of the Meridian

T he governor vessel arises from the lo w er abdomen and emerges from the perineum T hen

it runs posteriorly along the interior of the spinal column to Feng f uG Vat the nape w here
it enters the brain It further ascends to the vertex and w inds along the forehead to the nasal

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

column finally reaching the frenulumColor Fig

3 2 2 3 Commonly used Acupoints

Location On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of

the th lumbar vertebra LColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue supraspinal ligaments inter spinal

ligament ligamentum flava T he medial branch of the posterior branches of lumbar nerve

and arteries and veins are in the superficial layer T he posterior external vertebral venous
plexus branches of the posterior branch of lumbar nerve and branches of the dorsal branch
of the lumbar arteries and veins among the spinous processes are in the deep layer

Indications Pain in the lumbosacral and coccygeal area paraplegia irregular menstruation

leukorrhea with a red white discharge nocturnal emissions impotence and other male diseases
Needling Perpendicular insertion cun up w ard M oxibustion is alw ays applied

Location On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of

the nd lumbar vertebra LColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue supraspinal ligaments inter spinal

ligament ligamentum flava T he medial branch of the posterior branch of lumbar and

arteries and veins are in the superficial layer T he posterior ex ternal vertebral venous plexus
branches of the posterior branch of lumbar nerve I and branches of the dorsal branch of lumbar

arteries and veins I among the spinous processes are in the deep layer

Indications Pain an stiffness in the lumbar area paraplegia irregular menstruation leucorrhea

with a reddish discharge dysmenorrhea amenorrhea sterility nocturnal emissions impotence j ing

leng or hanfrigid semensterility bu yudue to the decline of the lifegate fire frequent micturition
cold pain in the lower abdomen diarrhea

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun M oxibustion is alw ays applied


Location On the midline of the upper back in the depression belo w the spinous process of

the rd thoracic vertebra TColor Fig

L ayer s o f Dissection S kin subcu taneo us tissue sup raspinal ligam en ts In terspinal

liga m en t s T he m edial cu taneous branch o f the po sterio r branch o f th o racic ner ve and

ar teries and vein s are in the super ficial layer T he po sterio r ex ternal ver tebral veno us

plex us branches o f the po sterio r b ranch of th o racic ner ve and b ranches o f t he do rsal
b ranch of the p osterio r in terco stal ar teries and veins am o n g the spino us p r ocesses are in
the deep layer

Indications Fever headache cough dyspnea convulsions and syncope epilepsy

insanity pain and stiffness in the lu m bar area fasciitis of the m uscles in the neck and

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun up w ard


Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Crossing point of G V with the six yang meridians of the hand and foot

Location On the midline of the base of the neck in the depression belo w the spinous

process of the th cervical vertebraCColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue supraspinal ligaments interspinal

ligaments T he medial branches of the posterior branch of cervical nerve and the cutaneous

venous plexus among the spinous processes are in the superficial layer T he posterior external

vertebral venous plexus and branch of the posterior branch of cervical nerve among the

spinous processes are in the deep layer

Indications Fever malaria cough dyspnea tidal fever due to yindeficiency insanity

epilepsy stiffness of the nape pain andor rigidity in the spinal column rubella acne
Needling Oblique insertion cun up w ards


Location On the midline at the nape of the neck in the depression cun inferior to

Feng f uG V at the base of the ex ternal occipital protuberanceColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the left and right tendons of the

trapezius nuchal ligament bet w een the left and right splenius muscle bet w een the left and

right semispinal muscle T he occipital nerve and cutaneous veins are in the superficial layer

In the deep layer are branches of the posterior branch of cervical nerve and the posterior

external ver tebral venous plexus and branches of the occipital artery and veins

Indications Acute aphonia postapoplectic aphasia insanity epilepsy hysteria mental

diseases headache neck rigidity

Needling T he patient should sit and keep the neck relaxed and the head a bit for w ard

Insert cun inferiorly to w ards the mandible T his acupoint is near the medulla oblongata
so avoid deep insertions or lifting and thrusting the needle in lar ge amplitudes
Feng f uGV16

Location On the midline at the nape of the neck in the depression cun above the

midpoint of the posterior hairline im mediately belo w the base of the external occipital

protuberanceColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the left and right tendons of the

trapezius nuchal ligament bet w een the heads of the left and right semispinalis capitis

bet w een the left and right major minor posterior rectus capitis T here are branches of the

greater occipital nerve occipital nerve and branches of the occipital artery and veins in the

superficial layer In the deep layer are branch of the suboccipital nerve

Indications Apoplexy insanity epilepsy hysteria mental diseases headache vertigo

neck rigidity sore throat motor aphasia eye pain epistaxis

Needling Insert cun inferiorly to w ards the mandible T he patient should sit and

keep the neck relaxed and the head a bit for w ard

Caution Insertions going superiorly carry the danger of going through the foramen

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

magnum and puncturing the medulla oblongata


Crossing point of G V with the BL GB T E and LR meridians

Location A t the vertex of the head cun posterior to the midpoint of the anterior hairline

and cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline or directly above the apex of the
auricles on the midline of the headColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue galea aponeurotica porous tissue under

aponeurosis T here are branches of the greater occipital nerve frontal nerve and rete composed
of the leftright superficial temporal arteries and veins in the area

Indications Dementia apoplexy aphasia clonic convulsions insomnia amnesia insanity

epilepsy hysteria mental diseases headw ind headache dizziness tinnitus and other diseases
of the head and face rectal and uterine prolapse gastritis nephroptosis and other diseases

associated with keidney prolapse

Needling T ransverse insertion cun for w ards or back w ards M oxibustion is

applicable to raise yang and lift prolapsed z ang f u organs


Location A t the top of the head cun posterior to the midpoint the anterior hairline

Color Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue bet w een the right and left front bellies

of occipitofrontalis loose connective tissue under the aponeurosis T here are branches of the

supratrochlear nerve the frontal nerve and branches of the frontal artery and veins in the area
Indications Insanity epilepsy inso mnia palpitations headache dizziness redness with

s w elling of the eye corneal cloudiness rhinorrhea epistaxis and other diseases of the head or

five sense organ insomnia palpitation and other mental disorders

Needling T ransverse insertion cun


Location A t the midpoint of the medial extremities of the eyebro w sColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue procerus T here are branches of the

supratrochlear nerve the frontal nerve and branches of the frontal arteries and veins in the


Indications Dementia epilepsy insomnia amnesia and other mental diseases headache

dizziness epistaxis rhinorrhea w ind in children induced by fright puerperal syncope

eclampsia gravidarumpuerperal coma and convulsions

Needling T ransverse insertion cun do w n w ards


Location On the midline at the tip of the noseColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue cartilage of the nasal septum and the

lateral nasal cartilage Lateral nasal branches of the anterior eth moidal nerve lateral dorsal
branches of the nose and the facial artery and vein are in this area

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Indications Coma convulsion and syncope neonatal asphy xia shock respiratory failure

rhinorrhea epistaxis

Needling Oblique insertion cun up w ards or prick to bleed

Shuigou RenzhongGV26

Crossing point of G V and the LI and S T meridians

Location On the midline above the upper lip at the junction of lo w er t w o thirds and the

upper of the philtrumColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oris T here are branches of

the infraorbital nerve and superior labial artery and vein in this area

Indications Coma syncope apoplexy sunstroke shock respiratory failure hysteria insanity

epilepsy mental diseases nasal obstruction epistaxis facial edema deviation of the mouth
toothache trismus and other diseases of the nose and mouth acute lumbar muscle sprain

Needling Oblique insertion cun superiorly or use acupressure to stimulate this

point with the fingernail

3 2 2 4 Other Acupoints of the Meridian


L uoConnecting crossing point of G V C V GB and KI

On the posterior midline belo w the tip of the coccyx in the kneeling or kneechest

position the middle point bet w een coccy x and anus

Indications Diarrhea dysentery hematochezia constipation hemorrhoid proctoptosis epilepsy

and mania pain in the lower back


On the posterior midline in the middle of the sacrococcygeal hiatus

Indications Diarrhea dysentery hematochezia constipation hemorrhoid proctoptosis

and other intestine diseases irregular menstruation amenorrhea pain and stiffness in the
w aist and spinal column numbness of the lo w er limb epilepsy

On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the st

lumbar vertebra L

Indications Pain and stiffness in the waist and spinal column abdominal pain abdominal

distension indigestion diarrhea dysentery


On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the th

thoracic vertebra T

Indications Epilepsy and mania jaundice diarrhea dysentery hematochezia

constipation hemorrhoids proctoptosis and other intestinal disorders pain and stiffness in
the w aist and spinal column infantile malnutrition

On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the th

Part One General Introduction to

thoracic vertebra T

Meridians and Acupoints

Indications Jaundice vomiting fullness in the abdomen stomachache anorexia and

other spleen and stomach diseases pain in the w aist and back

On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the th

thoracic vertebra T

Indications Epilepsy and mania convulsions back rigidity stomachache jaundice


On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the th

thoracic vertebra T

Indicatio ns Jaundice distension and fullness in the chest and h yp och ondriac region

bronchitis asth ma pain in the w aist and back back rigidity


On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the th

thoracic vertebra T

Indications Bronchitis asth ma pain and rigidity of neck furuncles


On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the th

thoracic vertebra T

Indications chest pain palpitation insomnia poor memory aphasia epilepsy bronchitis

asthma rigidity along the spinal column pain in the shoulder and back

On the midline of the lo w er back in the depression belo w the spinous process of the st

thoracic vertebra T

Indications Febrile disease malaria chills and fever bronchitis asthma tidal fever due

to y indeficiency epilepsy and mania back rigidity


On the back of the head cun above the middle of the posterior hairline cun above

Feng f uG V

Indications Vertigo neck rigidity loss of voice epilepsy

Qiang j ianGV18

On the back of the head cun superior the middle of the posterior hairline cun above

N aohuG V

Indications headache vertigo neck rigidity dizziness epilepsy


cun directly above Qiang j ianG V or cun posterior to BaihuiG V

Indications Vertigo headache epilepsy

A t the top of the head cun posterior to the midline of the anterior hairline cun

anterior to BaihuiG V

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Indications Vertigo headache rhinorrhea with turbid discharge epilepsy


cun posterior to the midline of the anterior hairline cun posterior to BaihuiG V
Indications vertigo headache rhinorrhea with turbid discharge epilepsy

A t the top of the head cun posterior to the midline of the anterior hairline

Indications Headache pain in the eye rhinorrhea with turbid discharge epistaxis and

other facial disorders febrile disease malaria epilepsy and mania


On the anterior midline at the tip of the upper lip at the junction bet w een the skin belo w

the philtrum and the upper lip

Indications Coma syncope epilepsy and mania hysteria wry mouth trismus toothache

bleeding from the gums and other mouth problems

Yin j iaoGV28

Inside the mouth in the superior frenulum at the junction of the upper lip and gum

Indications W ry mouth trismus toothache bleeding from the gums epistaxis redness

and s w elling of face and cheek or facial or mouth problems epilepsy

3 2 3 The Thoroughfare Vessel

3 2 3 1 The course of the meridian

It originates from the interior of the lo w er abdomen descends and emerges at the

perineum ascends and runs inside the vertebral column w hile its superficial portion passes
through the region of Qichong S T w here it splits into t w o and coincides with the kidney

meridian of foot shaoy in running along both sides of the abdo men throat curving around the


3 2 3 2 Main disorders of the meridian

Adverse movements of qi and rigidity in the abdominal area

3 2 3 3 The coalescent points

H ui y inC V Yin j iaoC V Qichong S T H eg u LI D ahe KI Qi x ue KI

Siman KI Zhong z hu KI H uangshu KI S hangqu KI Shi guan KI Y indu

KI Futong guKIand Youmen KI

3 2 4 The Belt Vessel

3 2 4 1 The course of the meridian

It originates belo w the hypochondriac region runs obliquely do w n w ard through D aimai

GB W ushuGB and W ei daoGBruns transversely around the w aist like a belt

3 2 4 2 Main disorders of the meridian

Irregular menstruation leucorrhea and other gynecological diseases or atrophy

Part One General Introduction to

3 2 4 3 The coalescent points

Meridians and Acupoints

D aimaiGB W ushuGB and W ei daoGB

3 2 5 The Yin Link Vessel

3 2 5 1 The course of the meridian

It starts at the medial aspect of the leg ascends along the medial aspect of the thigh to the

abdomen co m municates w ith the spleen meridian of foot tai y in runs along the chest and

com municates with the CV at the neck

3 2 5 2 Main disorders of the meridian

Cardiac pain and melancholia

3 2 5 3 The coalescent points

Zhubin KI FusheSP DahengSP Fuai SP Qimen LR T iantu CV

and L ianquanC V

3 2 6 The Yang Link Vessel

3 2 6 1 The course of the meridian

It originates from the lateral side of the heel emerges from the ex ternal malleolus ascends

along the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang to the hip region It continues along the

posterior aspect of the hypochondriac and costal regions posterior aspect of the axilla
shoulder and forehead then if turns back w ards to the back of the neck w here it com municates
with the G V

3 2 6 2 Main disorders of the meridian

A version to cold w ith fever and lumbago

3 2 6 3 The coalescent points

J inmen B L Yang j iao GB N aoshu SI T ianliao T E J ian j ing GB

T ou w ei S T B enshen GB Yangbai GB T oulinqi GB M uchuang GB

Zheng y ingGB Cheng ling GB N aokong GB Fengchi GB Feng f u G V and

YamenG V

3 2 7 The Yin Heel Vessel

3 2 7 1 The course of the meridian

It starts at the posterior aspect of the navicular bone ascends to the upper portion of the

medial malleolus runs straight up w ard along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the

thigh and ex ternal genitalia then if ascends along the chest supraclavicular fossa runing

further up w ard lateral to the Adams apple in front of Reny ingS T along the zygoma until if
reaches the inner canthus and com municates with the yang heel vessel
3 2 7 2 Main disorders of the meridian
Somnolence dysuria

3 2 7 3 The coalescent points

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


Zhaohai KI J iao x inKI and J ing mingBL

3 2 8 The Yang Heel Vessel

3 2 8 1 The course of the meridian

It starts at the lateral side of the heel ascends along the external malleolus passesing the

posterior border of the fibula goes up w ard along the lateral aspect of the thigh posterior aspect

of the hypochondrium posterior axilla winds over to the shoulder ascends along the neck corner

of the mouth enters the inner canthus to com municate with the y in heel vessel then runs

further up w ard along the bladder meridian of foot tai yang to the forehead meets the
gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang at FengchiGB
3 2 8 2 Main disorders of the meridian

Eye pain starting from the inner canthus insomnia

3 2 8 3 The coalescent points

S henmaiB L P ucan B L Fu yang BL J uliao GB N aoshu SI J iany u

LI J ugu LI T ianliao T E J ing mingB L

3 3 The Frequently Used Extraordinary Acupoints

3 3 1 Acupoints of the Head and NeckEXHN
E x tra points refer to the empirical points w hich do not belong to the fourteen meridians

T here are so many records of the extra points in the past times For instance there are more

than ex tra points in Qian J in FangPrescriptions w or th a T housand Goldalone w hich w as

w ritten in the T ang Dynasty A mong these kinds of points so me are not located on the courses

of fourteen meridians some are difficult to be categorized into one of the fourteen meridians due
to their special sites or the characters of for med by several points under a ter m some are really

difficult to be distinguished fro m the fourteen meridians points because of their locations on the

courses of the fourteen meridians exactly


Location points in all grouped around Baihui G V cun anterior posterior and

lateral to itColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue galea aponeurotica loose connective

tissue under aponeurosis T here are rete co mposed of the occipital artery and veins superficial

temporal artery and veins and supraorbital ar tery and veins greater occipital nerve

auriculotemporal nerve and branch of supraorbital nerve

Indications Headache dizziness insomnia amnesia epilepsy and other mental disorders

eye diseases

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Needling T ransverse insertion cun


Location A t the midpoint of the eyebro wColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oculi frontal belly of

occipitofrontalis T here are lateral branches of supraorbital nerve branch of facial nerve and

lateral branches of supraorbital artery and veins

Indications Eyelid t witching redness with s w elling and pain of the eye pytosis of the

eyelid corneal cloudiness deviation of the eye and mouth and other eye diseases

Needling T ransverse insertion cun to w ards the medial or lateral extremity


Location A t the temple in the depression about cun posterior to the midpoint bet w een

the lateral end of the eyebro w and the outer canthusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oculi temporal fascia


T here are the branches of zygomatic nerve temporal branch and zygo matic branches of

facial nerve temporal nerve of the mandibular nerve and branches or nerves of temporal

supraorbital artery and veins

Indications Headache eye diseases facial paralysis

Needling Oblique insertion cun inferiorly or prick to bleed

Er j ianEXHN6

Location When you fold the auricle for w ard this point lies at the apex of the ear Color


Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue auricular cartilage T here are anterior

auricular branches of temporal supraorbital artery and veins posterior auricular branches of

posterior auricular artery and veins anterior auricular branches of auriculotemporal nerve

posterior branches of lesser occipital nerve and auricular branches of facial nerve
Indication Eye diseases headache sore throat

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun or prick to bleed with a threeedged



Location Along the inferior border of the orbit at the junction of the lateral and

medial of the infraorbital marginColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue orbicularis oculi adipose body of orbit

between inferior oblique muscle and inferior wall of orbit In the superficial layer there are infraorbital

nerve branches of facial nerve and branches and nerves of infraorbital artery and veins In the deep

layer there are inferior branches of oculomotor nerve branches or nerves of ophthalmic artery and
veins and infraorbital artery and veins
Indications Eye diseases

Needling Push and hold the eyeball to the medial side of the orbit with your left thumb

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


slo w ly insert the needle cun along the inferior side of the orbit without lifting and

N ote T o avoid bleeding after withdrawing the needle pressure should be applied to the

acupoint for minutes

Shangyingxiang or BitongEXHN8

Location In the depression at the highest point of the nasolabial grooveColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

T here are infraorbital nerve branches of infratrochlear nerve buccal branch of facial nerve and

arteria and vena angularis

Indications Rhinorrhea nosal furuncles

Needling Oblique insertion cun to w ards the upper and medial side

3 3 2 Acupoints of the BackEXB


Location cun lateral to D a z huiG VColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue trapezius muscle musculus rhomboids

serratus posterior superior splenius cervicis erector spinae In the superficial layer there are
medial cutaneous branches of the posterior branch of cervical nerve In the deep layer there

are branch of transverse cervical artery and veins cervical nerve muscular branches of the
posterior branch of thoracic nerve

Indications A sth ma cough pain in shoulder and back stiff neck

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun
Huatuo j ia j iEXB2

Location cun lateral to the lo w er border the spinous process from the st thoracic

vertebra T Tto the th lumbar vertebra L One point on each side of the vertebra
T here are points in allColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Because the location of each point is different the muscles vessels

and nerves are completely identical T he com mon hiberarchy is Skin subcutaneous tissue

muscles of superficial layer trapezius muscle latissimus dorsi rhomboid serratus posterior

superior and inferior muscles of deep layererector spinae transversospinalis muscle In the
superficial layer there are medial cutaneous branch of posterior branch of thoracic nerves to

lumbar and concomitant artery and veins In the deep layer there are muscular branches of

posterior branch of thoracic nerves to lumbar posterior intercostal artery and veins or
branches of dorsal branch of Lumbar

Indications T he points on the upper portion of the chest can be used to treat diseases of

the lung and upper limbs T heart diseases T the points on the lo w er portion of the

chest gastrointestinal diseases T LRGB diseases T SP S T disorders points on

the lumbar region diseases in the lumbar and abdominal regions L & kidneys L

bladder large and small intestines uterusand diseases of the lo w er limbs All points can treat

Part One General Introduction to

diseases in their local area

Meridians and Acupoints

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun or tap kouci to bleed with a plum

blossom needle


Location In the depression cun lateral to the lo w er border of the spinous process of

the th lumbar vertebra LColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue superficial layer of thoracolumbar fascia

and aponeurosis of musculus latissimus dorsi iliocostalis muscle deep layer of thoracolumbar

fascia quadratus lumborum In the superficial layer there are superior clunial nerves and

cutaneous branches of the posterior branch of lumbar In the deep leyer there are muscular
branches of the posterior branches of lumbar and branches of lumbar arterior and veins

Indication Lumbago irregular menstruation leukorrhea diseases due to visceral


Needling Perpendicular insertion cun


Location Depression belo w the spinous process of the th lumbar vertebra LColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue supraspinal ligament interspinal

ligament In the superficial layer there are cutaneous branches of the poeterior branches of
lumbar and concomitant artery and veins In the deep leyer there are posterior branches of
lumbar and interspinal vertebral lateralposteriorvein

Indications Pain in the w aist and lo w er ex tremities paralysis of the lo w er ex tremity

metrorrhagia irregular menstruation dysuria

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

3 3 3 Acupoints of the Upper ExtremitiesEXUE

W ailaogong or L ao z hen and L uo z henEXU E

Location On the dorsum of the hand in the depression bet w een the second and third

metacarpophalangeal joint cun posterior to the jointColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue M s Interossei dorsales palmalis of index

finger M m interossei palmare of thumb T here are N n Digitales dorsales of R superficial n

radialis rete venosum dorsale manus and Aa metacarpeae dorsales

Indications Stiff neck aching of the hand and ar m neonatal tetanus

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Location In the depressions bet w een the metacarpal heads at the junction of the red and

w hite skin proximal to the w ebs T here are points on each handColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue M s Interossei dorsales palmalis M m

interossei palmare M m lumbricales In the superficial layer there are A and V digitale dorsal

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


and Nn digitale dorsal In the deep layer there are A znd V digitale palmares co mmunes or A
and V Digitales palmares propriae and N n Digitales palmares proprii

Indications N umbness of the fingers sw elling and numbness of the dorsum of the hand

fever accompanied with restlessness eye pain snakebite

Needling Oblique insertion cun to w ards the area bet w een the metacarpals or

prick to bleed

Si f engEXUE10

Location On the palmar surface at the midpoints of the transverse creases of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of the index middle ring and little fingers Each hand has pointsColor

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue M flexor digitorum profundus Vessel of

each point the branches of A and V Digitales palmares propriae and subcutaneous V of

finger Nerves of each point N n Digitales palmares proprii of N medianus locate on the S i f eng

EXU Ebet w een the index finger and middle finger For the point on the ring finger there
are N n Digitales palmares proprii of N medianus on the radius side and N n Digitales palmares
proprii of N n U lnaris on the ulna side T he N n Digitales palmares proprii of N n U lnaris is

around the point around the small finger

Indications M alnutrition and indigestion syndrome in children w hooping cough

Needling A fter needling superficially express some yello w ish viscous fluid

Location On the tips of each finger about cun fro m the nail T here are five points on

each handColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue T he nerves for each point T here are N

medianus from thumb to the middle finger T he point of the ring finger is made by the radius

side of N medianus and the ulna side of Nn U lnaris For the small finger there is the N n
U lnaris

Indications Coma epilepsy fever sore throat numbness of the fingers

Needling Shallo w insertion or prick to bleed with a threeedged needle

3 3 4 Acupoints of the Lower ExtremitiesEXLE


Location On the knee in the depressions belo w the patella and bilateral to the patella

ligament w hen knee is bent Each knee has points the lateral one is called W ai x i y an D ubi

S Tand medial one N ei x i yanColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue the part bet w een Lig Patellae and

Retinaculun patellae mediale capsula articularis and Pliae alares In the superficial layer there

are R infrapatellaris of N saphenus and Rr Cutanei anteriores of N femoraus In the deep

layer there are Rete patellare

Indications Knee pain leg pain beriberi

Part One General Introduction to

Meridians and Acupoints

Needling Oblique insertion cun to w ard the center of the knee or to w ards the

opposite X i y an


Location T he lateral part of the crus and the hollo w under the caput fibulae cun

distal to Yang lingquanGBColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue M peroneus longus In the superficial

layer there are N cutaneus surae lateralis In the deep layer there are N peroneus superficialis
N peroneus profundus and A and V tibialis anterior

Indications Acute or chronic cholecystitis cholelithiasis biliary ascariasis and other

diseases of gallbladder anterior compart ment syndrome paraplegia

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun

Location On the front part of the crus A bout cun belo w Dubi S T and cun belo w

ZusanliS T It locates one finger beside the front part of tibia and it is painful thereColor


Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue M tibialis anterior Membrana

interossea cruris M tibialis posterior In the superficial layer there are N cutaneus surae
lateralis and vein In the deep layer there are N peroneus profundus and A and V tibialis


Indications Acute or chronic appendicitis dyspepsia paraplegia

Needling Perpendicular insertion cun
Neihuai j ianEXLE8

Location On the tip of the medial malleolusColor Fig

Layers of Dissection Skin subcutaneous tissue M alleolus medialis T here are inner

branch of N saphenus rete malleolare mediale of A tibialis anterior the branches of A

malleolaris anterior medialis and the M alleolus medialis branch of the A tibialis posterior

Indications T oothache tonsillitis children aphasia diseases characterized by acute

diarrhea and vomiting spasm

Needling M oxibustion Acupuncture is contraindicated

Ba f engEXLE10

Location On the dorsum of the foot at the junction of the red and w hite skin proximal to

the margins bet w een the five toes T here are points on each footColor Fig

Layers of Dissection T he point bet w een the first and the second toe is similar to X ing j ian

LR and the point bet w een the second and the third toe is similar to N eiting S T T he
point bet w een tehforth and the fifth toe is similar to X ia x iGB and the layers of dissection
bet w een the third and theh forth toe is Skin subcutaneous tissue the part bet w een

thetendines m ex tensoris digitorum longi and thetendines m extensoris digitorum brevis of the

third and the forth toe the par bet w een the third and forth caput ossis metatarsalis In the

superficial layer there are N n Digitales dorsales pedis of N cutaneus dorsalis inter medius and

Chapter Meridians and Their Acupoints


rete venosum dorsal pedis In the deeplayer there are A and V Digitales dorsales of A and V
M etatarseae dorsales

Indications Swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot toe pain snakebite beriberi
Needling Oblique insertion cun up w ards or prick to blood

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